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Rev. colomb. cienc. pecu ; 33(2): 96-109, Apr.-June 2020. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1289287


Abstract Background: Carcass and sheep meat quality are influenced by several factors, such as race, age, slaughter weight, type of diet, and dietary supplementation. Objective: To evaluate the effect of castration and vitamin E supplementation on performance, carcass characteristics and meat of lambs slaughtered at 45 kg. Methods: Thirty-two male lambs (16 castrated and 16 not castrated) were fed diets with or without the inclusion of vitamin E. The animals had an average age of 180 ± 20 days and a mean weight of 25.1 ± 4.6 kg. Performance was evaluated for 56 days, and the animals were slaughtered when reaching a weight of 45 kg. The experimental design was randomized blocks based on initial weights, and variables were assessed by a 2x2 factorial design (castrated and intact, supplemented or not with vitamin E, with a probability of 5%). Results: Higher proportion (p<0.05) of visceral fat was found in castrated animals (kidney: 2.45%, inguinal: 0.57% and omental: 4.96%) than in intact animals (kidney: 1.25%, inguinal 0.27%. and omental 3.12%). The aged meat samples showed no color differences for any of the treatments, but there were differences in shear force for steaks aged for 7 days, where the castrated animals showed an average of 2.64 kgf and intact animals showed an average 3.29 kgf. The animals supplemented with vitamin E had lower shear forces in non-aged samples. Conclusion: Castration increased deposition of visceral and fat coverage but did not influence the cut yields and total carcass yield. The animals supplemented with vitamin E had lower shear forces in non-aged samples.

Resumen Antecedentes: La calidad de la canal y de la carne de ovino puede ser influenciada por varios factores, como raza, edad, peso de sacrificio, tipo de dieta y suplementación. Objetivo: Evaluar el efecto de la castración y de la suplementación con vitamina E sobre el desempeño, la calidad de la canal y la carne de corderos Santa Inés sacrificados a los 45 kg de peso. Métodos: Fueron utilizados treinta y dos corderos: dieciséis castrados y dieciséis no castrados, alimentados con dietas con o sin inclusión de vitamina E. Los animales tenían una edad promedio de 180 ± 20 días y un peso promedio de 25,1 ± 4,6 kg. Fue evaluado el desempeño durante 56 días y, al llegar a los 45 kg de peso fueron sacrificados. El diseño experimental fue en bloques aleatorizados con base en el peso inicial, y las variables analizadas mediante un modelo factorial 2x2 (castrado o no castrado y suplementado o no con vitamina E, con una probabilidad del 5%). Resultado: Se encontró mayor proporción (p<0,05) de grasa visceral en los animales castrados (renal: 2,45%; inguinal: 0,57% y mesentérica: 4,96%) que en los no castrados (renal: 1,25%; inguinal 0,27% y mesentérica: 3,12%). Las muestras de carne maduradas no presentaron diferencias de color entre tratamientos, sin embargo hubo diferencias en la fuerza de corte para las carnes maduradas por 7 días, donde los animales castrados presentaron una media de 2,64 kgf y los no castrados de 3,29 kgf. La carne de los animales suplementados con vitamina E tuvo menor fuerza de corte en las muestras no maduradas. Conclusión: La castración aumentó la deposición de grasa visceral y de cobertura pero no influenció las características de rendimiento total de la canal y cortes. Los animales suplementados con vitamina E tuvieron menor fuerza de corte en las muestras no maduradas.

