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Oper Neurosurg (Hagerstown) ; 19(4): E412, 2020 Sep 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32101620


Sacral chordomas are infrequent tumors that arise from remnants of the notochord. They are most often found in the sacrum and skull-base.1,2 These lesions rarely metastasize and usually have an indolent and oligosymptomatic clinical course. Chordomas show low sensitivity to standard radiation therapy and chemotherapy. Operative resection with wide resection margins offers the best long-term prognosis, including longer survival and local control.1,3 However, achieving a complete resection with oncological margins may be difficult because of the anatomic complexity of the sacrococcygeal region.4 The main complications of sacral resection include infections, wound closure defects, and anorectal and urogenital dysfunction. The rate of these complications is significantly increased when the tumor involves the S2 level or above. We report the case of a 64-yr-old male who presented with progressive sacrococcygeal pain and a feeling of incomplete evacuation. A heterogeneous, osteolytic lesion was found at the sacrococcygeal region. Full body imaging tests were negative for other lesions. A computed tomography (CT) guided biopsy was made. We usually use the midline approach in case we have to include the needle path in the resection. The pathology confirmed a sacrococcygeal, low-grade chordoma. We decided to perform an en bloc resection. A posterior, partial sacrectomy was planned distal to the S4 level.

Cordoma , Neoplasias da Coluna Vertebral , Cordoma/diagnóstico por imagem , Cordoma/cirurgia , Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Estudos Retrospectivos , Sacro/diagnóstico por imagem , Sacro/cirurgia , Neoplasias da Coluna Vertebral/diagnóstico por imagem , Neoplasias da Coluna Vertebral/cirurgia , Resultado do Tratamento
Rev. argent. neurocir ; 33(4): 202-207, dic. 2019. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | BINACIS, LILACS | ID: biblio-1152279


Objetivo: Analizar y describir una serie de fracturas tóraco-lumbares traumáticas tratadas con cirugía mínimamente invasiva. Material y métodos: Analizamos una serie de 26 pacientes con fracturas traumáticas tóraco-lumbosacras entre 2010-2017. Las imágenes pre-operatorias fueron clasificadas usando la clasificación AO. Analizamos en forma pre y post operatoria: escala visual analógica, volumen de pérdida sanguínea, duración de la hospitalización, complicaciones, cirugías asociadas en otros órganos, extracción de implantes en el largo plazo, estado neurológico pre y post quirúrgico y mortalidad.Los pacientes con historias clínicas completas, TAC pre-operatoria y un seguimiento mínimo de 12 meses fueron incluidos (18 hombres y 8 mujeres). La edad promedio fue de 28.7 años (21-84 años); seguimiento promedio de 28 meses (13-86 meses). Dieciocho pacientes fueron manejados con instrumentaciones percutáneas, 8 recibieron vertebroplastias, y en 5 casos se realizó además algún gesto de artrodesis. Resultados: La EVA mejoró 7 puntos promedio respecto al pre-operatorio; el promedio de sangrado fue de 40 mL, no observamos ningún caso de empeoramiento neurológico. La duración promedio de la hospitalización fue de 3.9 días. Cuatro enfermos necesitaron alguna cirugía en otro órgano producto de sus politraumatismos.Los tornillos percutáneos fueron removidos en 9 casos luego de la consolidación. Como complicaciones tuvimos: 1 hematoma retroperitoneal autolimitado, una fractura pedicular y una cánula de cementación rota adentro de un pedículo. Conclusión: La cirugía mínimamente invasiva en trauma espinal es una alternativa válida que permite estabilización, movilización precoz y logra buenos resultados en términos de control del dolor con baja tasa de complicaciones

Objective: To analyze and describe a series of trauma-related thoraco-lumbo-sacral vertebral fractures managed with minimally invasive surgery. Methods: We retrospectively review the charts and images of 26 patients with thoracolumbar spine fractures between 2010-2017. Pre-op images were assessed and fractures were classified according to the thoraco-lumbar trauma AO Spine classification. We analyzed pre and post-surgical visual analog scale (VAS), blood loss during surgery, hospital length of stay, complications, associated surgical procedures, long term post-op implant removal, pre and post neurological status and mortality.Patients with a complete case record, pre-op CT scans and minimum 12-month follow up were included (18 males and 8 females). Mean age was 28.7 years (21-84 years); mean post-op follow up was 28 month (13-86 months). Eighteen patients were managed with percutaneous instrumentation, 8 patients also received percutaneous vertebroplasty, and 5 patients underwent also some arthrodesis procedure. Results: VAS improved 7 points as compared to the pre-op score; mean blood loss was 40 mL, we did not observed any neurological deficit worsening. Mean hospital length of stay was 3.9 days. Four patients needed surgical procedures involving other organs due to politrauma. Percutaneous screws were removed in 9 cases after fracture consolidation. Complications were: one case of self-limiting retroperitoneal hematoma, one case of pedicle screw fracture and one cement broken cannula into the pedicle. Conclusion: Minimally invasive surgery in spine trauma is a valid option allowing stabilization, early mobilization, and leading to good outcomes in terms of pain control and a lower complication rate

