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PLoS One ; 19(5): e0302465, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38776357


We present the results of the excavations and analyses of the diverse and exceptional archaeological assemblage of Taguatagua 3, a new late Pleistocene site located in the ancient Tagua Tagua lake in Central Chile (34°S). The anthropogenic context is constrained in a coherently dated stratigraphic deposit which adds new information about the mobility, subsistence strategies, and settlement of the early hunter-gatherers of southern South America. The age model constructed, as well as radiocarbon dates obtained directly from a combustion structure, indicate that the human occupation occurred over a brief time span around 12,440-12,550 cal yr BP. Considering taphonomic, geoarchaeological, lithic, archaeobotanical, and zooarchaeological evidence, as well as the spatial distribution combined with ethnographic data, we interpret Taguatagua 3 as a logistic and temporary camp associated mainly with gomphothere hunting and butchering. Nevertheless, several other activities were carried out here as well, such as hide and/or bone preparation, small vertebrate and plant processing and consumption, and red ochre grinding. Botanical and eggshell remains suggest that the anthropic occupation occurred during the dry season. Considering the contemporaneous sites recorded in the basin, we conclude that the ancient Tagua Tagua lake was a key location along the region's early hunter-gatherer mobility circuits. In this context, it acted as a recurrent hunting/scavenging place during the Late Pleistocene due to its abundant, diverse, and predictable resources.

Arqueologia , Ecossistema , Chile , Humanos , Fósseis , Lagos , Animais , História Antiga
Sci Adv ; 10(7): eadk4415, 2024 Feb 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38354242


The timing for the evolution of the capacity to inscribe the landscape with rock art has global relevance. While this was an in-built capacity when Homo sapiens first colonized the Americas, the heterogeneous distribution of rock art shows that it was a facultative behavior arising under unknown socioecological conditions. Patagonia was the last region to be explored by humans. While its rock art is globally important, it remains largely undated by absolute methods. We report the earliest set of directly radiocarbon-dated rock art motifs from the archaeological site Cueva Huenul 1 (northwestern Patagonia, Argentina), starting at 8.2 thousand years before the present (ka B.P.), predating previous records by several millennia, and encompassing over 3 ka (~130 human generations). This mid-Holocene "rock art emergence" phase overlaps with extremely arid conditions and a human demographic stasis. We suggest that this diachronic rock art emerged as part of a resilient response to ecological stress by highly mobile and low-density populations.

Resiliência Psicológica , Humanos , Clima , Arqueologia
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565423


Introducción: Las alteraciones del sueño son prevalentes en la población. La pandemia por SARSCoV-2 y la implementación de medidas de confinamiento para combatir su propagación podrían favorecer el desarrollo de trastornos del sueño o empeorar los preexistentes. Objetivo: Evaluar la calidad de sueño y somnolencia diurna durante la pandemia en la región de Coquimbo, Chile mediante la aplicación de encuesta validada. Metodología: Estudio observacional, descriptivo y transversal de carácter analítico. Tamaño muestral de 1.074 participantes. Intervalo de confianza 95%, margen de error 3%. Recopilación a través de un cuestionario online que incluye el Índice de Pittsburgh (PSQI), y Escala de Epworth (ESEp), ambos autoaplicables y validados al español. Análisis con programa SPSS-26. Aprobado por Comité de Ética. Resultados: 80,1% presentó alteraciones en calidad de sueño (PSQI), y 50,2% tuvo algún grado de somnolencia diurna según ESEp. Las mujeres presentaron peor calidad de sueño y mayor somnolencia diurna que los hombres con una diferencia estadísticamente significativa. Discusión/conclusión: El sueño es una función de gran relevancia para los seres vivos y sus alteraciones pueden ocasionar consecuencias importantes para la salud, lo cual preocupa en un sistema sanitario ya sobrecargado, más aún en pandemia, por lo que resulta importante incentivar la toma de medidas como una buena higiene del sueño para mejorar la calidad de vida de la población.

Background: Sleep disorders are prevalent in the general population. The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic and the implementation of sanitary measures to combat its spread, could worst sleep disorders or worsen preexisting ones. Objective: Evaluate the quality of sleep and daytime sleepiness during the pandemic in the Coquimbo region, Chile through the application of a validated sleep survey. Methodology: Observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study. Sample size of 1,074 participants. Confidence interval 95%, error range 3%. The survey was performed through an online questionnaire, that includes the Pittsburgh Index (PSQI) and the Epworth Scale (ESEp), both self-applied and validated in Spanish. Analysis with SPSS-26 program. Approved by the Ethics Committee. Results: 80.1% presented alterations in sleep quality (PSQI), and 50.2% had daytime sleepiness according to ESSep. The women presented worse quality of sleep and more daytime sleepiness than the men, with a statistically significant difference. Discussion/conclusion: Sleep is a important function for humans and other beings, and its alterations can cause important consequences for health. It is an important factor for the already overloaded health system, even more so in a pandemic. It is important to taking of measures such as good sleep hygiene to improve the quality of life of the population.

