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Rev. Inst. Med. Trop ; 19(1)jun. 2024.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569559


Introducción : Se promueven iniciativas para mejorar la salud de las mujeres y niños siendo el denominador común disponer de un sistema de información con repercusión en la salud de esta población. En Paraguay el SIP PLUS es utilizado con diferente grado de cobertura en los servicios maternoinfantiles. Objetivo: analizar la calidad de los datos generados para la construcción de los indicadores de Eliminación de la Sífilis Congénita (SC). Metodología: Estudio nacionalmente representativo utilizando datos generados por el SIP PLUS. Resultados: 32.479 historias perinatales cargadas desde el 2018 a julio del 2021. La representación de la muestra 1,5% en 2018 al 23% en 2021. Mayores pérdidas de información en el 2020. Para las variables de contexto con menos pérdidas de información en comparación a las de prevención primaria, secundaria y salud reproductiva. La pérdida de datos para: porcentaje de mujeres embarazadas con cuidado prenatal (4 o más) en un promedio de 64,4%; porcentaje de mujeres embarazadas tamizadas 43,1 % en el 2020 y 33,4% en 2019; positividad de la prueba de sífilis 49% en el 2020. Lo que también se observa en el indicador de tratamiento. Se registraron 506 casos de SC. Tasa de SCx1000 nacidos vivos ( 10 x1000 nacidos vivos en los 4 años analizados. Edad adolescente (p: 0,040) como factor de riesgo para SC. Conclusiones: Pérdida de registros en lo referente a ETMI, por falta de carga de datos. Alta incidencia de SC en los años analizados. Adolescentes como factor de riesgo para SC.

Introduction: Initiatives are promoted to improve the health of women and children, the common denominator being having an information system with an impact on the health of this population. In Paraguay, the SIP PLUS is used with different degrees of coverage in maternal and child services. Objective: analyze the quality of the data generated for the construction of the indicators for the Elimination of Congenital Syphilis (CS). Methodology: Nationally representative study using data generated by the SIP PLUS. Results: 32,479 perinatal histories uploaded from 2018 to July 2021. The representation of the sample went from 1.5% in 2018 to 23% in 2021. Greater information losses in 2020. For the context variables with fewer information losses in comparison to those of primary, secondary prevention and reproductive health. Loss of data for: percentage of pregnant women with prenatal care (4 or more) averaged 64.4%; percentage of pregnant women screened 43.1% in 2020 and 33.4% in 2019; syphilis test positivity 49% in 2020. This is also observed in the treatment indicator. 506 cases of CS were recorded. Rate of SCx1000 live births  10 x1000 live births in the 4 years analyzed. Adolescent age (p: 0.040) as a risk factor for CS. Conclusions: Loss of records regarding ETMI, due to lack of data loading. High incidence of CS in the years analyzed. Adolescents as a risk factor for CS.

Artigo em Inglês | PAHO-IRIS | ID: phr-59188


[ABSTRACT]. Objective. To analyze temporal trends and inequalities in neonatal mortality between 2000 and 2020, and to set neonatal mortality targets for 2025 and 2030 in the Americas. Methods. A descriptive ecological study was conducted using 33 countries of the Americas as units of anal- ysis. Both the percentage change and average annual percentage change in neonatal mortality rates were estimated. Measurements of absolute and relative inequality based on adjusted regression models were used to assess cross-country social inequalities in neonatal mortality. Targets to reduce neonatal mortality and cross-country inequalities were set for 2025 and 2030. Results. The estimated regional neonatal mortality rate was 12.0 per 1 000 live births in 2000–2004 and 7.4 per 1 000 live births in 2020, representing a percentage change of –38.3% and an average annual per- centage change of –2.7%. National average annual percentage changes in neonatal mortality rates between 2000–2004 and 2020 ranged from –5.5 to 1.9 and were mostly negative. The estimated excess neonatal mor- tality in the 20% most socially disadvantaged countries, compared with the 20% least socially disadvantaged countries, was 17.1 and 9.8 deaths per 1 000 live births in 2000–2004 and 2020, respectively. Based on an extrapolation of recent trends, the regional neonatal mortality rate is projected to reach 7.0 and 6.6 neonatal deaths per 1 000 live births by 2025 and 2030, respectively. Conclusions. National and regional health authorities need to strengthen their efforts to reduce persistent social inequalities in neonatal mortality both within and between countries.

