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Ter. psicol ; 42(1)abr. 2024.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565921


Antecedentes existe una relación entre el uso de Instagram y diferentes influencias e interacciones con el bienestar y salud mental de este grupo etario. Objetivo Reconstruir las representaciones sociales acerca de la red social Instagram de adultos emergentes con diferentes niveles de bienestar psicológico y autoestima corporal. Método redes semánticas naturales y entrevistas semiestructuradas fueron aplicadas a N=12 adultos emergentes (19 - 27 años) divididos en dos grupos según sus niveles de autoestima corporal y bienestar psicológico. El análisis de datos estuvo basado en análisis de redes semánticas naturales y algunos procedimientos de codificación teórica. Resultados se muestra la presencia del concepto de "acoso" como núcleo central de la representación social de Instagram en el grupo con baja autoestima corporal y bajo bienestar psicológico, a diferencia del grupo con alta autoestima corporal y alto bienestar psicológico en donde el núcleo central fue "red social". Conclusiones en los grupos estudiados, se encontraron dos representaciones sociales diferentes respecto de Instagram. Estos resultados pueden ser relevantes para aportar a llenar el vacío de conocimiento sobre los significados subjetivos colectivos de los adultos emergentes, teniendo implicancias en la mejor comprensión de las diversas formas de relación que establecen con esta y otras redes sociales.

Background There is a relationship between the use of Instagram and various influences and interactions with the well-being and mental health of this age group. Objective To reconstruct the social representations of the Instagram social network among emerging adults with different levels of psychological well-being and body esteem. Method Natural semantic networks and semi-structured interviews were conducted with N=12 emerging adults (19 - 27 years old) divided into two groups based on their body self-esteem and psychological well-being levels. Data analysis relied on natural semantic network analysis and theoretical coding. Results The concept of "harassment" is revealed as the central core of the social representation of Instagram in the group with low body self-esteem and low psychological well-being, unlike the group with high body esteem and high psychological well-being where the central core was the "social network" itself. Conclusions Two different social representations of Instagram were found in the studied groups. These results could contribute to filling the knowledge gap about the collective subjective meanings of emerging adults, impacting the better understanding of the diverse relationships they establish with this and other social networks.

Antibiotics (Basel) ; 12(2)2023 Feb 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36830281


The aim of this study was to evaluate the inhibitory activity of the commercially available essential oils of Mentha spicata (spearmint) and Eucalyptus globulus (eucalyptus) on Streptococcus mutans ATCC 25175 biofilms in vitro, emulating dental plaque conditions. The composition of the essential oils (EOs) was determined using gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (GC-MS), with the main metabolites being Carvone (57.93%) and Limonene (12.91%) for Mentha spicata and 1,8-Cineole (Eucalyptol) (65.83%) for Eucalyptus globulus. The inhibitory activity was evaluated using the methods of agar-well diffusion and colorimetric microdilution. The inhibition halos were 18.3 ± 0.47 mm and 27.0 ± 0.82 mm, and the MICs were 1.8484 mg/mL and 1.9168 mg/mL for the EOs of Mentha spicata and Eucalyptus globulus, respectively. The activity against the biofilms was evaluated on a substrate of bovine enamel pieces using a basal mucin medium (BMM) in anaerobic conditions with daily sucrose exposition cycles in order to emulate oral cavity conditions. The EOs were applied in a concentration of 0.5% in a sterile saline vehicle with 1% polysorbate 20. After 72 h of cultivation, a significant reduction was observed (p < 0.001%) on the biofilm biomass, which was evaluated by its turbidity in suspension and using a count of the recoverable organisms with regards to the control. The effects of the Eos were not significantly distinct from each other. The EOs showed antimicrobial activity against both the Streptococcus mutans planktonic and biofilm cultures. Thus, EOs may have great potential for the development of pharmaceutical and sanitary products for oral health.

Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1419114


Dentro de los desafíos de la investigación en psicosis en Chile y el mundo se encuentra el desarrollo de polos académicos de investigación en estados mentales de riesgo (EMARS). En este artículo se realiza un análisis descriptivo de los trabajos científicos presentados en la IV conferencia internacional: Desafíos Clínicos y terapéuticos en Psicosis realizada en octubre del 2022. Métodos: Se realizó una selección y premiación del mejor trabajo de acuerdo a un sistema de puntuación realizado por un comité científico ad-hoc. Luego se sistematizó la información en una tabla resumen para su posterior análisis descriptivo cualitativo. Resultados: Se seleccionaron 5 trabajos. El 100% de los trabajos seleccionados abordan el tema de la detección precoz e intervención temprana en psicosis, en particular en la temática EMARS. Asimismo, la mayoría de los trabajos presentados provienen de la región metropolitana. El 80% de los trabajos realizan un diseño experimental con reclutamiento de pacientes y el 20% usaron una metodología cualitativa. Conclusión: Así como años anteriores, los trabajos seleccionados dan cuenta de la importancia por el mejoramiento en la prevención, diagnóstico e intervención temprana en Psicosis. Se debe potenciar en Chile y latinoamerica el desarrollo académico y clínico en el campo de los EMARS.

Among the challenges of research in psychosis in Chile and the world, is the development of academic hubs for research in at-risk mental states (ARMS). This article presents a descriptive analysis of the summaries of the scientific works presented at the IV international conference: Clinical and Therapeutic Challenges in Psychosis held in October 2022. Methods: A selection and award were made for the best work according to a scoring system developed by an ad-hoc scientific committee. Then the information was systematized in a summary table for its subsequent qualitative descriptive analysis. Results: 5 works were selected. 100% of the selected works address the issue of early detection and early intervention in psychosis, particularly in the ARMS. Most of the papers presented come from the metropolitan region. 80% of the works carried out an experimental design with patient recruitment and 20% used a qualitative methodology. Conclusion: As in previous years, the selected works show the importance of improving prevention, diagnosis, and early intervention in psychosis. Research and clinical work in Chile and Latinoamerica should be strengthened in the field of ARMS.

Humanos , Transtornos Psicóticos/epidemiologia , Congressos como Assunto , Chile/epidemiologia , Epidemiologia Descritiva