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Rev. latinoam. psicol ; 54: 23-32, ene.-dic. 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1409656


Abstract Introduction: Ethical culture stands out as an important variable in comprehending ethical norms and ethical behaviour at work. The Corporate Ethical Virtues (CEV) Scale is a widely used measure of ethical culture in organisations. This study aimed to adapt and validate the CEV Scale to a Brazilian context. Method: In Study 1 (n = 1.219), the CEV Scale was translated and adapted, the reliability and the internal structure were tested and the discriminant validity of ethical climate measures was demonstrated. In Study 2 (n = 635), measurement invariance in two groups was demonstrated, and there was evidence of validity based on the relationships with related constructs. Results: The results indicated that the Brazilian version of the CEV Scale showed reasonable psychometric properties and provided evidence of convergent and discriminant validity. Conclusion: This measure can be used by managers and consultants to diagnose ethical organisational culture.

Resumen Introducción: La cultura ética se destaca como una variable importante para comprender las normas y el comportamiento éticos en el trabajo. La escala de virtudes éticas corporativas (CEV) es una medida de cultura ética organizacional ampliamente utilizada. El objetivo de este estudio fue adaptar y validar la escala CEV de cultura ética al entorno brasileño. Método: En el estudio 1 (n = 1.219), la Escala CEV fue traducida y adaptada, se probaron la confiabilidad y la estructura interna y se demostró la validez discriminante de las medidas de clima ético. En el estudio 2 (n = 635), se demostró la invariancia de medición en dos grupos y hubo evidencia de validez basada en las relaciones con constructos relacionados. Resultados: Los resultados indicaron que la versión brasileña de la escala CEV mostró propiedades psicométricas razonables y proporcionó evidencia de validez convergente y discriminante. Conclusión: Esta medida puede ser utilizada por gerentes y consultores para diagnosticar la cultura organizacional ética.

Rev. latinoam. psicol ; 54: 60-67, ene.-dic. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1409660


Resumen Introducción: El objetivo principal de este trabajo es conocer la interrelación entre la percepción de los climas empowering y disempowering generados por los entrenadores (nivel equipo) con la satisfacción y frustración de las necesidades psicológicas básicas, y estas, a su vez, con las intenciones de continuar y abandonar la práctica deportiva (nivel individual) en jóvenes deportistas. Método: Participaron 251 deportistas mexicanos (M = 13.22, DT = 1.28) pertenecientes a 19 equipos. Se les aplicó una batería de cuestionarios para la recolección de datos y se realizó un análisis multinivel de ecuaciones estructuradas. Resultados: El modelo de ecuaciones estructurales reveló asociaciones positivas entre las percepciones de climas empowering desde una perspectiva grupal sobre la satisfacción de necesidades psicológicas básicas y de estas sobre las intenciones de continuar la práctica deportiva desde una perspectiva individual, así como entre las percepciones de un clima disempowering sobre la frustración de las necesidades psicológicas básicas y de estas sobre las intenciones de abandono. Conclusión: Los hallazgos de este estudio sugieren en un nivel aplicado que el clima empowering actúa como catalizador del bienestar psicológico y como protector de la aparición de frustración, mientras que el clima disempowering facilita el desarrollo de respuestas psicológicas desadaptativas en el deporte.

Abstract Introduction: The main objective of this work is to know the interrelation between the perception of empowering and disempowering climates generated by coaches (team level) with basic psychological needs satisfaction and frustration, and these in turn, with the intentions to continue and abandon sports practice (individual level) in young athletes. Method: 251 Mexican athletes participated (M = 13. 22, SD = 1.28) belonging to 19 teams. A battery of questionnaires was applied for data collection and a multilevel structured equation analysis was performed. Results: The structural equation model revealed positive associations between perceptions of empowering climates from a group perspective on the satisfaction of basic psychological needs and of these on intentions to continue practicing sports from an individual perspective; as well as between perceptions of a disempowering climate on the frustration of basic psychological needs and of these on intentions to drop out. Conclusion: The findings of this study suggest at an applied level that the empowering climate acts as a catalyst of psychological well-being and as a protector against the occurrence of frustration, while the disempowering climate facilitates the development of maladaptive psychological responses in sport.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35055717


Based on the conceptual model of multidimensional and hierarchical motivational climate the objective of this study was to test two models. One model (M1) of total mediation, testing the mediating mechanisms that explain why the motivational climate affects intention of continuity or dropout. Specifically, we test the mediating role of satisfaction/frustration of basic psychological needs and self-determined motivation, in the relationship between the players' perception of the empowering and disempowering climate created by the coach, and the intention of young soccer players to continue/dropout the sport practice. The second model (M2) of partial mediation, contributes to knowing the mechanisms that link the antecedent variables included in the model (perceived empowering and disempowering motivational climate) and the outcomes (intention of continuity or dropout in sport). A total of 381 young male soccer players between 12 and 14 years of age (M = 12.41, SD = 0.89), completed a questionnaire package tapping into the variables of interest: players' perception of the motivational climate created by the coach (empowering and disempowering), satisfaction/thwarting of basic psychological needs, self-determined motivation and the intention to continue/dropout sports participation. The hypothesized model was tested using a structural equation model technique with latent variables. The results of the partial mediation model were satisfactory (χ2= 120.92; df = 68; RMSEA = 0.045; CFI = 0.968; TLI = 0.957) and showed that need satisfaction and self-determined motivation partially mediated the relationship between the perception of the empowering climate and the intention to continue. Moreover, need satisfaction showed a positive and significant relationship with the intention to continue sports participation. Additionally, need thwarting and self-determined motivation totally mediated the relationship between the perception of the disempowering climate and the intention to dropout. Furthermore, needs thwarting was positively and significantly related to the intention to dropout of sports participation. Findings point to the importance of fostering empowering climates and preventing the creation of disempowering climates in the grassroots football.

