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Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38992416


Due to their tissue structure similar to mammalian skin and their close evolutionary relationship with chordates, holothurians (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea) are particularly interesting for studies on wound healing. However, previous studies dealing with holothuroid wound healing have had limited approaches, being restricted to tissue repair or perivisceral immune response. In this study, we combined tissue, cellular and humoral parameters to study the wound healing process of Holothuria grisea. The immune responses of the perivisceral coelom were assessed by analyzing the number, proportion and viability of coelomocytes and the volume and protein concentration of the coelomic fluid. Additionally, the morphology of the healing tissue and number of coelomocytes in the connective tissue of different body wall layers were examined over 30 days. Our results showed that perivisceral reactions started 3 h after injury and decreased to baseline levels within 24 h. In contrast, tissue responses were delayed, beginning after 12 h and returning to baseline levels only after day 10. The number of coelomocytes in the connective tissue suggests a potential cooperation between these cells during wound healing: phagocytes and acidophilic spherulocytes act together in tissue clearance/homeostasis, whereas fibroblast-like and morula cells cooperate in tissue remodeling. Finally, our results indicate that the major phases observed in mammalian wound healing are also observed in H. grisea, despite occurring at a different timing, which might provide insights for future studies. Based on these data, we propose a model that explains the entire healing process in H. grisea.

Holothuria , Cicatrização , Animais , Cicatrização/fisiologia , Holothuria/fisiologia , Imunidade Humoral
Rev. biol. trop ; 69(supl. 2)mar. 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1507768


Introduction: Echinoderm coelomocytes have traditionally been investigated through a morphological approach using light microscopy, which relies on the idea of constant cell shape as a stable character. However, this can be affected by biotic or abiotic conditions. Objective: To analyze if the consistency in cell morphology offered by the cytocentrifugation method, might be used as a convenient tool to study echinoderm coelomocytes. Methods: Cells of Echinaster (Othilia) brasiliensis (Asteroidea), Holothuria (Holothuria) tubulosa (Holothuroidea), Eucidaris tribuloides, Arbacia lixula, Lytechinus variegatus, and Echinometra lucunter (Echinoidea) were spread on microscope slides by cytocentrifugation, stained, and analyzed through light microscopy. Additionally, fluorescence microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and energy-dispersive x-ray spectroscopy were applied to cytospin preparations, to complement the analysis of granular and colorless spherulocytes of Eucidaris tribuloides. Results: Altogether, 11 cell types, including phagocytes, spherulocytes, vibratile cells, and progenitor cells were identified in the samples analyzed. The granular spherulocyte, a newly-described cell type, was observed in all Echinoidea and was very similar to the acidophilic spherulocytes of Holothuria (Holothuria) tubulosa. Conclusions: Cytocentrifugation proved to be versatile, either as the main method of investigation in stained preparations, or as a framework on which other procedures may be performed. Its ability to maintain a constant morphology allowed accurate correspondence between live and fixed/stained cells, differentiation among similar spherulocytes as well as comparisons between similar cells of Holothuroidea and Echinoidea.

Introducción: Los celomocitos de equinodermos se han investigado tradicionalmente a través de un enfoque morfológico utilizando microscopía óptica, que se basa en la idea de la forma celular constante como un carácter estable. Sin embargo, esto puede verse afectado por condiciones bióticas o abióticas. Objetivo: Analizar si la consistencia en la morfología celular que ofrece el método de citocentrifugación podría utilizarse como una herramienta conveniente para estudiar los celomocitos de equinodermos. Métodos: Células de Echinaster (Othilia) brasiliensis (Asteroidea), Holothuria (Holothuria) tubulosa (Holothuroidea), Eucidaris tribuloides, Arbacia lixula, Lytechinus variegatus y Echinometra lucunter (Echinoidea) se esparcieron en portaobjetos de microscopio por citocentrifugación, se tiñeron y analizaron mediante microscopía óptica. Adicionalmente, se aplicó microscopía de fluorescencia, microscopía electrónica de barrido y espectroscopía de rayos X con dispersión de energía a las preparaciones de citoespina, para complementar el análisis de los esferulocitos granulares e incoloros de Eucidaris tribuloides. Resultados: En total, se identificaron en las muestras analizadas 11 tipos de células, incluidos fagocitos, esferulocitos, células vibrátiles y células progenitoras. El esferulocito granular, un tipo de célula recién descrito, se observó en todos los Echinoidea y fue muy similar a los esferulocitos acidófilos de Holothuria (Holothuria) tubulosa. Conclusiones: La citocentrifugación demostró ser un método bastante versátil, ya sea como el método principal de investigación en preparaciones teñidas o como un marco en el que se pueden realizar otros procedimientos. Su capacidad para mantener una morfología constante permitió una correspondencia precisa entre las células vivas y las células fijas/teñidas, la diferenciación entre esferulocitos similares, así como comparaciones entre células similares de Holothuroidea y Echinoidea.

Animais , Espectrometria por Raios X/métodos , Equinodermos/microbiologia , Centrifugação/instrumentação , Forma do Núcleo Celular