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Int. j. morphol ; 31(4): 1449-1454, Dec. 2013. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-702332


Karwinskia humboldtiana (Kh) es un arbusto venenoso responsable de numerosos casos de intoxicación accidental en humanos. En la literatura se ha descrito a la intoxicación crónica con Kh como uno polineuropatía sin describir si existen o no alteraciones en órganos distintos al SNC y SNP como lo es el riñón. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la morfología renal en un modelo de intoxicación crónica con Kh. Se utilizaron 32 ratas Wistar, se dividieron en cuatro grupos (n=8) en donde 5 ratas de cada grupo fueron intoxicadas y 3 fueron control no intoxicadas. A las ratas intoxicadas se les administraron por vía oral 3,5 g/kg del fruto seco y molido de Kh fraccionados en 5 dosis de 1,5; 0,5; 0,5; 0,5 y 0,5 g/kg los días 0, 3, 7, 10 y 14 respectivamente. Las ratas control solo recibieron agua. Cada grupo fue sacrificado a diferentes tiempos según la evolución de la parálisis. Se obtuvieron muestras de riñón, se procesaron hasta obtener bloques de parafina y resinas epóxicas, se obtuvieron cortes y se tiñeron y contrastaron para su observación al microscopio de luz y electrónico de transmisión (MET) respectivamente. A microscopia de luz identificamos congestión vascular, necrosis de los túbulos contorneados y fibrosis de la cápsula de renal, en la etapa de parálisis se realizo un conteo de los glomérulos afectados en las muestras tratadas con Kh, a MET además de los hallazgos previamente descritos se identificó la presencia de abundantes depósitos de matriz extracelular en la membrana basal de la cápsula renal y en la barrera de filtración de todos los grupos intoxicados, siendo más evidentes en el grupo de recuperación, lo que demuestra que la intoxicación crónica con Kh es una intoxicación sistémica y no exclusiva del SNC y SNP.

Karwinskia humboldtiana (Kh) is a poisonous shrub causing a number a accidental intoxications in humans. In previous studies, damage has been reported to Peripheral and Central Nervous System. Main intoxication sign is the presence of paralysis. However, no studies have been documented about damage to other organs like the kidney. The objective of this research is to evaluate kidney histology during chronic intoxication. Thirty two (32) Wistar rats were divided into 4 groups (n=8). For each group, 5 rats were intoxicated with Kh and 3 received water only as a control. Intoxicated rats received 3.5 g/Kg body weight of dry powder of Kh fruit, fractionated in 5 doses as follows 1.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 05 on days 0, 3, 7, 10 and 14 respectively. Control rats received water only. Each group was euthanized at different times during paralysis evolution. Samples of kidney were obtained and processed by routine technique until paraffin embedding for light microscopy studies, and in epoxy resins for transmission electron microscopy. Sections were obtained and stained with H&E, Masson's trichrome, and treated for PAS with diastase reaction to demonstrate basal membranes. At the light microscopic level we observed blood vessel congestion, tubular necrosis and fibrosis of renal capsule. Both at Light microscopy and electron microscopy, it was identified a thickening of the filtration barrier and of renal capsule, in all intoxicated animals, especially in the recovery group. These findings demonstrate that Kh causes a systemic intoxication and not only of the nervous system, as has been considered up to now.

Animais , Ratos , Karwinskia/toxicidade , Rim , Rim/patologia , Karwinskia , Microscopia Eletrônica de Transmissão , Plantas Tóxicas , Ratos Wistar
Int. j. morphol ; 31(2): 520-527, jun. 2013. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-687096


