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Eur J Investig Health Psychol Educ ; 13(9): 1645-1654, 2023 Sep 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37754458


BACKGROUND: Strength training is a complex task, as it requires a combination of many variables. In paralympic powerlifting (PP) asymmetries for the evaluation of activation, and static force indicators have been increasingly studied. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the asymmetries in the strength and muscle activation indicators, before and after a training session of PP athletes. METHODOLOGY: Twelve elite athletes from the PP participated in the study, and asymmetry was evaluated through surface electromyography (sEMG) and static strength indicators. Evaluations were made before and after a protocol of five series of five repetitions (5 × 5), with 80% of 1-Maximum Repetition (1RM). RESULTS: In the pectoral muscles, there were differences in the non-dominant limbs between the before and after in the sEMG. There were differences in the pectoralis muscle in the non-dominant limb between moments before (110.75 ± 59.52%) and after (130.53 ± 98.48%, p < 0.001), and there was no difference in triceps activation. In the Maximum Isometric Strength (MIF), there was a difference in the non-dominant limb between before (710.36 ± 129.36) and after (620.27 ± 69.73; p < 0.030). There was a difference before in the dominant (626.89 ± 120.16; 95% CI 550.55-703.24) and non-dominant (710.36 ± 129.36; p = 0.011) limbs. There was no difference in time to MIF. CONCLUSION: PP athletes showed small levels of asymmetry before and after training, and adaptation to training tends to promote fewer asymmetries.

Bol. latinoam. Caribe plantas med. aromát ; 22(5): 607-627, sep. 2023. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1561288


In order to understand antidiabetic potential and toxicity, this study aimed to evaluate the acute toxicity and antidiabetic activity of ethanolic extract and ethyl acetate fraction obtained from Coutoubea spicata "nicolau" shoots. Chemical constituents and acute toxicity were investigated. In alloxan-induced diabetic rats, extract and fraction were tested at dose of 100 mg/kg, p.o. Body weight gain, glucose, lipid profile and oxidative stress markers in serum and tissues were determined. In vitro antioxidant activity was performed. Swertiamarin, gentiopicrin, deoxyloganic acid, clovin and robinin, and their p-coumaric ester were identified. Extract and fraction were classified as safe (category 5). In diabetic rats, Coutoubea spicata reduced glycaemia, which was accompanied by body weight recovery gain and attenuation in oxidative stress markers. Fraction showed scavenging activity against 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), and 2,2'-azino-bis (3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulphonic acid) radical (ABTS) radicals and reducing power higher than that of the extract. Extract and fraction of Coutoubea spicata didn't present significant toxicity and it can be investigated as a therapeutic alternative in diabetes.

Con el fin de conocer el potencial antidiabético y la toxicidad, este estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar la toxicidad aguda y la actividad antidiabética del extracto etanólico y la fracción de acetato de etilo obtenidos de los brotes de Coutoubea spicata "Nicolau". Se investigaron los componentes químicos y la toxicidad aguda. En ratas diabéticas inducidas por alloxan, se probaron el extracto y la fracción en dosis de 100 mg/kg, p.o. Se determinó el aumento de peso corporal, la glucosa, el perfil lipídico y los marcadores de estrés oxidativo en suero y tejidos. Se realizó una actividad antioxidante in vitro. Se identificaron la suertiamarina, la gentiopicrina, el ácido desoxilogánico, la clovina y la robinina, así como su éster p-cumárico. El extracto y la fracción se clasificaron como seguros (categoría 5). En ratas diabéticas, Coutoubea spicata redujo la glicemia, lo que se acompañó de una recuperación del peso corporal y de la atenuación de los marcadores de estrés oxidativo. La fracción mostró una actividad de barrido contra los radicales 1,1-difenil-2-picrilhidrazilo (DPPH) y 2,2'-azino-bis (ácido 3-etilbenzotiazolina-6-sulfónico) y un poder reductor superior al del extracto. El extracto y la fracción de Coutoubea spicata no presentaron una toxicidad significativa y pueden ser investigados como alternativa terapéutica en la diabetes.

