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Más Vita ; 4(2): 227-243, jun. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1392265


La neumonía es una infección respiratoria que afecta a los pulmones y puede llevar a la muerte. Los niños menores de 5 años pueden adquirir la enfermedad a través de bacterias, virus y hongos, lo cual puede generarse por ciertos factores ambientales no propicios. Objetivos: Validar el instrumento para medir los factores ambientales asociados a neumonía en niños menores de 5 años que acuden a consulta externa del hospital Martin Icaza del Cantón Babahoyo, julio - diciembre 2020; determinar la confiabilidad del instrumento para medir los factores ambientales asociados a neumonía en niños menores de 5 años. Materiales y métodos: Se utiliza un diseño no experimental, con enfoque mixto, método deductivo, de tipo transversal, de campo, prospectivo. Se aplicó un plan piloto con el fin de identificar la validez, coherencia y pertinencia del instrumento, y a su vez determinar la confiabilidad del mismo con base al criterio de expertos. El componente cuantitativo constó de un plan piloto a 16 padres, donde 8 niños padecían neumonía, mientras los 8 restantes no; en tanto que la entrevista se realizó a dos representantes de niños con neumonía. Resultados: La validación de los instrumentos vino dada por tres profesionales que fueron seleccionados por su experiencia y prestigio, estos calificaron la validez, pertinencia y coherencia donde se obtuvo la ponderación de muy confiable. Los resultados mostraron que la enfermedad se transmite por contacto con personas que padecen estas enfermedades (62.5%), los principales síntomas son la tos, fiebre y dolor de garganta (50.0%), las personas viven con 4 o 5 personas en la misma casa (56.3%) y poseen animales (75.0%). Se identificó efectos emocionales negativos, tales como desesperación, ansiedad, tristeza, depresión e impotencia. Conclusión: El instrumento analizado es válido, coherente y pertinente, siendo muy confiable para su aplicación(AU)

Pneumonia is a respiratory infection that affects the lungs and can lead to death. Children under 5 years of age can acquire the disease through bacteria, viruses and fungi, which can be generated by certain unfavorable environmental factors. Objectives: To validate the instrument to measure the environmental factors associated with pneumonia in children under 5 years of age who attend the outpatient clinic of the Martin Icaza hospital in Babahoyo Canton, July - December 2020; determine the reliability of the instrument to measure the environmental factors associated with pneumonia in children under 5 years of age. Materials and methods: A non-experimental design is used, with a mixed approach, deductive method, cross-sectional, field, prospective. A pilot plan was applied in order to identify the validity, coherence and relevance of the instrument, and in turn determine its reliability based on expert criteria. The quantitative component consisted of a pilot plan for 16 parents, where 8 children suffered from pneumonia, while the remaining 8 did not; while the interview was conducted with two representatives of children with pneumonia. Results: The validation of the instruments was given by three professionals who were selected for their experience and prestige, they qualified the validity, relevance and coherence where the weighting of very reliable was obtained. The results showed that the disease is transmitted by contact with people suffering from these diseases (62.5%), the main symptoms are cough, fever and sore throat (50.0%), people live with 4 or 5 people in the same house (56.3%) and own animals (75.0%). Negative emotional effects were identified, such as despair, anxiety, sadness, depression and helplessness. Conclusion: The analyzed instrument is valid, coherent and pertinent, being very reliable for its application(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Lactente , Pré-Escolar , Pneumonia/mortalidade , Infecções Respiratórias , Saúde da Criança , Estudo de Validação , Bactérias , Vírus , Meio Ambiente , Fungos
Rev. latinoam. bioét ; 22(1): 45-64, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1423991


