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RBM rev. bras. med ; 71(4)abr. 2014.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-721594


Background and objectives: Schistosomiasis has a wide geographical distribution, and is found in many countries including Brazil, where it is endemic in some states. This study aimed to describe the main pathogenic aspects of the Homo sapiens sapiens / Shistosoma mansoni interaction, focusing on the acute phase of illness. Accordingly, we reviewed the literature using a with a defined search strategy, using PubMed. The selected papers were read and the information organized into two sections, focusing on (1) the pathophysiological human-helminth interaction "cycle" and (2) the role of granuloma in the disease. Content: The pathologic process begins with the penetration of the cercariae into the skin, from which point the response mechanisms to infection are triggered - linked to the biological cycle of the helminth in the human body - and justifying the development of acute and chronic forms of the disease. The acute phase is characterized by the formation of necrotic-exudative granulomas around the eggs. Continuous oviposition allows for modulation of the immune response, the histopathological significance of which is the disappearance of the necrotic areas and size reduction of the granulomas surrounding the eggs. Conclusion: An understanding of the Homo sapiens sapiens/Schistosoma mansoni interaction is essential in order to think of ways to intervene with the natural history of the disease, avoiding the emergence of severe forms - especially in the context of evolution to chronic disease -, and, perhaps, corroborating for a better coexistence between man and helminth, in the best spirit of cohabitology...

Humanos , Esquistossomose mansoni , Patologia