Extratos Vegetais/toxicidade , Extratos Vegetais/farmacologia , Diabetes Mellitus/tratamento farmacológico , Etanol/química , Extratos Vegetais/química , Fracionamento Químico , Hiperglicemia/tratamento farmacológico
Acta sci., Health sci ; 43: e52931, Feb.11, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1368486


Syzygiumcumini(L.) Skeels wasadaptedto the climatic conditionsandsoil typesin Brazil. Its fruits, leaves andinner barkare usedin folk medicinedue to their highantioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anticarcinogenicandantidiabeticactivities mainlyassociated with the presenceof phenolic compounds. It is estimated thatat least300million peopleworldwide developdiabetesand approximately 11million peopleare carriersof the disease in Brazil.The objectiveof this workwas to evaluate thein vitro antioxidant activity, as well as thehypoglycemic actionofhydroethanolic extract(HEE), the ethyl acetate(EAF) andhydromethanolic(HMF) fractions from leavesofS.cumini(L.) Skeels in rats. All assays werecarried out in three replications. Data wereexpressed as meanSDand significance was evaluated by ANOVAand Bonferronitest (p < 0.05). The results indicatea significant(p < 0.05) total phenolcontent (207 ± 2.3GAE mg g-1) andantioxidant activity(EC50=9.05±0.170 µg mL-1) for EAF. HEE and its fractions showed no significant (p > 0.05) actionto modulateglucosebytheOGTT assayinnondiabetic micecompared to control. Thus the use of the plant against diabetes in individuals is not proven.

Ratos , Produtos Biológicos/análise , Ratos Wistar , Syzygium/imunologia , Hipoglicemiantes/análise , Antioxidantes/análise , Técnicas In Vitro/métodos , Estresse Oxidativo/imunologia , Syzygium/efeitos adversos , Diabetes Mellitus/tratamento farmacológico , Compostos Fenólicos , Acetatos/toxicidade
Rev. bras. med. esporte ; 26(2): 139-142, Mar.-Apr. 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1092647


ABSTRACT Introduction: Pre-competitive anxiety is one of the psychological factors that can greatly influence athletes' performance, especially when it comes to individual sport like boxing. Objective: To analyze the level of pre-competitive anxiety in male athletes in the adult and young adult categories, and their correlation with the final results of the last Brazilian National Championship. Methods: A total of 60 young adult athletes participated in the study: 38 non-medalists (17.17±0.54 years and 66.38±13.21 kg) and 22 medalists (17.48±0.54 years and 66.21±12.96 kg). The "adults" group consisted of 35 athletes: 11 non-medalists (22.60±4.65 years and 68.33±14.08 kg) and 24 medalists (22.60±4.82 years and 67.33 ±13.13 kg). Results: The levels of cognitive anxiety in the young adult athletes group presented significant differences: medalists presented lower scores than non-medalists (12.77±2.62 and 15.92±5.20, respectively). In the adults group, medalists presented higher scores than non-medalists (15.23±4.42 and 12.00±4.11). Significant differences were observed in somatic anxiety levels between the young adult medalists and the other groups (p = 0.038). In addition, levels of self-confidence were high in all groups (young adult non-medalists = 29.42±4.82; adult non-medalists = 26.14±4.94, young adult medalists = 31.59±4.24 and adult medalists = 28.91±4.88). Conclusion: We conclude that self-confidence may interfere with anxiety levels, considering that medal-winning boxers are less prone to cognitive anxiety than non-medalists, and that both groups have high levels of self-confidence. Level of evidence I; High quality randomized trial with statistically significant difference or no statistically significant difference but narrow confidence intervals.

RESUMO Introdução: A ansiedade pré-competitiva é um dos fatores psicológicos que pode exercer grande influência sobre o rendimento dos atletas, principalmente, quando se trata de esporte individual como o boxe. Objetivo: Analisar o nível de ansiedade pré-competitiva em atletas do sexo masculino nas categorias adulto e juvenil e sua correlação com os resultados finais do último Campeonato Brasileiro. Métodos: Participaram do estudo 60 atletas juvenis: 38 não medalhistas (17,17 ± 0,54 anos e 66,38 ± 13,21 kg) e 22 medalhistas (17,48 ± 0,54 anos e 66,21 ± 12,96 kg). O grupo "adultos" foi composto por 35 atletas: 11 não medalhistas (22,60 ± 4,65 anos e 68,33 ± 14,08 kg) e 24 medalhistas (22,60 ± 4,82 anos e 67,33 ± 13,13 kg). Resultados: Os níveis de ansiedade cognitiva no grupo de atletas juvenis apresentaram diferenças significativas: os medalhistas apresentaram escores mais baixos do que os não medalhistas (12,77 ± 2,62 e 15,92 ± 5,20, respectivamente). No grupo de adultos, os medalhistas apresentaram maiores escores do que os não medalhistas (15,23 ± 4,42 e 12,00 ± 4,11). Diferenças significativas foram observadas nos níveis de ansiedade somática entre os medalhistas juvenis e os outros grupos (p = 0,038). Além disso, os níveis de autoconfiança apresentaram-se altos em todos os grupos (não-medalhistas juvenis = 29,42 ± 4,82; não-medalhistas adultos = 26,14 ± 4,94, medalhistas juvenis = 31,59 ± 4,24 e medalhistas adultos = 28,91 ± 4,88). Conclusão: Concluiu-se que a autoconfiança pode interferir nos níveis de ansiedade, considerando que boxeadores medalhistas são menos propensos a ansiedade cognitiva do que os não-medalhistas e que ambos os grupos apresentam altos níveis de autoconfiança. Nível de evidência I; Estudo clínico randomizado de alta qualidade com ou sem diferença estatisticamente significante, mas com intervalos de confiança estreitos.

