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Pathogens ; 12(11)2023 Nov 17.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38003829


The control of ticks through vaccination offers a sustainable alternative to the use of chemicals that cause contamination and the selection of resistant tick strains. However, only a limited number of anti-tick vaccines have reached commercial realization. In this sense, an antigen effective against different tick species is a desirable target for developing such vaccines. A peptide derived from the tick P0 protein (pP0) conjugated to a carrier protein has been demonstrated to be effective against the Rhipicephalus microplus, Rhipicephalus sanguineus, and Amblyomma mixtum tick species. The aim of this work was to assess the efficacy of this peptide when conjugated to the Bm86 protein against Dermacentor nitens and Ixodes ricinus ticks. An RNAi experiment using P0 dsRNA from I. ricinus showed a dramatic reduction in the feeding of injected female ticks on guinea pigs. In the follow-up vaccination experiments, rabbits were immunized with the pP0-Bm86 conjugate and challenged simultaneously with larvae, nymphs, and the adults of I. ricinus ticks. In the same way, horses were immunized with the pP0-Bm86 conjugate and challenged with D. nitens larva. The pP0-Bm86 conjugate showed efficacies of 63% and 55% against I. ricinus and D. nitens ticks, respectively. These results, combined with previous reports of efficacy for this conjugate, show the promising potential for its development as a broad-spectrum anti-tick vaccine.

Biology (Basel) ; 12(8)2023 Aug 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37626979


During 2022, intense heat waves, together with particularly extreme dry conditions, created a propitious scenario for wildfires, resulting in the area of vegetation consumed in Europe doubling. Mediterranean countries have been particularly affected, reaching 293,155 hectares in Spain, the worst data in the last 15 years. The effects on the vegetation and the soil are devastating, so knowing the recovery factors is essential for after-fire management. Resilient microorganisms play a fundamental role in rapid nutrient recycling, soil structure, and plant colonization in fire-affected soils. In this present work, we have studied emergent microbial communities in the case of the Los Guájares (Granada, Spain) fire, one of the most extensive of the year, to evaluate their role in the recovery of soil and vegetation cover. We aim to discern which are the main actors in order to formulate a new treatment that helps in the ecosystem recovery. Thus, we have found the relevant loss in phosphorous and potassium solubilizers, as well as siderophores or biofilm producers. Here, we decided to use the strains Pseudomonas koreensis AC, Peribacillus frigoritolerans CB, Pseudomonas fluorescens DC, Paenibacillus lautus C, Bacillus toyonensis CD, and Paenarthrobacter nitroguajacolicus AI as a consortium, as they showed most of the capacities required in a regenerative treatment. On the other hand, the microcosm test showed an enhanced pattern of germination of the emerging model plant, Bituminaria bituminosa, as well as a more aggregated structure for soil. This new approach can create a relevant approach in order to recover fire-affected soils in the future.

Nursing (Ed. bras., Impr.) ; 26(300): 9661-9678, ju.2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermagem | ID: biblio-1444535


Objetivo: Mapear a evidência científica relativa às dificuldades dos enfermeiros no cuidar espiritual da pessoa em situação paliativa. Método: Estudo do tipo Scoping Review, com base nas recomendações PRISMA-ScR e do protocolo definido pelo Joanna Briggs Institute. Pesquisa em 4 bases de dados: Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde (LILACS), National Library of Medicine (PUBMED), Cummulative Index to Nursing and Allied Heath Literature (CINAHL) e Web of Science e considerados estudos dos últimos 5 anos. Resultado: Amostra final de 10 estudos. Foram identificadas várias dificuldades dos enfermeiros no cuidar espiritual da pessoa em situação paliativa, dos quais destacamos: falta de formação; falta de tempo; falta de reconhecimento; falta de confiança; evitamento; referenciação tardia; espiritualidade dos enfermeiros pouco desenvolvida; crenças diferentes. Conclusão: Foram identificadas múltiplas dificuldades sentidas pelos enfermeiros no cuidar espiritual, as quais passam quer por défices na formação, quer por défices organizacionais, quer por défices pessoais. (AU)

Objective: To map the scientific evidence concerning the difficulties faced by nurses in the spiritual care of palliative care patients. Method: Scoping Review, based on PRISMA-ScR recommendations and the protocol defined by the Joanna Briggs Institute. Search in 4 databases: Latin American and Caribbean Literature on Health Sciences (LILACS), National Library of Medicine (PUBMED), Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Heath Literature (CINAHL) and Web of Science and considered studies from the last 5 years. Result: Final sample of 10 studies. Several difficulties were identified among the nurses in the spiritual care of palliative patients, namely: lack of training; lack of time; lack of recognition; lack of trust; avoidance; late referral; nurses' spirituality underdeveloped; different beliefs. Conclusion: We identified multiple difficulties experienced by nurses in spiritual care, either due to deficits in training, organizational deficits, or personal deficits.(AU)

