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ARS med. (Santiago, En línea) ; 48(2): 43-50, 28 jun. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1451994


Introducción: La ecografía es una herramienta fundamental al momento de enfrentarse a un paciente grave en el servicio de urgencia. El protocolo "Focused Assessment with Sonography for Trauma" (FAST), es la utilización del ultrasonido en contexto de trauma, el cual está extensamente validado para medicina de urgencia de adultos. Sin embargo, en pediatría existen escasas publicaciones que resuman la evidencia relacionada. Objetivo: Dar a conocer la evidencia actualizada del uso de ecografía bajo el protocolo FAST en el trauma abdominal contuso pediátrico en el servicio de urgencia. De forma secundaria describir los pasos para realizar el examen e interpretación de sus hallazgos. Metodología: Revisión bibliográfica en las principales bases de datos, en idioma inglés o español, desde el año 2000 hasta la actualidad. Se seleccionaron estudios de rendimiento diagnóstico y revisiones narrativas relacionadas con el tratamiento y pronóstico del trauma general y abdominal en pediatría. Resultados: Se encontraron 998 artículos, de los cuales 22 fueron seleccionados y considerados para la revisión. La ecografía permite la identificación de líquido libre, que se relaciona con lesión intraabdominal en el contexto de trauma pediátrico. El protocolo FAST en el contexto de trauma contuso abdominal tiene una alta especificidad y una baja sensibilidad para su diagnóstico. El uso de ecografía en pediatría evita la exposición a los efectos dañinos de las radiaciones ionizantes. Conclusión: El uso de ecografía por parte de la medicina de urgencia se ha transformado en una herramienta esencial y segura al momento de evaluar pacientes. La presencia de un hallazgo positivo nos permite realizar diagnóstico de lesiones intraabdominales, pero un hallazgo negativo, no nos permite descartarlo, requiriendo exámenes complementarios.

Introduction: Ultrasound is an essential tool in diagnosing trauma in critical patients in the emergency room. The "Focused Assessment with Sonography for Trauma" (FAST) is the ultrasound protocol in the trauma context. It has been extensively validated for adult patients. However, few reviews have exposed and summarized the related evidence in pediatric emergency medicine. Objective: To present the FAST ultrasound protocol updated evidence in pediatric blunt abdominal trauma in the emergency department. Secondarily, to describe the steps to perform the examination and interpretation of their findings. Methodology: A bibliographical review was carried out in the main English or Spanish databases from 2000 to the present. Diagnostic studies and reviews of trauma treatment and prognosis in pediatrics were selected and summarized. Results: We found 998 articles, of which 22 were selected and screened for review. Ultrasound allows the identification of free fluid related to intra-abdominal injury in the context of pediatric trauma. Using ultrasound avoids children's exposure to the harmful effects of ionizing radiation. The FAST protocol in the context of blunt abdominal trauma has high specificity and low sensitivity for its diagnosis. Conclusion: The use of ultrasound in the field of emergency medicine has become an essential and safe tool. A positive finding allows us to diagnose intra-abdominal injuries, but a negative finding does not allow us to rule it out, requiring additional tests. The scientific evidence in the pediatric setting is more limited compared to adults.

Rev. med. Chile ; 150(9): 1188-1194, sept. 2022. graf, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1431900


BACKGROUND: Despite recent initiatives and efforts, gender inequality still exists in medicine and academia. There is a higher proportion of male authors in international scientific publications. AIM: To compare the proportion of female and male authors in the scientific publications of the main medical journals in Chile. Material and Methods: We reviewed 1,643 Scientific articles published between 2015 and 2020 in two medical journals from Chile. Three authors analyzed the title, abstract, and authors of all published articles, recording the sex of the first author, co-authors, and corresponding author. RESULTS: The reviewed articles had a mean of 5.3 authors and there was a significant difference between men and women (a mean of 2.8 men and 2.4 women; p < 0.001). Forty-six percent (n = 761) of the articles had a female first author. In a higher proportion of papers, men completed both positions (1st and corresponding author) simultaneously. CONCLUSIONS: There are fewer female authors in scientific publications. Chile is one of the countries with a high rate of gender gap in the world. The underrepresentation of women in academia is an example of this.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Autoria , Medicina , Bibliometria , Chile
Horiz. sanitario (en linea) ; 21(2): 240-248, May.-Aug. 2022. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448410


