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Biomedica ; 44(Sp. 1): 27-41, 2024 05 31.
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39079142


Renal cystic diseases are common conditions whose etiology can be highly heterogeneous. They require a correct approach for adequate diagnosis and management. We aimed to illustrate part of the spectrum of renal cystic diseases through some clinical cases managed in our service. We describe 11 clinical cases including clinical entities such as renal multicystic dysplasia, and autosomal dominant and autosomal recessive polycystic renal disease, among other pathologies. Renal cystic diseases are heterogeneous in their clinical presentation, natural history, radiological findings, and genetic and pathophysiological basis. An integral clinical approach is needed to get a clear etiological diagnosis and offer adequate individualized care and follow-up for patients.

Las enfermedades quísticas renales son condiciones frecuentes cuya etiología puede ser muy heterogénea, por lo que se requiere un adecuado abordaje para su diagnóstico y manejo. El objetivo de este trabajo fue ilustrar parte del espectro de la enfermedad renal quística por medio de casos clínicos manejados en la Fundación Valle del Lili. Se describen 11 casos clínicos que incluyen enfermedades como displasia multiquística renal, enfermedad poliquística renal autosómica dominante y autosómica recesiva, entre otras. Las enfermedades quísticas renales varían en su presentación clínica, historia natural, hallazgos imagenológicos, bases genéticas y fisiopatológicas, por consiguiente, el enfoque diagnóstico y el manejo integral se debe realizar de forma individualizada y con un abordaje multidisciplinario.

Doenças Renais Císticas , Humanos , Criança , Masculino , Doenças Renais Císticas/genética , Doenças Renais Císticas/diagnóstico por imagem , Feminino , Pré-Escolar , Lactente , Adolescente , Rim Policístico Autossômico Dominante/genética , Rim Policístico Autossômico Dominante/diagnóstico por imagem , Rim Policístico Autossômico Recessivo/genética , Rim Policístico Autossômico Recessivo/diagnóstico por imagem , Rim Displásico Multicístico/genética , Rim Displásico Multicístico/diagnóstico por imagem
J Craniofac Surg ; 2024 Mar 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38488383


BACKGROUND: Oronasal fistula is one of the most critical complications in primary palatoplasty, with a reported incidence between 5% and 46% with multiple associated risk factors described previously. In addition, in more than half of the patients, it implies additional surgeries, increasing risks for the patient and health care costs. In this case-control study, the authors aim to determine the specific risk factors for oronasal fistula after primary palatoplasty in the study population. METHODS: A retrospective review was undertaken to identify all patients undergoing primary palatoplasty between 2017 and 2019. Patients who developed oronasal fistula were included (cases) and compared with patients from the same cohort without fistula (controls). Demographic, clinical, and perioperative variables and their association with postoperative fistula presentation were explored through crude and adjusted analysis. RESULTS: One hundred thirty-nine patients with a median age of 6 years (5-6) who underwent primary palatoplasty were found. Forty-five presented an oronasal fistula, corresponding to 32% of the population, and 64% required subsequent repair of an oronasal fistula. In the crude analysis, the surgeon's experience (OR: 0.44) was associated significantly with the outcome. Adjusted analysis showed an association between surgical site infection and syndromic presentation. CONCLUSIONS: The experience of the surgeon is a protective factor for the oronasal fistula presentation; in addition, the presentation of infection of the operative site, the syndromic presentation, and the clinical follow-up at 1 year were also relevant; the latter, possibly due to the social context of our patients.

Interdisciplinaria ; 40(1): 261-279, abr. 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1430599