Mapear la evidencia científica sobre las dificultades experimentadas por las enfermeras en la atención espiritual de pacientes en cuidados paliativos. Método: Scoping Review, basado en las recomendaciones PRISMA-ScR y en el protocolo definido por el Instituto Joanna Briggs. Búsqueda en 4 bases de datos: Latin American and Caribbean Literature on Health Sciences (LILACS), National Library of Medicine (PUBMED), Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Heath Literature (CINAHL) y Web of Science. Resultado: Muestra final de 10 estudios. Se identificaron varias dificultades entre las enfermeras en la atención espiritual de los pacientes paliativos, a saber: falta de formación; falta de tiempo; falta de reconocimiento; falta de confianza; evitación; derivación tardía; espiritualidad de las enfermeras poco desarrollada; creencias diferentes. Conclusión: Se identificaron múltiples dificultades experimentadas por las enfermeras en la atención espiritual, que pueden explicarse por déficits formativos, organizativos y personales.(AU)

Cuidados Paliativos , Assistência Terminal , Enfermagem , Espiritualidade , Empatia
Dent Traumatol ; 37(4): 583-588, 2021 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33599384


BACKGROUND/AIM: Due to the increase in incarceration rates, the prison community has attracted much concern in the recent past. Although people in prison are often socially disadvantaged and vulnerable to a range of health problems, there is a lack of information on the oral health conditions of prisoners. Thus, the aim of this study was to survey the oral problems of a sample of the male incarcerated population of Brazil, focusing on dental trauma. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The research was undertaken over a three-month period in 2017. It was a cross-sectional study of 756 prisoners of the Curado Prison Complex, located in Recife, PE. Using a previously calibrated examiner, dental trauma was measured with the Andreasen index. Etiology of dental trauma and socio-demographic data were collected with questions developed for this survey. Standard descriptive statistics were used to report frequency estimates. The chi-square test, Fisher's exact test, and Mann-Whitney U-test were used to compare groups. In addition, a binary logistic regression was performed to identify whether the studied variables could predict the occurrence of dental trauma. RESULTS: The prevalence of dental trauma in the sample was 10.8% and most of the cases (42.7%) occurred due to violent events. A higher frequency of violent etiology was observed in cases that occurred during imprisonment (p = 0.037). Individuals that suffered dental trauma during incarceration were more likely to have been incarcerated for longer periods of time (p = 0.043). The main type of injury found was enamel and dentin fracture without pulp exposure (68%). The most affected tooth was the upper right central incisor (40%). CONCLUSION: These results underline the high prevalence of dental trauma experienced by men in prison.

Prisioneiros , Prisões , Brasil/epidemiologia , Estudos Transversais , Humanos , Masculino , Prevalência
Rev. psicol. organ. trab ; 17(4): 269-278, out.-dez. 2017. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-903007


O empreendedorismo pode ser definido como a tentativa de criar um novo projeto, gerar o próprio emprego ou expandir um negócio já existente. Apesar de existirem diversas escalas de empreendedorismo, a maioria reporta-se à avaliação efetuada por empresas. O presente estudo visa testar as propriedades psicométricas da escala Oportunidades e Recursos para Empreender em estudantes do Ensino Superior, centrando-se nos fatores que influenciam o comportamento empreendedor. A escala foi administrada a 6532 estudantes do ensino politécnico. Foi realizada uma análise fatorial exploratória com metade da amostra dividida aleatoriamente, tendo emergido quatro fatores: F1-Disponibilidade de Recursos, F2-Estabilidade do Negócio, F3-Instabilidade Económica e Política e F4-Oportunidades de Negócio. Com a segunda amostra realizou-se uma análise fatorial confirmatória, tendo apresentado bons índices de ajustamento. O estudo sustentou a robustez psicométrica do instrumento em análise, demonstrando que os fatores do meio são percebidos pelos estudantes como importantes variáveis promotoras do empreendedorismo em Portugal.

Entrepreneurship can be defined as an attempt to launch new projects, create self-employment opportunities, or expand existing businesses. There are multiple entrepreneurship measurement scales; however, most of them are aimed at corporate evaluation. This study intends to analyze the psychometric properties of the Opportunities and Resources for Entrepreneurship scale in a sample of university students, focusing on factors that influence entrepreneurial behaviors. The sample consisted of 6,532 polytechnic university students. The sample was randomly divided into two equal-sized groups. An exploratory factor analysis was run using one subgroup, from which four factors emerged: F1-Resource Availability, F2-Business Stability, F3-Economic and Political Instability, and F4-Business Opportunities. A confirmatory factor analysis was then done using the other subgroup, which showed acceptable goodness-of-fit levels. This study demonstrated the psychometric robustness of the instrument under analysis, as well as that students perceive environmental factors as important variables that promote entrepreneurship in Portugal.

