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Salud ment ; 46(4): 177-184, Jul.-Aug. 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1522914


Abstract Introduction Adolescents who practice sports have better mental health indicators. Objective To analyze the association between different types of physical activity (systematized exercise, individual, and collective sports), mental health, and suicidal ideation in adolescents. Method We conducted a cross-sectional study with 666 Brazilian adolescents (14-19 y.o.) attending high schools and selected using random cluster sampling. The mental health indicators analyzed were evaluated through the Self Reporting Questionnaire and the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire, including suicidal ideation. We also obtained physical activity information through questionnaires. Results There was a higher prevalence related to mental disorders (54.2% vs. 32.5%), difficulties related to mental health (79.6% vs. 48.4%), and suicidal thoughts (22.9% vs. 11.4%) in girls than in boys (p < .001 for all). The boys engaged in more team sports (41.0 vs. 23.8), whereas girls performed more exercise (45.1 vs. 26.5; p < .001). Discussion and conclusion The practice of team sports helps develop the collective spirit, stimulates social interaction, and develops reasoning and emotional intelligence. Boys who play team sports have fewer symptoms of common mental disorders, lower mental health problems, and less suicidal ideation than physically inactive boys.

Resumen Introducción Los adolescentes que practican deportes tienen mejores indicadores de salud mental. Objetivo Analizar la asociación entre los diferentes tipos de actividad física (ejercicio sistematizado, deportes individuales y colectivos), la salud mental y la ideación suicida en adolescentes. Método Se realizó un estudio transversal realizado con 666 adolescentes brasileños (14-19 años) que asisten a escuelas secundarias y fueron seleccionados mediante muestreo aleatorio por conglomerados. Los indicadores de salud mental analizados fueron evaluados a través del Cuestionario de Autoinforme y el Cuestionario de Fortalezas y Dificultades, incluyendo la ideación suicida. También obtuvimos información de la actividad física a través de cuestionarios. Resultados Hubo una mayor prevalencia relacionada con trastornos mentales (54.2% contra 32.5%), dificultades relacionadas con la salud mental (79.6% contra 48.4%) y pensamientos suicidas (22.9% contra 11.4%) en niñas que en niños (p < .001 para todos). Los chicos practicaban más deportes de equipo (41.0 contra 23.8), mientras que las chicas hacían más ejercicio (45.1 contra 26.5; p < .001). Discusión y conclusión La práctica de deportes de equipo ayuda en el desarrollo del espíritu colectivo, estimula la interacción social, desarrolla el razonamiento y la inteligencia emocional. Los niños que practican deportes de equipo tienen menos síntomas de trastornos mentales comunes, menos problemas de salud mental y menos ideación suicida en comparación con los niños físicamente inactivos.

Salud ment ; 45(3): 125-133, May.-Jun. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1395096


Abstract Introduction The increase in sedentary screen time can negatively affect the quality of sleep, impacting the performance of daily activities. Objective To analyze the association between sedentary screen time and sleep quality, regardless of the symptoms of anxiety in adolescents of both genders. Method Cross-sectional study integrating school-based epidemiological research with a representative sample (n = 666) of high school students (14 to 19 years old) in public schools in the municipality of Caruaru-PE. The translated versions into Portuguese of the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HAD) were applied to analyze sleep quality and anxiety, respectively. Binary logistic regression was used to analyze the association, considering sleep quality as an outcome. Results There was a positive, statistically significant (p< .001) correlation between sleep quality and symptoms of anxiety (r = .393). A significant association regarding the association between screen time and sleep quality was noted only in those adolescents classified as being possible or probable anxiety cases and only in exposure to the computer (OR = 2.337; 95% CI [1.01, 5.43]) and video games (OR = 8.083; 95% CI [2.0, 32.8]) after adjusting for gender, age, and school shift. Discussion and conclusion Increased interaction with the screen and higher levels of anxiety can be more harmful to sleep in adolescents. Exposure to screen time, specifically those which have a greater interaction such as video games and computers, can have a negative impact on sleep quality, but only in adolescents with a higher risk of anxiety.

