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Foods ; 12(10)2023 May 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37238790


This study aimed to develop an educational gamification strategy to enhance the food safety practices of family farmers in public food markets in a city in Northeastern Brazil (João Pessoa, PB, Brazil). A good manufacturing practices (GMP) checklist was used to verify hygienic-sanitary conditions in the food markets. Educational game tools addressing foodborne diseases and GMP with information about the prevention of foodborne diseases, good food handling practices, and safe food storage were developed. Pre- and post-training assessments were done to evaluate food handlers' knowledge and food safety practices. Microbiological parameters of food samples were analyzed before and two months after the training. Results indicated unsatisfactory hygiene conditions in the examined food markets. There was a very strong positive correlation between "implementation of GMP" and "production and process controls" (R = 0.95; p ≤ 0.05) and between "production and process controls" and "hygiene habits of handlers" (R = 0.92; p ≤0.05). There was no homogeneity between answers before and after the training for the knowledge of family farmers regarding "prevention of foodborne diseases" and "safe food handling". There were improvements in the measured microbiological parameters of foods sold by family farmers after the application of the developed educational gamification training. These results showed the developed educational game-based strategy as being effective in raising awareness of hygienic sanitary practices, helping to promote food safety, and reducing risks for the consumers of street foods at family farmers' markets.

Rev. bras. ciênc. saúde ; 20(3): 177-182, 2016. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-796719


Estudos sugerem uma associação entre oconsumo habitual de cálcio e sua relação com indicadoresantropométricos e o perfil lipídico em adultos. Objetivo: Estetrabalho teve como objetivo relacionar o perfil lipídico eindicadores antropométricos com a ingestão dietética habitualde cálcio em mulheres. Material e métodos: O estudoenvolveu 59 mulheres entre 20 e 60 anos atendidas noambulatório de Nutrição do Hospital Universitário LauroWanderley, João Pessoa, Paraíba - Brasil. Para a avaliaçãobioquímica foram solicitados exames de lipídios plasmáticosanalisados no laboratório do próprio hospital e a antropometriafoi realizada utilizando-se Índice de Massa Corporal,Circunferência da Cintura e Razão Cintura-Quadril; paraavaliar o consumo de cálcio foi utilizado um inquérito deFrequência do Consumo Alimentar. A correlação momentoprodutode Pearson foi utilizada para avaliar a associaçãoentre as variáveis. Para testar a influência da ingestão decálcio sobre as variáveis, a amostra foi dividida por gruposde ingestão de cálcio, e” 600 mg/dia, entre 400 e 599 mg/diae d” 399 mg/dia. Resultados: Foram encontrados 33,9% demulheres com sobrepeso e 44,1% com obesidade segundoo IMC. 84,7% em risco elevado e muito elevado de desenvolverdoenças cardiovasculares. Por sua vez, a maioria da amostraestudada apresentou valores satisfatórios de CT, TG, LDL-Ce HDL-C. Não foi observada associação do consumo decálcio com adiposidade. A ingestão média de cálcio foi de629,43mg/dia (± 265,99mg/dia). Conclusão: Mulheres comconsumo adequado de cálcio possuíam melhores níveis deHDL colesterol, no entanto não houve nenhuma relação doconsumo de cálcio com indicadores antropométricos...

Studies have suggested an association betweenhabitual calcium intake and its relationship with anthropometricindicators and lipid profile in adults. Objective: To relate thelipid profile and anthropometric indicators with usual dietarycalcium intake in women. Material and Methods: This studyincluded 59 women, aged 20 to 60 years, treated at theNutrition Clinics of Lauro Wanderley University Hospital, JoãoPessoa, PB, Brazil. Plasma lipids exams were requested forbiochemical evaluation and analyzed in the hospital laboratory.Anthropometry was performed through the Body Mass Index,Waist Circumference and Waist-Hip Ratio. A food consumptionfrequency survey was used to assess calcium intake.Pearson’s product-moment correlation was used to evaluatethe association between the variables. In order to test theinfluence of calcium intake over the variables, the samplewas divided according to calcium intake into the followinggroups: e” 600 mg/day, between 400 and 599 mg/day, and d”399 mg/day. Results: Overall, 33.9% of the women werefound to have overweight and 44.1% were obese accordingto their BMI; 84.7% of them were at high or very high risk fordeveloping cardiovascular diseases. On the other hand, mostparticipants showed satisfactory values of TC, TG, LDL-Cand HDL-C. There was no association between calciumintake and adiposity. The average calcium intake was 629.43mg/day (±265.99 mg/day). There was no association betweencalcium intake and obesity. Conclusion: Women with adequatecalcium intake have better HDL cholesterol levels.Nevertheless, no relationship between calcium intake andanthropometric indicators was found...

Humanos , Feminino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Antropometria , Cálcio , Colesterol