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J Pers Med ; 14(5)2024 Apr 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38793049


The article discusses the importance of accurately distinguishing HER2-low from HER2-negative breast cancer, as novel ADCs have demonstrated activity in a large population of patients with HER2-low-expressing BC. While current guidelines recommend a dichotomous classification of HER2 as either positive or negative, the emergence of the HER2-low concept calls for standardization of HER2 testing in breast cancer, using currently available assays to better discriminate HER2 levels. This review covers the evolution and latest updates of the ASCO/CAP guidelines relevant to this important biomarker in breast cancer, including still-evolving concepts such as HER2 low, HER2 heterogeneity, and HER2 evolution. Our group presents the latest Mexican recommendations for HER2 status evaluation in breast cancer, considering the ASCO/CAP guidelines and introducing the HER2-low concept. In the era of personalized medicine, accurate HER2 status assessment remains one of the most important biomarkers in breast cancer, and the commitment of Mexican pathologists to theragnostic biomarker quality is crucial for providing the most efficient care in oncology.

Indian J Nephrol ; 34(1): 56-58, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38645920


Introduction: Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) induces organic damage mainly through the patient's immune overreaction. Hemoperfusion (HPF) can remove inflammatory cytokines and can reduce the negative effects of cytokine storm in COVID-19. We compared the mortality rate, inflammatory response, and acute kidney injury (AKI) prevalence among patients suffering from respiratory insufficiency secondary to COVID-19 treated with and without HPF with HA330 cartridge. Methods: Mortality rate, serum creatinine, and ferritin values were compared between patients suffering from respiratory insufficiency secondary to COVID-19 who received conventional treatment and another group of patients who additionally received four sessions of HPF with HA330. Results: Of 116 patients suffering from acute respiratory insufficiency secondary to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), one group (n: 84) received support treatment and the other group (n: 32) additionally received HPF with HA330 cartridge. Both groups had no renal disease and similar age and comorbidities at admission, except for obesity and mechanical ventilation requirement, which were significantly higher in the HPF group. Mortality rate (61% vs. 31%, P: 0.008), serum creatinine (1.4 vs. 0.5 mg/dl, P < 0.001), and post-HPF serum ferritin (2868 vs. 1675, P < 0.001) were significantly lower in the HPF group. Conclusion: Mortality rate, serum ferritin, and AKI were significantly reduced in critical COVID-19 patients who received HPF with HA330 cartridge than in those who did not receive it. These results were obtained despite the HPF group risk factors, such as obesity and mechanical ventilation, worsening its prognosis.

Neotrop Entomol ; 52(5): 837-847, 2023 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37552457


Mountain ecosystems experience abrupt abiotic changes that represent environmental filters for many organisms, shaping their phenotypic expressions. However, little is known about the morphological and symmetric adjustments of native bees along altitudinal gradients. We evaluated the changes on wing morphology, wing size, and vein fluctuating asymmetry (FA) of Eulaema nigrita Lepeletier (Apidae: Euglossini) associated with climatic variables along an altitudinal gradient in the rupestrian grassland (known also as campo rupestre or rupestrian field) of Serra do Cipó, Brazil. Seven sampling points along the altitudinal gradient were selected and distributed among 800 and 1400 m.a.s.l., and then, 40 individuals of E. nigrita were collected per each altitudinal point to determine the FA levels and the morphological changes using geometric morphometric techniques. We found that the wing size of E. nigrita decreased with increasing altitude. At the highest altitudes, the levels of FA of the wing veins were greater compared to bees from lower altitudes. We detected significant changes in wing morphology along the altitudinal gradient; bees of lower altitudes showed longer and wider wings than bees of higher altitudes, which had narrower and less elongated wings. Our results show a set of morphological adjustments and phenotypic expressions in E. nigrita associated with the variation in environmental conditions along the altitudinal gradient. We highlight the importance of environmental variables as insect-stressor factors, and that FA and geometric morphometric can be excellent tools for monitoring and evaluating environmental stresses.