Motivação , Futebol , Humanos , Masculino , Intenção , Autonomia Pessoal , Poder Psicológico
Front Psychol ; 12: 708441, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34354649


The teacher's instructions in physical education class have important implications for the psychological well-being of their students. The aim of this study was to analyze, under the postulates of the Self-Determination Theory (SDT), a model with the following sequence: the perception of the quality of the instructions (task presentation, amount of corrective feedback, and its legitimate perception) generated by the physical education teacher, the satisfaction of the three basic psychological needs and the subjective vitality in young students. The participants were 890 students (462 males and 428 females) of primary level from the metropolitan area of Monterrey, Mexico, between ages 11 and 13 (M = 11.36; SD = 0.49). The structural equation modeling showed positive and significant associations in all model interrelations, that is, task presentation and the amount of corrective feedback (B = 0.88, p < 0.001), and this in turn with legitimate perception (B = 0.81, p < 0.001); the legitimate perception of feedback and the satisfaction of the need for autonomy, competence, and relatedness (B = 0.63, p < 0.001; B = 0.90, p < 0.001; B = 1.01, p < 0.001, respectively); finally, the satisfaction of the three psychological needs and the subjective vitality (B = 0.12, p < 0.01; B = 0.43, p < 0.001; B = 0.24, p < 0.001, respectively). Therefore, the importance of a quality task presentation, as well as providing corrective feedback based on support for autonomy, is evident, so that students perceive it legitimately and thus facilitate the satisfaction of their basic psychological needs and in consequence, indicators of psychological well-being such as subjective vitality.

Rev. psicol. organ. trab ; 20(4): 1198-1209, Out.-Dec. 2020. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-1156844


Job quality is critical for policy makers, but little is known about the factors that shape perceived job quality among employees. This study aimed to explore the importance of several traditional job quality indicators: employment characteristics (type of contract, employment relationship, schedule predictability) and educational misfit (horizontal, vertical) in predicting perceived job quality. Additionally, the moderating roles of preferred employment characteristics and gender were tested. A hierarchical multiple regression analysis was conducted in a sample of 562 Spanish employees. The results demonstrated that all the indicators, except schedule predictability, were related (and contributed equally) to perceived job quality. Gender moderated the interaction effect between the current and preferred employment relationship. For women, the full-time preference boosted the effect of full-time jobs on perceived job quality, whereas for men, the part-time preference boosted this effect. The findings indicate the importance of adopting a contextual approach to perceived job quality, considering individuals’ preferred employment characteristics and gender.

A qualidade do trabalho é crítica para os formuladores de políticas, mas pouco se sabe sobre os fatores que moldam a percepção da qualidade do trabalho entre os funcionários. Este estudo teve como objetivo explorar a importância de vários indicadores tradicionais de qualidade do emprego: características do emprego (tipo de contrato, relação de trabalho, previsibilidade de horário) e desajuste educacional (horizontal, vertical) na previsão da qualidade percebida do emprego. Além disso, os papéis moderadores de características de emprego preferenciais e gênero foram testados. Uma análise de regressão múltipla hierárquica foi realizada em uma amostra de 562 funcionários espanhóis. Os resultados demonstraram que todos os indicadores, exceto a previsibilidade do cronograma, estavam relacionados (e contribuíam igualmente) para a qualidade percebida do trabalho. O gênero moderou o efeito da interação entre a relação de trabalho atual e a preferencial. Para as mulheres, a preferência de tempo integral impulsionou o efeito dos empregos de tempo integral na percepção da qualidade do trabalho, enquanto para os homens, a preferência de meio período aumentou esse efeito. Os resultados indicam a importância de adotar uma abordagem contextual para a percepção da qualidade do trabalho, considerando as características de emprego preferidas dos indivíduos e gênero.

La calidad del trabajo es fundamental para los responsables de la formulación de políticas, pero se sabe poco sobre los factores que dan forma a la calidad del trabajo percibida entre los empleados. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo explorar la importancia de varios indicadores tradicionales de calidad del trabajo: características del empleo (tipo de contrato, relación laboral, previsibilidad del horario) y desajuste educativo (horizontal, vertical) para predecir la calidad del trabajo percibida. Además, se probaron los roles moderadores de las características laborales preferidas y el género. Se realizó un análisis de regresión múltiple jerárquica en una muestra de 562 empleados españoles. Los resultados demostraron que todos los indicadores, excepto la previsibilidad del horario, estaban relacionados (y contribuían por igual) a la calidad del trabajo percibida. El género moderó el efecto de interacción entre la relación laboral actual y la preferida. Para las mujeres, la preferencia a tiempo completo impulsó el efecto de los trabajos a tiempo completo sobre la calidad percibida del trabajo, mientras que para los hombres, la preferencia a tiempo parcial aumentó este efecto. Los hallazgos indican la importancia de adoptar un enfoque contextual de la calidad del trabajo percibida, considerando las características laborales preferidas de las personas y el género.