Resumen: Objetivo: Analizar la autoevaluación de las competencias profesionales de enfermería, en un hospital público de tercer nivel de atención, relacionadas con sus características laborales. Material y Métodos: Estudio cuantitativo, descriptivo correlacional, en 162 profesionales de enfermería de los servicios de hospitalización de un hospital público de tercer nivel de atención, se utilizó el instrumento validado "Competencias profesionales para licenciados en enfermería", con una confiabilidad de Alfa de Cronbach de 0.97, el estudio se apegó a lo estipulado en el Reglamento de la Ley General de Salud en Materia de Investigación. Resultados: De los profesionales de enfermería evaluados el 77.2% corresponde al sexo femenino; el rango de edad que predominó fue de 41- 45 años con 50.6%, en su mayoría casados (44.4 %). Destaca la antigüedad laboral de 11 a 14 años (48.1%) y el grado académico de Licenciatura (49.4%). El nivel global de competencias profesionales se ubicó en 164.8 (DE=11.4) de una puntuación máxima de 200, el indicador de ética destaca con una media de 33.85 (DE=2.88), seguido del indicador de atención integral con una media de 33.33 (DE=3.22). No se encontró relación estadísticamente significativa, entre las competencias profesionales del personal de enfermería y las características laborales. Conclusiones: El personal de enfermería, se percibe competente para brindar atención integral con apego ético; no obstante, se demanda fortalecer dimensiones como la educación, investigación y gestión, que contribuyan a la mejora continua de la calidad y seguridad en la atención.

Abstract: Objective: Analyze the self-assessment of the professional competencies of nurses in a tertiary care public hospital related to their work characteristics. Material and Methods: Quantitative, descriptive correlational study of 162 nursing professionals in the hospitalization services of a tertiary care public hospital, using the validated instrument "Professional competencies for nursing graduates", with a Cronbach's Alpha reliability of 0.97, the study complied with the stipulations of the Regulations of the General Law of Health on Research. Results: Of the nursing professionals evaluated, 77.2% were female; the predominant age range was 41-45 years with 50.6%, mostly married (44.4%). The most outstanding characteristics were seniority of 11 to 14 years (48.1 %) and a bachelor's degree (49.4 %). The overall level of professional competencies was 164.8 (SD=11.4) out of a maximum score of 200, the ethics indicator stands out with a mean of 33.85 (SD=2.88), followed by the comprehensive care indicator with a mean of 33.33 (SD=3.22). No statistically significant relationship was found between the professional competencies of the nursing staff and the work characteristics. Conclusions: The nursing staff is perceived as competent to provide comprehensive care with ethical attachment; however, there is a demand to strengthen dimensions such as education, research and management that contribute to the continuous improvement of quality and safety in care.

Rev Med Chil ; 150(9): 1188-1194, 2022 Sep.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37358129


BACKGROUND: Despite recent initiatives and efforts, gender inequality still exists in medicine and academia. There is a higher proportion of male authors in international scientific publications. AIM: To compare the proportion of female and male authors in the scientific publications of the main medical journals in Chile. MATERIAL AND METHODS: We reviewed 1,643 Scientific articles published between 2015 and 2020 in two medical journals from Chile. Three authors analyzed the title, abstract, and authors of all published articles, recording the sex of the first author, co-authors, and corresponding author. RESULTS: The reviewed articles had a mean of 5.3 authors and there was a significant difference between men and women (a mean of 2.8 men and 2.4 women; p < 0.001). Forty-six percent (n = 761) of the articles had a female first author. In a higher proportion of papers, men completed both positions (1st and corresponding author) simultaneously. CONCLUSIONS: There are fewer female authors in scientific publications. Chile is one of the countries with a high rate of gender gap in the world. The underrepresentation of women in academia is an example of this.