RESUMEN Introducción: La ansiedad precompetitiva es uno de los factores psicológicos que puede ejercer gran influencia sobre el rendimiento de los atletas, principalmente, cuando se trata de deportes individuales como el boxeo. Objetivo: Analizar el nivel de ansiedad precompetitiva en atletas del sexo masculino en las categorías adulto y juvenil, y su correlación con los resultados finales del último Campeonato Brasileño. Métodos: Participaron en el estudio 60 atletas juveniles: 38 no medallistas (17,17 ± 0,54 años y 66,38 ± 13,21 kg) y 22 medallistas (17,48 ± 0,54 años y 66,21 ± 12,96 kg). El grupo "adultos" fue compuesto por 35 atletas: 11 no medallistas (22,60 ± 4,65 años y 68,33 ± 14,08 kg) y 24 medallistas (22,60 ± 4,82 años y 67,33 ± 13,13 kg). Resultados: Los niveles de ansiedad cognitiva en el grupo de atletas jóvenes presentaron diferencias significativas: los medallistas presentaron puntuaciones más bajas que los no medallistas (12,77 ± 2,62 y 15,92 ± 5,20 respectivamente). En el grupo de adultos, los medallistas presentaron puntuaciones más altas que los no medallistas (15,23 ± 4,42 y 12,00 ± 4,11). Se observaron diferencias significativas en los niveles de ansiedad somática entre medallistas juveniles y los otros grupos (p = 0,038). Además, los niveles de autoconfianza se presentaron altos en todos los grupos (juveniles no medallistas = 29,42 ± 4,82; adultos no medallistas = 26,14 ± 4,94, medallistas juveniles = 31,59 ± 4,24 y medallistas adultos = 28,91 ± 4,88). Conclusión: Se concluyó que la autoconfianza puede interferir en los niveles de ansiedad, considerando que los boxeadores medallistas son menos propensos a la ansiedad cognitiva que los no medallistas y que ambos grupos tienen altos niveles de autoconfianza. Nivel de evidencia I; Estudio clínico aleatorio de alta calidad con o sin diferencia estadísticamente significativa, pero con intervalos de confianza estrechos.

Rev. bras. cineantropom. desempenho hum ; 22: e74189, 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1143975


Abstract This study analyzed the responses of 24 sessions of High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) and Continuous Moderate (CM) on tissue damage, oxidative stress and glycemic profile of rats in liquid medium. Twenty-four Wistar rats participated, divided into three groups: sedentary (GSED), the one who performed the HIIT (GHIIT) and the one who performed the CM (GCM). Performed three times a week alternately for 8 weeks, and the GHIIT performed 20 seconds of exercise for 10 rest. The CM was a moderate intensity swim. GHIIT increased creatine kinase compared to GSED (GSED: 140.40 + 35.48 U / I; GHIIT: 442.60 + 8.35 U / I; p = 0.0008, representing a percentage increase of 215.24); lactate dehydrogenase was increased in GHIIT and GCM compared to GSED (GSED: 112.8 + 28.08 U / I; GHIIT: 250.9 + 70.67 U / I, a percentage increase of 122.42; GCM: 241.8 + 100.70 U / I, with a percentage increase 114.36; p = 0.006), in contrast, GHIIT increased non-oxidized liver sulfhydryls compared to GCM (GHIIT: 498.70 + 214.30 nmol / ml; GCM: 270.50 + 104.40 nmol / ml, the percentage change was 84.36; p = 0.03). There was greater glycemic maintenance in the GCM (p = 0.0002). It is concluded that the protocols of HIIT and CM, of this study, point to a possible tissue injury, in contrast, HIIT develops the adaptive capacity of the hepatic antioxidant system and the CM promotes greater glycemic support.

