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Rev Saude Publica ; 57: 82, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês, Português | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37971176


OBJECTIVE: To investigate the performance of food consumption markers of the Food and Nutrition Surveillance System (Sisvan) in assessing the overall dietary quality. METHODS: The study was carried out based on the reproduction of responses to markers in 24-hour recall data from 46,164 individuals aged ≥ 10 years, from the 2017-2018 Household Budget Survey (POF). Seven Sisvan markers were evaluated, and two scores were calculated for each participant, based on the sum of the number of healthy food markers (beans, fruits, and vegetables, ranging from 0 to 3) and unhealthy (hamburgers/sausages, sweetened beverages, instant noodles/salt snacks/crackers, stuffed cookies/sweets/candies, ranging from 0 to 4) consumed. Linear regression analyses were used to assess the association between scores and diet quality indicators (ultra-processed foods, dietary diversity, and levels of saturated and trans fat, added sugar, sodium, potassium, and fiber in the diet). RESULTS: The score of healthy eating markers increased significantly with increasing dietary diversity and potassium and fiber contents in the diet, while the opposite trend was observed for the densities of added sugar, sodium, saturated and trans fat (p < 0.001). The score of unhealthy eating markers increased significantly with the increase in the consumption of ultra-processed foods and densities of added sugar, saturated and trans fat levels in the diet, while an inverse trend was observed for potassium and fiber (p < 0.001). The joint analysis of the combination of the two marker scores showed that individuals with better performance (3 in the healthy food score, and 0 in the unhealthy food score) have a lower number of inadequacies in nutrient consumption. CONCLUSION: Sisvan food consumption markers, quickly and easily applied and already incorporated into the Brazilian public health system, have good potential to reflect the overall dietary quality.

Dieta , Ingestão de Energia , Humanos , Brasil , Açúcares , Sódio , Potássio , Comportamento Alimentar
Cad. saúde colet., (Rio J.) ; 31(3): e31030215, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1513942


Resumo Introdução fatores individuais parecem estar relacionados à utilização de novas recomendações e mudanças de prática profissional para ações de promoção à saúde. Objetivo avaliar a relação entre conhecimento, autoeficácia (AE) e utilização das recomendações do Guia Alimentar Brasileiro (GAB) nas práticas de equipes de Núcleos de Apoio à Saúde da Família (NASF-AB). Método recorte transversal de pós-intervenção de um ensaio comunitário controlado envolvendo 26 profissionais de saúde. Conhecimento e AE em utilizar as recomendações do GAB foram coletados por escalas validadas autoaplicáveis. A utilização do GAB na prática profissional foi mensurada mediante observação da rotina de trabalho dos NASF-AB e preenchimento de escala validada sobre as recomendações do GAB. Todos os escores variaram de 0 a 100. Resultados as pontuações médias nos escores de conhecimento, AE e utilização do GAB foram de 83,07 (DP = 18,29), 63,36 (DP = 19,07) e 4,33 (DP = 8,03), respectivamente. Houve correlação positiva e moderada entre AE e escore de utilização do GAB (r = 0,45; p = 0,03). Conhecimento sobre o GAB obteve fraca correlação com o escore de utilização (r = 0,34; p = 0,11). Diferença significativa foi obtida entre as médias do escore de utilização do GAB no grupo de elevada AE (5,13; p = 0,004; DP =1,55), em relação ao de baixa AE (3,40; p = 0,059; DP = 1,69), independentemente da categoria profissional. Conclusão neste estudo, a AE demonstrou estar moderadamente correlacionada com a adoção de novas práticas profissionais.