Resumen Introducción Un elevado tiempo de exposición de pantalla puede afectar tanto la calidad del sueño como las actividades diarias. Objetivo Analizar la asociación entre el tiempo de pantalla sedentario y la calidad del sueño, independientemente de los síntomas de ansiedad en adolescentes de ambos sexos. Método Estudio transversal que integra la investigación epidemiológica escolar con una muestra representativa (n = 666) de estudiantes (14 a 19 años) de escuelas públicas de Caruaru-PE. Las versiones traducidas al portugués del Índice de Calidad del Sueño de Pittsburgh (PSQI) y la Escala de Ansiedad y Depresión Hospitalaria (HAD) se aplicaron para analizar la calidad del sueño y la ansiedad. Se utilizó regresión logística binaria para analizar la asociación, considerando como resultado la calidad del sueño. Resultados Hubo una correlación positiva y estadísticamente significativa (p< .001) entre la calidad del sueño y los síntomas de ansiedad (r = .393). Una asociación significativa en cuanto a la asociación entre el tiempo de pantalla y la calidad del sueño se observó sólo en adolescentes clasificados como casos posibles o probables de ansiedad y sólo en la exposición al ordenador (OR = 2.337; IC 95% [1.01, 5.43]) y videojuegos (OR = 8.083; 95% IC [2.0, 32.8]) después de los ajustes. Discusión y conclusión Una mayor interacción con la pantalla y altos niveles de ansiedad pueden ser perjudiciales para el sueño. La exposición al tiempo de pantalla, específicamente aquellos con mayor interacción, como los videojuegos y las computadoras, puede afectar negativamente la calidad del sueño, pero sólo en adolescentes con mayor riesgo de ansiedad.

Rev. bras. ciênc. mov ; 29(3): [1-20], jul.-set. 2021. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1369140


Active play can contribute to the reduction of sedentary time and generate potential benefits for the performance of fundamental motor skills in children. Thus, the aim of this systematic review was to provide a synthesis of evidence on the contributions of active play to fundamental motor skills in children aged 2 to 5 years typically developed, as well as to verify the differences between the intervention protocols used in the studies. The studies were identified by searching the PubMed, Web of Science and Lilacs databases. Clinical trials available in English, conducted in typically developing children, were included, and studies with the theme of electronic games were excluded. Two independent researchers examined the studies and conducted data extraction. Eight articles were included in the systematic review; three identified that children who experienced interventions with free active play had better performance in handling and balance skills. Four studies identified that children who practiced guided active play had better performance in locomotion, manipulation and balance skills, one study found no significant difference. We concluded that the practice of active play, especially guided active play, positively contributes to the fundamental motor skills of children aged 3 to 5 years typically developed. (AU)

Brincadeiras ativas podem contribuir para redução do tempo sedentário e gerar potenciais benefícios para o desempenho das habilidades motoras fundamentais em crianças. Assim, o objetivo desta revisão sistemática foi fornecer uma síntese das evidências sobre as contribuições do brincar ativo para a habilidades motoras fundamentais em crianças de 2 a 5 anos tipicamente desenvolvidas, bem como verificar as diferenças entre os protocolos de intervenção utilizados nos estudos. Os estudos foram identificados por meio de busca nas bases de dados PubMed, Web of Science e Lilacs. Foram incluídos os ensaios clínicos disponíveis em inglês, realizados em crianças com desenvolvimento típico, e excluídos os estudos com a temática de jogos eletrônicos. Dois pesquisadores independentes examinaram os estudos e conduziram a extração de dados. Oito artigos foram incluídos na revisão sistemática; três identificaram que as crianças que vivenciaram intervenções com brincadeira ativa livre tiveram melhor desempenho nas habilidades de manuseio e equilíbrio. Quatro estudos identificaram que crianças que praticavam brincadeiras ativas orientadas tinham melhor desempenho nas habilidades de locomoção, manipulação e equilíbrio, um estudo não encontrou diferença significativa. Concluímos que a prática da brincadeira ativa, especialmente a orientada, contribui positivamente para o desempenho das habilidades motoras fundamentais de crianças de 3 a 5 anos tipicamente desenvolvidas. (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Pré-Escolar , Jogos e Brinquedos , Escolas Maternais , Criança , Destreza Motora , PubMed , Crescimento e Desenvolvimento , Comportamento Sedentário , LILACS , Revisão Sistemática , Locomoção