Resumo Este estudo analisou as respostas de 24 sessões de High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) e Contínuo Moderado (CM) sobre a lesão tecidual, estresse oxidativo e perfil glicêmico de ratos em meio líquido. Participaram 24 ratos Wistar, divididos em três grupos: sedentário (GSED), o que fez o HIIT (GHIIT) e o que executou o CM (GCM). Realizados três vezes semanais alternadamente por 8 semanas, sendo que o GHIIT executou 20 segundos de exercício por 10 de descanso. O CM foi um nado de intensidade moderada. O GHIIT aumentou a creatina quinase em relação ao GSED (GSED: 140.40 ± 35.48 U/I; GHIIT: 442.60 ± 8.35 U/I; p=0.0008, representando um aumento percentual de 215.24); a lactato desidrogenase foi aumentada no GHIIT e GCM em relação ao GSED (GSED: 112.8 ± 28.08 U/I; GHIIT: 250.9 ± 70.67 U/I, um aumento percentual de 122.42; GCM: 241.8 ± 100.70 U/I, com aumento percentual de 114.36; p=0.006), em contrapartida, o GHIIT aumentou as sulfidrilas hepáticas não oxidadas em relação ao GCM (GHIIT: 498.70 ± 214.30 nmol/ml; GCM: 270.50 ± 104.40 nmol/ml, a variação percentual foi de 84.36; p=0.03). Houve maior manutenção glicêmica no GCM (p=0.0002). Conclui-se que os protocolos de HIIT e CM, deste estudo, apontam para a uma possível lesão tecidual, em contrapartida, o HIIT desenvolve a capacidade de adaptação do sistema antioxidante hepático e o CM promove uma sustentação glicêmica maior.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31683746


Many species of the genus Croton have been used for anti-inflammatory, antiproliferative, antidiabetic, and antitumor purposes. The objective was to evaluate the effect of a hydroethanolic extract (HEE) from the inner bark of Croton argyrophyllus (Euphorbiaceae) on muscle damage and oxidative stress in rats after high intensity exercise. The animals were divided into four groups: (i) the sedentary group (SV; n = 7), (ii) the exercise vehicle group (EV, n = 7), (iii) the sedentary group HEE (SHG; n = 7) composed of sedentary animals and treated with the hydroethanolic extract of C. argyrophyllus (200 mg/kg, v.o.), and (iv) the HEE exercise group (HEE; n = 7) composed of animals submitted to resistance exercise (RE) and treated with the hydroethanolic extract of C. argyrophyllus (200 mg/kg, v.o.). In the 2,2-Diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) test, the HEE showed lower values of inhibition potential (IP%) at 39.79% compared to gallic acid, 87.61%, and lipoperoxidation inhibition at 27.4% (100 µg/mL) or 28.6% (200 µg/mL) (p < 0.001). There was inhibition in free radicals in vivo. The HEE of C. argyrophyllus partially reduced the biomarkers of oxidative stress in muscle tissue and muscular damage (creatine kinase (CK) and Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH)) (p < 0.05) in rats, and in this sense it can be an aid to the recovery process after exhaustive efforts.

Croton/química , Peroxidação de Lipídeos/efeitos dos fármacos , Condicionamento Físico Animal , Extratos Vegetais/farmacologia , Animais , Creatina Quinase , Radicais Livres/metabolismo , L-Lactato Desidrogenase/metabolismo , Masculino , Músculo Esquelético/metabolismo , Estresse Oxidativo/efeitos dos fármacos , Ratos
J. Phys. Educ. (Maringá) ; 28: e2804, 2017. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-841145


RESUMO O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar o impacto da reposição hídrica com água de coco sobre o estado de hidratação e cardiovascular drift durante o exercício. Treze voluntários do sexo masculino realizaram três sessões de exercício em cicloergômetro, submetidos a formas distintas de hidratação: grupo sem água (SA); grupo com água (CA); e grupo água de coco (CAC). O estado de hidratação foi determinado por alterações percentuais na massa corporal (∆ %MC) e urina. A frequência cardíaca (FC) foi registrada para avaliar o cardiovascular drift. Houve um aumento significativo da desidratação no grupo SA (∆ %MC = - 1,43 ± 0,15), comparado aos grupos CA (∆ %MC = - 0,68 ± 0,15) e CAC (∆ % MC = - 0,70 ± 0,19). O grupo SA demonstrou aumentos significativos da FC comparado aos outros grupos. Conclui-se que a água de coco favoreceu a hidratação e a redução da FC, evitando o cardiovascular drift, mas com impacto similar à água.

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to evaluate the impact of fluid replacement with coconut water on the hydration status and cardiovascular drift during exercise. Thirteen male volunteers performed three sessions of exercise in bicycle ergometer, submitted to different forms of fluid replacement: no water intake (NW) group; with water intake (WW) group; and with coconut water (WCW) group. Hydration status was determined by percentage body mass changes (∆ % BM) and urine. Heart rate (HR) was recorded to evaluate the cardiovascular drift. There was a significant increase of dehydration in the NW group(∆ % BM = - 1.43 ± 0.15) compared with WW(∆ % BM = - 0.68 ± 0.15) and WCW groups(∆ % BM = - 0.70 ± 0.19). The NW group showed significant increases in HR compared to other groups. It was concluded that coconut water promotes hydration and HR reduction, preventing cardiovascular drift, but similar to water impact.

Humanos , Masculino , Desidratação , Exercício Físico , Alimentos de Coco , Frequência Cardíaca