[RESUMEN]. Objetivo. Analizar las desigualdades en la mortalidad neonatal y las tendencias en el transcurso del tiempo entre el 2000 y el 2020, y establecer metas en materia de mortalidad neonatal para el 2025 y el 2030 en la Región de las Américas. Métodos. Se realizó un estudio ecológico descriptivo con información de 33 países de la Región de las Américas que se usaron como unidades de análisis. Se calculó tanto la variación porcentual como la varia- ción porcentual anual media de las tasas de mortalidad neonatal. Se utilizaron mediciones de la desigualdad absoluta y relativa basadas en modelos de regresión ajustados, para evaluar las desigualdades sociales en los diversos países en cuanto a la mortalidad neonatal. Se establecieron metas de reducción de la mortalidad neonatal y de las desigualdades en los diversos países para el 2025 y el 2030. Resultados. La tasa de mortalidad neonatal en la Región fue de 12,0 por 1 000 nacidos vivos en el período 2000-2004 y de 7,4 por 1 000 nacidos vivos en el 2020, lo que representa una variación porcentual del –38,3% y una variación porcentual anual media del –2,7%. Las variaciones porcentuales anuales medias de las tasas de mortalidad neonatal a nivel nacional entre el período 2000-2004 y el 2020 oscilaron entre –5,5 y 1,9, y fueron en su mayor parte negativas. El exceso de mortalidad neonatal estimado en el 20% de los países más desfavorecidos socialmente, en comparación con el 20% de los países menos desfavorecidos socialmente, fue de 17,1 muertes por 1 000 nacidos vivos en el período 2000-2004 y de 9,8 muertes por 1 000 nacidos vivos en el 2020. Al extrapolar las tendencias más recientes, se prevé que la tasa de mortalidad neonatal de la Región alcance valores de 7,0 y 6,6 muertes neonatales por 1 000 nacidos vivos en el 2025 y el 2030, respectivamente. Conclusiones. Las autoridades de salud nacionales y regionales deben fortalecer las medidas para reducir las desigualdades sociales que aún persisten en materia de mortalidad neonatal, tanto entre los distintos países como dentro de cada país.

[RESUMO]. Objetivo. Analisar as tendências temporais e desigualdades em mortalidade neonatal entre 2000 e 2020 e estabelecer metas de mortalidade neonatal para 2025 e 2030 na Região das Américas. Métodos. Estudo ecológico descritivo examinando 33 países das Américas como unidades de análise. Foram estimadas a variação percentual e a variação percentual anual média das taxas de mortalidade neonatal. Foram usadas medidas de desigualdade absoluta e relativa baseadas em modelos de regressão ajustados para avaliar desigualdades sociais entre países em termos de mortalidade neonatal. Foram definidas metas de redução da mortalidade neonatal e das desigualdades entre países para 2025 e 2030. Resultados. A taxa regional estimada de mortalidade neonatal foi de 12,0 por mil nascidos vivos em 2000– 2004, e de 7,4 por mil nascidos vivos em 2020, representando uma variação percentual de -38,3%, e uma variação percentual anual média de -2,7%. As variações percentuais anuais médias nacionais das taxas de mortalidade neonatal entre 2000–2004 e 2020 variaram entre -5,5 e 1,9 e, em sua maioria, foram negativas. O excesso estimado de mortalidade neonatal nos países que estavam entre os 20% mais desfavorecidos socialmente, em comparação com os países entre os 20% menos desfavorecidos, foi de 17,1 e 9,8 mortes por mil nascidos vivos em 2000–2004 e 2020, respectivamente. Com base em extrapolação das tendências recentes, estima-se que a taxa de mortalidade neonatal regional deve atingir 7,0 e 6,6 mortes neonatais por mil nascidos vivos em 2025 e 2030, respectivamente. Conclusões. As autoridades de saúde nacionais e regionais precisam intensificar seus esforços para reduzir desigualdades sociais persistentes na mortalidade neonatal, tanto dentro dos países quanto entre eles.