Resumen Según el informe realizado por la Asociación Internacional de Lesbianas, Gays, Bisexuales, Trans e Intersex (ILGA) en el año 2017, menos del 25 % de los territorios del planeta reconocen a la población Lesbianas, Gays, Bisexuales, Transexuales e Intersexuales (LGBTI+) y, de igual forma, aún hay numerosos países, en su mayoría del continente africano, que penalizan, discriminan y rechazan la homosexualidad. Además, diferentes estudios han evidenciado que para muchas familias es difícil separarse de la tradición heteronormativa y aceptar la orientación sexual de un hijo gay o una hija lesbiana o bisexual. Esta investigación buscó comprender el proceso de revelación y aceptación de la orientación sexual en 15 familias con integrantes gays, lesbianas y bisexuales en Cali-Colombia, a través de una entrevista semiestructurada y una línea de tiempo denominada Mi viaje en la que los participantes plasmaban sus narrativas en dibujos. En el presente estudio participaron 15 familias, las cuales estuvieron conformadas tanto por hijos/as entre los 19 y 26 años como por padres/cuidadores entre 41 y 64 años. A partir del análisis temático de las entrevistas realizadas de manera individual, se evidencia que los procesos de revelación de la orientación sexual se generan durante la adolescencia temprana, media y tardía, y la madre fue aquella integrante de la familia a quien le revelaron en un primer momento. Además, se presentan las formas a través de las cuales se dio la revelación, que fueron directas o indirectas y en algunos casos derivaron en secretos familiares. Se concluye que los procesos que atraviesan las familias frente a la revelación y aceptación de la orientación sexual de un hijo gay o una hija lesbiana o bisexual cuentan con fases dinámicas que pueden presentarse en distintos momentos y de diferentes formas, según las características particulares de cada familia y su contexto.

Abstract According to the report carried out by the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association (ILGA) in 2017, less than 25 % of the territories of the planet recognize Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex (the LGBTI + population) and, in the same way, there are still numerous countries, mostly from the African continent, who penalize, discriminate and reject homosexuality. In Colombia, between the years 2016, 2017 and until February 2018, 139 homicides of LGBTI+ people were reported. Additionally, in several of its cities, among which are Barranquilla, Medellín, Bogotá and Cali, there has been violence by the National Police against LGBTI+ people because of their sexual orientation and gender identity. In this regard, 21 cases have been reported between 2008 and 2017, of which two were against gay men and three against lesbian women. In addition, in Valle del Cauca, 195 homicides were reported up to the year 2017 which were related to the sexual orientation and gender identity of the victims, specifically located in the city of Santiago de Cali, in which nine murders were reported, four of which were gay men, two lesbian women and three trans women (Colombia Diversa, 2018). Furthermore, different studies have shown that it is difficult for many families to separate from the heteronormative tradition and accept the sexual orientation of a gay son or a lesbian or bisexual daughter. This research sought to characterize the process of disclosure and acceptance of sexual orientation in 15 families with gay sons and lesbian and bisexual daughters in Cali-Colombia, using a semi-structured interview and a timeline called My Journey in which the participants reflected their narratives in drawings. The research was qualitative, with a narrative design by topics (Hernández, Fernández & Baptista, 2014). The results are articulated to the macro project called "Family dynamics in the process of disclosure and acceptance of the sexual orientation of gay sons and lesbian daughters in the city of Cali-Colombia" In the present study, 15 families participated, which were made up of both children and parents / caregivers. From the thematic analysis of the interviews carried out individually, the descriptions made by the families of the moment in which the sons and daughters revealed their sexual orientation are mentioned. This moment corresponds to early, middle and late adolescence, and the mother was the one to whom the sexual orientation was revealed at first. In addition, the forms through which the revelation was given are presented, which were direct or indirect and, in some cases, led to family secrets. It is concluded that the processes that families go through in the face of the disclosure and acceptance of the sexual orientation of a gay son or a lesbian or bisexual daughter have dynamic phases that can occur at different times and in different ways depending on the particular characteristics of each family and its context. It is recommended to promote associations of families and friends united in favor of gender diversity, in such a way that they are configured as elements for decision-making in public policies and actions, which generate care routes for other families that require guidance in any of the stages they are going through and that can provide social support to gay sons, lesbian daughters and their families. From the field of health professionals who accompany families in affirmative processes, it is necessary to strengthen training with a gender perspective and in future studies address the experiences of families with transgender members, taking into account their specific needs and from an intersectional perspective.