La línea celular TC-1 se ha utilizado en la evaluación de la inmunoterapia antitumoral. No existen reportes sobre el efecto de las células TC-1 en tejidos adyacentes cuando se implantan en ratones C57BL/6. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar la interacción entre las células TC-1 implantadas y las fibras musculares adyacentes. Se emplearon 8 ratones con células TC-1 implantadas y 3 ratones sin células. Se colectó el sitio del implante de las células tumorales a 10 días, las muestras se procesaron para microscopia de luz y electrónica de transmisión. Se realizaron tinciones con HyE y tricrómico de Masson, histoquímica con PAS, e inmunohistoquímica para identificar citoqueratinas, actina específica de músculo y metaloproteinasa de la matriz-9 (MMP-9). También se comparó el diámetro de las fibras musculares en ambos grupos de estudio. En el análisis histológico se observaron masas de células TC-1 que infiltran el tejido muscular y separan a las fibras entre sí. Las fibras musculares mostraron variaciones en la intensidad de la tinción y disminución de su diámetro. Se observaron masas de células tumorales TC-1 que invaden la fibra hacia el interior y logran atravesar la lámina externa y el sarcolema que las rodea. Se observó positividad a MMP-9 en el citoplasma de las células TC-1, y en el espacio entre las células tumorales y las fibras musculares. En el análisis ultraestructural se observó fragmentación y variaciones en el grosor de la lámina externa y vesículas subsarcolemales en el sitio en donde las células TC-1 invaden las fibras.Ahí, las células TC1 emiten proyecciones de membrana similares a pseudópodos....

TC-1 cells implanted in C57BL/6 mice are a model for evaluation of anti-tumor immunotherapy. To date there are no reports on the effect of implanted TC-1 cells upon neighboring striated muscle cells. The objective of this work was to evaluate the morphology of the interaction established among the implanted cells and the striated muscle cells. The study was carried out as follows: 8 adult C57BL/6 mice received 5x104 cells IP. As a control, 3 mice received no cells. 10 days after cells injection, no signs of tumor are present yet, and the site of cells injection was collected for morphological studies. Samples were processed for light and transmission electron microscopy. Histological sections were stained with H & E, Masson trichromic method, PAS histochemistry and immunohistochemistry for cytocheratins AE1/AE3, muscle specific actin and for matrix metalloproteinase-9. Cross section diameter of muscle sections was compared among experimental and control groups. The histological evaluation showed groups of tumor cells, infiltrating the spaces among muscle fibers. Muscle fibers showed variations in the cross section diameter as well as in the staining pattern. TC-1 cells were seen very close to muscle cells, invading the lamina externa and sarcolema to finally form groups of cells located within the sarcoplasm. This finding was demonstrated by the specific immunolabel for each kind of cell. Reactivity for metalloproteinase-9 was observed within the tumor cells and in the space mediating between the tumor cells and the muscle fiber. At the ultrastructural level, variations of the thickness of lamina externa were observed, as well as interruptions of this structure. Sarcolema also showed fragmentation, and close to these sites a number of subsarcolemmal vesicles were seen. In the vicinity of the muscle fiber, TC-1 cells formed membrane projections directed towards muscle membrane...

Animais , Músculo Esquelético/patologia , Neoplasias Experimentais/patologia , Linfócitos T Citotóxicos , Linhagem Celular Tumoral , Imuno-Histoquímica , Invasividade Neoplásica
Int. j. morphol ; 30(2): 572-578, jun. 2012. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-651832


La ingesta accidental de fruto de Karwinskia humboldtiana ocasiona una parálisis flácida, simétrica, progresiva y ascendente, similar al síndrome de Guillain-Barré. Evoluciona en el transcurso de 3 a 12 meses hasta su recuperación total, pero los casos graves terminan en la muerte por insuficiencia respiratoria. No existe un tratamiento específico. La lesión histopatológica descrita en nervio periférico de pacientes, y animales de experimentación corresponde a una desmielinización segmentaria acompañada de degeneración Walleriana. Una de las toxinas extraídas a partir de la semilla, la T-514, ocasiona un incremento de radicales libres in vitro. Los radicales libres se han relacionado con la desmielinización que se presenta en otros tipos de neuropatías como en la diabética. Ya que la lesión ultraestructural que se presenta en los modelos animales de diabetes es similar a la que se observa en la intoxicación experimental con fruto de K. humboldtiana, se decidió administrar un potente agente antioxidante, el ácido a-lipoico en un modelo de intoxicación crónica por fruto de K. humboldtiana. Sin embargo, no se observó mejoría sobre las manifestaciones clínicas evaluadas en los animales o sobre las lesiones histopatológicas presentes en el nervio periférico. Estos resultados sugieren que los radicales libres no son el mecanismo principal de lesión sobre el nervio periférico en la polineuropatía causada por K. humboldtiana.