Autoria , Medicina , Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Chile , Bibliometria
Horiz. enferm ; 32(2): 177-191, 20210831. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | BDENF - Enfermagem, LILACS | ID: biblio-1290756


El recurso humano es el principal activo con el cual cuenta una institución pública o privada; esto se debe a que las organizaciones necesariamente están compuestas por personas, y sin ellas no podrían existir. Las corrientes modernas de administración en sistemas de salud están poniendo mayor atención al desempeño de las organizaciones, relacionándolas con el desempeño de su capital humano. OBJETIVO: Describir los conceptos y dimensiones del desempeño laboral planteado por diferentes autores en administración, mediante una revisión de literatura, y su relación con estudios realizados en enfermería. METODOLOGÍA: Se realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica sistematizada sobre desempeño laboral en la Biblioteca Virtual Universitaria, en Centro de Recursos Académicos Informáticos Virtuales (CREATIVA), utilizando las bases de datos PubMed, Lilacs, Scielo y Scopus, en idioma portugués, inglés y español, entre los años 2010 y 2020. RESULTADOS: Se presentan dos áreas temáticas preestablecidas: La primera, es revisión de literatura en desempeño laboral y la segunda estudios en desempeño laboral de enfermería. Estas áreas se fueron relacionando con dimensiones teóricas del desempeño laboral. CONCLUSIÓN: Conocer el nivel el desempeño laboral del profesional de enfermería y las áreas que abarcan los conceptos teóricos en la literatura en administración y recurso humano, entrega mayores competencias, formación continua, y mayor profesionalismo (autonomía, comunicación y participación en organizaciones sanitarias). De esta forma, ayuda a establecer estrategias de abordaje para conocer las falencias del desempeño en enfermería, realizar un análisis del contexto en donde se desarrolla el fenómeno en los profesionales y poder entregar una solución, mejorando el desempeño del profesional o del equipo de salud.

The human resource is the main asset of a public or private institution; this is because organizations are necessarily made up of people, and without them, they could not exist. Modern management trends in health systems are paying greater attention to the performance of organizations, relating them to the performance of their human capital. OBJECTIVE: To describe the concepts and dimensions of work performance proposed by different authors in management, through a review of the literature, and their relationship with studies carried out in nursing. METHODOLOGY: A systematized bibliographic search on work performance was carried out in the Virtual University Library, in the Virtual Academic Computer Resource Centre (CREATIVA), using the databases PubMed, Lilacs, Scielo, and SCOPUS, in Portuguese, English and Spanish, between 2010 and 2020. RESULTS: two pre-established thematic areas are presented: the first is a review of the literature on work performance and the second studies on nursing work performance. These areas were related to theoretical dimensions of job performance. CONCLUSION: Knowing the level of nursing professional job performance and the areas covered by the theoretical concepts in the literature on administration and human resources, provides greater competencies, continuous training, and greater professionalism (autonomy, communication and participation in health organizations). In this way, it helps to establish strategies to address the shortcomings of nursing performance, to carry out an analysis of the context in which the phenomenon develops in professionals, and to be able to provide a solution, improving the performance of the professional or the health team.

Competência Profissional , Desempenho Profissional/educação , Desempenho Profissional/história , Enfermeiras e Enfermeiros
ARS med. (Santiago, En línea) ; 45(1): 57-66, mar. 2020.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1146578