Resumo Antecedentes: A qualidade da carcaça e da carne ovina pode ser influenciada por vários fatores como raça, idade, peso de abate tipo de dieta e suplementação. Objetivo: Avaliar o efeito da castração e da suplementação de vitamina E sobre o desempenho e qualidade de carcaça e carne de cordeiros Santa Inês abatidos a 45 kg de peso. Métodos: Foram utilizados trinta e dois cordeiros, dezesseis castrados e dezesseis não castrados alimentados com dietas com ou sem inclusão de vitamina E. Os animais tinham idade média de 180 ± 20 dias e peso médio de 25,1 ± 4,6 kg. Foi avaliado o desempenho durante 56 dias, e ao chegarem aos 45 kg foi realizado o abate. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos ao acaso, com base no peso inicial, e as variáveis analisadas por modelo fatorial 2x2 (castrado ou não castrado e suplementado ou não com vitamina E, ao nível de 5%). Resultado: Foi encontrada maior proporção (p<0,05) das gorduras viscerais nos animais castrados (renal: 2,45%; inguinal: 0,57% e omental: 4,96%) do que nos animais não castrados (renal: 1,25%; inguinal 0,27% e omental: 3,12%). As amostras maturadas não apresentaram diferenças de cor entre os tratamentos, no entanto houve diferenças na força de cisalhamento para as carnes maturadas por 7 dias, na qual os animais castrados apresentaram média de 2,64 kgf e os não castrados de 3,29 kgf. Os animais suplementados com vitamina E apresentaram menores forças de cisalhamento nas amostras não maturadas. Conclusão: A castração aumentou a deposição de gorduras viscerais e de cobertura, mas não influenciou as características de rendimento de carcaça e cortes. Os animais suplementados com vitamina E tiveram menor força de cisalhamento nas amostras não maturadas.

Sci. agric ; 75(4)2018.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1497717


ABSTRACT: The use of lambs from crossing of local with specialized sheep breeds for meat production may lead to higher meat deposition and a smaller fat amount in the carcass, with a more adequate nutritional profile for human consumption. This study investigated the performance, carcass and meat characteristics of lambs from the Morada Nova and Santa Inês locally adapted hair breeds and crosses between Dorper × Morada Nova and Dorper × Santa Inês slaughtered at approximately 35 kg. Morada Nova lambs showed lower (p 0.05) performance compared to the other genetic groups resulting in a higher age at slaughter (p 0.05). Crossbred Dorper × Santa Inês and Dorper × Morada Nova lambs showed better characteristics for meat production with better (p 0.05) conformation as well as leg and carcass compacteness index. Dorper × Santa Inês have a fatty acid profile that is more suitable for human consumption than Dorper × Morada Nova lambs do (p 0.05); however, both had lower (p 0.05) intramuscular lipid content (as measured by ether extract levels from Longíssimus lumborum) compared with purebred lambs. Therefore, when the objective is to obtain lean meat, with improved nutritional profile to reduce risks of cardiovascular disease, the use of breeds and crosses that reduce animal slaughter age, such as the ½ Dorper × ½ Santa Inês crossbred, is an interesting alternative.

Sci. agric. ; 75(4)2018.
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-17982


ABSTRACT: The use of lambs from crossing of local with specialized sheep breeds for meat production may lead to higher meat deposition and a smaller fat amount in the carcass, with a more adequate nutritional profile for human consumption. This study investigated the performance, carcass and meat characteristics of lambs from the Morada Nova and Santa Inês locally adapted hair breeds and crosses between Dorper × Morada Nova and Dorper × Santa Inês slaughtered at approximately 35 kg. Morada Nova lambs showed lower (p 0.05) performance compared to the other genetic groups resulting in a higher age at slaughter (p 0.05). Crossbred Dorper × Santa Inês and Dorper × Morada Nova lambs showed better characteristics for meat production with better (p 0.05) conformation as well as leg and carcass compacteness index. Dorper × Santa Inês have a fatty acid profile that is more suitable for human consumption than Dorper × Morada Nova lambs do (p 0.05); however, both had lower (p 0.05) intramuscular lipid content (as measured by ether extract levels from Longíssimus lumborum) compared with purebred lambs. Therefore, when the objective is to obtain lean meat, with improved nutritional profile to reduce risks of cardiovascular disease, the use of breeds and crosses that reduce animal slaughter age, such as the ½ Dorper × ½ Santa Inês crossbred, is an interesting alternative.