Rev. chil. infectol ; 40(5): 505-513, oct. 2023. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521859


INTRODUCCIÓN: La hidatidosis es una zoonosis cuyo control más eficiente y eficaz es la promoción en salud, especialmente en la población infante-juvenil. OBJETIVO: Medir el impacto de un programa de intervención educativa sobre hidatidosis en escolares del norte de Chile. MÉTODO: Estudio intervencional educativo con fases pre y post test en 3.145 estudiantes de educación preescolar, primaria y secundaria de tres comunas. Se definieron dimensiones, unidades educativas y sistemas de evaluación incorporados en las bases curriculares. Se calculó el puntaje de logro de respuestas correctas utilizando la prueba t. Se estimó el tamaño del efecto mediante d de Cohen y análisis de varianza mixto. RESULTADOS: Se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en la muestra total y en las variables género, comuna, procedencia rural-urbana y nivel de educación. Los puntajes post intervención fueron mayores y con tamaños de efecto grandes a excepción de los primeros niveles de educación. Se hallaron puntajes mayores post test y efectos de interacción con diferencias significativas en rural-urbano y en comuna anteriormente intervenida. La dimensión mejor evaluada fue "medidas de autocuidado" y la más baja "tenencia responsable de perros". CONCLUSIONES: El programa educativo fue efectivo al ser dirigido a grupos etarios, mediante métodos pedagógicos en las bases curriculares de los establecimientos educacionales.

BACKGROUND: Hydatidosis is a zoonosis whose most efficient and effective control is health promotion, especially in children and youth. AIM: To measure the impact of an educational intervention program on hydatidosis in schoolchildren in northern Chile. METHOD: Educational interventional study was performed with pre-post test phases in 3,145 students of preschool, primary and secondary education from three districts. Dimensions, educational units and evaluation systems were defined and incorporated into the curricular bases. The correct answer achievement score was calculated using the T-test. Effect size was estimated using Cohen's d and mixed analysis of variance. RESULTS: Statistically significant differences were found in the total sample and in variables such as gender, district, rural-urban origin and level of education. Post-intervention scores were higher than pre-intervention and with large effect sizes, except for the first levels of education. Higher post-test scores and interaction effects were found with significant differences in rural-urban and in a previously intervened district. The best evaluated dimension was "self-care measures" and the lowest was "responsibly keeping dogs". CONCLUSIONS: The educational program was effective when directed to age groups, through pedagogical methods in the curricular bases of educational facilities.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Pré-Escolar , Criança , Adolescente , Adulto Jovem , Educação em Saúde , Equinococose/prevenção & controle , Chile , Estudos Prospectivos , Avaliação Educacional/métodos , Doenças Negligenciadas/prevenção & controle
Microorganisms ; 11(7)2023 Jul 18.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37513006


Disseminated fusariosis is treated with amphotericin B and voriconazole. To determine adequate therapy, the minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) is used. However, MIC analysis is based on visual observation and requires a long period of fungal incubation. The measure of the minimal profile change concentration (MPCC) using MALDI-TOF MS is a quick spectral method that has presented good results in determining the antimicrobial resistance of yeasts. However, there is a lack of information on filamentous fungi. In the present work, 13 Fusarium spp. clinical isolates and two reference strains were used. MIC was obtained according to the M38-A2 protocol of the Clinical Laboratory Standards Institute, while MPPC was obtained following the initial steps of the M38-A2 protocol. Both Biotyper and the Rstudio environment were used to analyze mass spectra. For some fungal strains, the data obtained from the software MALDI Biotyper Compass 4.1 led to fuzzy heatmaps resulting in difficult interpretation, while heatmaps obtained using Rstudio tools generated better MPCC resolutions. Herein, 86.6% of the AMB MPCC values were highly correlated with the gold-standard AMB MIC. MALDI-TOF MS is a prominent tool used to determine MPCCs quicker, cost-effectively, and more accurately for Fusarium spp. strains. However, better statistical analyses could help measure the technique's limit detection.

