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Rev. Soc. Venez. Microbiol ; 35(2): 70-76, dic. 2015. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-842850


Algunos microorganismos patógenos aumentan su proliferación al cultivarlos en presencia de insulina, por lo tanto, la hiperinsulinemia podría influir sobre las infecciones de pacientes diabéticos. En este trabajo se determinó el efecto de la insulina sobre el crecimiento y expresión de proteínas celulares de Klebsiella pneumoniae aislada de pie diabético. Las bacterias se cultivaron en medio Luria-Bertani en presencia o en ausencia de insulina humana. El crecimiento se determinó midiendo la DO600 de los cultivos hasta alcanzar la fase estacionaria; se colectaron bacterias a diferentes tiempos para extraer sus proteínas celulares (extractos) y analizarlas mediante electroforesis en geles de poliacrilamida-SDS y densitometría cuantitativa. En presencia de insulina (0,5 U/mL) el crecimiento bacteriano se incrementó en 40% respecto al control en las fases logarítmica temprana y media. Todos los perfiles electroforéticos de los extractos mostraron 27 bandas polipeptídicas (rango 150-9 kDa). La expresión del 41% de estas bandas aumentó en los extractos de las bacterias cultivadas con insulina, respecto a los controles, mientras que la expresión del 22% disminuyó. Los resultados indicaron que la insulina incrementó la proliferación y moduló la expresión genética de K. pneumoniae, sugiriendo que la hiperinsulinemia podría favorecer la severidad de infecciones en pacientes diabéticos.

Some pathogens increase their proliferation when cultured in the presence of insulin, therefore, hyperinsulinemia may influence diabetic infections. In this work we determine the effect of insulin on growth and cellular protein expression from Klebsiella pneumoniae isolated from diabetic foot infections. Bacteria were grown in Luria-Bertani medium in the presence and absence of human insulin. Growth was determined by measuring OD600 of the cultures until reached the stationary phase. In order to extract cellular proteins, bacteria were collected at different times to obtain extracts that were analyzed by electrophoresis on SDS-polyacrylamide gels and quantitative densitometry. In the presence of insulin (0.5 U/mL) bacterial growth increased by 40% compared with control in the early and middle logarithmic phase. All electrophoretic profiles of the extracts showed 27 polypeptide bands (range 150-9 kDa). The expression of 41% of these bands increased in extracts from bacteria grown with insulin when compared with controls, whereas protein expression decreased by 22%. The results indicated that insulin increased K. pneumoniae proliferation and modulated gene expression, suggesting that hyperinsulinemia could contribute to the severity of the infections in diabetic patients.

Rev. Soc. Venez. Microbiol ; 31(1): 48-56, jun. 2011. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-631675


La levadura Saccharomyces cerevisiae es sensible a la insulina de mamíferos y actúa en el metabolismo de carbohidratos. Sin embargo, no hay estudios de su efecto en las enzimas glucolíticas de este microorganismo. Este trabajo demuestra que la insulina estimula la actividad de piruvato quinasa en S. cerevisiae durante su crecimiento en medio rico suplementado con glucosa y en condiciones aeróbicas. En la fase logarítmica temprana, la máxima estimulación sobre el control se observó en presencia de 3 µM de insulina (actividad específica: 701 U/mg proteína, 404% de estimulación; actividad absoluta: 1,73 U/10(6) células, 652% de estimulación), sugiriendo un efecto sobre la regulación de la expresión genética de la enzima. La presencia de 1,2-3 µM de la hormona estimuló en 51-68% la expresión de las proteínas citoplasmáticas y, a concentraciones mayores (4,5-9 µM), también estimuló en 25-32% la proliferación celular, indicando hiperplasia e hipertrofia celular de acuerdo a la concentración de la insulina en el medio. El efecto de la hormona disminuyó en la fase logarítmica tardía de crecimiento, sugiriendo un periodo de acción, posiblemente por un mecanismo regulatorio dependiente de nutrientes. Este sistema puede servir como modelo para estudiar muchos de los efectos moleculares de la insulina no conocidos aún.

Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast is sensitive to mammal’s insulin and acts in carbohydrate metabolism. Nevertheless, there are no studies of its effects on the glycolytic enzymes of this microorganism. This study shows that insulin stimulates pyruvate kinase activity in S. cerevisae during its growth in rich glucose supplemented media, and under aerobic conditions. In the early logarithmic phase, the maximum stimulation over control was seen in presence of 3 µM insulin (specific activity: 701 U/mg protein, 404% stimulation; absolute activity: 1.73 U/10(6) cells, 652% stimulation), suggesting an effect over the regulation of the genetic expression of the enzyme. The presence of 1.2-3 µM of insulin stimulated the expression of cytoplasmic proteins in 51-68% and at higher concentrations (4.5-9 µM) it also stimulated cell proliferation in 25-32%, indicating cell hyperplasia and hypertrophy according to the hormone concentration in the medium. The effect of the insulin decreased in the late logarithmic growth phase, suggesting a period of action, possibly due to a nutrient dependent regulatory mechanism. This system can serve as model to study many of the molecular effects of insulin not yet known.

Biochim Biophys Acta ; 1779(3): 175-82, 2008 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18211834


ATP hydrolysis is important for different stages of the protein synthesis process. A novel effect of this nucleotide was detected using mRNAs isolated from S. cerevisiae after phenol extraction of polysomes. When polysomal mRNA (pmRNA) or poly(A)(+) RNA were preincubated with ATP (approximately 3 mM, near physiological concentration), their translational activity in a cell-free system from yeast was stimulated 2-3 fold. This increased translational activity is specific for the poly(A)(+) RNA fraction, correlates with facilitated assembly of 80S initiation complexes, and is associated to increased synthesis of high molecular weight polypeptides. TCA precipitation assays of RNA incubated with [(14)C]ATP suggested an association of the nucleotide with the nucleic acid. The amount of [(14)C]ATP co-precipitated was dependent on magnesium (optimum at 5-6 mM), was partially inhibited by monovalent ions, and was maximal with poli(A)(+) RNA. Existence of RNA-associated kinases or ATPases appear unlikely since neither phosphorylation nor nucleotide hydrolysis were observed during preincubation of pmRNA with ATP. Another evidence of ATP-RNA interaction was an increased absorbance at 260 nm after incubation suggesting unwinding of the RNA secondary structure. Therefore, preincubation with ATP may affect the conformation of mRNAs and thereby facilitate the initiation of protein synthesis. This event could be part of an in vivo energy-dependent mechanism for translational control.

Trifosfato de Adenosina/fisiologia , Iniciação Traducional da Cadeia Peptídica , Biossíntese de Proteínas , RNA Mensageiro/fisiologia , Saccharomyces cerevisiae/genética , Poli A/metabolismo