Resumen: El hermano sano en situaciones de cáncer infantil es con frecuencia un sujeto invisible para su familia, los profesionales de la salud y las instituciones. El objetivo de este trabajo fue mapear e integrar la literatura científica acerca de la experiencia del hermano del niño diagnosticado con cáncer. Se desarrolló una Scoping Review de 28 artículos publicados entre 2016 y 2020, en los idiomas español, inglés y portugués. Se incluyeron 12 estudios cualitativos, 15 cuantitativos y un estudio mixto. Frente a los hallazgos, se identificó que hay cambios en las relaciones entre hermanos, parentales y sociales, además de cambios personales y una oferta limitada de apoyo a los hermanos del niño con cáncer. Se concluye que el cáncer infantil afecta directamente a los miembros de la familia, incluido al hermano sano, quien enfrenta cambios drásticos en su vida que implican nuevas necesidades, sentimientos y conductas de riesgo. Se requiere una mayor investigación y abordaje acerca del impacto del cáncer infantil en hermanos sanos, así como el diseño de intervenciones que pongan de manifiesto la necesidad de hacer visible a este sujeto que sufre el daño colateral del cáncer infantil y que ha sido descuidado por su familia y por los profesionales en salud.

Abstract: The healthy brother in situations of childhood cancer is often an invisible individual for his family, for health professionals and institutions. The objective of this work was to map and integrate the scientific literature about the experience of the sibling of a child diagnosed with cancer. A Scoping Review of 28 articles published between 2016 and 2020, in Spanish, English and Portuguese, was developed. Twelve qualitative studies, 15 quantitative and one mixed study were included. Faced with the findings, it was identified that there are changes in the relationships between siblings, parental and social, in addition to personal changes and a limited offer of support to the siblings of the child with cancer. The conclusion drawn is that childhood cancer directly affects family members, including the healthy brother, who faces drastic changes in his life that imply new needs, feelings and risk behaviors. More research and a broader approach to the impact of childhood cancer on healthy siblings is required, as well as the design of interventions that highlight the need to make visible this individual who suffers the collateral damage of childhood cancer and who has been neglected by his family and health professionals.

Resumo: O irmão saudável em situação de câncer infantil é muitas vezes um sujeito invisível para sua família, profissionais de saúde e instituições. O objetivo deste trabalho foi mapear e integrar a literatura científica sobre a vivência do irmão de uma criança diagnosticada com câncer. Foi desenvolvida uma Scoping Review de 28 artigos publicados entre 2016 e 2020, em espanhol, inglês e português. Doze estudos qualitativos, 15 quantitativos e um misto foram incluídos. Diante dos achados, identificou-se que há mudanças nas relações entre irmãos, parentais e sociais, além de mudanças pessoais e uma oferta limitada de apoio aos irmãos da criança com câncer. Conclui-se que o câncer infantil atinge diretamente os familiares, incluindo o irmão sadio, que enfrenta mudanças drásticas em sua vida que implicam novas necessidades, sentimentos e comportamentos de risco. São necessárias mais pesquisas e abordagem sobre o impacto do câncer infantil em irmãos saudáveis, bem como o desenho de intervenções que evidenciem a necessidade de visibilizar esse sujeito que sofre os danos colaterais do câncer infantil e que tem sido negligenciado por sua família e profissionais de saúde.

Stem Cells Int ; 2015: 140170, 2015.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25838828


Potent immunosuppressive and regenerative properties of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) position them as a novel therapy for autoimmune diseases. This research examines the therapeutic effect of MSCs administration at different disease stages in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE). Classical and atypical scores of EAE, associated with Th1 and Th17 response, respectively, and also Treg lymphocytes, were evaluated. MSCs administration at the onset (EAE+MSConset) induced an important amelioration of the clinical signs and less lasting effect at the peak of EAE (EAE+MSCpeak). No effect was observed when MSCs were applied after EAE stabilization (EAE+MSClate). Surprisingly, EAE atypical signs were detected in EAE+MSCpeak and EAE+MSClate mice. However, no correlation was found in Th17/Th1 ratio. Interestingly, regardless of time administration, MSCs significantly reduced IL-6 and also T-bet, RORγT, and Foxp3 mRNA levels in brain samples of EAE mice. The downregulation of IL-6 could restore the well-functioning of the blood-brain barrier of EAE mice, correlated with a decreased number of brain infiltrating leukocytes. These results suggest that the inflammatory status is important to be considered for administering MSCs in autoimmune pathologies, leading to a further research to clarify the effect of MSCs for multiple sclerosis.