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Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1349478


Introducción: los tumores en la cavidad nasal y los senos paranasales son un problema serio en la población pediátrica, principalmente por la inespecificidad de los síntomas que lleva a que pasen de meses a años antes de la sospecha de una patología neoplásica, con un impacto en la calidad de vida del paciente y su entorno. Al sospechar de la presencia de un tumor nasosinusal se requiere la realización de imágenes diagnósticas como la resonancia magnética y la tomografía computarizada de los senos paranasales. Cuando se tiene un diagnóstico etiológico, siempre se debe realizar un abordaje multidisciplinario. Materiales y métodos: realizamos un estudio retrospectivo de corte transversal de la cohorte de pacientes con tumores de nariz y senos paranasales atendidos en un hospital pediátrico de cuarto nivel en Bogotá, Colombia, entre 2013-2018. Resultados: se incluyeron un total de 54 pacientes con tumores malignos y benignos de nariz y senos paranasales, la mayoría fueron hombres con un promedio de edad de ocho años. Generalmente se presentaron con síntomas nasosinusales, el principal fue obstrucción nasal en el 80 % de los pacientes. El diagnóstico mas común fue craneofaringioma en un tercio de los pacientes, seguido por angiofibroma nasofaríngeo y linfoma de Burkitt. Conclusión: es importante conocer los síntomas y características clínicas de los pacientes pediátricos con tumores nasofaríngeos. Por esta razón, se considera importante presentar la casuística y características de los tumores de nariz y senos paranasales recogida durante 5 años, en un hospital pediátrico de cuarto nivel en la ciudad de Bogotá, Colombia

Introduction: Tumors in the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses in children is a serious problem in the pediatric population, mainly due to the non-specificity of the symptoms that leads to years or months passing before the suspicion of a neoplastic pathology. With an important impact in quality of life not only in the patient but also in its family environment. When suspecting a sinonasal tumor, diagnostic images such as magnetic resonance and computed tomography of the paranasal sinuses are required. When you have an etiological diagnosis always do a multidisciplinary approach. Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional study of the cohort of patients that had been diagnose with tumors of the nasal cavity or paranasal sinuses in a fourth level pediatric hospital in Bogota, Colombia between 2013 - 2018. Results: 54 patients were included, the majority of them were men, with an average age of eight years. They mainly presented with nasal symptoms, the main one being nasal obstruction in 80% of patients. The most common diagnosis was cranipharyngioma in one third of the patients, followed by nasopharyngeal angiofibroma and Burkitt lymphoma. Conclusion: We present this article with the objective of presenting the tumors of nose and paranasal sinuses casuistry collected during 5 years in a fourth level pediatric hospital in the city of Bogotá and the imaging characteristics for the diagnosis of these are reviewed with some clinical cases as examples.

Humanos , Pediatria , Neoplasias Nasais
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1141377


La causa más común de estridor en población pediátrica es la laringomalacia. En trabajos publicados a nivel del mar se ha descrito una incidencia del 70% en pacientes con estridor. Materiales y Métodos: Realizamos un estudio retrospectivo de corte transversal de la cohorte de pacientes operados de supraglotoplastía en un hospital pediátrico de cuarto nivel en una ciudad localizada a 2600 mts de altitud entre el año 2017 - 2018. Resultados: Fueron intervenidos 44 pacientes, el 55% de los pacientes eran mujeres, con una mediana de edad de 11 meses (RIQ 11 días ­ 6 años), el 4,5% fueron diagnosticados con laringomalacia Tipo I, Tipo II 43%, 2,2% Tipo III y mixtas 29,5% según la clasificación de Olmey. La indicación quirúrgica se debió a falla del medro en 8 pacientes, Síndrome sibilante con riesgo inminente de falla respirato Trabajos ria en 17, episodio breve resuelto inexplicado (BRUE) de alto riesgo en 3 y apnea del sueño de predominio obstructivo 20 pacientes. De los 20 pacientes con síndrome de apnea del sueño se obtuvo el resultado del polisomnograma en 18 pacientes donde el promedio de Índice de apnea hipopnea fue de 30,5 con una desaturación de oxígeno máxima (Nadir) del 70%. Con respecto a la intervención quirúrgica se realizó supraglotoplastia tipo I en 5 pacientes, tipo II en 30, y en 9 tipo III. el 95% de los pacientes presentaban alguna comorbilidad y el 25% de los pacientes tenían diagnóstico de anomalías craneofaciales. En 9 pacientes con síndrome de apnea hipopnea del sueño se obtuvo un polisomnograma postoperatorio con un promedio de Índice de apnea hipopnea de 15 con un nadhir del 82,8%. Conclusión: Al analizar los datos obtenidos encontramos que los pacientes operados en altura por esta condición presentan una menor incidencia de resolución completa del SAHs, pero presentan mejoría de los síntomas durante el sueño, y la saturación de oxigeno mínima, independientemente del índice de apnea hipopnea residual