Rev. colomb. ortop. traumatol ; 36(3): 1-6, 2022. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1532622


Introducción: La artroscopia de rodilla es usualmente un procedimiento seguro con pocas complicaciones. El objetivo de este estudio es calcular la incidencia de eventos tromboembólicos sintomáticos: trombosis venosa profunda y tromboembolismo pulmonar, asociados a artroscopia de rodilla y los posibles factores de riesgo relacionados. Materiales and Métodos: Cohorte retrospectiva que incluyó todos los pacientes llevados a artroscopia de rodilla entre Enero 2011 y Diciembre 2015 en un hospital universitario. El seguimiento fue de 30 días después de la cirugía. Se registraron datos demográficos, los eventos de interés, el tipo de cirugía y los posibles factores de riesgo. Resultados: 1,097 artroscopias de rodilla se hicieron en los 5 años. El 100% tuvieron seguimiento de 10 días mínimo, 90.5% alcanzaron el seguimiento de 30 días. El tiempo promedio de seguimiento fue 15.1 meses. El porcentaje de eventos tromboembólicos fue de 1.4% (n = 14). Se encontraron dos factores de riesgo asociados: eventos tromboembólicos previos (p = 0.013) y uso de anticoagulantes previo a la cirugía (p=0.001). La edad promedio fue mayor en los pacientes con eventos tromboembólicos comparado con los que no tuvieron eventos (58 vs 46 años), p = 0.009. Discusión: La incidencia de eventos tromboembólicos sintomáticos tras artroscopia de rodilla es bajo. El uso rutinaio de profilaxis tromboembólica no se recomienda. En los pacientes con historia de eventos tromboembólicos previos o que estpan anticoagulados en el momento de la cirugía, si se recomienda. Además, en los pacientes mayores de 50 años, debería considerarse su uso. Nivel de Evidencia: III, Estudio de Cohorte Restrospectiva.

Introduction: Knee arthroscopy is usually a safe procedure with few complications. The objective of this study is to calculate the incidence of symptomatic thromboembolic events: deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary thromboembolism, associated with knee arthroscopy and the possible related risk factors. Materials and Methods: Retrospective cohort that included all patients undergoing knee arthroscopy between January 2011 and December 2015 at a university hospital. Follow-up was 30 days after surgery. Demographic data, events of interest, type of surgery and possible risk factors were recorded. Results: 1,097 knee arthroscopies were performed in the 5 years. 100% had follow-up of at least 10 days, 90.5% reached follow-up of 30 days. The average follow-up time was 15.1 months. The percentage of thromboembolic events was 1.4% (n = 14). Two associated risk factors were found: previous thromboembolic events (p = 0.013) and use of anticoagulants prior to surgery (p = 0.001). The average age was higher in patients with thromboembolic events compared to those without events (58 vs 46 years), p = 0.009. Discussion: The incidence of symptomatic thromboembolic events after knee arthroscopy is low. The routine use of thromboembolic prophylaxis is not recommended. In patients with a history of previous thromboembolic events or who are on anticoagulation at the time of surgery, if recommended. Furthermore, its use should be considered in patients over 50 years of age. Level of Evidence: III, Retrospective Cohort Study.

Rev. latinoam. cienc. soc. niñez juv ; 18(2): 73-95, jul.-dic. 2020.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1144713


Resumen (analítico) Este artículo presenta una revisión sobre los procesos de revelación y aceptación de la orientación sexual y el papel del apoyo social familiar como un aspecto fundamental para el bienestar de hijos gays e hijas lesbianas. Se resalta que los padres, madres, hijos e hijas atraviesan diferentes etapas para lograr la aceptación de la orientación homosexual. Así mismo, el apoyo informacional permite el apoyo emocional por parte de los padres y madres. Se evidencia que ciertas creencias, estereotipos e información insuficiente, así como la pobre educación acerca de la orientación homosexual obstaculizan el apoyo social brindado por las familias a sus hijos e hijas. Se recomienda para futuras investigaciones el abordaje del apoyo social familiar, entendido como un proceso transversal, presente y activo en las familias con hijos gays e hijas lesbianas.

Abstract (analytical) This article presents a thematic review of the processes of coming out and acceptance of the sexual orientation of lesbian and gay children and the fundamental role of social support for their welfare. It highlights that parents and sons/daughters go through different stages to achieve acceptance of homosexual orientation. In addition, the study finds that information facilitates emotional support from parents. It is evident that certain beliefs, stereotypes, and insufficient and false information, as well as limited education about homosexual orientation, act as obstacles for providing social support to lesbian and gay children by their families. Recommendations for further research include considering family social support as a crosscutting process that is present and active in families with gay and lesbian children.