Mortalidade Infantil , Morte Perinatal , Desigualdades de Saúde , Determinantes Sociais da Saúde , Desenvolvimento Sustentável , América , Mortalidade Infantil , Morte Perinatal , Desigualdades de Saúde , Determinantes Sociais da Saúde , Desenvolvimento Sustentável , América , Mortalidade Infantil , Morte Perinatal , Desigualdades de Saúde , Determinantes Sociais da Saúde , Desenvolvimento Sustentável , América
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38259254


Objective: To analyze temporal trends and inequalities in neonatal mortality between 2000 and 2020, and to set neonatal mortality targets for 2025 and 2030 in the Americas. Methods: A descriptive ecological study was conducted using 33 countries of the Americas as units of analysis. Both the percentage change and average annual percentage change in neonatal mortality rates were estimated. Measurements of absolute and relative inequality based on adjusted regression models were used to assess cross-country social inequalities in neonatal mortality. Targets to reduce neonatal mortality and cross-country inequalities were set for 2025 and 2030. Results: The estimated regional neonatal mortality rate was 12.0 per 1 000 live births in 2000-2004 and 7.4 per 1 000 live births in 2020, representing a percentage change of -38.3% and an average annual percentage change of -2.7%. National average annual percentage changes in neonatal mortality rates between 2000-2004 and 2020 ranged from -5.5 to 1.9 and were mostly negative. The estimated excess neonatal mortality in the 20% most socially disadvantaged countries, compared with the 20% least socially disadvantaged countries, was 17.1 and 9.8 deaths per 1 000 live births in 2000-2004 and 2020, respectively. Based on an extrapolation of recent trends, the regional neonatal mortality rate is projected to reach 7.0 and 6.6 neonatal deaths per 1 000 live births by 2025 and 2030, respectively. Conclusions: National and regional health authorities need to strengthen their efforts to reduce persistent social inequalities in neonatal mortality both within and between countries.

Rev. panam. salud pública ; 48: e4, 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536671


ABSTRACT Objective. To analyze temporal trends and inequalities in neonatal mortality between 2000 and 2020, and to set neonatal mortality targets for 2025 and 2030 in the Americas. Methods. A descriptive ecological study was conducted using 33 countries of the Americas as units of analysis. Both the percentage change and average annual percentage change in neonatal mortality rates were estimated. Measurements of absolute and relative inequality based on adjusted regression models were used to assess cross-country social inequalities in neonatal mortality. Targets to reduce neonatal mortality and cross-country inequalities were set for 2025 and 2030. Results. The estimated regional neonatal mortality rate was 12.0 per 1 000 live births in 2000-2004 and 7.4 per 1 000 live births in 2020, representing a percentage change of -38.3% and an average annual percentage change of -2.7%. National average annual percentage changes in neonatal mortality rates between 2000-2004 and 2020 ranged from -5.5 to 1.9 and were mostly negative. The estimated excess neonatal mortality in the 20% most socially disadvantaged countries, compared with the 20% least socially disadvantaged countries, was 17.1 and 9.8 deaths per 1 000 live births in 2000-2004 and 2020, respectively. Based on an extrapolation of recent trends, the regional neonatal mortality rate is projected to reach 7.0 and 6.6 neonatal deaths per 1 000 live births by 2025 and 2030, respectively. Conclusions. National and regional health authorities need to strengthen their efforts to reduce persistent social inequalities in neonatal mortality both within and between countries.

RESUMEN Objetivo. Analizar las desigualdades en la mortalidad neonatal y las tendencias en el transcurso del tiempo entre el 2000 y el 2020, y establecer metas en materia de mortalidad neonatal para el 2025 y el 2030 en la Región de las Américas. Métodos. Se realizó un estudio ecológico descriptivo con información de 33 países de la Región de las Américas que se usaron como unidades de análisis. Se calculó tanto la variación porcentual como la variación porcentual anual media de las tasas de mortalidad neonatal. Se utilizaron mediciones de la desigualdad absoluta y relativa basadas en modelos de regresión ajustados, para evaluar las desigualdades sociales en los diversos países en cuanto a la mortalidad neonatal. Se establecieron metas de reducción de la mortalidad neonatal y de las desigualdades en los diversos países para el 2025 y el 2030. Resultados. La tasa de mortalidad neonatal en la Región fue de 12,0 por 1 000 nacidos vivos en el período 2000-2004 y de 7,4 por 1 000 nacidos vivos en el 2020, lo que representa una variación porcentual del -38,3% y una variación porcentual anual media del -2,7%. Las variaciones porcentuales anuales medias de las tasas de mortalidad neonatal a nivel nacional entre el período 2000-2004 y el 2020 oscilaron entre -5,5 y 1,9, y fueron en su mayor parte negativas. El exceso de mortalidad neonatal estimado en el 20% de los países más desfavorecidos socialmente, en comparación con el 20% de los países menos desfavorecidos socialmente, fue de 17,1 muertes por 1 000 nacidos vivos en el período 2000-2004 y de 9,8 muertes por 1 000 nacidos vivos en el 2020. Al extrapolar las tendencias más recientes, se prevé que la tasa de mortalidad neonatal de la Región alcance valores de 7,0 y 6,6 muertes neonatales por 1 000 nacidos vivos en el 2025 y el 2030, respectivamente. Conclusiones. Las autoridades de salud nacionales y regionales deben fortalecer las medidas para reducir las desigualdades sociales que aún persisten en materia de mortalidad neonatal, tanto entre los distintos países como dentro de cada país.

