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ACS Omega ; 9(28): 30559-30570, 2024 Jul 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39035910


Fungal infections vary from superficial to invasive and can be life-threatening in immunocompromised and healthy individuals. Antifungal resistance is one of the main reasons for an increasing concern about fungal infections as they become more complex and harder to treat. The fungal "omics" databases help us find drug resistance genes, which is of great importance and extremely necessary. With that in mind, we built a new platform for drug resistance genes. We added seven drug classes of resistance genes to our database: azoles (without specifying which drug), fluconazole, voriconazole, itraconazole, flucytosine, micafungin, and caspofungin. Species with known resistance genes were used to validate the results from our database. This study describes a list of 261 candidate genes related to antifungal resistance, with several genes displaying transport functions involved in azole resistance. Over 65% of the candidate genes found were related to at least one type of azole. Overall, the candidate genes found have functional annotations consistent with genes or enzymes that have been linked to antifungal resistance in previous studies. Also, candidate antifungal resistance genes found exhibit functional annotations consistent with previously described resistance mechanisms. The existence of an HMM profile focusing on antifungal resistance genes allows in silico searches for candidate genes, helping future wet lab experiments, and hence, reducing costs when studying candidate antifungal genes without prior knowledge of the species or genes. Finally, ResFungi has proven to be a powerful tool to narrow down candidate antifungal-related genes and unravel mechanisms related to resistance to help in the design of experiments focusing on the genetic basis of antifungal resistance.

Front Microbiol ; 13: 782175, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35369445


Komagataeibacter is the dominant taxon and cellulose-producing bacteria in the Kombucha Microbial Community (KMC). This is the first study to isolate the K. oboediens genome from a reactivated space-exposed KMC sample and comprehensively characterize it. The space-exposed genome was compared with the Earth-based reference genome to understand the genome stability of K. oboediens under extraterrestrial conditions during a long time. Our results suggest that the genomes of K. oboediens IMBG180 (ground sample) and K. oboediens IMBG185 (space-exposed) are remarkably similar in topology, genomic islands, transposases, prion-like proteins, and number of plasmids and CRISPR-Cas cassettes. Nonetheless, there was a difference in the length of plasmids and the location of cas genes. A small difference was observed in the number of protein coding genes. Despite these differences, they do not affect any genetic metabolic profile of the cellulose synthesis, nitrogen-fixation, hopanoid lipids biosynthesis, and stress-related pathways. Minor changes are only observed in central carbohydrate and energy metabolism pathways gene numbers or sequence completeness. Altogether, these findings suggest that K. oboediens maintains its genome stability and functionality in KMC exposed to the space environment most probably due to the protective role of the KMC biofilm. Furthermore, due to its unaffected metabolic pathways, this bacterial species may also retain some promising potential for space applications.