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IBRO Neurosci Rep ; 13: 177-186, 2022 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36065406


Alcoholic neuropathy (AN), a debilitating condition that mainly affects chronic alcohol drinkers, is thought to cause lesions in the peripheral nervous system leading to sensory, autonomic, and motor dysfunctions. Despite many studies, the pathogenesis of these lesions is still not completely understood. We investigated few aspects on the development of alcohol-induced peripheral neuropathy, by assessing sensory, motor and autonomic functions, as well as stereological analysis of axonal fibers and myelin sheath of the sciatic nerve. Twelve male Wistar rats were divided into Control group and Alcohol group that was submitted to Two Bottle-Choice Paradigm of intermittent and voluntary alcohol solution intake (20%; v/v) during eight weeks. At the end of treatment, three different sensorium-motor tests were applied - Tactile Sensitivity, Thermal Sensitivity, and Functional Observational Battery (FOB). Quantitative morphometric analysis of sciatic nerve structures was performed by stereological method. Alcohol concentration in the blood was measured to analyze possible correlation between availability of alcohol in the blood and the magnitude of the peripheral nerve lesion. Our data showed a peripheral effect of chronic alcohol intake associated with hyperalgesia and a process of demyelination with a strong correlation with alcohol consumption. This process was associated with increased tactile sensitivity, with behavioral reflexes such as locomotor hyperactivity, changes in gait and balance, and autonomic reflexes such as piloerection.