Abstract Background Individual factors appear related to the adoption of new recommendations and changes to professional practice for health promotion initiatives. Objective to evaluate the relationship between knowledge, self-efficacy (SE) and adoption of the Brazilian Dietary Guideline (BDG) recommendations in the practices of Family Health Support Center (NASF-AB) teams. Method a post-intervention cross-sectional sample from a controlled community trial involving 26 health professionals. Knowledge and SE in adopting the BDG recommendations were determined using a validated self- applicable scale. BDG adoption in professional practice was measured by observing the NASF-AB work routine and the scoring on the validated scale investigating GAB recommendation uptake. Scores ranged from 0 to 100 points. Results Average scores for knowledge, SE and BDG use were 83.07 (SD = 18.29), 63.36 (SD = 19.07) and 4.33 (SD = 8.03), respectively. There was a positive moderate correlation between SE and BDG utilization scores (r = 0.45; p = 0.03). Knowledge about BDG presented a weak correlation with the utilization score (r = 0.34; p = 0.11). Significant difference was observed between the averages of the BDG utilization score in the high SE group (5.13; p = 0.004; SD = 1.55), in relation to the low SE group (3.40; p = 0.059; SD = 1.69), regardless of professional category. Conclusion in this study, SE was moderately correlated with the adoption of new professional practices.

Rev. saúde pública (Online) ; 57: 82, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1522867


ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To investigate the performance of food consumption markers of the Food and Nutrition Surveillance System (Sisvan) in assessing the overall dietary quality. METHODS The study was carried out based on the reproduction of responses to markers in 24-hour recall data from 46,164 individuals aged ≥ 10 years, from the 2017-2018 Household Budget Survey (POF). Seven Sisvan markers were evaluated, and two scores were calculated for each participant, based on the sum of the number of healthy food markers (beans, fruits, and vegetables, ranging from 0 to 3) and unhealthy (hamburgers/sausages, sweetened beverages, instant noodles/salt snacks/crackers, stuffed cookies/sweets/candies, ranging from 0 to 4) consumed. Linear regression analyses were used to assess the association between scores and diet quality indicators (ultra-processed foods, dietary diversity, and levels of saturated and trans fat, added sugar, sodium, potassium, and fiber in the diet). RESULTS The score of healthy eating markers increased significantly with increasing dietary diversity and potassium and fiber contents in the diet, while the opposite trend was observed for the densities of added sugar, sodium, saturated and trans fat (p < 0.001). The score of unhealthy eating markers increased significantly with the increase in the consumption of ultra-processed foods and densities of added sugar, saturated and trans fat levels in the diet, while an inverse trend was observed for potassium and fiber (p < 0.001). The joint analysis of the combination of the two marker scores showed that individuals with better performance (3 in the healthy food score, and 0 in the unhealthy food score) have a lower number of inadequacies in nutrient consumption. CONCLUSION Sisvan food consumption markers, quickly and easily applied and already incorporated into the Brazilian public health system, have good potential to reflect the overall dietary quality.

RESUMO OBJETIVO Investigar o desempenho dos marcadores do consumo alimentar do Sistema de Vigilância Alimentar e Nutricional (Sisvan) na avaliação da qualidade global da alimentação. MÉTODOS O estudo foi realizado a partir da reprodução de respostas aos marcadores em dados de recordatórios de 24 horas, de 46.164 indivíduos com idade menor ou igual a 10 anos, da Pesquisa de Orçamentos Familiares 2017-2018. Foram avaliados sete marcadores do Sisvan e calculados dois escores para cada participante, a partir do somatório do número de marcadores de alimentação saudável (feijão, frutas, verduras/legumes, variando de 0 a 3) e não saudável (hambúrguer/embutidos, bebidas adoçadas, macarrão instantâneo/salgadinhos/biscoitos salgados, biscoito recheado/doces/guloseimas, variando de 0 a 4) consumidos. Análises de regressão linear foram usadas para avaliar a associação entre os escores e indicadores de qualidade da alimentação (participação de alimentos ultraprocessados, diversidade e teores de gordura saturada, trans, açúcar de adição, sódio, potássio e fibra da dieta). RESULTADOS o escore de marcadores de alimentação saudável aumentou de forma significativa com o aumento da diversidade e dos teores de potássio e fibra da dieta, enquanto tendência oposta foi observada para as densidades de açúcar de adição, sódio, gordura saturada e trans (p < 0,001). Observou-se que o escore de marcadores de alimentação não saudável aumentou de forma significativa com o aumento da participação de alimentos ultraprocessados e dos teores de açúcar de adição, gordura saturada e trans da dieta, enquanto tendência inversa é observada para potássio e fibra (p < 0,001). A análise conjunta da combinação dos dois escores de marcadores mostrou que indivíduos com melhor desempenho (3 no escore de alimentos saudáveis, e 0 no de alimentos não saudáveis) possuem menor número de inadequações no consumo de nutrientes. CONCLUSÃO Os marcadores do consumo alimentar do Sisvan, aplicados de forma rápida e prática e já incorporados no sistema público de saúde brasileiro, possuem bom potencial para refletir a qualidade global da alimentação.

