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Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-20187


ABSTRACT Mutant color alopecia is an ectodermical defection of color dilution, characterized by partial alopecia, dry, shine-less hair, and peeling and papule. Melanization damages also occur on the cortical structure of the affected hair. The animals affected have big melanin grains with irregular shape on the basal keratinocytes, also on the hair matrix cells and rod. Therefore, there is not a specific treatment that makes any difference on the syndrome evolution. Although in some animals, it is possible to use weekly showers with benzyl peroxide to reduce seborrhea formation and secondary infections. There is evidence that the condition in dogs is caused by a single nucleotide polymorphism in the gene encoding the melanophilin protein. In the present study the identification of the SNP c.-22G>A in the melanophilin gene of a Dachshund breed dog with clinical and histopathologic evidence of color dilution alopecia is reported.

RESUMO Alopecia por diluição da cor é um defeito ectodérmico caracterizado por alopecia parcial, pelagem seca e sem brilho, escamação e pápulas em áreas com defeitos na melanização e na estrutura cortical dos pelos. Os animais acometidos têm grânulos de melanina grandes e com formato irregular nos ceratinócitos basais, nas células da matriz dos pelos e nas hastes pilosas. Não existe tratamento específico que altere a evolução da síndrome, mas, em alguns animais, podem ser benéficos banhos semanais com xampu de peróxido de benzoíla, para reduzir a formação de seborreia e infecções secundárias. Há evidências de que a condição em cães é causada por uma mutação de ponto no gene que codifica a proteína melanophilina. No presente estudo, é relatada a identificação da mutação SNP c.-22G>A no gene da melanophilina em um cão da raça Dachshund com evidências clínicas e histopatológicas de alopecia por diluição da cor.

Cad Saude Publica ; 13(2): 237-244, 1997 Apr.
Artigo em Português | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-10886853


The objective of this survey was to determine the prevalence of anemia and potential determinants thereof in 754 children from urban areas of seven small towns in the semi-arid region of Bahia. Hemoglobin was measured in 745 children 1 to 72 months of age. For the 6-to-72 month-old group, hemoglobin < 11.0 g/dl was considered anemia (following WHO recommendations) whereas <9.5 g/dl was considered severe anemia. The same cutoffs were used for children under 6 months, which are the same ones used in clinical-hematology. A mean hemoglobin of 12.1 g/dl was found, distributed differently according to age groups (p=0.001). The study found prevalences of 22.2 % for anemia and 5.8% for severe anemia, respectively. Occurrence of anemia varied significantly with age (p=0.001); the highest prevalence was 50.0% in children 12 to 23 months of age, followed by 29.9% in children below 12 months. The association of anemia with mother's education (controlled for age) and per capita family income was not statistically significant.