El emprendimiento empresarial puede definirse como el intento de crear un nuevo proyecto, generar empleo por cuenta propia o ampliar un negocio ya existente. Pese a que existen diversas escalas de emprendimiento empresarial, la mayoría se refiere a la evaluación efectuada por las empresas. El presente estudio tiene como objetivo probar las propiedades psicométricas de la escala Oportunidades y Recursos para emprender en estudiantes de la educación superior, focalizando en los factores que influyen en el comportamiento emprendedor. Se administró la escala a 6532 estudiantes de enseñanza superior politécnica. Se realizó un análisis factorial exploratorio, a partir del cual surgieron cuatro factores: F1-Disponibilidad de Recursos, F2-Estabilidad del Negocio, F3-Instabilidad Económica y Política, y F4-Oportunidades de Negocio. Con la segunda muestra se realizó un análisis factorial confirmatorio, el cual presentó buenos índices de ajuste. El estudio sostuvo la robustez psicométrica, y demostró que los estudiantes perciben las influencias ambientales como importantes variables que promueven el empredimiento empresarial en Portugal.

Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-549659


O objectivo deste estudo consistiu na análise da valorização percebida decompetências profissionais em função da experiência profissional e da formação académica de treinadores. A amostra foi constituída por 343 treinadores portugueses, oriundos de diferentes modalidades. A recolha dos dados foi garantida pela aplicação de um questionário após validação de construção e de conteúdo. Como procedimentos estatísticos, recorreu-se à análise factorial exploratória e à análise inferencial através do teste one-way ANOVA. Da análise das competências percebidas como importantes, resultaram 5 factores: planeamento; iderança e formação de treinadores; planeamento e orientação das competições; aspectospessoais; e orientação do treino. Apesar de todas terem sido consideradas, no mínimo, com importância razoável, as relacionadas com o contexto da competição destacaram-se comoas mais valorizadas. A experiência profissional e a formação académica apresentaram-se como factores diferenciadores da valorização atribuída às competências. Os treinadores com mais experiência concederam mais importância às competências relacionadas com o planeamento, à orientação do treino, à liderança e à formação de treinadores em relaçãoaos treinadores pouco experientes. Os treinadores com formação superior valorizaram mais as competências de planeamento, liderança e formação de treinadores, orientação do treino e competências pessoais do que os treinadores com o 2º grau completo.

The aim of this study was to analyze coaches? perception of professional competence as a function of experience and academic education. The sample consisted of 343 Portuguese coaches from different sport disciplines. A validated questionnaire was used to collect demographicdata and data regarding the perception of professional competence. Exploratory factorial analysis and comparative inferential analysis by one-way ANOVA were used as statistical procedures. The results highlighted the wide range of competences necessary for an efficient coach. The answers provided by the coaches revealed 5 factors: planning; leadership and coach education; competition planning and orientation; personal competence, and training orientation. Although all these factorswere at least classified as reasonably important, factors related to competition were considered to be the most important. Comparative analysis showed that professional experience and academiceducation had a different impact on the perceived importance of competence. More experienced coaches perceived competences related to planning, training orientation, and leadership and coacheducation to be more important than less experienced coaches. Coaches with higher education considered competences related to planning, leadership and coach education, training orientation and personal competence to be more important than undergraduate coaches.

Estud. psicol. (Campinas) ; 17(2): 18-30, maio-ago. 2000.
Artigo em Português | Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: psi-42011


O papel das imagens mentais e das representações visuo-espaciais na memória tem sido documentado desde o tempo da Grécia antiga. Contudo, só recentemente, através da investigação em psicologia cognitiva, as propriedades das representações visuo-espaciais e os mecanismos pelos quais elas medeiam o desempenho da memória foram elucidados. Uma das conclusões centrais da presente revisão é que as representações visuo-espaciais fornecem um formato muito variado e flexível de codificação da informação sobre o mundo em memória. Mais, essas representações são usadas para levar a cabo diversas actvidades cognitivas. A natureza da informação acedida a partir das imagens mentais de objectos difere da natureza da informação que é representada em memória para o reconhecimento de objectos individuais e da que é preservada nas representações das disposições espaciais do objectos. (AU)

Percepção Visual , Processos Mentais