Humanos , Programas e Políticas de Nutrição e Alimentação , Vigilância Alimentar e Nutricional , Ingestão de Alimentos , Comportamento Alimentar , Dieta Saudável , Alimento Processado , Potássio , Sódio , Brasil , Açúcares
Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet ; 44(11): 1021-1031, 2022 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36580947


OBJECTIVE: To develop and validate a protocol for the use of the Dietary Guidelines for the Brazilian Population (DGBP) in the individual dietary advice for pregnant women assisted in primary healthcare (PHC). METHODS: Methodological study that involved the elaboration of a protocol in six steps: definition of the format, definition of the instrument to evaluate food consumption, systematization of evidence on food and nutrition needs of pregnant women, extraction of DGBP recommendations, development of messages of dietary guidelines and content, and face validity. The analyses of the validation steps were carried out by calculating the Content Validity Index (CVI) and thematic content analysis. RESULTS: As products of the steps, the protocol structure was defined and the dietary advice for pregnant women were elaborated, considering physiological changes, food consumption, nutritional and health needs, and socioeconomic conditions of this population. The protocol was well evaluated by experts and health professionals in terms of clarity, relevance (CVI > 0.8), and applicability. In addition, the participants made some suggestions to improve the clarity of the messages and to expand the applicability of the instrument with Brazilian pregnant women. CONCLUSION: The instrument developed fills a gap in clinical protocols on dietary advice for pregnant women focused on promoting a healthy diet, contributing to a healthy pregnancy. In addition, it demonstrates potential to contribute to the qualification of PHC professionals and to the implementation of the DGBP recommendations.

OBJETIVO: Desenvolver e validar um protocolo para uso do Guia Alimentar para a População Brasileira (GAPB) na orientação alimentar individual de gestantes atendidas na atenção primária à saúde (APS). MéTODOS: Estudo metodológico que envolveu a elaboração de um protocolo em seis etapas: definição do formato do documento, definição do instrumento de avaliação do consumo alimentar, sistematização de evidências sobre necessidades de alimentação e nutrição de gestantes, extração das recomendações do GAPB, desenvolvimento de mensagens de orientação alimentar e validação de conteúdo e validação aparente. As análises das etapas de validação foram realizadas através do cálculo do índice de validade de conteúdo e análise temática de conteúdo. RESULTADOS: Como produtos das etapas, a estrutura do protocolo foi definida e as orientações alimentares de gestantes foram elaboradas, considerando as alterações fisiológicas, consumo alimentar, necessidades nutricionais e de saúde e condições socioeconômicas desta população. O protocolo foi bem avaliado por especialistas e profissionais de saúde nos critérios de clareza, pertinência (índice de validade de conteúdo > 0,8) e aplicabilidade. Além disso, os participantes deram sugestões para melhoria da clareza das mensagens e para ampliar a aplicabilidade do instrumento em gestantes brasileiras. CONCLUSãO: O instrumento desenvolvido preenche uma lacuna sobre protocolos clínicos de orientação alimentar para gestantes focado na promoção da alimentação saudável, contribuindo para uma gestação saudável. Além disso, o instrumento demonstra potencial para contribuir na qualificação de profissionais da APS e implementação das recomendações do GAPB.