Resumo (analítico) O artigo apresenta uma revisão temática do processo de revelação e aceitação da orientação sexual e o papel fundamental que o apoio social desempenha para o bem-estar de crianças lésbicas e gays. Destaca-se que pais e filhos/filhas passam por estágios diferentes para chegar à aceitação da homossexualidade. Além disso, apoio informacional permite apoio emocional por pais e mães. É evidente que algumas crenças, esteriótipos e informações falsas e insuficientes, assim como baixo nível de educação sobre a homossexualidade se tornam obstáculos para prover apoio social para filhas e filhos lésbicas e gays por parte de suas famílias. Recomendase para pesquisas futuras, a abordagem de apoio social familiar, entendendo que esse é um processo transversal presente e ativo nas famílias com filhos e filhas gays e lésbicas.

Apoio Social , Núcleo Familiar , Comportamento Sexual , Homossexualidade , Educação
Rev. colomb. radiol ; 28(3): 4709-4716, 2017. tab, ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-986559


Objetivo: Describir las características del realce meníngeo intracraneal (RMI) como hallazgo en resonancia magnética y su comportamiento según las diferentes patologías asociadas descritas en la literatura científica. Materiales y métodos: Estudio descriptivo de corte transversal realizado con información recolectada de 89 estudios, entre enero y diciembre de 2011, en los cuales se encontró realce meníngeo como hallazgo positivo en la lectura original. Cada estudio fue sometido a nueva revisión por un neurorradiólogo para la caracterización morfológica del realce meníngeo. Resultados: Las causas más frecuentes de RMI fueron enfermedad metastásica (21,3 %), etiología infecciosa (21,3 %), antecedente de cirugía intracraneal (20,2 %) y neoplasias primarias (13,5 %). Del total de las infecciones del sistema nervioso central (19 casos) se documentó infección por VIH en 12 pacientes (70,6 %). El paciente con antecedente quirúrgico de mayor antigüedad fue sometido a craneotomía 17 años antes de la toma de la resonancia magnética incluida en el estudio, en la cual persiste el realce aunque no se han definido signos de recidiva por imagen o por clínica hasta 2015. El tipo de realce más frecuente fue el leptomeníngeo (46,1 %), seguido del mixto (43,8 %) y el paquimeníngeo (10,1 %). En el subgrupo de realce leptomeníngeo, las etiologías más frecuentes fueron infecciosa (31,7 %), enfermedad metastásica (19,5 %) y neoplasias primarias (17,1 %), persistiendo esta tendencia en el subgrupo de realce paquimeníngeo. En el subgrupo de realce mixto, la etiología posquirúrgica fue la primera causa (35,9 %), seguida de la enfermedad metastásica (23,1 %) y las infecciones (18 %). En los casos de etiología infecciosa se encontró un predominio del patrón de realce leptomeníngeo, nodular y difuso, sin realce paquimeníngeo, como único tipo de realce. Conclusión: Aunque un patrón de realce meníngeo determinado no es indicativo de una patología específica, el estudio detallado de sus características puede aportar información que permite plantear grupos diagnósticos, particularmente en casos de etiología neoplásica o infecciosa, aporte de relevancia en casos en que el realce meníngeo anormal es la única alteración evidente en una resonancia magnética.