RESUMO Objetivo. Analisar as tendências temporais e desigualdades em mortalidade neonatal entre 2000 e 2020 e estabelecer metas de mortalidade neonatal para 2025 e 2030 na Região das Américas. Métodos. Estudo ecológico descritivo examinando 33 países das Américas como unidades de análise. Foram estimadas a variação percentual e a variação percentual anual média das taxas de mortalidade neonatal. Foram usadas medidas de desigualdade absoluta e relativa baseadas em modelos de regressão ajustados para avaliar desigualdades sociais entre países em termos de mortalidade neonatal. Foram definidas metas de redução da mortalidade neonatal e das desigualdades entre países para 2025 e 2030. Resultados. A taxa regional estimada de mortalidade neonatal foi de 12,0 por mil nascidos vivos em 2000-2004, e de 7,4 por mil nascidos vivos em 2020, representando uma variação percentual de -38,3%, e uma variação percentual anual média de -2,7%. As variações percentuais anuais médias nacionais das taxas de mortalidade neonatal entre 2000-2004 e 2020 variaram entre -5,5 e 1,9 e, em sua maioria, foram negativas. O excesso estimado de mortalidade neonatal nos países que estavam entre os 20% mais desfavorecidos socialmente, em comparação com os países entre os 20% menos desfavorecidos, foi de 17,1 e 9,8 mortes por mil nascidos vivos em 2000-2004 e 2020, respectivamente. Com base em extrapolação das tendências recentes, estima-se que a taxa de mortalidade neonatal regional deve atingir 7,0 e 6,6 mortes neonatais por mil nascidos vivos em 2025 e 2030, respectivamente. Conclusões. As autoridades de saúde nacionais e regionais precisam intensificar seus esforços para reduzir desigualdades sociais persistentes na mortalidade neonatal, tanto dentro dos países quanto entre eles.

PLoS One ; 18(12): e0296002, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38134193


OBJECTIVE: To determine stillbirth ratio and its association with maternal, perinatal, and delivery characteristics, as well as geographic differences in Latin American countries (LAC). METHODS: We analysed data from the Perinatal Information System of the Latin American Center for Perinatology and Human Development (CLAP) between January 2018 and June 2021 in 8 health facilities from five LAC countries (Bolivia, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and the Dominican Republic). Maternal, pregnancy, and delivery characteristics, in addition to pregnancy outcomes were reported. Estimates of association were tested using chi-square tests, and P < 0.05 was regarded as significant. Bivariate analysis was conducted to estimate stillbirth risk. Prevalence ratios (PR) with their 95% confidence intervals (CI) for each predictor were reported. RESULTS: In total, 101,852 childbirths comprised the SIP database. For this analysis, we included 99,712 childbirths. There were 762 stillbirths during the study period; the Stillbirth ratio of 7.7/1,000 live births (ranged from 3.8 to 18.2/1,000 live births across the different maternities); 586 (76.9%) were antepartum stillbirths, 150 (19.7%) were intrapartum stillbirths and 26 (3.4%) with an ignored time of death. Stillbirth was significantly associated with women with diabetes (PRadj 2.36; 95%CI [1.25-4.46]), preeclampsia (PRadj 2.01; 95%CI [1.26-3.19]), maternal age (PRadj 1.04; 95%CI [1.02-1.05]), any medical condition (PRadj 1.48; 95%CI [1.24-1.76, and severe maternal outcome (PRadj 3.27; 95%CI [3.27-11.66]). CONCLUSIONS: Pregnancy complications and maternal morbidity were significantly associated with stillbirths. The stillbirth ratios varied across the maternity hospitals, which highlights the importance for individual surveillance. Specialized antenatal and intrapartum care remains a priority, particularly for women who are at a higher risk of stillbirth.