Dieta , Gestantes , Feminino , Gravidez , Humanos , Brasil , Estado Nutricional , Política Nutricional
Rev. bras. ginecol. obstet ; 44(11): 1021-1031, Nov. 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1423278


Abstract Objective To develop and validate a protocol for the use of the Dietary Guidelines for the Brazilian Population (DGBP) in the individual dietary advice for pregnant women assisted in primary healthcare (PHC). Methods Methodological study that involved the elaboration of a protocol in six steps: definition of the format, definition of the instrument to evaluate food consumption, systematization of evidence on food and nutrition needs of pregnant women, extraction of DGBP recommendations, development of messages of dietary guidelines and content, and face validity. The analyses of the validation steps were carried out by calculating the Content Validity Index (CVI) and thematic content analysis. Results As products of the steps, the protocol structure was defined and the dietary advice for pregnant women were elaborated, considering physiological changes, food consumption, nutritional and health needs, and socioeconomic conditions of this population. The protocol was well evaluated by experts and health professionals in terms of clarity, relevance (CVI > 0.8), and applicability. In addition, the participants made some suggestions to improve the clarity of the messages and to expand the applicability of the instrument with Brazilian pregnant women. Conclusion The instrument developed fills a gap in clinical protocols on dietary advice for pregnant women focused on promoting a healthy diet, contributing to a healthy pregnancy. In addition, it demonstrates potential to contribute to the qualification of PHC professionals and to the implementation of the DGBP recommendations.

Resumo Objetivo Desenvolver e validar um protocolo para uso do Guia Alimentar para a População Brasileira (GAPB) na orientação alimentar individual de gestantes atendidas na atenção primária à saúde (APS). Métodos Estudo metodológico que envolveu a elaboração de um protocolo em seis etapas: definição do formato do documento, definição do instrumento de avaliação do consumo alimentar, sistematização de evidências sobre necessidades de alimentação e nutrição de gestantes, extração das recomendações do GAPB, desenvolvimento de mensagens de orientação alimentar e validação de conteúdo e validação aparente. As análises das etapas de validação foram realizadas através do cálculo do índice de validade de conteúdo e análise temática de conteúdo. Resultados Como produtos das etapas, a estrutura do protocolo foi definida e as orientações alimentares de gestantes foram elaboradas, considerando as alterações fisiológicas, consumo alimentar, necessidades nutricionais e de saúde e condições socioeconômicas desta população. O protocolo foi bem avaliado por especialistas e profissionais de saúde nos critérios de clareza, pertinência (índice de validade de conteúdo > 0,8) e aplicabilidade. Além disso, os participantes deram sugestões para melhoria da clareza das mensagens e para ampliar a aplicabilidade do instrumento em gestantes brasileiras. Conclusão O instrumento desenvolvido preenche uma lacuna sobre protocolos clínicos de orientação alimentar para gestantes focado na promoção da alimentação saudável, contribuindo para uma gestação saudável. Além disso, o instrumento demonstra potencial para contribuir na qualificação de profissionais da APS e implementação das recomendações do GAPB.

Humanos , Feminino , Gravidez , Atenção Primária à Saúde , Guias de Prática Clínica como Assunto , Política Nutricional , Estudo de Validação , Nutrição da Gestante
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35140130


To describe the methodology of development of a protocol for application of the Brazilian Dietary Guidelines by primary healthcare professionals in individual dietary advice. A five-step approach was followed: (1) format definition; (2) definition of the instrument for assessment of individuals' food consumption; (3) Dietary Guidelines' content extraction; (4) protocol content development; (5) content and face validity. An example from Brazil was displayed with the development of a protocol to guide healthcare professional decision-making when providing nutrition advice based on the Brazilian Dietary Guidelines. The instrument of the Brazilian Nutrition Surveillance System (SISVAN) was chosen to the food consumption assessment, which contains questions about the consumption of seven healthy or unhealthy food groups and one question about eating modes. The Guidelines' content extraction process led to the identification of recommendations related to the food consumption markers assessed by the SISVAN questionnaire. Then, a protocol was developed in a flowchart format, in which the professional's conduct is guided by the answer given to each question of the SISVAN instrument. For each 'non-compliant' answer (unhealthy eating practice), the professional is instructed how to provide recommendations and identify obstacles. Lastly, experts and healthcare professionals highlighted pertinence, clarity and usability of the protocol. This study provides the blueprint for the phase-wise development of protocols of application of the Dietary Guidelines and may contribute to promote healthier eating and ending malnutrition in all its forms.