Microorganisms ; 10(12)2022 Nov 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36557640


Opportunistic pathogenic fungi arise in agricultural crops as well as in surrounding human daily life. The recent increase in antifungal-resistant strains has created the need for new effective antifungals, particularly those based on plant secondary metabolites, such as capsaicinoids and capsinoids produced by Capsicum species. The use of such natural compounds is well-aligned with the One Health approach, which tries to find an equilibrium among people, animals, and the environment. Considering this, the main objective of the present work is to review the antifungal potential of capsaicinoids and capsinoids, and to evaluate the environmental and health impacts of biofungicides based on these compounds. Overall, capsaicinoids and their analogues can be used to control pathogenic fungi growth in plant crops, as eco-friendly alternatives to pest management, and assist in the conservation and long-term storage of agrifood products. Their application in different stages of the agricultural and food production chains improves food safety, nutritional value, and overcomes antimicrobial resistance, with a lower associated risk to humans, animals, and the environment than that of synthetic fungicides and pesticides. Nevertheless, research on the effect of these compounds on bee-like beneficial insects and the development of new preservatives and packaging materials is still necessary.

J Fungi (Basel) ; 8(9)2022 Sep 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36135686


Penicillium digitatum is one of the most important phytopathogens. It causes deterioration and rotting of citrus fruits, generating significant economic losses worldwide. As a human pathogen, it is extremely rare. We present a case of pulmonary co-infection in a patient diagnosed with pneumonia due to SARS-CoV-2. A 20-year-old female patient, primigravid, 36 weeks of gestation, without comorbidities, and diagnosed with severe pneumonia due to the SARS-CoV-2, showed rapid lung deterioration for which their pregnancy was interrupted by surgery. The patient was hospitalized in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU), connected to mechanical ventilation and receiving corticosteroids and antibiotics. The diagnosis of pulmonary fungal infection was made through bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) culture, and the species identification was performed by sequencing of ß-tubulin. Phylogenetic analysis with related species was performed for the confirmation of species identification. Antifungal susceptibility tests were performed for itraconazole (4 µg/mL), voriconazole (2 µg/mL), and amphotericin B (2 µg/mL). The patient was successfully treated with itraconazole. This is the second worldwide report of pulmonary infection by P. digitatum and the first in Chile. Although it is a fungus that rarely infects humans, it could represent an emerging opportunistic fungal pathogen, with associated risk factors that should be considered in the differential diagnosis of Penicillium species isolated from infections in humans.

PLoS One ; 15(1): e0226244, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31940369


Pachacamac is the name of the 15th-16th century Inca sanctuary on the Peruvian coast as well as the name of one of the principal oracles of Inca divinities. This effigy would have been destroyed by Pizarro in 1533 during his visit to the great monumental complex, and as such the originality and antiquity of the wooden statue-the so-called Pachacamac Idol-have been the subject of much controversy and debate. We present here previously unpublished dates that confirm its manufacture during the Middle Horizon (AD 500-1000), as well as evidence of its original polychromy. Traces of colors were observed on its different sections with portable microscopy and analyses with two different X-Ray Fluorescence spectrometry techniques, leading to identification of yellow, white, and red mineral pigments, including the presence of cinnabar. Dated between the 8th and 9th centuries, the statue would have been worshipped for almost 700 years, from the time of its creation to the time of the Spanish conquest, when Pachacamac was a major place of pilgrimage. These data not only offer a new perspective on Pachacamac's emblematic sacred icon, but also on the colorful practices of the Pre-Hispanic Andes.

Arqueologia , Arte , Oceano Pacífico , Peru , Espectrometria por Raios X
Appl Spectrosc ; 70(10): 1759-1769, 2016 10 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27530128


Archeological ceramic paste material typically consists of a mix of a clay matrix and various millimeter and sub-millimeter sized mineral inclusions. Micro X-ray fluorescence (XRF) is a standard compositional classification tool and in this work we propose and demonstrate an improved fluorescence map processing protocol where the mineral inclusions are automatically separated from the clay matrix to allow independent statistical analysis of the two parts. Application of this protocol allowed us to enhance the discrimination between different ceramic shards compared with the standard procedure of working with only the spatially averaged elemental concentrations. Using the new protocol, we performed an initial compositional classification of a set of 83 ceramic shards from the western slopes of the south central Andean region in the Arica y Parinacota region (Chile). Comparing the classifications obtained using the new versus the old (average concentrations only) protocols, we found that some samples were erroneously classified with the old protocol. From an archaeological perspective, a broad and heterogeneous regional sample set was used in this experimental study due to the fact that this was the first such analysis to be performed on ceramics from this region. This allowed a general overview to be obtained, however further work on more specific sample sets will be necessary to extract concrete archaeological conclusions.