Região de Recursos Limitados , Natimorto , Gravidez , Feminino , Humanos , Natimorto/epidemiologia , América Latina/epidemiologia , Fatores de Risco , Eletrônica
Glob Health Action ; 16(1): 2269736, 2023 12 31.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37886828


BACKGROUND: The burden of maternal morbidity in neonatal outcomes can vary with the adequacy of healthcare provision and tool implementation to improve monitoring. Such information is lacking in Latin American countries, where the decrease in severe maternal morbidity and maternal death remains challenging. OBJECTIVES: To determine neonatal outcomes according to maternal characteristics, including different degrees of maternal morbidity in Latin American health facilities. METHODS: This is a secondary cross-sectional analysis of the Perinatal Information System (SIP) database from eight health facilities in five Latin American and Caribbean countries. Participants were all women delivering from August 2018 to June 2021, excluding cases of abortion, multiple pregnancies and missing information on perinatal outcomes. As primary and secondary outcome measures, neonatal near miss and neonatal death were measured according to maternal/pregnancy characteristics and degrees of maternal morbidity. Estimated adjusted prevalence ratios (PRadj) with their respective 95% CIs were reported. RESULTS: In total 85,863 live births were included, with 1,250 neonatal near miss (NNM) cases and 695 identified neonatal deaths. NNM and neonatal mortality ratios were 14.6 and 8.1 per 1,000 live births, respectively. Conditions independently associated with a NNM or neonatal death were the need for neonatal resuscitation (PRadj 16.73, 95% CI [13.29-21.05]), being single (PRadj 1.45, 95% CI [1.32-1.59]), maternal near miss or death (PRadj 1.64, 95% CI [1.14-2.37]), preeclampsia (PRadj 3.02, 95% CI [1.70-5.35]), eclampsia/HELPP (PRadj 1.50, 95% CI [1.16-1.94]), maternal age (years) (PRadj 1.01, 95% CI [<1.01-1.02]), major congenital anomalies (PRadj 3.21, 95% CI [1.43-7.23]), diabetes (PRadj 1.49, 95% CI [1.11-1.98]) and cardiac disease (PRadj 1.65, 95% CI [1.14-2.37]). CONCLUSION: Maternal morbidity leads to worse neonatal outcomes, especially in women suffering maternal near miss or death. Based on SIP/PAHO database all these indicators may be helpful for routine situation monitoring in Latin America with the purpose of policy changes and improvement of maternal and neonatal health.

Morte Perinatal , Complicações na Gravidez , Gravidez , Recém-Nascido , Feminino , Humanos , Estudos Transversais , Ressuscitação , Mortalidade Infantil , Mortalidade Materna , Sistemas de Informação , Complicações na Gravidez/epidemiologia
Glob Health Action ; 16(1): 2249771, 2023 12 31.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37722922


The sustained reduction in maternal mortality in America underlines the need to analyse women who survived a complication that could have been fatal if appropriate and timely care had not been taken. Analysis of maternal near-miss (MNM) cases, as well as potentially life-threatening conditions (PLTC), are considered indicators for monitoring the quality of maternal care. The specific objective of this study protocol is to develop a surveillance system for PLTC, MNM and maternal mortality, as primary outcomes, in Latin American and Caribbean maternal healthcare institutions. Secondarily, the study was designed to identify factors associated with these conditions and estimate how often key evidence-based interventions were used for managing severe maternal morbidity. This is a multicenter cross-sectional study with prospective data collection. The target population consists of all women admitted to health centres participating in the network during pregnancy, childbirth, or the postpartum period. Variables describing the sequence of events that may result in a PLTC, MNM or maternal death are recorded. Relevant quality control is carried out to ensure the quality of the database and confidentiality. Centres with approximately 2,500 annual deliveries will be included to achieve a sufficient number of cases for calculation of indicators. The frequency of outcome measures for PLTC, MNM and maternal mortality and their confidence intervals and differences between groups will be calculated using the most appropriate statistical tests. Similar procedures will be performed with variables describing the use of evidence-based practices. Networking creates additional possibilities for global information management and interaction between different research groups. Lessons can be learned and shared, generating scientific knowledge to address relevant health problems throughout the region with provision of efficient data management.