Introducción: los medios de contraste en radiología se utilizan para mejorar la visibilidad de los tejidos normales y patológicos, lo que permite distinguirlos entre sí mediante la modificación de las características de imagen de los tejidos. Permite no solo una mejor evaluación morfológica de las lesiones, sino también una evaluación cinética funcional y de contraste. Objetivos: presentar una revisión actualizada sobre los medios de contraste intravascular en radiología, con énfasis en los conceptos que el médico clínico no radiólogo debe tener presente al momento de su indicación. Métodos: se realizó una revisión bibliográfica de literatura radiológica relevante sobre medios de contraste intravascular: clasificación, indicaciones, contraindicaciones y precauciones que debe adoptar el médico clínico. Resultados: aunque los medios de contraste en radiología tienen un excelente perfil de seguridad, su uso no está exento de riesgos y debe basarse en criterios apropiados después de una evaluación clínica exhaustiva, ponderando riesgos y beneficios para cada paciente individual. Conclusión: la comunicación entre médicos tratantes, nefrólogos y radiólogos es funda-mental para evaluar casos clínicos complejos o que requieran consideraciones especiales al momento de indicar la administración de un medio de contraste intravascular.

Introduction: Imaging contrast media are used to enhance the visibility of normal and pathologic tissues, allowing distinction of one another by modifying tissue imaging characteristics. This allows both enhanced morphologic assessment of lesions and also contrast kinetics evaluation. Objectives: To present an updated review on intravascular imaging contrast media. Emphasis will be put on useful concepts that general physicians must take into account when indicating contrast-enhanced imaging studies.Methodology: A bibliographic review of relevant imaging literature on intravascular contrast media was performed: classification, appropriate indications, contraindications, and tips for proper use by the general physician. Results: Although imaging contrast media have an excellent safety profile, its use is not risk-free and must be based on appropriateness criteria applied after a thorough clinical evaluation, balancing the risks and benefits for each patient. In particular, intravascular contrast media, such as those based on iodine for computed tomography and gadolinium chelates for magnetic resonance imaging, must be used with caution. Conclusion: Effective communication between radiologists and referring physicians is key in the evaluation of complex cases that require protocol adjustments when considering the use of intravascular contrast media for imaging studies.

Humanos , Radiologia , Meios de Contraste , Dermopatia Fibrosante Nefrogênica , Nefrologia , Comunicação Interdisciplinar , Gadolínio , Literatura
Rev Lat Am Enfermagem ; 25: e2877, 2017 07 10.
Artigo em Inglês, Português, Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28699991


Objective: to determine the factors that influence the missed nursing care in hospitalized patients. Methods: descriptive correlational study developed at a private hospital in Mexico. To identify the missed nursing care and related factors, the MISSCARE survey was used, which measures the care missed and associated factors. The care missed and the factors were grouped in global and dimension rates. For the analysis, descriptive statistics, Spearman's correlation and simple linear regression were used. Approval for the study was obtained from the ethics committee. Results: the participants were 71 nurses from emergency, intensive care and inpatient services. The global missed care index corresponded to M=7.45 (SD=10.74); the highest missed care index was found in the dimension basic care interventions (M=13.02, SD=17.60). The main factor contributing to the care missed was human resources (M=56.13, SD=21.38). The factors related to the care missed were human resources (rs=0.408, p<0.001) and communication (rs=0.418, p<0.001). Conclusions: the nursing care missed is mainly due to the human resource factor; these study findings will permit the strengthening of nursing care continuity.

Continuidade da Assistência ao Paciente , Cuidados de Enfermagem , Adulto , Feminino , Hospitais Privados , Humanos , Masculino , Adulto Jovem
Rev. latinoam. enferm. (Online) ; 25: e2877, 2017. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermagem | ID: biblio-961090


ABSTRACT Objective: to determine the factors that influence the missed nursing care in hospitalized patients. Methods: descriptive correlational study developed at a private hospital in Mexico. To identify the missed nursing care and related factors, the MISSCARE survey was used, which measures the care missed and associated factors. The care missed and the factors were grouped in global and dimension rates. For the analysis, descriptive statistics, Spearman's correlation and simple linear regression were used. Approval for the study was obtained from the ethics committee. Results: the participants were 71 nurses from emergency, intensive care and inpatient services. The global missed care index corresponded to M=7.45 (SD=10.74); the highest missed care index was found in the dimension basic care interventions (M=13.02, SD=17.60). The main factor contributing to the care missed was human resources (M=56.13, SD=21.38). The factors related to the care missed were human resources (rs=0.408, p<0.001) and communication (rs=0.418, p<0.001). Conclusions: the nursing care missed is mainly due to the human resource factor; these study findings will permit the strengthening of nursing care continuity.

