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Entropy (Basel) ; 26(7)2024 Jul 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39056958


A central challenge in hypothesis testing (HT) lies in determining the optimal balance between Type I (false positive) and Type II (non-detection or false negative) error probabilities. Analyzing these errors' exponential rate of convergence, known as error exponents, provides crucial insights into system performance. Error exponents offer a lens through which we can understand how operational restrictions, such as resource constraints and impairments in communications, affect the accuracy of distributed inference in networked systems. This survey presents a comprehensive review of key results in HT, from the foundational Stein's Lemma to recent advancements in distributed HT, all unified through the framework of error exponents. We explore asymptotic and non-asymptotic results, highlighting their implications for designing robust and efficient networked systems, such as event detection through lossy wireless sensor monitoring networks, collective perception-based object detection in vehicular environments, and clock synchronization in distributed environments, among others. We show that understanding the role of error exponents provides a valuable tool for optimizing decision-making and improving the reliability of networked systems.

Entropy (Basel) ; 20(6)2018 May 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33265487


This work addresses the problem of Shannon entropy estimation in countably infinite alphabets studying and adopting some recent convergence results of the entropy functional, which is known to be a discontinuous function in the space of probabilities in ∞-alphabets. Sufficient conditions for the convergence of the entropy are used in conjunction with some deviation inequalities (including scenarios with both finitely and infinitely supported assumptions on the target distribution). From this perspective, four plug-in histogram-based estimators are studied showing that convergence results are instrumental to derive new strong consistent estimators for the entropy. The main application of this methodology is a new data-driven partition (plug-in) estimator. This scheme uses the data to restrict the support where the distribution is estimated by finding an optimal balance between estimation and approximation errors. The proposed scheme offers a consistent (distribution-free) estimator of the entropy in ∞-alphabets and optimal rates of convergence under certain regularity conditions on the problem (finite and unknown supported assumptions and tail bounded conditions on the target distribution).

Entropy (Basel) ; 20(9)2018 Aug 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33265729


This work demonstrates a formal connection between density estimation with a data-rate constraint and the joint objective of fixed-rate universal lossy source coding and model identification introduced by Raginsky in 2008 (IEEE TIT, 2008, 54, 3059-3077). Using an equivalent learning formulation, we derive a necessary and sufficient condition over the class of densities for the achievability of the joint objective. The learning framework used here is the skeleton estimator, a rate-constrained learning scheme that offers achievable results for the joint coding and modeling problem by optimally adapting its learning parameters to the specific conditions of the problem. The results obtained with the skeleton estimator significantly extend the context where universal lossy source coding and model identification can be achieved, allowing for applications that move from the known case of parametric collection of densities with some smoothness and learnability conditions to the rich family of non-parametric L 1 -totally bounded densities. In addition, in the parametric case we are able to remove one of the assumptions that constrain the applicability of the original result obtaining similar performances in terms of the distortion redundancy and per-letter rate overhead.

Buenos Aires; Forma Color; 2000. 229 p.
Monografia em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-971406