Front Psychol ; 11: 558954, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33132964


The way students perceive corrective feedback has repercussions on what they learn and think. Based on the self-determination theory, the aim of this study is to test a model of multilevel mediation that examines the relationships between the perception of corrective feedback with its degree of acceptance (perceived legitimacy) at the team level and the subjective vitality of students at the individual level, mediated by the satisfaction of the three psychological needs, in the context of physical education. The participants were 742 students aged between 10 and 13 years old (52.6% men, 47.4% women) in 29 physical education groups. The results of the multilevel structural equation modeling analysis found at the group (between) level a positive and significant relationship between corrective feedback and perceived legitimacy (B between = 0.49, p < 0.01), as well as a positive and significant relationship between perceived legitimacy and the needs of competence (B between = 0.66, p < 0.05) and relatedness (B between = 0.95, p < 0.01). In addition, there was a positive and significant association between competence and subjective vitality (B between = 2.06, p < 0.01), and a negative and significant association between relatedness and subjective vitality (B between = -0.85, p < 0.01). Also, on an individual (within) level, the needs of autonomy (B within = 0.09, p < 0.05), competence (B within = 0.27, p < 0.01), and relatedness (B within = 0.17, p < 0.01) were positively and significantly associated with subjective vitality. Finally, corrective feedback showed a positive indirect effect on subjective vitality through perceived legitimacy and competence, while the indirect effect was negative through perceived legitimacy and relatedness. In conclusion, on an individual level, students who perceive their basic psychological needs to be met in turn, increase their subjective vitality. At the group level, the results are discussed. These findings suggest that teachers might be best advised to ensure that their students accept corrective feedback, by having it couched in a manner that suggests that learning and improvement can follow, and communicated in an autonomy-supporting way.

Salud ment ; 39(4): 221-227, jul.-ago. 2016. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-830825


RESUMEN Introducción: La teoría de la autodeterminación sugiere que los sujetos con regulaciones autónomas mostrarán mayores niveles de funcionamiento óptimo que aquellos con regulaciones controladoras. Asimismo, la teoría ha defendido la importancia que tienen los factores sociales en los procesos motivacionales. En el contexto educativo, uno de los factores sociales que tiene un papel importante en la motivación de los estudiantes es el estilo interpersonal que utiliza el profesor cuando brinda instrucciones; por tanto, aquellos ambientes que fomenten la motivación autónoma serán importantes para el desarrollo óptimo y la salud mental de los estudiantes. Objetivo: Examinar si el grado en que los estudiantes perciben que el profesor de educación física apoya sus necesidades de autonomía, competencia y relaciones ayudará a fomentar su bienestar y reducir su malestar, a través de la motivación como mecanismo mediador. Método: Participaron 734 estudiantes de secundaria entre 11 y 17 años usando un diseño de estudio transversal. Se utilizó la técnica estadística de ecuaciones estructurales. Resultados: Los alumnos que perciben que su profesor apoya su autonomía, su competencia y sus relaciones presentan mayor motivación autónoma y menor no motivación; lo que les genera mayor bienestar y menor malestar. Discusión y conclusión: Se destaca la importancia de la motivación autónoma como el mecanismo mediador más potente para generar bienestar y evitar malestar en las clases de actividad física. Este estudio extiende y generaliza los hallazgos de la teoría de la autodeterminación a la población mexicana.

ABSTRACT Introduction: Self-Determination Theory (SDT) suggests that individuals with autonomous regulations hold greater levels of optimal functioning than those with controlling regulations. In addition, SDT underlines the importance of social aspects within motivational processes. In the educational setting, teachers' interpersonal style while giving instructions represents one of the most prominent social factors for triggering students' motivation. Therefore, contexts that foster autonomous motivation are considered the most suitable for promoting pupils' optimal growth and mental health. Objective: To examine if students' perception of Physical Education Teachers' support of their needs of autonomy, competence and relatedness could help encouraging their well-being and reducing their ill-being, through the mediating role of motivation. Method: Participants were 734 secondary school students between 11-17 years old. We used a cross-sectional design. Statistical analyses were carried out using structural equation modeling. Results: The degree to which the students perceived that the teacher-created context supported their autonomy, competence and relatedness predicted positively their autonomous motivation and negatively their no motivation, which in turn predicted positively well-being and negatively ill-being. Discussion and conclusion: Our results highlight the importance of autonomous motivation as the most powerful mediation mechanism for improving well-being and avoiding ill-being in physical activity classes. This research confirms and extends the finding of the self-determination theory within the Mexican population.