RESUMO Objetivo: determinar os fatores que influenciam o cuidado de enfermagem omitido em pacientes hospitalizados. Método: estudo descritivo correlacional, desenvolvido em um hospital particular do México. Para identificar o cuidado omitido e fatores relacionados, utilizou-se o instrumento MISSCARE, que mede o cuidado omitido e os fatores associados. O cuidado omitido e os fatores foram agrupados em índices globais e por dimensões. Para fins de análise, foi utilizada estatística descritiva, correlação de Spearman e regressão linear simples. O estudo recebeu aprovação de comité de ética. Resultados: participaram 71 enfermeiras dos serviços de urgências, terapia intensiva e hospitalização. O índice global de cuidado omitido mostrou um coeficiente M=7,45 (DE=10,74); o índice com maior cuidado omitido correspondeu à dimensão de intervenções de cuidado básico (M=13,02, DE=17,60). O principal fator que contribuiu ao cuidado omitido foi o de recursos humanos (M=56,13, DE=21,38). Os fatores relacionados ao cuidado omitido foram os recursos humanos (rs=0,408, p<0,001) e comunicação (rs=0,418, p<0,001). Conclusões: o cuidado omitido de enfermagem atribui-se principalmente ao fator de recursos humanos; com base nos resultados deste estudo pode-se fortalecer a continuidade do cuidado de enfermagem.

RESUMEN Objetivo: determinar los factores que influyen en el cuidado de enfermería perdido en pacientes hospitalizados. Método: estudio descriptivo correlacional, se realizó en un hospital privado de México. Para identificar el cuidado perdido y factores relacionados se utilizó el instrumento MISSCARE que mide el cuidado perdido y los factores asociados. El cuidado perdido y los factores se agruparon en índices globales y por dimensiones. Para el análisis se utilizó estadística descriptiva, correlación de Spearman y regresión lineal simple. El estudio fue aprobado por el comité de ética. Resultados: participaron 71 enfermeras de los servicios de urgencias, terapia intensiva y hospitalización. El índice global de cuidado perdido mostró una M=7,45 (DE=10,74); el índice con mayor cuidado perdido correspondió a la dimensión de intervenciones de cuidado básico (M=13,02, DE=17,60). El principal factor que contribuyó en el cuidado perdido, fue el de recursos humanos (M=56,13, DE=21,38). Los factores relacionados con el cuidado perdido fueron los de recursos humanos (rs=0,408, p<0,001) y comunicación (rs=0,418, p<0,001). Conclusiones: el cuidado perdido de enfermería se atribuye principalmente al factor de recurso humano; los hallazgos de este estudio permitirán fortalecer la continuidad en el cuidado de enfermería.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Adulto Jovem , Continuidade da Assistência ao Paciente , Cuidados de Enfermagem , Hospitais Privados
Acta paul. enferm ; 29(2): 225-231, tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermagem | ID: lil-787282


Resumo Objetivo Avaliar o desempenho da enfermagem no controle do diabetes de pacientes ambulatoriais do IMSS (Instituto Mexicano de Seguro Social) - hospital Prospera número 44 em Tamazunchale, San Luis Potosi, México. Métodos Estudo quantitativo, transversal e descritivo, com amostra de 30 enfermeiros recrutados de agosto de 2014 a abril de 2015. Foi utilizado um guia de observação de desempenho que avaliou as funções administrativas, assistenciais, de ensino e de comunicação. O desempenho foi classificado como bom, razoável e ruim por meio de estatísticas descritivas. Resultados Um total de 93.3% da amostra consistiu de mulheres, auxiliares de enfermagem certificadas; 70% com estudo de nível técnico. As medidas globais das funções administração, assistencial, de ensino e de comunicação indicaram que 6,7% apresentaram desempenho bom, 40% desempenho razoável e 53,3% desempenho ruim. Conclusão As funções de cuidar e ensinar mostraram oportunidades significativas para melhorar o autocuidado ao paciente. A avaliação do desempenho de enfermagem forneceu evidências para a gestão dos serviços no programa de diabetes.

