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Braz. j. biol ; 84: e261574, 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1384078


In current study, different feeding levels of Moringa oleifera formulated diet was compared to analyze the growth performance, feed conversion ratio, feed conversion efficiency and gut microbiology of Oreochromis niloticus. The study was comprised of four treatment groups including 4%, 8% and 12% Moringa oleifera and one control group which was devoid of Moringa leaves. The experimental trial was conducted at the Zoology laboratory of Pakistan Institute of Applied and Social Sciences, (PIASS) Kasur. The physicochemical parameters of water such as temperature, dissolve oxygen, pH, total dissolved solids and salinity in all aquaria were found non-significantly different from each other. In control condition T1, the average weight gain was 14.89±16.90a grams, while average length gain was 11.52±7.444a cm. However, the total viable count on Eosin methylene blue was 7.4×107, 5.8×107 on Tryptic soy agar and 5.8×107on Nutrient agar. In T2, the average weight gain was 16.22±16.09b grams and average length gain was 12.97±7.79b cm. The total viable count on Eosin methylene blue was 7×107, 5.5×107 on Tryptic soy agar and 5.8×107on Nutrient agar. In T3, the average weight gain was 37.88±27.43c grams, while the average length gain was recorded as 16.48±12.56c cm. However, the total viable count for treatment 3 was 6.4×10 on Eosin methylene blue, 4.8×107 on Tryptic soy agar and 5.2×107on Nutrient agar. In T4, the average weight gain was 44.22±31.67d grams, while the average length gain was 15.25±10.49d cm. The total viable count was 4.3×107on Eosin methylene blue, 3.1×107 on Tryptic soy agar and 3.8×107 on Nutrient agar. The effect of Moringa oleifera on the growth of Oreochromis niloticus was found to be significant and 12% Moringa extract showed maximum length and weight gain and minimum feed conversion ratio with the least microbial count in fish intestine.

No presente estudo, diferentes níveis de alimentação da dieta formulada com Moringa oleifera foram comparados para analisar o desempenho de crescimento, taxa de conversão alimentar, eficiência de conversão alimentar e microbiologia intestinal de Oreochromis niloticus. O estudo foi composto por quatro grupos de tratamento, incluindo 4%, 8% e 12% de Moringa oleifera e um grupo de controle sem folhas de Moringa. O ensaio experimental foi realizado no laboratório de Zoologia do Instituto de Ciências Aplicadas e Sociais do Paquistão (PIASS), Kasur. Os parâmetros físico-químicos da água como temperatura, oxigênio dissolvido, pH, sólidos totais dissolvidos e salinidade em todos os aquários foram encontrados não significativamente diferentes entre si. Na condição controle T1, o ganho médio de peso foi de 14,89±16,90a gramas, enquanto o ganho médio de comprimento foi de 11,52±7,444a cm. No entanto, a contagem total viável em azul de metileno de eosina foi de 7,4×107, 5,8×107 em ágar de soja Tryptic e 5,8×107 em ágar Nutriente. Em T2, o ganho médio de peso foi de 16,22±16,09b gramas e o ganho médio de comprimento foi de 12,97±7,79b cm. A contagem total viável em azul de metileno de eosina foi 7×107, 5,5×107 em ágar de soja Tryptic e 5,8×107 em ágar Nutriente. Em T3, o ganho médio de peso foi de 37,88±27,43c gramas, enquanto o ganho médio de comprimento foi registrado como 16,48±12,56c cm. No entanto, a contagem total viável para o tratamento 3 foi de 6,4×10 em azul de metileno de eosina, 4,8×107 em ágar soja Tryptic e 5,2×107 em ágar Nutriente. Em T4, o ganho médio de peso foi de 44,22±31,67d gramas, enquanto o ganho médio de comprimento foi de 15,25±10,49d cm. A contagem total viável foi de 4,3×107 em Eosin metileno blue, 3,1×107 em Tryptic soy agar e 3,8×107 em Nutrient agar. O efeito da Moringa oleifera no crescimento de Oreochromis niloticus foi significativo e o extrato de Moringa a 12% apresentou ganho máximo de comprimento e peso e conversão alimentar mínima com a menor contagem microbiana no intestino dos peixes.