The accidental ingestion of Karwinskia humboldtiana causes a flaccid, symmetrical, progressive and ascending paralysis, similar to Guillain-Barre syndrome. It evolves over the course of 3 to 12 months until full recovery, but severe cases end in death due to respiratory failure. There is no specific treatment. The histopathological lesions described in peripheral nerve of patients and in experimental animals, corresponds to segmental demyelination accompanied by Wallerian degeneration. One of the toxins extracted from the seed, T-514, causes an increase of free radicals in vitro. Free radicals have been associated to demyelination that occurs in other types of neuropathy such as diabetic neuropathy. Since the ultrastructural damage that occurs in animal models of diabetes is similar to that observed in experimental poisoning with the fruit of K. humboldtiana, we decided to administer a powerful antioxidant, a-lipoic acid, in a model of chronic poisoning due of K. humboldtiana. However, no improvement was observed on the clinical manifestations evaluated in animals or in the histopathological lesions in the peripheral nerve. These results suggest that free radicals are not the primary mechanism of injury on the peripheral nerve caused by K. humboldtiana.

Animais , Ratos , Ácido Tióctico/administração & dosagem , Karwinskia/toxicidade , Nervos Periféricos/patologia , Polineuropatias/tratamento farmacológico , Antioxidantes/administração & dosagem , Doenças Desmielinizantes/induzido quimicamente , Karwinskia/toxicidade , Intoxicação por Plantas , Plantas Tóxicas , Paralisia/induzido quimicamente , Polineuropatias/induzido quimicamente , Ratos Wistar
Int. j. morphol ; 30(1): 284-289, mar. 2012. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-638801


Peroxisomicine A1 (PA1), one of the toxins isolated from seeds of plants of the Karwinskia genus, whose targets organs are the liver, kidney, and lungs. There is a selective toxicity in vitro to cancer-cell lines derived from the lungs, liver, and colon, compared to normal cell lines. PA1 caused apoptosis in several cancer-cell lines in culture. In toxic doses to rodents, it causes extensive apoptosis in the liver, kidney, and lungs. In our study we were interested in evaluating, for the first time, the morphological effects of administration of PA1 to implanted TC-1 cells and in the target organs in vivo. The TC-1 cells were cultured and injected into the hind limb of C57BL-6 mice. The animals were divided into 3 groups; those treated with four doses of 1 mg/kg each of PA1, the untreated control, and the vehicle-control groups. All mice were killed 10 days after cell implantation. Samples were obtained from TC-1 cells at the implantation site and from the liver, kidney, and lungs. The samples were processed for examination under light and electron microscopy. In the PA1-treated group, the TC-1 cells had necrosis, whereas in the control groups the tumor cells were undamaged. The target organs did not show any lesions. We demonstrated for the first time that there is a selective toxic effect of PA1 on the TC-1 cells in vivo.

