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Sensors (Basel) ; 23(3)2023 Jan 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36772469


The plate load test (PLT) is the most reliable in situ testing for studying the load-settlement behaviour of footings on unsaturated collapsible soils. In these soils, the suction profile is not constant along the depth, and the scale effect between the prototype and footing leads to different suction averages and, consequently, different data. One method to eliminate the effect of soil suction on the test data is to fully saturate the soil prior to the test, which is also recommended at the design process for footing on collapsible soils. However, the inundation process on PLTs is expensive and time-consuming, which makes this procedure difficult to incorporate into engineering practice. This study presents a device that can be attached to flat dilatometer (DMT) to allow local inundation of the soil as part of the in situ test campaign and obtain the DMT-constrained modulus (MDMT) for both natural and inundated conditions. The MDMT presented an average reduction of 56% from natural to inundated condition. This parameter can be used in a model to predict load-settlement curves by DMT data considering the suction influence on this behaviour. The curves obtained from the prediction model were compared to curves determined by PLT conducted under the same in situ conditions. Good agreement was found between the curves predicted by DMT and those measured by PLT for both conditions. The proposed procedure, which uses a device attached to the DMT blade, provides an investigation method to obtain the load-settlement curve under different suction conditions, which can help in the selection and performance prediction of shallow foundations, taking into account suction and collapse phenomenon-related problems.

Eng. sanit. ambient ; 15(1): 29-36, jan.-mar. 2010. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-545395


Este trabalho analisa o comportamento colapsível de um solo tropical arenoso inundado com diferentes fluidos de saturação que constituem o esgoto doméstico. Para tal análise, foram levados em consideração parâmetros físicos e químicos e aspectos estruturais do solo no âmbito do fenômeno da colapsibilidade dos solos, assim como as principais características dos fluidos de inundação de água destilada, esgoto doméstico e algumas soluções à base de substâncias que compõem os esgotos e as deformações axiais do solo a um metro de profundidade em ensaios edométricos. As propriedades físicas e químicas dos fluidos de inundação e dos solos, bem como a combinação entre tais propriedades, desempenham relevante papel na compreensão do fenômeno do colapso, mostrando que a sua ocorrência não pode ser atribuída a um ou outro parâmetro do solo ou do fluido isoladamente.

This article evaluates the collapsible behavior of a tropical sandy soil when exposed to different sewage constituent fluids as wetting fluids. The analysis considers the physical, chemical and structural properties of the soil, as well as soil collapsible behavior, the properties of wetting fluids distilled water, domestic sewage, and some solutions composed by substances that constitute sewage, measuring soil deformation in axial compression edometric tests. The physical and chemical properties of fluids and of the soil, as well as their combination, play a relevant role in the comprehension of collapse phenomena, which shows that its occurrence can not be attributed to isolated parameters of soil or fluid.