Abstract Objective To evaluate nursing performance in the control of diabetic outpatients of the IMSS (Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social [Mexican Social Security Institute])-Prospera hospital number 44 in Tamazunchale, San Luis Potosi, Mexico. Methods This quantitative, descriptive, cross-sectional study consisted of a sample of 30 nurses recruited from August 2014 to April 2015. A performance observation guide that evaluated administrative, care, teaching, and communication functions was used. Performance was classified as good, fair, and poor by means of descriptive statistics. Results A total of 93.3% of the sample consisted of female certified nurse assistants, 70% with studies at the technician level. The overall measurements of the administrative, care, teaching, and communication functions indicated that 6.7% presented good performance, 40% fair performance, and 53.3% poor performance. Conclusion Care and teaching functions show significant opportunities for improving patient self-care. Nursing performance evaluation provides evidence for the management of services in the diabetes program.

Rev. enferm. neurol ; 14(1): 29-36, ene.-abr. 2015.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermagem | ID: biblio-1034766


Introducción. Los estilos de vida y la autoestima repercuten en las conductas de salud de la persona con Diabetes Mellitus tipo 2 (DM2) para mantener un control. Objetivo: Identificar la relación entre estilo de vida y autoestima de personas DM2. Material y métodos: Estudio descriptivo-transversal y correlacional en 81 personas de una comunidad suburbana en San Luis Potosí, México. Se incluyeron adultos y adultos mayores, ambos sexos con DM2 que aceptaron participar. Fueron aplicados: a) Instrumento para medir el estilo de vida en diabéticos (IMEVID) con 25 ítems que pondera como favorable, poco favorable y desfavorable); b) Escala de autoestima con 10 ítems (muy de acuerdo a muy en desacuerdo) ponderándose alta, media y baja. El procesamiento y análisis fue en SPSS versión 20, se obtuvo estadística descriptiva y asociación mediante correlación de Pearson. Resultados: La media de edad fue 57.9 años, y predominio femenino. La autoestima alta se encontró en 62.9% y el estilo de vida en 51.7% de poco favorable a desfavorable, estadísticamente no se asociaron como en otros estudios. Conclusiones: Es necesario promover el estilo de vida favorable, y aunque no se asociaron las variables, la autoestima media-alta es una fortaleza para el control de la enfermedad.

Introduction. Lifestyles and self-esteem affect health behaviors of people with Diabetes Mellitus type 2 (DM2) to maintain control. Objective. To identify the relation between lifestyles and the self-esteem, in diabetics type 2. Material and methods: Descriptive- transversal and Correlational study, in 81 persons from a suburban community in San Luis Potosí, Mexico. Adults and seniors, men and women with DM2 who agreed to participate were included. Were applied: a) An instrument for measuring the lifestyle in diabetic (IMEVID) with 25 items that weights be favorable, unfavorable and favorable); b) self-esteem scale with 10 items (strongly agree to strongly disagree) weighted high, medium and low. The processing and analysis was SPSS version 20, descriptive and statistical association was obtained by Pearson correlation. Results: The mean age was 57.9 years, and female predominance. High self-esteem was found in 62.9% and lifestyle 51.7% from unfavorable to favorable, were not associated statistically as in other studies. Conclusions: It is necessary to promote favorable lifestyle, and although the variables were not associated, medium-high self-esteem is a strength to control the disease.

Humanos , Diabetes Mellitus/enfermagem , Diabetes Mellitus/prevenção & controle , Autoimagem