Ecossistema , Pradaria , Humanos , Abelhas , Animais , Brasil , Altitude , Fenótipo
Rev. cir. traumatol. buco-maxilo-fac ; 23(4): 20-28, out.-dez. 2023. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, BBO - Odontologia | ID: biblio-1561409


Contexto: Na cirurgia maxilofacial existem procedimentos que envolvem o ducto nasolacrimal, pelo que esta medida é um ponto de referência para evitar a sua lesão. Artigos anteriores tomam como referência o fenótipo anglo-saxão e não a população latino-americana, o que é uma grande limitação quando se extrapola para a cirurgia maxilofacial. Objetivo: Medir a distância do ducto nasolacrimal às estruturas anatômicas adjacentes em uma amostra de tomografias computadorizadas do Hospital Universitário San Ignacio em Bogotá, Colômbia, em 2021. Métodos: Foi realizado um estudo observacional retrospetivo com base em tomografias computadorizadas do HUSI. Foi utilizada uma amostragem não probabilística, na qual foram identificadas 150 tomografias computadorizadas. Informações sobre sexo, idade e distância do ducto nasolacrimal em milímetros foram coletadas em um banco de dados em planilha Excel, tendo como marcos anatômicos o entalhe piriforme, o forame infraorbitário e o assoalho da fossa nasal em cortes axiais, sagitais e coronais. Resultados: A análise das medidas mostrou que nenhuma das distribuições de medidas se comportou de forma diferente da distribuição normal. Em relação à comparação das medidas por sexo, a idade foi semelhante entre homens e mulheres, enquanto nas comparações por idade foram evidenciadas diferenças significativas. Conclusão: Os resultados são consistentes com os dados publicados em estudos anteriores. Em termos de distribuição por sexo, o comprimento do ducto nasolacrimal é maior nos homens do que nas mulheres, e a distribuição por idade indica que, à medida que a idade aumenta, a distância do ducto a estas estruturas diminui... (AU)

Background: In maxillofacial surgery there are procedures that involve the nasolacrimal duct, so this measure is a reference point to avoid its injury. Previous articles take as reference the Anglo-Saxon phenotype and not the Latin American population, which is a great limitation when extrapolating it to maxillofacial surgical procedures. Objective: To measure the distance of the nasolacrimal duct to adjacent anatomical structures in a sample of CT scans from the Hospital Universitario San Ignacio in Bogotá- Colombia in 2021. Methods: A retrospective observational study was performed based on CT scans from HUSI. A non-probabilistic sampling was used in which 150 CT scans were identified. Information on sex, age and distance of the nasolacrimal duct in millimeters was collected in an Excel spreadsheet database, taking as anatomical landmarks the piriform notch, the infraorbital foramen and the floor of the nasal fossa in axial, sagittal and coronal sections. Results: The analysis of the measurements showed that none of the measurement distributions had a behavior different from the normal distribution. In relation to the comparison of the measurements by sex, age was similar in men and women, while significant differences were evidenced in the comparisons by age. Conclusion: The results coincide with the data published in previous studies. Regarding the distribution by sex, the length of the nasolacrimal duct is greater in men than in women, and the distribution by age indicates that as age increases the distance of the duct to these structures decreases... (AU)

Antecedentes: En cirugía maxilofacial existen procedimientos que involucran el conducto nasolagrimal, por lo cual esta medida es un punto de referencia para evitar su lesión. Artículos previos toman como referencia el fenotipo anglosajón y no la población Latinoamericana, lo cual supone una gran limitante al extrapolarlo a intervenciones quirúrgicas maxilofaciales. Objetivo: Medir la distancia del conducto nasolagrimal a estructuras anatómicas adyacentes en una muestra de tomografías del Hospital Universitario San Ignacio en BogotáColombia en 2021. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional retrospectivo basado en tomografías del HUSI. Se utilizó un muestreo no probabilístico en el que se identificaron 150 tomografías. En una base de datos en hoja de cálculo en Excel se recolectó información sobre sexo, edad y distancia del conducto nasolagrimal en milímetros, teniendo como reparo anatómico la escotadura piriforme, el agujero infraorbitario y el piso de la fosa nasal en los cortes axial, sagital y coronal. Resultados: El análisis de las mediciones realizadas mostró que ninguna de las distribuciones de medición tuvo un comportamiento distinto a la distribución normal. En relación con la comparación de las medidas por sexo la edad fue similar en los hombres y mujeres, mientras que se evidenciaron diferencias significativas en las comparaciones por edad. Conclusión: Los resultados coinciden con los datos publicados en estudios previos. En cuanto a la distribución por sexo, la longitud del conducto nasolagrimal es mayor en hombres que en mujeres, y la distribución por edad indica que conforme aumenta la edad la distancia del conducto a estas estructuras disminuye... (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Tomografia Computadorizada por Raios X , Cirurgia Ortognática , Maxila/cirurgia
Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 24(36): 21822-21832, 2022 Sep 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36063116