The most common cause of stridor in pediatric population is laryngomalacia. In papers published at sea level it has been describe an incidence of 70% in patients with stridor. We conducted a cross-sectional study of the cohort of patients that had undergo supraglotoplasty surgery in a fourth level pediatric hospital in a city located at an altitude of 2600 meter between 2017 - 2018. 44 patients were intervened, 4.5% of whom were diagnosed with type I laryngomalacia, 43% type II, 2.2% type III, 29.5% has more tan one type this according to Oley´s classification. The surgical indication was due to growing failure in 8 patient, inminent risk to respiratory failure in 17, high risk BRUE in 3 and severe sleep apnea in 20. Type I supraglotoplasty was performed in 5 patients , type II in 30 and in 9 type III. In 14 patients it was performed and additional procedure as dilatation of subglottic stenosis, amigdalectomy and tongue base resection. 95% of the patients had a comorbidity and 25% had a diagnosis of craniofacial anomalies. Conclusión: When analyzing the data obtained we found that patients operated at height for laryngomalacia, have a lower incidence of complete resolution of OSA, but show improvement of symptoms during sleep and minimal oxygen saturation, regardless of the residual hypopnea apnea index. The authors recommend pediatric otolaryngologists to take this difference into account when adressing a patient with laryngomalacia and other comorbidities.

Humanos , Laringomalácia , Síndromes da Apneia do Sono , Criança
Acta otorrinolaringol. cir. cabeza cuello ; 46(2): 127-135, 2018. tab, ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-970792


Introducción: La cirugía endoscópica endonasal se ha convertido en una herramienta fundamental para el manejo de patologías que comprometen la base de cráneo. En casos bien seleccionados, estas técnicas permiten resecciones quirúrgicas con una menor morbilidad sin comprometer los principios oncológicos de resección. Con el desarrollo de instrumental especializado, nuevas tecnologías y la experiencia de los cirujanos, la cirugía endoscópica endonasal se usa cada vez más en cirugía de base de cráneo en niños. Objetivo: presentar una serie de casos de pacientes pediátricos con tumores de base de cráneo manejados con cirugía endoscópica endonasal. Diseño: Estudio observacional descriptivo de tipo serie de casos. Metodología: se describe la experiencia con pacientes pediátricos llevados a cirugía endoscópica endonasal para manejo de tumores de base de cráneo en el Instituto Nacional de Cancerología entre julio de 2014 y diciembre de 2016. Resultados: Fueron intervenidos 8 pacientes entre los 2 y 14 años, con una edad promedio de nueve años y un seguimiento promedio de 16 meses. En el 75% se hizo una resección total del tumor. Un paciente requirió una reintervención y un paciente fue sometido a radiocirugía post-operatoria. 1 paciente falleció a pesar de múltiples intervenciones, quimioterapia y radioterapia. Conclusión: La cirugía endoscópica endonasal para tumores de base de cráneo puede ser utilizada de forma segura en los pacientes pediátricos, es una técnica que en casos bien seleccionados pueden ofrecer excelentes resultados disminuyendo la morbilidad y complicaciones de las técnicas abiertas.