Coluna Vertebral , Cirurgia Geral , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Minimamente Invasivos , Fraturas Ósseas
Rev. argent. neurocir ; 32(2): 100-108, jun. 2018. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1223535


Objetivo: Describir paso a paso el abordaje paraespinal de Wiltse y resaltar las principales ventajas y limitaciones relatadas en la literatura. Material y métodos: Se realizó una descripción del abordaje de Wiltse paso a paso y detalladamente paso a paso, haciendo hincapié en algunos trucos y limitaciones adquiridos con la práctica. Se revisó la literatura disponible con una búsqueda en PubMed y Lilacs bajo los términos Mesh: "Wiltse approach", "paraspinal approach", "muscle sparing approach", "lumbar spine", para destacar ventajas y desventajas de la técnica. Se analizaron 10 trabajos que tenían relación con el objetivo de esta publicación. Ninguno de los trabajos hallados en la búsqueda describía en detalle los pasos del abordaje paraespinal. Se describió: preparación, posicionamiento, incisión, apertura fascial, disección, identificación ósea, desperiostización, descompresión, discectomía, instrumentación, artrodesis y cierre. Resultados: La mayoría de los trabajos resaltaron la utilidad del abordaje como técnica de mínima invasión, con sangrado intraoperatorio mínimo, cortas estadías hospitalarias y bajo índice de infecciones. Conclusión: El abordaje clásico descripto por Wiltse sigue los principios de cirugía de mínima invasión, respetando los planos musculares y tejidos blandos paraespinales, permitiendo amplias descompresiones, discectomías y fusiones con bajos índices de complicaciones.

Objective: To provide a step-by-step description of the Wiltse paraspinal approach, and analyze the main advantages and limitations described in the literature. Methods: We provide a detailed step-by-step description of the Wiltse approach, focusing on some of the strategies we have learned and limitations we have seen in daily clinical practice. A literature review was conducted, consisting of Pub Med and Lilacs searches using the Mesh terms: "Wiltse approach", "paraspinal approach", "muscle sparing approach", and "lumbar spine". Ten papers related to our objectives were assessed, step by step considering patient preparation and positioning, skin incisions, fascial opening, dissection, bone identification, retraction, deperiostization, decompression, discectomy, instrumentation, arthrodesis, and closure. Results: Most papers underline the usefulness of the Wiltse paraspinal approach as a minimally-invasive procedure, emphasizing the minimal intra-operative bleeding, short hospital stays, and low infection rates. However, none of the identified papers thoroughly described specific steps taken using this approach. Conclusion: The classical approach described by Wiltse observes the principles of minimally-invasive surgical procedures, sparing both the muscle planes and soft tissues, thereby allowing for ample decompression, discectomies, and spinal fusions with low complication rates.

Humanos , Músculos Paraespinais , Discotomia , Região Lombossacral , Músculos
Surg Neurol Int ; 9(Suppl 1): S36-S42, 2018.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29430329


OBJECTIVES: To assess and describe spinal and pelvic sagittal parameters in a series of 100 Argentinian volunteers. METHODS: Lateral full-spine X-rays were obtained prospectively from 100 volunteers (30 males and 70 females), average age 34.1 years. All the volunteers were asymptomatic at the time of the study. Full-length left lateral spine radiographs (36'' cassette) were made using Kodak Elite CR equipment. The authors made determinations for the digital X-rays using Surgimap®, version The following parameters were recorded: C7 SVA, C2-C7 CL, TK, LL, TPA, T1SPi, PI, PT, SS, L4-S1 angle, L1-L4 angle, PI-LL mismatch and CTPA. The data were analyzed using Medcalc 11.2 software. Descriptive statistics were calculated for each parameter according to its own measure score and distribution. Estimates of 95% reference and confidence intervals were calculated for each parameter. P = 0.05 was set as the threshold for statistical significance. Volunteers were classified using the Roussouly morphometric classification system. RESULTS: Respective means for the above-listed variables were: CL -10.04, TK 30.14, T1SPi -6.5, L1-L4 -12.45, L4-S1 -46.16, CTPA 2.5, TPA 4.65, PT 11.22, PI 48.04, LL -59. 10, PI-LL -11.11, C7 SVA mm -23.68. Plus/minus two standard deviations (SD) for the variables were: CL (-33.26, 13.12); TK (17.15, 43.30); T1SPi (-11.78, -1.25), L1-L4 (-25.55, 0.25), L4-S1 (-64.44, -27.55), CTPA (0.33, 4.80), TPA (-8.64, 18.22), PT (-1.99, 24.75), PI (25.23, 71.44), LL (-78.74, -39.89), PI-LL (-29.10, 7.04), and C7 SVA mm (-79.45, 32.08). CONCLUSIONS: In this prospective series of 100 adult volunteers, normal values for spinal and pelvic sagittal parameters were determined in Argentinian adults.