B. Indústr. Anim. ; 71: 63-63, 2014.
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-468061


The aim of this work was to evaluate the aromatic compounds Anethole and Carvone and its synergic anthelmintic interactions against sheep gastrointestinal nematode Haemonchus contortus multi resistant strain. Anthelmintic resistance has been a hindrance in animal production causing economic losses and consequence of the repetitive use of those ineffective chemicals it is usual to found contamination on meat, milk and environment. New sources of anthelmintic compounds have been investigated. Plant extracts and natural compounds have demonstrated themselves as promising candidates. Eggs were collected from feces of sheep infected with H.contortus. A hundred eggs were exposed to solutions of Anethole and Carvone and half and half Anethole and Carvone diluted in water and solvent Tween 80 in concentrations ranging from 2.08 mg/mL to 0.007mg/mL (decreasing three fold concentrations) with six replicates using a 24 well plate to perform tests. Eggs were incubated for 24 h at 27C and the count of eggs hatched was done using an inverted microscope. Data were analyzed by SAS Probit to estimate LC50 with independent variables (dose) transformed by natural logarithm (log dose). The LC50 (fiducial limits) in mg/mL of Anethole was 0.070 (0.068-0.076), Carvone was 0.085 (0.081-0.088) and the synergic interaction of Anethole+ Carvone was 0.013 (0.012-0.014), according to Table 1. Gas chromato

O artigo não apresenta resumo em português.

B. Indústr. Anim. ; 71: 66-66, 2014.
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-467603


The main factors that contribute to the quality of the meat are texture, flavor, color, appearance and odor. The texture varies depending on the size of the fiber bundles, which is not only determined by the number of fibers, but also by the diameter. The diameter of sheep meat muscle fibers is lower than that of swine and bovines, which tends to increase subtly, and according to the age, this gives a characteristic of greater resistance to the meat. The differences in meat tenderness can also vary depending on the genetic and biochemical composition, especially related to fat ratio, or types of fibers in the muscle. The texture can be determined by sensory and instrumental methods, especially in Warner-Bratzler, which 36% of the variance of the texture can be perceived by consumers. This is an important quality parameter to be considered before marketing these meats. The aim of this study was to evaluate the shear force meat of castrated Santa Inês-bred lambs. Thirty two Santa Inês-bred lambs, with a mean age of 9 months, were divided into 2 groups: C (castrated) and NC (non-castrated). The animals of Group C were castrated after weaning, by the surgical method of removing the testicles. At 45 kg live weight, the animals were slaughtered, and separated into loin cuts (Longisimus dorsi). The topside, formed by 9 muscles on the back side, was cut for analysis. Twenty samples of

O artigo não apresenta resumo em português.

B. Indústr. Anim. ; 71: 49-49, 2014.
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-467082


Native sheep breeds have satisfactory reproductive activity throughout the year, but nutritional and climatic factors such as high temperature during the dry period can affect the semen quality, causing a decrease in sperm motility and an increase in the percentage of morphologically abnormal sperm. To protect itself against the deleterious effect of high temperature, the testicle has a complex mechanism of thermoregulation sites. The scrotal skin has an important function in the maintenance of testicular temperature, since it is thin, poor in subcutaneous fat, relatively hairless and has a well-developed blood and lymphatic system, facilitating thermal loss by radiation and evaporation. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of scrotal temperature on sperm quality in Morada Nova sheep. Temperature was measured with a laser thermometer and three classes of average testicular temperature were established: class 1 = 28ºC to 31ºC, class 2 = 31.01ºC to 33ºC and class 3 = >33ºC. The ejaculate of each animal was collected using an artificial vagina for further evaluation of volume, aspect, whirling, motility and sperm vigor. Then the sperm concentration and morphology were determined by examination of moist slides. Means were compared by the t-test and chi-square test using the SAS software (SAS Inst., Inc., Cary, NC). There was no difference (P>0.05) for whirling (3.42±1.08%)

O artigo não possui resumo em português.

B. Indústr. Anim. ; 71: 44-44, 2014.
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-467064


Color is the first factor that consumers consider when it comes to meat quality, linking it to freshness. The most common function of vitamin E (tocopherol -), is its ability to act as an antioxidant in biological systems. The free radicals are neutralized by -tocopherol before lipid oxidation is propagated between the cellular and subcellular membranes of highly unsaturated fatty acids. The antioxidants in meat have the function to delay the onset of oxidation phenomena, retaining the sensory characteristics. They are added to the foods to preserve their color characteristics, avoiding the appearance of anomalous odors. The aim of this study was to evaluate the color of the meat of Santa Inês-bred lambs, supplemented with Vitamin E. Thirty two Santa Inês-bred lambs were divided into 2 groups: S (supplementation with Vitamin E) and NS (not supplemented with Vitamin E). The animals were fed an isoproteic diet formulated to meet the requirement of 250-300 g/day. The S group was fed a diet containing 350 mg/kg ppm of Vitamin E per day, added to the concentrate. After the slaughtering, the muscle Longissimus dorsi was separated for the evaluation of the color with the aid of a colorimeter (Minolta) in the CIELAB system, which assessed the parameters: L (brightness), a (red content) and b (level of yellow). The values L, a, and b were obtained in three separate surface points in t

O artigo não apresenta resumo em português.