Introduction: Endoscopic endonasal approaches have become an instrumental tool in the management of skull base pathologies. In well selected cases, these techniques allow surgical resections with less morbidity without compromising oncological resection principles. As technology, instrumentation and surgeon experience have progressed, these techniques are being used more often in pediatric skull base surgery. Objective: To present a case series of pediatric patients with skull base tumors who underwent endonasal endonasal surgery. Methods: Case series of patients who underwent endoscopic endonasal surgery for pediatric skull base tumor resections at the Instituto Nacional de Cancerología (National Cancer Institute), between July 2014 and December 2016. Results: 8 patients between 2 and 14 years-old underwent endoscopic endonasal surgery. The average time of follow-up was 16 months. 75% patients had gross total resection. 1 patient requiered a second intervention and 1 patient adjuvant radiation treatment. 1 patient died despite multiple interventions, radiation and chemotherapy. Conclusion: Endoscopic endonasal approaches to the skull base can be used safely to manage skull base tumors in pediatric patients. These techniques could offer excelent outcomes in well selected patients, with potentital less morbidity and complications associated with open approaches.

Humanos , Cirurgia Endoscópica por Orifício Natural , Base do Crânio , Neoplasias de Cabeça e Pescoço
Rev. nefrol. diál. traspl ; 37(2): 89-95, jun. 2017. tab, ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1006435


INTRODUCCIÓN: El trasplante renal es el tratamiento de elección para los pacientes con insuficiencia renal terminal. Los pacientes mayores de sesenta años representan la población de mayor crecimiento con esta patología. Sin embargo, no se realizan los trasplantes de manera oportuna y la mayoría permanecen en diálisis con una menor sobrevida y calidad de vida. En este estudio se exponen los desenlaces de los trasplantes renales anciano-para-anciano realizados en una clínica de alta complejidad en Cali, Colombia. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Estudio de cohorte, descriptivo de 31 trasplantes renales con donantes y receptores mayor de 60 años, realizados en la Fundación Valle del Lili en Cali, Colombia, desde enero del 2002 a marzo de 2016. RESULTADOS: De los 31 pacientes trasplantados renales, el 16% presentaron enfermedad cardiovascular post-trasplante, el 6,4% enfermedad cerebrovascular y el 22,6% malignidad. Se presentaron 12 (38,7%) infecciones oportunistas. Cinco pacientes (16%) presentaron disfunción crónica del injerto y tres (9,6%) pérdida del injerto. Nueve pacientes (29%) fallecieron con injerto funcionante. CONCLUSIÓN: La supervivencia de los pacientes trasplantados anciano para anciano en la Fundación Valle del Lili, es equiparable con los resultados en la literatura mundial. Las principales complicaciones asociadas a este tipo de trasplantes son malignidad, infecciones y patologías cardiovasculares. Debido a la alta complejidad y complicaciones de este tipo de trasplantes, los pacientes deben ser cuidadosamente seleccionados

INTRODUCTION: Kidney transplant is the first-line therapy for end-stage renal disease. Patients over 60 constitute a population which is increasingly affected by this disease. However, they do not receive timely transplantation and most of them stay on dialysis treatment with a reduction of their survival time and life quality. In this study we show the results of the kidney transplants between elderly patients performed at a private tertiary care hospital in Cali, Colombia. METHODS: This descriptive, cohort study includes 31 kidney transplants with donors and recipients over 60, which were carried out at Fundación Valle del Lili in Cali, Colombia, from January 2002 to March 2016. RESULTS: The average ages were 66 for recipients and 65 for donors. In most cases (90%) deceased donors were involved. The main cause of renal disease was diabetic nephropathy. CONCLUSION: The survival rate for the patients who underwent this procedure at the center mentioned above is similar to the results shown in the literature all over the world. The most common complications associated with this kind of operation are malignancy, infections and cardiovascular pathologies. Candidates for this transplantation should be carefully chosen given its complexity and related complications

Humanos , Idoso , Sobrevida , Transplante de Rim , Sobrevivência de Enxerto
Int J Surg Case Rep ; 33: 135-138, 2017.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28315818


