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Healthcare (Basel) ; 11(17)2023 Aug 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37685443


Among the characteristics within people with high intellectual abilities, some that stand out are a better handling of information, asynchronous development, high awareness, and sensibility. Therefore, our goal was to learn if, due to these characteristics, the children and adolescents with high intellectual abilities have a better understanding and comprehension about COVID-19 compared to those with average intellectual abilities. A qualitative study was conducted at the beginning of the lockdown with 649 children with and without high intellectual abilities. An online questionnaire was used and three open questions were analyzed with the ALCESTE software. The results showed that both groups had a similar handling of the information regarding COVID-19. Despite this, in the high ability group there is a greater social concern, which coincides with some characteristics associated with a more developed moral conscience. The results are then discussed in terms of the importance of designing actions that allow us to adequately follow the control and intervention strategies, as well as to propose improvements in the communication of relevant information before diverse crises to which the child population may be exposed.

Psicol. Caribe ; 33(3): 223-236, jul.-dic. 2016. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-955570


Resumen Este trabajo buscó identificar el valor predictivo de las prácticas parentales percibidas por los hijos, tanto del padre como de la madre, sobre algunos indicadores de ajuste en los adolescentes, específicamente sobre aspectos positivos como la autoestima, la resiliencia y las competencias socioemocionales, también de aspectos negativos, como la ansiedad, la depresión y las conductas disruptivas. Se evaluaron 417 adolescentes mexicanos con la versión para los hijos de la Escala de Prácticas Parentales, el Inventario Bar-On de Cociente Emocional (EQ-i-YV, Escala de Resiliencia para Adolescentes, Escala de Autoestima, Escala de Ansiedad Manifiesta en Niños Revisada, Inventario de Depresión Infantil y Escala de Conducta Disocial. Los resultados indicaron que la variable de control psicológico es un importante predictor de la sintomatología ansiosa y depresiva, mientras que las prácticas parentales relativas a la comunicación y a la autonomía explicaban la presencia de mejores indicadores de ajuste; así mismo, se encontró un efecto protector del control conductual materno sobre la presencia de conductas disociales. Al final, se discuten los resultados a la luz de la problemática en el contexto.

Abstract The purpose of this study was to identify the predictive value of the parental practices of both parents, perceived by their children over some indicators of adjustment in adolescents. This was explored particularly on positive aspects such as self-esteem, resilience and social and emotional competences, and negative aspects such as anxiety, depression, and disruptive behaviors. Participants were 417 Mexican adolescents and were evaluated with the following measures: Parental Practices Scale, Bar-On Emotional Quotient Inventory-Youth Version (EQ-i-YV), Resilience Scale for Adolescents, Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, Children's Manifest Anxiety Scale, Child Depression Inventory and Scale for Dissocial Conduct. Results indicated that the variable of psychological control was an important predictor of anxious and depressive symptomatology. On the other hand, parental practices related to communication and autonomy explained the presence of better indicators of adjustment. In the same way, a protective effect was found on maternal behavior control over the presence of disruptive behaviors. Finally, results are discussed to shed light on the problematic context.