Peroxisomicina A1 (PA1), una de las toxinas aisladas de las semillas de plantas del género Karwinskia, cuyos órganos blanco son hígado, riñón y pulmón. Hay una toxicidad selectiva in vitro contra líneas celulares cancerosas derivadas de pulmón, hígado y colon, comparadas con líneas celulares normales. PA1 causa apoptosis en varias líneas celulares malignas en cultivo. En dosis tóxicas a roedores, causa extensa apoptosis en hígado, riñón y pulmón. En nuestro estudio, estuvimos interesados en evaluar por primera vez los efectos morfológicos de la administración temprana de PA1 sobre células TC-1 implantadas y los órganos blanco in vivo. Las células TC-1 fueron cultivadas e implantadas en la extremidad posterior de ratones C57BL-6. Los animales fueron divididos en tres grupos: tratado con cuatro dosis de 1 mg/kg de peso de PA1, control sin tratamiento y control vehículo. Todos los animales fueron sacrificados 10 días posterior al implante de las células. Se colectaron muestras del sitio del implante de las células TC-1 y de hígado, riñón y pulmón. Las muestras fueron procesadas para su análisis a microscopía de luz y microscopia electrónica de transmisión. En el grupo tratado con PA1, las células TC-1 presentaron necrosis, mientras que en los grupos control las células tumorales se observaron sin daño. Los órganos blanco no mostraron lesión alguna. Demostramos por primera vez que existe un efecto tóxico selectivo de PA1 sobre las células TC-1 in vivo.

Ratos , Antracenos/administração & dosagem , Antracenos/uso terapêutico , Necrose/induzido quimicamente , Necrose/veterinária , Citostáticos/administração & dosagem , Citostáticos/uso terapêutico , Camundongos , Terapia de Alvo Molecular , Testes de Toxicidade/métodos
Toxicon ; 53(6): 645-51, 2009 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19673079


Karwinskia humboldtiana fruit (Kh) causes a neurological disorder 3-4 weeks after ingestion, characterized by flaccid, symmetrical, ascending paralysis, similar to the Guillain-Barre syndrome. In this polyneuropathy the lesion (demyelization) in peripheral nerves has been described in several animal species, both in acute and in chronic intoxication. However, no reports exist about the presence of lesions in the Central Nervous System (CNS), in chronic intoxication. We considered it important to evaluate, with histological techniques, the possible presence of lesions in the brain, by using a model of chronic intoxication that reproduces the same stages present in the human intoxication, to better understanding of this pathological process. In our present work we fed the ground Kh fruit to Wistar rats and samples of brain, cerebellum, and pons were embedded in paraffin. Sections were stained with Hematoxylin & Eosin (HE) and special stains for nerve tissue. Histopathological changes were evaluated in the CNS through the different stages of the polyneuropathy and comparison to a control group. With this methodology, we found lesions in the motor pathway. This is the first report about the presence of neuronal damage caused by Kh in the Central Nervous System in chronic intoxication.

Encéfalo/patologia , Frutas/intoxicação , Karwinskia/intoxicação , Intoxicação por Plantas/patologia , Animais , Cerebelo/patologia , Doença Crônica , Feminino , Masculino , Córtex Motor/patologia , Ponte/patologia , Ratos , Ratos Wistar
Mol Cell Biochem ; 309(1-2): 223-7, 2008 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18049867


The Pitx3 gene is a homeobox transcription factor. This gene is expressed only in midbrain dopaminergic-neurons in the central nervous system, where its expression is important for development and survival of mesencephalic-dopaminergic neurons. The promoter region of the Pitx3 gene is not yet completely delimited. We used the Cre-loxP system to demonstrate the efficiency and specificity of a 4.2-kbp sequence in the 5'-flanking region of the Pitx3-gene promoter inserted in the 5'-terminus of the Cre-recombinase gene. A Cre-recombinase-reporter assay indicated that this 5'-flanking region possesses promoter activity. The cell-specific gene regulation of the Pitx3 promoter in neurons was demonstrated by a reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and Western blot detection of Cre-recombinase in SH-SY5Y cells but not in MCF7 cells. Functionality of the Cre-recombinase was confirmed in vitro. The Pitx3-promoter-Cre cassette here described can be used to develop transgenic mice with the specific expression of Cre-recombinase in midbrain-dopaminergic neurons to elucidate the gene function in which the conventional knockout leads to an early lethal phenotype. Such specific expression of the Pitx3 promoter may be used for gene therapy studies of Parkinson's disease.