INTRODUCTION: Sclerosing Encapsulating Peritonitis (SEP) is a rare condition with an incidence of up to 3% and a mortality of up to 51% among peritoneal dialysis (PD) patients (Brown et al., Korte et al. and Kawanishi et al.). In the last ten years, the incidence of SEP in kidney transplant recipients has increased (Nakamoto, de Sousa et al. and Korte et al.). PRESENTATION OF CASE: A 31-year old male with a 15 years history of PD and later kidney retransplantation was admitted to the emergency service after experiencing several weeks of diffuse abdominal pain which had escalated to include vomiting and diarrhea during the 24h previous to admission. The patient underwent an exploratory laparotomy where severe peritoneal thickening was found, in addition to signs of chronic inflammation and blocked intestinal loops. Histopathologic findings were suggestive of sclerosing peritonitis. After two months of treatment in hospital, the patient presented an obstructed intestine, with a rigid and thickened peritoneum compromising all the intestinal loops. DISCUSSION: Despite being rare, SEP, represents a significant complication due to its high mortality and recurrence. It is insidious in its early stages and culminates in an intestinal obstruction (Fieren). Risk factors for its development in kidney transplant recipients include a history of prolonged treatment with PD and the use of calcineurin inhibitors as an immunosuppressive treatment (Korte et al.). CONCLUSION: Given the increase in the incidence of SEP in kidney transplant recipients, the clinician should be alert to the presence of this complication. A greater number of multi-centre studies are required to identify the risk factors for SEP that are inherent in renal transplant recipients.

Rev. nefrol. diál. traspl ; 37(1): 67-69, mar. 2017.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1006397


El trasplante renal es el tratamiento de elección para los pacientes con enfermedad renal terminal. El trasplante con donante vivo, es la mejor opción para los receptores al implicar menor morbi-mortalidad y disminución del tiempo en lista activa. A pesar que el riesgo de ser donante vivo ha sido determinado y es bajo, se debe realizar una evaluación médica a los posibles donantes para identificar factores de riesgo para desarrollar insuficiencia renal crónica. En este reporte se describe un paciente quien fue donante y 21 años después desarrolló insuficiencia renal crónica (IRC) avanzada secundaria a hipertensión arterial no tratada por lo que fue trasplantado

Kidney transplant is the first-line therapy for end-stage renal disease. Living-donor transplant is the best choice for recipients as it reduces morbidity and mortality and the time spent on the active waitlist. Although it is known that the risk of being a living donor is low, a medical evaluation must be performed in order to identify risk factors for the development of chronic kidney disease. We report a case of a patient who was a donor and 21 years later presented advanced chronic kidney disease (CKD) following untreated high blood pressure. For this reason, the patient underwent a transplant

Humanos , Transplante de Rim , Sobrevivência de Enxerto
Int J Surg Case Rep ; 28: 192-195, 2016.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27718439


INTRODUCTION: One of the frequent complications suffered by patients with chronic renal failure is the lack of vascular access due to venous thrombosis. This means that the transplant surgeon must have a detailed knowledge of the intra-abdominal venous system, and other alternative surgeries, at the time of performing the renal graft implant, in order to ensure a good venous drainage. PRESENTATION OF THE CASE: This article provides a case report regarding a patient with no vascular access and with surgical difficulties at the time of the kidney transplant, in whom a renal-portal venous drainage was performed with very good outcome. DISCUSION: Renal-portal venous drainage is a way to performe kidney transplant with good outcome. In Fundación Valle del Lili we have overcome the lack of vascular access in patients that need a renal transplant by new surgical technics that improve the patients quality of life and survival. CONCLUSION: We can conclude that new surgical alternatives exist for those patients with chronic renal failure that have no vascular access. These patients are a priority for kidney transplants and the surgeon must take in to account the need for a new surgical assessment.

Case Rep Gastroenterol ; 10(3): 808-813, 2016.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28203128


Liver transplantation is an option that improves quality of life and prolongs life expectancy in patients with different types of liver disease. Liver transplantation is controversial for colorectal metastases and is not recommended in clinical practice guidelines. In this case report, we present, to our knowledge, the first liver transplantation for colorectal metastases conducted in Colombia, with a successful follow-up of more than 2 years. Patients with these characteristics who underwent liver transplantation experience reduced mortality and exponentially improved quality of life.