Objective: To describe the characteristics of intracranial meningeal enhancement (IME) as magnetic resonance imaging findings and their behavior under different associated conditions as described in the scientific literature. Materials and methods: Descriptive cross-sectional study with data collected from the images archive between January and December of 2011, obtaining 89 eligible studies in which it was determined, in the original reading, presence of IME as positive finding. Each study was subjected to further review by a neuroradiologist of the institution for morphological characterization of the IME. Results: The most common causes of IME were: metastatic disease (21.3%), infectious etiology (21.3%), history of intracranial surgery (20.2%) and primary neoplasms (13.5%). Of total CNS infections (19 cases), HIV infection was documented in 12 patients (70.6%). The patient with the oldest surgical history underwent craniotomy 17 years before performing the MRI included in the study, with persistance of IME with no signs of recurrence defined by image or clinical manifestations up to 2015. The most frequent IME type was leptomeningeal (LME) (46.1%), followed by mixed (MME) (43.8%) and pachymeningeal (PME) (10.1%) enhancements. In the subgroup of LME, the most common etiologies were: infectious (31.7%), metastatic disease (19.5%) and primary neoplasms (17.1%). This trend persisted in the subgroup of PME. In the subgroup of MME, post-surgical etiology was the leading cause (35.9%), followed by metastatic disease (23.1%) and infections etiologies (18%). Conclusion: Although a particular pattern of meningeal enhancement is not indicative of a specific pathology, detailed study of its features can provide information that allow the proposal of diagnostic groups, particularly in cases of neoplastic or infectious etiology, relevant contribution in cases where the abnormal meningeal enhancement is the only anormality in MRI.

Humanos , Meninges , Aracnoide-Máter , Imageamento por Ressonância Magnética , Sistema Nervoso Central
Rev. colomb. radiol ; 26(1)2015. ilus, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-994791


Este artículo se enfoca en la revisión de los mecanismos fisiopatológicos que afectan la difusibilidad de las moléculas de agua en las diferentes patologías cerebrales, con especial énfasis en la patología no isquémica.

This article focuses on the review of pathophysiological mechanisms affecting the diffusivity of water molecules in different brain pathologies, with greater emphasis on non-ischemic pathology.

Humanos , Edema Encefálico , Difusão , Aquaporina 4
Rev. colomb. radiol ; 25(2): 3972-3975, 2014. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-995268


En este artículo se presenta el caso de un lactante menor de 2 meses de edad que a los 15 días de nacido presentó estridor y dificultad respiratoria, por lo que fue llevado a una clínica de primer nivel, donde se le realizó una radiografía de tórax en la cual se documentó la presencia de una hiperinflación del campo pulmonar derecho. Se le realizó una fibrobroncoscopia óptica, de resultado normal, y una gammagrafía de ventilación/perfusión que mostró una hipoplasia pulmonar derecha. Fue manejado con oxígeno suplementario y terapias respiratorias sin mejoría clínica, motivo por el cual fue trasladado a otra institución para un manejo especializado. Con el fin de obtener un mapa vascular prequirúrgico, se realizó una angiografía pulmonar por tomografía, unas reconstrucciones con mínima intensidad de proyección y una broncoscopia virtual multicorte. Con todo ello se documentó una estenosis del bronquio fuente derecho, producida por un repliegue de la pared bronquial y con efecto de válvula, que producía una hiperinsuflación secundaria del pulmón derecho. Estos hallazgos fueron confirmados en la cirugía correctiva. Este es un caso de gran interés porque, a pesar de lo inusual de la patología y la edad del paciente, fue posible establecer un diagnóstico certero mediante el uso de la TAC multidetector que permitió utilizar herramientas de reconstrucción tridimensional y navegación endoluminal, como la broncoscopia virtual.

This article reports the case of a lactating infant, 2 months old, who 15 days after birth presented gasping and respiratory difficulty. For this reason, he was taken to a first-degree clinic, where a thorax radiography was performed. This thorax radiography documented the presence of a hyper-inflation of the right lung. An optic fiber bronchoscopy was performed, with normal results, and a ventilation/perfusion scan which reported a hypoplasia of the right lung. It was treated with complementary oxygen and respiratory therapies without any clinical improvement. Therefore, the patient was sent to a different institution for more specialized treatment. A pulmonary angiography through a tomography, a minimum projection intensity reconstruction, and a multi-slice virtual bronchoscopy were performed in order to obtain a presurgical vascular map. This process showed a stenosis of the right source bronchus, caused by a fold of the bronchial wall with a valve effect, causing a secondary hyperinsuflation of the right lung. These findings were confirmed in the corrective surgery. We consider this case especially interesting because, in spite of the unusual pathology and the age of the patient, it was possible to establish a correct diagnosis through the use of the multi detector CAT scan, enabling us to use the reconstructive three-dimensional tools, as well as endoluminal navigation such as virtual bronchoscopy.

Humanos , Broncoconstrição , Brônquios , Tomografia Computadorizada por Raios X