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Braz J Vet Med ; 46: e001624, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39119241


Antimicrobial resistance is a natural mechanism in microorganisms, making the treatment of infections more complex in human and veterinary medicine. Global exotic and ornamental bird markets have significantly increased, and the close relationship between pets and humans makes exploring the potential role of these birds as vectors for the spread of antimicrobial-resistant bacteria imperative. This study aimed to use culture-dependent methods to investigate cloacal bacteria and the presence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in four breeding stocks of ornamental birds. Cloacal swab samples were collected from 53 birds (canaries = 32, cockatiels = 17, and budgies = 4) and used for culturing and isolating facultative anaerobic and/or obligatory aerobic Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. The antimicrobial susceptibility profile of each isolate was determined by the disk diffusion method. Thirty-four isolates were obtained, most of which belonged to the Staphylococcus genus. Bacterial richness was higher in canaries and in one of the breeding stockings, where Gram-negative bacteria were more abundant than in the others. In addition, canaries exhibited a predominance of resistant isolates, particularly multidrug-resistant strains, probably due to prophylactic antimicrobial usage. Most Gram-negative bacteria were resistant to at least one drug tested. A vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecalis strain was isolated. Most Staphylococcus strains were resistant to gentamycin, followed by penicillin. Eight strains were cefoxitin-resistant, including oxacillin-resistant S. epidermidis, in which the mecA gene was detected. Understanding the prevalence of resistance in avian species is crucial in the collaborative pursuit of maintaining antibiotic effectiveness and strengthening public health defense against emerging infectious risks.

A resistência antimicrobiana é um mecanismo natural dos microrganismos, complicando o tratamento de infecções na medicina humana e veterinária. O mercado global de aves exóticas e ornamentais cresceu significativamente, e a relação próxima entre esses animais e humanos destaca a necessidade de investigar o papel das aves na disseminação de bactérias resistentes. Este estudo utilizou métodos dependentes de cultura para examinar bactérias cloacais e a presença de resistência a antibióticos em quatro plantéis de aves ornamentais. Amostras de suabe cloacal foram coletadas de 53 aves (canários = 32, calopsitas = 17, periquitos = 4) e usadas para cultivar e isolar bactérias Gram-positivas e Gram-negativas, facultativas anaeróbias e aeróbias obrigatórias. A suscetibilidade antimicrobiana foi determinada pelo método de difusão em disco. Foram obtidos 34 isolados, principalmente do gênero Staphylococcus. A riqueza bacteriana foi maior nos canários e em um dos plantéis, onde houve aumento de Gram-negativos. Canários mostraram predominância de isolados resistentes, especialmente cepas multirresistentes, provavelmente devido ao uso profilático de antimicrobianos. A maioria das bactérias Gram-negativas foi resistente a pelo menos um fármaco testado. Um Enterococcus faecalis resistente à vancomicina foi isolado. A maioria dos Staphylococcus foi resistente à gentamicina e penicilina; oito cepas foram resistentes à cefoxitina, incluindo S. epidermidis resistente à oxacilina com o gene mecA detectado. Compreender a prevalência de resistência em aves é crucial para manter a eficácia dos antibióticos e fortalecer a saúde pública contra riscos infecciosos emergentes.

Front Microbiol ; 11: 590325, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33304338


The use of heavy metals in economic and social development can create an accumulation of toxic waste in the environment. High concentrations of heavy metals can damage human and animal health, lead to the development of antibiotic resistance, and possibly change in bovine microbiota. It is important to investigate the influence of heavy metals in food systems to determine potential harmful effects environmental heavy metal contamination on human health. Because of a mining dam rupture, 43 million cubic meters of iron ore waste flowed into the Doce river basin surrounding Mariana City, Brazil, in 2015. Following this environmental disaster, we investigated the consequences of long-term exposure to contaminated drinking water on the microbiome and resistome of dairy cattle. We identified bacterial antimicrobial resistance (AMR) genes in the feces, rumen fluid, and nasopharynx of 16 dairy cattle 4 years after the environmental disaster. Cattle had been continuously exposed to heavy metal contaminated water until sample collection (A) and compared them to analogous samples from 16 dairy cattle in an unaffected farm, 356 km away (B). The microbiome and resistome of farm A and farm B differed in many aspects. The distribution of genes present in the cattle's nasopharynx, rumen, and feces conferring AMR was highly heterogeneous, and most genes were present in only a few samples. The relative abundance and prevalence (presence/absence) of AMR genes were higher in farm A than in farm B. Samples from farm A had a higher prevalence (presence) of genes conferring resistance to multiple drugs, metals, biocides, and multi-compound resistance. Fecal samples had a higher relative abundance of AMR genes, followed by rumen fluid samples, and the nasopharynx had the lowest relative abundance of AMR genes detected. Metagenome functional annotation suggested that selective pressures of heavy metal exposure potentially skewed pathway diversity toward fewer, more specialized functions. This is the first study that evaluates the consequences of a Brazilian environmental accident with mining ore dam failure in the microbiome of dairy cows. Our findings suggest that the long-term persistence of heavy metals in the environment may result in differences in the microbiota and enrichment of antimicrobial-resistant bacteria. Our results also suggest that AMR genes are most readily detected in fecal samples compared to rumen and nasopharyngeal samples which had relatively lower bacterial read counts. Since heavy metal contamination has an effect on the animal microbiome, environmental management is warranted to protect the food system from hazardous consequences.