Formation and stability of the B56 boron cluster were investigated using a topological approach and the disk aromaticity model. An extensive global energy minimum search for the B56 system which was carried out by means of the Mexican Enhanced Genetic Algorithm (MEGA) in conjunction with density functional theory computations, confirms a quasi-planar structure as its energetically most stable isomer. Such a structural motif is derived by applying a topological leapfrog operation to a B12 form. Its high thermodynamic stability can be explained by the disk aromaticity model in which the delocalization of its π orbitals can be assigned to the levels of a particle in a circular box with the [(1σ)2 (1π)4 (1δ)4 (1φ)4 (2σ)2 (1γ)4 (2π)4 (2δ)4 (1η)4 (2φ)4 (1θ)2] electronic configuration. This π delocalization is confirmed by other delocalization indices. While the B56 has a similar electron delocalization to that of the quasi-planar B50, they have opposite magnetic ring current properties because of the symmetry selection rules of their HOMO-LUMO electronic transitions. The π delocalization in the boron clusters is larger at long distances as compared to carbon clusters at similar sizes, but such a trend is reversed at shorter distances.

Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1398377


Introducción: Los linfomas gástricos primarios representan menos del 5% de los linfomas no Hodgkin (LNH). La gran mayoría de linfomas gástricos primarios son linfomas de células B de alto grado. Los linfomas gástricos primarios de células T son muy raros y usualmente se asocian a infección por HTLV-1 en regiones endémicas. Material y método. Describimos el caso de una paciente mujer de mediana edad que se presentó con neumoperitoneo debido a ulcera gástrica perforada, síndrome consuntivo y lesiones cutáneas y orales. Resultados. La histopatología e inmunohistoquímica confirmaron linfoma gástrico primario de células T con compromiso cutáneo. La serología para HTLV-1, virus del Epstein-Barr y VIH fueron negativas. Conclusión. La finalidad de este reporte es dar a conocer esta forma de presentación sumamente rara de linfoma gástrico primario.

Background: Primary gastric lymphomas account for less than5%ofnon-Hodgkinlymphomas(NHL).Thevast majority of primary gastric lymphomas are high-grade B-cell lymphomas. Primary gastric T-cell lymphomas are very rare and are usually associated with HTLV-1 infection in endemic regions. We describe Material and methods.the case of a middle-aged female patient who presented with pneumoperitoneum due to a perforated gastric ulcer, wasting syndrome, and skin and oral lesions. . Results: Histopathology and immunohistochemistry confirmed primary gastric T-cell lymphoma with skin involvement. The serologyfor HTLV-1,Epstein-Barr virus and HIVwere negative. The aim of this report is to present Conclusion: this extremely rare presentation of primary gastric lymphoma

Photodiagnosis Photodyn Ther ; 37: 102630, 2022 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34798347


Reconstituted high-density lipoprotein (rHDL) nanoparticles are excellent transporters of molecules and very useful for targeted therapy as they specifically recognize the scavenger receptor, class B1 (SR-B1) that is present on the surface of a wide range of tumor cells. However, they have rarely been employed to transport photosensitizers (PS) for photodynamic therapy (PDT). Rhodamine (R) compounds have been dismissed as useful PSs for PDT due to their low 1O2 production, excitation wavelengths with little tissue penetration, and poor selectivity for tumor cells. It was recently demonstrated that when irradiating at 532 nm or with Cerenkov radiation (CR) from a ß-emitting radionuclide, R123, R6G, and RB undergo electron transfer reactions (type I reaction) with folic acid. R6G also produces type I reactions with O2. In this work, the photodynamic effects of the rHDL-R system were evaluated in vitro. rHDL nanoparticles loaded with R123, R6G, and RB were synthesized, and the PS was internalized into T47D tumor cells. When cells were irradiated with a 532-nm laser in the presence of an rHDL-R systems, a cytotoxic photodynamic effect was obtained in the order R6G > R123 > RB. In the presence of CR from a 177Lu source, cytotoxicity showed the order R6G > RB > R123. The higher cytotoxicity induced by R6G in both cases corresponds to higher cellular internalization and larger production of type I and II reactions. Thus, in this work, it is proposed that rHDL-R/177Lu system can be applied in theragnostics as a multimodal radiotherapy-PDT-imaging system (imaging by SPECT or Cerenkov) and in hypoxic solid tumors in which external radiation is not effective and 177Lu-CR acts as light source.