Proteínas de Homeodomínio/genética , Integrases/genética , Integrases/metabolismo , Neuroblastoma/genética , Regiões Promotoras Genéticas/genética , Fatores de Transcrição/genética , Região 5'-Flanqueadora/genética , Linhagem Celular Tumoral , Clonagem Molecular , Regulação Neoplásica da Expressão Gênica , Humanos , Recombinação Genética/genética , Transcrição Gênica
J Peripher Nerv Syst ; 11(3): 253-61, 2006 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16930288


Intoxication by Karwinskia humboldtiana (buckthorn) fruit presents a neurological picture similar to that of Guillain-Barré syndrome. In this report, we describe an experimental animal model of peripheral neuropathy induced by buckthorn fruit. Four groups of Wistar rats received one oral dose of 1.5 g/kg followed by oral doses of 0.5 g/kg at days 3, 7, 10, and 14 of dried and ground buckthorn fruit in aqueous suspension. Rats were sacrificed at 24, 48, 58, and 112 days after initial dose. Treated animals developed progressive paralysis through 58 days, then completely recovered by 112 days. Sciatic nerves showed segmental demyelination and cellular infiltrates until 58 days after exposure and then remyelinating changes at 112 days. This experimental model for peripheral neuropathy is reproducible and easy to handle. Its manipulation is relatively innocuous and allows us to study reversible peripheral nerve damage. This model can be developed in other animal species and may be useful to test new therapies for peripheral neuropathy.

Modelos Animais de Doenças , Frutas/toxicidade , Karwinskia/toxicidade , Doenças do Sistema Nervoso Periférico/induzido quimicamente , Animais , Peso Corporal/efeitos dos fármacos , Feminino , Masculino , Microscopia Eletrônica de Transmissão/métodos , Doenças do Sistema Nervoso Periférico/patologia , Ratos , Ratos Wistar , Nervo Isquiático/efeitos dos fármacos , Nervo Isquiático/patologia , Nervo Isquiático/ultraestrutura , Fatores de Tempo
Vet. Méx ; 27(3): 241-3, jul.-sept. 1996. tab, ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-208061


La determinación de la velocidad del tránsito intestinal en un modelo animal es de primordial importancia, sobre todo cuando se pretende utilizar la vía digestiva del mismo como sitio para la presentación de antígenos. En el presente trabajo se determinó la velocidad del tránsito intestinal en el ratón BALB/c, uno de los animales de laboratorio frecuentemente utilizado en la investigación de la respuesta inmune. Se administró un colorante vegetal por medio de una sonda orogástrica, a 45 ratones, mayores de 8 semanas de edad. Posteriormente se sacrificaron los animales a diferentes tiempos en un rango de 10 min a 24 h. El tracto intestinal se dividió de manera arbitraria, el intestino delgado en tres tercios y el intestino grueso, en dos partes. Las determinaciones mostraron que 25 min después de administrado el colorante, éste se localizó a nivel del primer tercio y en menor proporción, a nivel del segundo tercio del intestino delgado. A los 90 min, el colorante alcanzó la primera mitad del intestino grueso, y a las 2 h comenzó a ser eliminado en las heces. Sin embargo, 3 h después de la administración aún se encontró colorante en el estómago, con lo anterior se demostró que el colorante se emilinó de manera intermitente a partir del estómago hasta las 3 h. A las 10 h se encontró colorante en intestino grueso, pero no en intestino delgado ni en estómago, a las 24 h se había eliminado por completo. Se concluye que en el intestino, el tránsito del colorante es constante, aunque la liberación a partir del estómago es intermitente, y que la totalidad del proceso de tránsito intestinal se lleva a cabo antes de 24 h

Camundongos , Animais , Intestinos/imunologia , Antígenos/administração & dosagem , Camundongos Endogâmicos BALB C/imunologia , Camundongos Endogâmicos BALB C/metabolismo , Trânsito Gastrointestinal/fisiologia