Maternidades , Mortalidade Materna , Gravidez , Feminino , Humanos , Estudos Transversais , América Latina/epidemiologia , Região do Caribe/epidemiologia , Estudos Multicêntricos como Assunto
BMC Pregnancy Childbirth ; 23(1): 605, 2023 Aug 24.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37620835


BACKGROUND: Latin America has the highest Cesarean Section Rates (CSR) in the world. Robson's Ten Group Classification System (RTGCS) was developed to enable understanding the CSR in different groups of women, classified according to obstetric characteristics into one of ten groups. The size of each CS group may provide helpful data on quality of care in a determined region or setting. Data can potentially be used to compare the impact of conditions such as maternal morbidity on CSR. The objective of this study is to understand the impact of Severe Maternal Morbidity (SMM) on CSR in ten different groups of RTGCS. METHODS: Secondary analysis of childbirth information from 2018 to 2021, including 8 health facilities from 5 Latin American and Caribbean countries (Bolivia, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and the Dominican Republic), using a surveillance database (SIP-Perinatal Information System, in Spanish) implemented in different settings across Latin America. Women were classified into one of RTGCS. The frequency of each group and its respective CSR were described. Furthermore, the sample was divided into two groups, according to maternal outcomes: women without SMM and those who experienced SMM, considering Potentially Life-threatening Conditions, Maternal Near Miss and Maternal Death as the continuum of morbidity. RESULTS: Available data were obtained from 92,688 deliveries using the Robson Classification. Overall CSR was around 38%. Group 5 was responsible for almost one-third of cesarean sections. SMM occurred in 6.7% of cases. Among these cases, the overall CSR was almost 70% in this group. Group 10 had a major role (preterm deliveries). Group 5 (previous Cesarean section) had a very high CSR within the group, regardless of the occurrence of maternal morbidity (over 80%). CONCLUSION: Cesarean section rate was higher in women experiencing SMM than in those without SMM in Latin America. SMM was associated with higher Cesarean section rates, especially in groups 1 and 3. Nevertheless, group 5 was the major contributor to the overall CSR.

Cesárea , Tetranitrato de Pentaeritritol , Gravidez , Recém-Nascido , Feminino , Humanos , América Latina/epidemiologia , Grupos Raciais , Parto , Família
BMC pregnancy childbirth ; 23(1): 605, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, BNUY, MMyP, UY-BNMED | ID: biblio-1518570


Background: Latin America has the highest Cesarean Section Rates (CSR) in the world. Robson's Ten Group Classification System (RTGCS) was developed to enable understanding the CSR in different groups of women, classified according to obstetric characteristics into one of ten groups. The size of each CS group may provide helpful data on quality of care in a determined region or setting. Data can potentially be used to compare the impact of conditions such as maternal morbidity on CSR. The objective of this study is to understand the impact of Severe Maternal Morbidity (SMM) on CSR in ten different groups of RTGCS. Methods: Secondary analysis of childbirth information from 2018 to 2021, including 8 health facilities from 5 Latin American and Caribbean countries (Bolivia, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and the Dominican Republic), using a surveillance database (SIP-Perinatal Information System, in Spanish) implemented in different settings across Latin America. Women were classified into one of RTGCS. The frequency of each group and its respective CSR were described. Furthermore, the sample was divided into two groups, according to maternal outcomes: women without SMM and those who experienced SMM, considering Potentially Life-threatening Conditions, Maternal Near Miss and Maternal Death as the continuum of morbidity. Results: Available data were obtained from 92,688 deliveries using the Robson Classification. Overall CSR was around 38%. Group 5 was responsible for almost one-third of cesarean sections. SMM occurred in 6.7% of cases. Among these cases, the overall CSR was almost 70% in this group. Group 10 had a major role (preterm deliveries). Group 5 (previous Cesarean section) had a very high CSR within the group, regardless of the occurrence of maternal morbidity (over 80%). Conclusion: Cesarean section rate was higher in women experiencing SMM than in those without SMM in Latin America. SMM was associated with higher Cesarean section rates, especially in groups 1 and 3. Nevertheless, group 5 was the major contributor to the overall CSR. (AU)

Humanos , Feminino , Gravidez , Recém-Nascido , Cesárea , Tetranitrato de Pentaeritritol , Parto , América Latina/epidemiologia
Artigo em Inglês | PAHO-IRIS | ID: phr-56536