Nanopartículas , Fotoquimioterapia , Linhagem Celular Tumoral , Humanos , Lipoproteínas HDL , Fotoquimioterapia/métodos , Fármacos Fotossensibilizantes/farmacologia , Fármacos Fotossensibilizantes/uso terapêutico , Rodaminas
BMJ Open ; 11(10): e051400, 2021 10 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34642196


INTRODUCTION: The prevalence of childhood obesity has risen dramatically in recent years. A proportion of this burden has been attributed to factors that occur during the first 1000 days of life such as genetic predisposition, breast feeding and complementary feeding. Although the mechanisms by which these factors affect weight and adiposity are less well understood, appetite and satiety regulation may be a key to understanding them. This cohort study aims to investigate the role of appetite and satiety regulation as a mediator in the association between infant feeding practices and genetic polymorphisms with children's growth, adiposity and metabolic risk factors. METHODS AND ANALYSIS: 'MAS-Lactancia' (the first word means 'more' and is also an acronym in Spanish for 'Appetite and Satiety Mechanisms', the second word is 'breastfeeding') is an open, ongoing, prospective birth cohort that began the enrolment in 2016 of mother-child pairs affiliated to the Mexican Social Security Institute and that live in the city of Cuernavaca, Mexico. Pregnant women between 16-week and 22-week gestation are followed during the second half of their pregnancies, at birth and throughout their infant's first 48 months of life (at 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 9 months, 12 months, 18 months, 24 months, 36 months and 48 months) at the clinic and at-home visits that include questionnaires, anthropometric measurements and biospecimen collection. The main exposure variables are infant feeding (breast feeding and complementary feeding) and genetic polymorphisms (fat mass and obesity-associated, leptin and adiponectin genes). Outcome variables include infant's growth, adiposity and metabolic risk factors. We will conduct longitudinal models and path analyses to identify the potential mediating role of satiety and appetite indicators (leptin, adiponectin, insulin concentrations, appetite and satiety perception). ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: The study protocol, data collection instruments, consent forms and procedures were approved by the institutional review boards of the National Institute of Public Health and the Mexican Social Security Institute in Mexico. Findings will be disseminated through conferences, peer-reviewed publications and meetings with stakeholders.

Apetite , Obesidade Infantil , Adiposidade , Aleitamento Materno , Criança , Estudos de Coortes , Feminino , Humanos , Lactente , Recém-Nascido , Obesidade Infantil/epidemiologia , Obesidade Infantil/genética , Gravidez , Estudos Prospectivos
Rev. sanid. mil ; 75(2): e03, may.-ago. 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1515519


Resumen Los carcinomas neuroendocrinos son tumores poco frecuentes en nariz y senos paranasales. Se consideran tumores primitivos y son los menos diferenciados del sistema neuroendocrino difuso. Se discute el caso de una paciente femenina de 49 años quien acude al servicio de otorrinolaringología en el Hospital Central Militar refiriendo masa en cavidad nasal izquierda de crecimiento progresivo en un periodo de 9 meses, así como epistaxis y obstrucción nasal izquierda. Mediante resonancia magnética y tomografía computada se observó tumoración de la cavidad nasal izquierda en su totalidad hasta nasofaringe, con captación heterogénea del medio de contraste. Se decide resección de tumoración mediante abordaje endoscópico (sinusotomía maxilar tipo III, etmoidectomía anterior y posterior izquierda, Draf esfenoidal tipo II izquierdo, Draf IIa del seno frontal izquierdo, así como septectomía posterior). El estudio histopatológico reportó un carcinoma neuroendocrino moderadamente diferenciado, por lo que se trató de forma conjunta con servicio de oncología médica. Este tipo de tumores son un reto diagnostico por la complejidad para diferenciarlos en un estudio histopatológico. La diferenciación efectiva de los mismos puede tener un impacto clínico, por lo que los avances en la intervención terapéutica podrían prolongar la supervivencia del paciente, mejorar la calidad de vida e incluso la cura.

Abstract Neuroendocrine carcinomas are rare tumors of the nose and sinuses. They are considered primitive tumors and are the least differentiated from the diffuse neuroendocrine system. We report a 49-year-old female patient who attends the otolaryngology service at the Central Military Hospital referring mass in the left nasal cavity with a progressive growth over a period of 9 months, including epistaxis, as well as left nasal obstruction. Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Computed Tomography imaging studies showed a tumor occupying the entirety of the left nasal cavity to the nasopharynx, with heterogeneous uptake of the contrast medium. Tumor resection is decided by endoscopic approach (maxillary sinusotomy type III, left anterior and posterior ethmoidectomy, left sphenoid Draf type II, left frontal Draf IIa as well as posterior septectomy). The pathology service reported a moderately differentiated neuroendocrine carcinoma. The treatment was decided joint session with the medical oncology service. These types of tumors are a diagnostic challenge because of the complexity to differentiate them in a histopathological study. Their effective differentiation can have a clinical impact, that's why the advances in therapeutic intervention could prolong patient survival, improve quality of life and even find a cure.