Animais , Tilápia/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Tilápia/microbiologia , Moringa oleifera , Dieta
Braz J Biol ; 83: e259039, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37466508


Morphometric measurement and roosting ecology of Pteropus medius were aimed to find out in Mansehra district of KP, Pakistan. Total 3149 numbers of bats were found in eight biological spots visited; Baffa Doraha, Darband, Dadar, Jallu, Hazara University, Garhi Habibullah Chattar Plain and Jabori, in total 299 numbers of different species of trees including; Morus alba, Pinus raxburghi, Eucalyptus camaldulensis, Morus nigra, Grevillea robusta, Brousonetia papyrifera, Platanus orientalis, Ailanthus altissima, Hevea brasiliensis and Populus nigra. Morphometric features were measured and found vary according to sex of the bats. The average wing span, wing`s length from tip of wing to neck, from thumb to tip of wing and the body`s length from head and claws were recorded to be 102.98 cm, 49.07cm, 28.7 cm and 22.78 cm respectively in males while 93.67 cm, 44.83cm, 24.78cm and 22.78 cm respectively in female bats. Mean circumference of the body including wings and without wing were measured as 22.78 cm and 17.29 cm in males and that of female were 20.07 cm and 16.9 cm. Average length of thumb 3.64 cm, ear`s length 3.1 cm, snout 5.62cm, eye length were 1.07 cm for both sexes and length between the feet in extended position were16.3 cm. Generally different measurement of males bodies were found to be greater than female such as mean body surface area, mass, volume and pressure were found to be 2691.79 cm2, 855.7gm,1236.4 ml and 295.77 dyne/ c m 3 for male and 2576.46 cm2, 852.71gm,1207 ml and 290.2 dyne/ c m 3 respectively for female. While weight and density for both males and females bats were same with mean of 8.59 newton and 0.701 g/m3. Findings of current reports can add valued information in literature about bats, which can be used for species identification and conservation.

Quirópteros , Animais , Feminino , Masculino , Paquistão , Asas de Animais
Braz. j. biol ; 83: e259039, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1447651


Morphometric measurement and roosting ecology of Pteropus medius were aimed to find out in Mansehra district of KP, Pakistan. Total 3149 numbers of bats were found in eight biological spots visited; Baffa Doraha, Darband, Dadar, Jallu, Hazara University, Garhi Habibullah Chattar Plain and Jabori, in total 299 numbers of different species of trees including; Morus alba, Pinus raxburghi, Eucalyptus camaldulensis, Morus nigra, Grevillea robusta, Brousonetia papyrifera,Platanus orientalis, Ailanthus altissima, Hevea brasiliensis and Populus nigra. Morphometric features were measured and found vary according to sex of the bats. The average wing span, wing`s length from tip of wing to neck, from thumb to tip of wing and the body`s length from head and claws were recorded to be 102.98 cm, 49.07cm, 28.7 cm and 22.78 cm respectively in males while 93.67 cm, 44.83cm, 24.78cm and 22.78 cm respectively in female bats. Mean circumference of the body including wings and without wing were measured as 22.78 cm and 17.29 cm in males and that of female were 20.07 cm and 16.9 cm. Average length of thumb 3.64 cm, ear`s length 3.1 cm, snout 5.62cm, eye length were 1.07 cm for both sexes and length between the feet in extended position were16.3 cm. Generally different measurement of males bodies were found to be greater than female such as mean body surface area, mass, volume and pressure were found to be 2691.79 cm2, 855.7gm,1236.4 ml and 295.77 dyne/ c m 3for male and 2576.46 cm2, 852.71gm,1207 ml and 290.2 dyne/ c m 3 respectively for female. While weight and density for both males and females bats were same with mean of 8.59 newton and 0.701 g/m3. Findings of current reports can add valued information in literature about bats, which can be used for species identification and conservation.