Bol. ind. anim. (Impr.) ; 71: 44-44, 2014.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1466586


Color is the first factor that consumers consider when it comes to meat quality, linking it to freshness. The most common function of vitamin E (tocopherol -), is its ability to act as an antioxidant in biological systems. The free radicals are neutralized by -tocopherol before lipid oxidation is propagated between the cellular and subcellular membranes of highly unsaturated fatty acids. The antioxidants in meat have the function to delay the onset of oxidation phenomena, retaining the sensory characteristics. They are added to the foods to preserve their color characteristics, avoiding the appearance of anomalous odors. The aim of this study was to evaluate the color of the meat of Santa Inês-bred lambs, supplemented with Vitamin E. Thirty two Santa Inês-bred lambs were divided into 2 groups: S (supplementation with Vitamin E) and NS (not supplemented with Vitamin E). The animals were fed an isoproteic diet formulated to meet the requirement of 250-300 g/day. The S group was fed a diet containing 350 mg/kg ppm of Vitamin E per day, added to the concentrate. After the slaughtering, the muscle Longissimus dorsi was separated for the evaluation of the color with the aid of a colorimeter (Minolta) in the CIELAB system, which assessed the parameters: L (brightness), a (red content) and b (level of yellow). The values L, a, and b were obtained in three separate surface points in t

O artigo não apresenta resumo em português.

Bol. ind. anim. (Impr.) ; 71: 49-49, 2014.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1466587


Native sheep breeds have satisfactory reproductive activity throughout the year, but nutritional and climatic factors such as high temperature during the dry period can affect the semen quality, causing a decrease in sperm motility and an increase in the percentage of morphologically abnormal sperm. To protect itself against the deleterious effect of high temperature, the testicle has a complex mechanism of thermoregulation sites. The scrotal skin has an important function in the maintenance of testicular temperature, since it is thin, poor in subcutaneous fat, relatively hairless and has a well-developed blood and lymphatic system, facilitating thermal loss by radiation and evaporation. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of scrotal temperature on sperm quality in Morada Nova sheep. Temperature was measured with a laser thermometer and three classes of average testicular temperature were established: class 1 = 28ºC to 31ºC, class 2 = 31.01ºC to 33ºC and class 3 = >33ºC. The ejaculate of each animal was collected using an artificial vagina for further evaluation of volume, aspect, whirling, motility and sperm vigor. Then the sperm concentration and morphology were determined by examination of moist slides. Means were compared by the t-test and chi-square test using the SAS software (SAS Inst., Inc., Cary, NC). There was no difference (P>0.05) for whirling (3.42±1.08%)

O artigo não possui resumo em português.

Bol. ind. anim. (Impr.) ; 71: 66-66, 2014.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1466619


The main factors that contribute to the quality of the meat are texture, flavor, color, appearance and odor. The texture varies depending on the size of the fiber bundles, which is not only determined by the number of fibers, but also by the diameter. The diameter of sheep meat muscle fibers is lower than that of swine and bovines, which tends to increase subtly, and according to the age, this gives a characteristic of greater resistance to the meat. The differences in meat tenderness can also vary depending on the genetic and biochemical composition, especially related to fat ratio, or types of fibers in the muscle. The texture can be determined by sensory and instrumental methods, especially in Warner-Bratzler, which 36% of the variance of the texture can be perceived by consumers. This is an important quality parameter to be considered before marketing these meats. The aim of this study was to evaluate the shear force meat of castrated Santa Inês-bred lambs. Thirty two Santa Inês-bred lambs, with a mean age of 9 months, were divided into 2 groups: C (castrated) and NC (non-castrated). The animals of Group C were castrated after weaning, by the surgical method of removing the testicles. At 45 kg live weight, the animals were slaughtered, and separated into loin cuts (Longisimus dorsi). The topside, formed by 9 muscles on the back side, was cut for analysis. Twenty samples of

O artigo não apresenta resumo em português.