Dieta Saudável , Política Nutricional , Brasil , Humanos , Atenção Primária à Saúde , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes
Public Health Nutr ; 24(18): 6521-6533, 2021 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34392873


OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to develop a conceptual framework of the process of food-based dietary guidelines (FBDG) implementation and analyse Brazil's employed measures to implement dietary guidelines for the Brazilian population (2014). DESIGN: Qualitative research. SETTING: Aiming to develop the conceptual framework, a literature review on FBDG implementation was carried out. Both documents scoped within the macropolitical sphere and scientific articles were reviewed. In the case study, measures took in Brazil were identified through a search on institutional websites and technical management reports of government sectors were responsible for FBDG implementation in the country. PARTICIPANTS: This study does not involve humans. RESULTS: The new conceptual framework frames FBDG implementation as a part of a larger set of intersectoral public policies to promote healthy eating and highlights two main implementation ways: educational materials and public policies. Brazil has a range of policies to promote healthy eating guided by the perspective of food as a right. Most of the implemented measures focussed on the concept of 'FBDG as educational materials,' although the recommendations have also been implemented in public policies. CONCLUSION: The FBDG implementation should be carried out in an integrated manner with multi-sector involvement. The Brazilian's case analysis can be helpful to decision makers in food policy across the globe be inspired by the Brazilian efforts, considering that the Brazilian FBDG was one of the firsts to have adopted a multidimensional paradigm of healthy eating, including diet sustainability.

Alimentos , Política Nutricional , Brasil , Dieta , Dieta Saudável , Humanos
Nutr Health ; 27(3): 347-356, 2021 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33781125


BACKGROUND: The double burden of malnutrition points to an urgent need to develop strategies to promote healthy diets. Health professionals are key elements for health promotion and must be prepared to deal with these issues in health services. AIM: This study aimed to evaluate the impact of an educational intervention based on Brazilian Dietary Guidelines in the practice of multidisciplinary teams working in primary health care. METHODS: A controlled trial comprising pre- and post-tests was conducted with four multidisciplinary healthcare teams. The intervention group received 16 hours of training on the Brazilian Dietary Guidelines. The professionals' practices were evaluated by direct observation, before and after the intervention, for two months at each timepoint. Data on dietary counselling were collected using a previously validated scale. The Kruskal-Wallis test was used for intragroup comparison at T0 versus T1, and the intergroup effects of the intervention were estimated by generalized linear regression analysis with a 95% confidence interval. RESULTS: The regression with the interaction term between the intervention group and time showed a positive effect of the educational intervention on professionals' practices in the intervention group in the crude and adjusted models (coefficient = 1.36 and p = 0.020). Brazilian Dietary Guidelines application significantly increased in non-nutritionist professionals' practices (p = 0.007) and in activities not related to nutrition (p = 0.028) in the intervention group over time (T1-T0). No significant differences were found in the control group. CONCLUSION: The intervention proved to be effective in promoting changes in health professionals' practices, demonstrating the strength of the strategy for dissemination of nutrition guidelines in primary health care.