A medição morfométrica e a ecologia de poleiro de Pteropus medius foram realizadas no distrito de Mansehra de KP, Paquistão. Foram encontrados 3.149 morcegos em 8 pontos biológicos visitados; Baffa Doraha, Darband, Dadar, Jallu, Universidade Hazara, Garhi Habibullah Chattar Plain e Jabori, no total 299 números de diferentes espécies de árvores, incluindo: Morus alba, Pinus raxburghi, Eucalyptus camaldulensis, Morus nigra, Grevillea robusta, Brousonetia papyrifera, Platanus orientalis, Ailanthus altissima, Hevea brasiliensis e Populus nigra. As características morfométricas foram medidas e variam de acordo com o sexo dos morcegos. A envergadura média da asa, o comprimento da asa da ponta da asa ao pescoço, do polegar à ponta da asa e o comprimento do corpo da cabeça e garras foram registrados em 102,98 cm, 49,07 cm, 28,7 cm e 22,78 cm, respectivamente, nos machos. Enquanto 93,67 cm, 44,83 cm, 24,78 cm e 22,78 cm respectivamente, nas fêmeas. As circunferências médias do corpo incluindo asas e sem asas foram medidas de 22,78 cm e 17,29 cm nos machos e as das fêmeas foram 20,07 cm e 16,9 cm. O comprimento médio do polegar 3,64 cm, comprimento da orelha 3,1 cm, focinho 5,62 cm, comprimento dos olhos 1,07 cm para ambos os sexos e comprimento entre os pés em posição estendida foi de 16,3 cm. Geralmente, as medidas diferentes dos corpos masculinos foram maiores que as femininas, como a área de superfície corporal média, massa, volume e pressão foram encontrados em 2691,79 cm2, 855,7 gm,1236,4 ml e 295,77 dines para masculino e 2576,46 cm2, 852,71 gm, 1207 ml e 290,2 dines respectivamente para fêmeas. Enquanto o peso e a densidade para machos e fêmeas de morcegos foram os mesmos com média de 8,59 N e 0,701 g/m3. Os achados de relatórios atuais podem agregar informações valiosas na literatura sobre morcegos, que podem ser utilizadas para identificação e conservação de espécies.

Animais , Quirópteros/anatomia & histologia , Biodiversidade , Paquistão
Braz J Biol ; 84: e261574, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35703630


In current study, different feeding levels of Moringa oleifera formulated diet was compared to analyze the growth performance, feed conversion ratio, feed conversion efficiency and gut microbiology of Oreochromis niloticus. The study was comprised of four treatment groups including 4%, 8% and 12% Moringa oleifera and one control group which was devoid of Moringa leaves. The experimental trial was conducted at the Zoology laboratory of Pakistan Institute of Applied and Social Sciences, (PIASS) Kasur. The physicochemical parameters of water such as temperature, dissolve oxygen, pH, total dissolved solids and salinity in all aquaria were found non-significantly different from each other. In control condition T1, the average weight gain was 14.89±16.90a grams, while average length gain was 11.52±7.444a cm. However, the total viable count on Eosin methylene blue was 7.4×107, 5.8×107 on Tryptic soy agar and 5.8×107on Nutrient agar. In T2, the average weight gain was 16.22±16.09b grams and average length gain was 12.97±7.79b cm. The total viable count on Eosin methylene blue was 7×107, 5.5×107 on Tryptic soy agar and 5.8×107on Nutrient agar. In T3, the average weight gain was 37.88±27.43c grams, while the average length gain was recorded as 16.48±12.56c cm. However, the total viable count for treatment 3 was 6.4×10 on Eosin methylene blue, 4.8×107 on Tryptic soy agar and 5.2×107on Nutrient agar. In T4, the average weight gain was 44.22±31.67d grams, while the average length gain was 15.25±10.49d cm. The total viable count was 4.3×107on Eosin methylene blue, 3.1×107 on Tryptic soy agar and 3.8×107 on Nutrient agar. The effect of Moringa oleifera on the growth of Oreochromis niloticus was found to be significant and 12% Moringa extract showed maximum length and weight gain and minimum feed conversion ratio with the least microbial count in fish intestine.

Dieta , Microbioma Gastrointestinal , Moringa oleifera , Tilápia , Ágar/análise , Animais , Dieta/veterinária , Amarelo de Eosina-(YS)/análise , Azul de Metileno/análise , Tilápia/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Tilápia/microbiologia , Aumento de Peso