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Acta Sci. Anim. Sci. ; 34(1): 7-14, 2012.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-725156


The experiment was undertaken at the Faculty of Agrarian and Veterinary Sciences (FCAV) Jaboticabal, São Paulo State, Brazil, during winter-spring-summer of 2001-2002, to determine the fractionation of nitrogen and carbohydrates in Tifton 85 (Cynodon dactylon Vanderyst x Cynodon nlemfuensis (L.) Pers), exclusively or oversown with winter annual forage species. Treatments comprised bristle oat (Avena strigosa Schreb), yellow oat (Avena byzantina C. Koch), triticale (X Triticosecale Wittmack), bristle oat + yellow oat, bristle oat + triticale, yellow oat + triticale, bristle oat + yellow oat + triticale seeded in Tifton 85 and sole crop (control). Experimental design was composed of completely randomized blocks with three replications. Fodder was cut 20 cm high (presence of winter forage) and 10 cm high (Tifton 85 pasture). Crude protein, total carbohydrate and the fractions of nitrogen compounds and carbohydrates were determined. Decrease was reported in the levels of chemical compounds in winter forage species and in Tifton 85 during the evaluation periods. The content of nitrogen compounds and carbohydrates varied widely during the evaluation period according to the morphological characteristics of grass species and botanical composition of pastures.

Acta sci., Anim. sci ; 34(1): 7-14, 2012.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1459387


The experiment was undertaken at the Faculty of Agrarian and Veterinary Sciences (FCAV) Jaboticabal, São Paulo State, Brazil, during winter-spring-summer of 2001-2002, to determine the fractionation of nitrogen and carbohydrates in Tifton 85 (Cynodon dactylon Vanderyst x Cynodon nlemfuensis (L.) Pers), exclusively or oversown with winter annual forage species. Treatments comprised bristle oat (Avena strigosa Schreb), yellow oat (Avena byzantina C. Koch), triticale (X Triticosecale Wittmack), bristle oat + yellow oat, bristle oat + triticale, yellow oat + triticale, bristle oat + yellow oat + triticale seeded in Tifton 85 and sole crop (control). Experimental design was composed of completely randomized blocks with three replications. Fodder was cut 20 cm high (presence of winter forage) and 10 cm high (Tifton 85 pasture). Crude protein, total carbohydrate and the fractions of nitrogen compounds and carbohydrates were determined. Decrease was reported in the levels of chemical compounds in winter forage species and in Tifton 85 during the evaluation periods. The content of nitrogen compounds and carbohydrates varied widely during the evaluation period according to the morphological characteristics of grass species and botanical composition of pastures.

Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1493173


This review aimed to present the main environmental impacts related to livestock, especially as regards the emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs) and the possible ways to mitigate these externalities. The creation of ruminants in Brazil comes mainly extensively, often in areas of degraded pasture and hence low productivity. This fact enables the activity a great opportunity to reduce the impact to the environment, since actions taken to improve animal performance should result in a lower consumption of natural resources (land and water) and greater efficiency of the digestive system animal. The main problems identified by researchers in relation to cattle production are the methane emitted from enteric fermentation of ruminants, nitrous oxide emitted by feces of grazing animals and carbon dioxide exchanged by soil and vegetation. Many factors influence the production of CH4 from enteric ruminants, including the type of carbohydrate fermentation, the animal"s digestive system, and the amount and type of food consumed. In this light, researchers have been working technologies to reduce methane emissions through improved food handling practices, manipulation of rumen by supplementation with monensin, lipids, organic acids and plant compounds. Other strategies to reduce methane that were investigated are defaunation and vaccines, which seek to inhibit methanogens and methanogenesis.

Na presente revisão, buscou-se apresentar os principais impactos ambientais causados pela pecuária, sobretudo, em relação às emissões de gases efeito estufa (GEE). Além disso, buscou-se apresentar possíveis formas de mitigar essas externalidades. A criação de bovinos, no Brasil, acontece de forma extensiva, muitas vezes em áreas com pastagem degradada e, portanto, de baixa produtividade. Isso possibilita à atividade uma oportunidade de redução do impacto causado ao meio ambiente, uma vez que ações tomadas, no sentido de melhorar o rendimento animal, devem resultar em um menor consumo de recursos naturais (terra e água) e maior eficiência do sistema digestivo animal. Os principais problemas apontados pelos pesquisadores, no que tange à pecuária extensiva, são o metano emitido pela fermentação entérica dos ruminantes, o óxido nitroso emitido pelos dejetos dos animais em pastejo e o dióxido de carbono trocado pelo solo e vegetação. Muitos fatores influenciam a produção de CH4 entérico dos ruminantes, inclusive o tipo de carboidrato fermentado, o sistema digestivo do animal, a quantidade e o tipo de alimentos consumidos. Diante do exposto, pesquisadores têm desenvolvido tecnologias para reduzir a emissão de metano, através da melhoria das práticas de manejo alimentar, manipulação ruminal, por meio de suplementação com monensina, lipídios, ácidos orgânicos e compostos de plantas. Ou

Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-712176


This review aimed to present the main environmental impacts related to livestock, especially as regards the emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs) and the possible ways to mitigate these externalities. The creation of ruminants in Brazil comes mainly extensively, often in areas of degraded pasture and hence low productivity. This fact enables the activity a great opportunity to reduce the impact to the environment, since actions taken to improve animal performance should result in a lower consumption of natural resources (land and water) and greater efficiency of the digestive system animal. The main problems identified by researchers in relation to cattle production are the methane emitted from enteric fermentation of ruminants, nitrous oxide emitted by feces of grazing animals and carbon dioxide exchanged by soil and vegetation. Many factors influence the production of CH4 from enteric ruminants, including the type of carbohydrate fermentation, the animal"s digestive system, and the amount and type of food consumed. In this light, researchers have been working technologies to reduce methane emissions through improved food handling practices, manipulation of rumen by supplementation with monensin, lipids, organic acids and plant compounds. Other strategies to reduce methane that were investigated are defaunation and vaccines, which seek to inhibit methanogens and methanogenesis.

Na presente revisão, buscou-se apresentar os principais impactos ambientais causados pela pecuária, sobretudo, em relação às emissões de gases efeito estufa (GEE). Além disso, buscou-se apresentar possíveis formas de mitigar essas externalidades. A criação de bovinos, no Brasil, acontece de forma extensiva, muitas vezes em áreas com pastagem degradada e, portanto, de baixa produtividade. Isso possibilita à atividade uma oportunidade de redução do impacto causado ao meio ambiente, uma vez que ações tomadas, no sentido de melhorar o rendimento animal, devem resultar em um menor consumo de recursos naturais (terra e água) e maior eficiência do sistema digestivo animal. Os principais problemas apontados pelos pesquisadores, no que tange à pecuária extensiva, são o metano emitido pela fermentação entérica dos ruminantes, o óxido nitroso emitido pelos dejetos dos animais em pastejo e o dióxido de carbono trocado pelo solo e vegetação. Muitos fatores influenciam a produção de CH4 entérico dos ruminantes, inclusive o tipo de carboidrato fermentado, o sistema digestivo do animal, a quantidade e o tipo de alimentos consumidos. Diante do exposto, pesquisadores têm desenvolvido tecnologias para reduzir a emissão de metano, através da melhoria das práticas de manejo alimentar, manipulação ruminal, por meio de suplementação com monensina, lipídios, ácidos orgânicos e compostos de plantas. Ou