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Arch. endocrinol. metab. (Online) ; 68: e230263, 2024. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1563731


ABSTRACT There is increasing interest in ultrasound-guided ablation treatments for thyroid diseases, including benign and malignant ones. Surgeons, radiologists, and endocrinologists carry out these treatments, and various organizations within these specialties have recently released multiple international consensus statements and clinical practice standards. The aim of the present consensus statement is to provide guidance, cohesion, and standardization of best practices for thermal ablation procedures of thyroid nodules. The statement includes the indications for these procedures, preprocedural evaluations, technical aspects of the procedures, posttreatment care, follow-up, complications, and training recommendations. This document was written by a panel of specialists from the Brazilian Society of Interventional Radiology and Endovascular Surgery (SOBRICE), the Brazilian Society of Head and Neck Surgery (SBCCP), and the Brazilian Society of Endocrinology and Metabolism (SBEM). The statement does not aim to provide criteria for assessing the capability of specialists to perform the procedure. Instead, it aims to promote the standardization of best practices to reduce potential adverse outcomes. Additionally, it strives to enhance the delivery of high-quality care and the widespread adoption of these technologies on a national level. The recommendations collectively serve as a guidebook for applying best practices in thyroid ablation.

Rev. bras. cir. cabeça pescoço ; 37(1): 37-43, jan.-mar. 2008. graf, ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-482641


Introdução: O espaço perineural é reconhecido como rota de propagação do carcinoma espinocelular (CEC) e, quando acometido, tem sido relacionado com pior prognóstico, maior recorrência e menor tempo de sobrevivência. Contudo, seu papel nos tumores precoces de cavidade oral ainda não está totalmente esclarecido. Objetivos: comparar a sobrevivência global e livre de doença entre pacientes com carcinoma espinocelular precoce de língua oral e soalho de boca com e sem invasão perineural; comparar a ocorrência de fatores clínicos e anátomo-patológicos entre os grupos; e descrever os casos de óbito para análise crítica da realização do tratamento radioterápico adjuvante. Métodos: Foi realizado estudo retrospectivo longitudinal de caso-controle, de 42 pacientes operados por CEC precoce (T1/T2 N0) de língua oral e soalho de boca, divididos em dois grupos: com invasão perineural (n=16) e sem invasão (n=26). Variáveis clínicas, anátomo-patológicas e de seguimento, incluindo realização de tratamento adjuvante foram comparadas. Resultados: No grupo com invasão perineural houve maior freqüência de homens (p=0,008), óbito relacionado (p=0,015), quantidade de cigarro consumida (p=0,042) e menor freqüência de não etilistas. As médias do maior diâmetro (p=0,046) e da espessura (p=0,002) do CEC primário foram maiores nesse grupo. Conclusões: Houve menor sobrevivência global no grupo de doentes com CEC precoce de língua oral e soalho com invasão perineural (p=0,019), apesar da maior freqüência de radioterapia adjuvante. Todos os óbitos relacionados ocorreram no grupo com invasão perineural, por recidiva local, sendo que, em dois casos, nenhuma outra característica de mau prognóstico foi observada. À análise multivariada, a presença de invasão perineural foi indicada como fator associado ao óbito correlacionado, de maneira não significante (p=0,275). Os resultados favorecem a indicação de tratamento radioterápico adjuvante.

Introduction: perineural space is known as a pathway for spreading of the squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). Its invasion has been associated with worse prognosis, greater rates of recurrence and lower survival rates. However, its impact on the initial oral cavity tumors is not well established. Objectives: to compare global survival and disease free survival between patients with initial SCC of tongue and floor of mouth, with and without perineural invasion; to compare clinical and pathological features between the two groups; and to describe the cases of death for a critical analysis of the use of adjuvant radiotherapy. Methods: retrospective longitudinal case-control study of 42 patients surgically treated for initial SCC (T1/T2 N0 ? UICC-2002) of oral tongue and floor of mouth. The patients were divided into two groups: with (n=16) and without (n=26) perineural invasion. Clinical and pathological features, as well as the follow-up and treatment information were compared. Results: the group with perineural invasion presented a higher frequency of male patients (p=0.008) and of tobacco use (p=0.042) and lower frequency of non users of alcohol. The mean of greater tumor diameter (p=0.046) and thickness (p=0,002) were higher in this group. Those patients also had higher disease specific death (p=0.015) and a lower survival (p=0.019), regardless of a higher frequency of adjuvant treatment with radiotherapy. All disease specific deaths occurred in this group and, in two of these cases, no other known features of worse prognosis were observed. At the multivariate analysis, the perineural invasion was related to disease-specific death in a non significant manner (p=0.275). Conclusion: These results point out the perineural invasion as a feature of worse prognosis, even in initial tumors and despite more aggressive treatment.