[ABSTRACT]. Objectives. This systematic review aimed at assessing the associations between sexual health and subjective well-being in older age groups (i.e. people aged between 40 and ≥90 years). Methods. A systematic search was conducted of the Web of Science, MEDLINE, EBSCO, Scopus, SciELO and LILACS (Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature) databases for studies published until September 2021. Search strings included a combination of terms such as “sexual health” or “sexuality” and “well-being” and terms related to the measures that assess the constructs of interest. This systematic review followed PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) guidelines. Results were grouped into four categories that assess the interplay between sexual health and subjective well-being: cognitive and attitudinal factors, sexual behavior, sexual function and sexual satisfaction. The subjective well-being domains that were analyzed were life satisfaction, positive and negative affect, and psychological well-being. Results. A total of 15 quantitative studies were reviewed, of which 14 were articles and 1 was a doctoral dis- sertation. Findings suggest that living a fulfilling sexual life is an essential part of subjective well-being. Conclusions. This review suggests that programs aiming to promote well-being in older age groups should also encourage a fulfilling sexual life.

[RESUMEN]. Objetivos. El objetivo de esta revisión sistemática es evaluar las asociaciones entre salud sexual y bienestar subjetivo en grupos de mayor edad (es decir, personas entre 40 y 90 años o más). Métodos. Se realizó una búsqueda sistemática en las bases de datos Web of Science, MEDLINE, EBSCO, Scopus, SciELO y LILACS (Literatura Latinoamericana y del Caribe en Ciencias de la Salud) de estudios publicados hasta septiembre del 2021. Las cadenas de búsqueda incluyeron una combinación de términos como “salud sexual” o “sexualidad” y “bienestar” y términos relacionados con las medidas que evalúan los constructos de interés. Esta revisión sistemática siguió las directrices PRISMA (sigla en inglés de elementos de referencia para publicar revisiones sistemáticas y metaanálisis). Los resultados se agruparon en cuatro categorías que evalúan la interacción entre la salud sexual y el bienestar subjetivo: factores cognitivos y acti- tudinales, comportamiento sexual, función sexual y satisfacción sexual. Los dominios de bienestar subjetivo analizados fueron la satisfacción vital, el afecto positivo y negativo y el bienestar psicológico. Resultados. Se revisaron 15 estudios cuantitativos en total: 14 artículos y 1 tesis doctoral. Los resultados indican que experimentar una vida sexual satisfactoria es una parte esencial del bienestar subjetivo. Conclusiones. Esta revisión sugiere que los programas destinados a promover el bienestar en los grupos de mayor edad también deben fomentar una vida sexual satisfactoria.

[RESUMO]. Objetivos. Esta revisão sistemática teve como objetivo avaliar as associações entre saúde sexual e bem-estar subjetivo em faixas etárias mais velhas (ou seja, pessoas com idade entre 40 e 90 anos ou mais). Métodos. Foi realizada uma pesquisa sistemática nas bases de dados Web of Science, MEDLINE, EBSCO, Scopus, SciELO e LILACS (Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature) para estudos publica- dos até setembro de 2021. Os termos de busca incluíram uma combinação de termos como “saúde sexual” ou sexualidade” e ”bem-estar”, e termos relacionados às medidas que avaliam os construtos de interesse. A revisão sistemática seguiu as diretrizes PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses). Os resultados foram agrupados em quatro categorias de avaliação da interação entre saúde sexual e bem-estar subjetivo: fatores cognitivos e atitudinais, comportamento sexual, função sexual e satis- fação sexual. Os domínios de bem-estar subjetivo analisados foram satisfação com a vida, afeto positivo e negativo, e bem-estar psicológico. Resultados. Foram revisados 15 estudos quantitativos, sendo 14 artigos e uma tese de doutorado. Os resul- tados sugerem que viver uma vida sexual plena é uma parte essencial do bem-estar subjetivo. Conclusões. Esta revisão sugere que os programas destinados a promover bem-estar nas faixas etárias mais velhas também devem incentivar uma vida sexual plena.

Envelhecimento , Sexualidade , Saúde Sexual , Satisfação Pessoal , Envelhecimento , Sexualidade , Saúde Sexual , Satisfação Pessoal , Envelhecimento , Sexualidade , Saúde Sexual , Satisfação Pessoal