Promoção da Saúde , Política Nutricional , Brasil , Dieta Saudável , Pessoal de Saúde/educação , Humanos
Appetite ; 163: 105220, 2021 08 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33785430


This study aimed to identify individual, household and sociodemographic factors associated with changes in food consumption that lead to changes in the diet quality, in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic concerning Brazilian adults. Improvements or worsening in diet quality (IDQ or WDQ) were verified using an exploratory online survey which investigated whether participants (n = 4780) increased or decreased their consumption of food subgroups that mark positive or negative food patterns. Respondents also agreed or disagreed with their beliefs about food safety, cooking skills, family support, home characterization, feelings and behaviors. All factors of influence on the IDQ or WDQ groups were always compared against the general participants (who did not change their diet sufficiently to be classified into these groups). Individuals from the IDQ group spent more time on food (81.4% versus 62.0%), started to cook more often (91.4%), were more confident with their cooking skills (p < 0.01) and positive feelings were at least 2.5 times more prevalent. Adjusted analysis showed the chance to improve diet was 1.39 higher among those who did not feel overworked and increased 1.07 in each additional cooking chore shared between household members. For each additional positive feeling, the odds were 1.41 to IDQ and 0.67 to WDQ. Moreover, for each additional negative feeling the chances for WDQ were 1.21 and 0.90 for IDQ. Those in the WDQ group were more unaware of issues related to contagion during meals, they were not afraid of eating food prepared outside their home and agreed that industrialized food is safer (OR = 1.85). These results highlight the associated factors in improving or worsening diet patterns as a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic, supporting messages presented in Dietary Guidelines.

COVID-19 , Pandemias , Adulto , Brasil , Culinária , Estudos Transversais , Dieta , Emoções , Comportamento Alimentar , Hábitos , Humanos , SARS-CoV-2 , Inquéritos e Questionários
Rev. bras. geriatr. gerontol. (Online) ; 24(5): e210157, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1387862


Resumo Objetivo Desenvolver e validar um protocolo de uso do Guia Alimentar para a População Brasileira na orientação alimentar da pessoa idosa durante as consultas clínicas individuais na Atenção Primária à Saúde (APS). Métodos Esta construção seguiu seis etapas metodológicas, sendo elas: (1) definição do formato do protocolo; (2) definição do instrumento de avaliação do consumo alimentar dos indivíduos; (3) extração das recomendações do Guia Alimentar aplicáveis para orientação alimentar individual; (4) sistematização de evidências sobre necessidades de alimentação e nutrição da pessoa idosa; (5) desenvolvimento de mensagens de orientação alimentar para a pessoa idosa; (6) validação de conteúdo e aparente e análise dos dados. Resultados Como produtos das etapas, foi definida a estrutura do protocolo e construída as orientações alimentares baseadas nas necessidades nutricionais e de saúde da população idosa, considerando a capacidade funcional e alterações fisiológicas e sociais desse ciclo de vida. O protocolo foi bem avaliado por especialistas e profissionais de saúde nos critérios de clareza, pertinência (Índice de validade de conteúdo >0,8) e aplicabilidade. Além disso, os participantes deram sugestões para melhoria da clareza das mensagens e para ampliar a aplicabilidade do instrumento com pessoas idosas brasileiras. Conclusão O protocolo pode contribuir para qualificação da orientação alimentar na APS, disseminação das informações do Guia Alimentar e promoção do cuidado integral e envelhecimento saudável da população.

Abstract Objective Develop and validate a protocol for the use of the Food Guide for the Brazilian Population (FGBP) in the dietary guidelines for elderly people during individual clinic appointments in Primary Health Care (PHC). Methods The elaboration followed six methodological steps, namely: (1) protocol format definition; (2) definition of the instrument for assessing food consumption; (3) extracting applicable Food Guide recommendations for individual dietary guidelines; (4) evidence systematization on dietary and nutrition needs of the elderly; (5) development of nutritional guidelines messages for the elderly; (6) content and apparent validation and data analysis. Results As products of the steps, the protocol structure was defined and dietary guidelines were elaborated based on the nutritional and health needs of the elderly population, considering the functional capacity and physiological and social changes of this life cycle. The protocol was well assessed by experts and health professionals as to clarity, relevance (content validity index > 0.8) and applicability. In addition, the participants made some suggestions to improve the clarity of the messages and to expand the applicability of the instrument with elderly Brazilians. Conclusion The protocol can contribute to the qualification of dietary guidelines in PHC, dissemination of information from the Food Guide and promotion of comprehensive care and healthy aging of the population.