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Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558757


O estudo objetivou reunir evidências de precisão e validade da Escala Comportamental De Ansiedade Aos Exames (ECAE) em contexto brasileiro. Especificamente, verificou-se o padrão de relação com ansiedade cognitiva de provas. Realizaram-se dois estudos com estudantes universitários. No primeiro (n = 223; M idade = 21,57; DP = 5,35), foi realizada a adaptação da ECAE e uma análise fatorial exploratória, sugerindo-se uma estrutura bifatorial. No segundo (n = 239; M idade = 21,68; DP = 3,71), por meio de uma análise fatorial confirmatória a estrutura teórica composta por dois fatores foi corroborada. Ademais, realizou-se a correlação de Pearson (r), evidenciando relações positivas entre os fatores da ECAE (dificuldade de execução e conduta de evitação) e a ansiedade cognitiva de provas, indicando validade convergente. Conclui-se que a ECAE reuniu adequadas evidências psicométricas, podendo ser uma ferramenta útil na avaliação de estudantes universitários com elevada ansiedade de provas, além de contribuir para a compreensão e desenvolvimento de estratégias interventivas relacionadas à temática da ansiedade de provas.

The study aimed to gather evidence of accuracy and validity of the Behavioral Test Anxiety Scale (BTAS) in the Brazilian context. Specifically, the study examined its relationship with cognitive test anxiety. Two studies were conducted with university students. In the first study (n = 223; Mage = 21.57; SD = 5.35), the ECAE was adapted, and an exploratory factor analysis was performed, suggesting a bifactorial structure. In the second study (n = 239; Mage = 21.68; SD = 3.71), a confirmatory factor analysis confirmed the theoretical structure composed of two factors. Additionally, Pearson correlation (r) was used, showing positive relationships between the factors of the ECAE (execution difficulty and avoidance behavior) and cognitive test anxiety, indicating convergent validity. It can be concluded that the ECAE gathered adequate psychometric evidence and can be a useful tool in assessing university students with high-test anxiety, as well as contributing to the understanding and development of intervention strategies related to the theme of test anxiety.

El estudio tuvo como objetivo reunir evidencias de precisión y validez de la Escala Conductual de Ansiedad Frente a los Exámenes (ECAE) en el contexto brasileño. Específicamente, se examinó su relación con la ansiedad cognitiva en pruebas. Se llevaron a cabo dos estudios con estudiantes universitarios. En el primer estudió (n = 223; Medad = 21,57; DE = 5,35), se adaptó la ECAE y se realizó un análisis factorial exploratorio, sugiriendo una estructura bifactorial. En el segundo estudió (n = 239; Medad = 21,68; DE = 3,71), a través de un análisis factorial confirmatorio, se confirmó la estructura teórica compuesta por dos factores. Además, se realizó la correlación de Pearson (r), evidenciando relaciones positivas entre los factores de la ECAE (dificultad de ejecución y conducta de evitación) y la ansiedad cognitiva en pruebas, lo que indica validez convergente. Se concluye que la ECAE reunió adecuadas evidencias psicométricas y puede ser una herramienta útil en la evaluación de estudiantes universitarios con elevada ansiedad en pruebas, además de contribuir a la comprensión y desarrollo de estrategias de intervención relacionadas con la temática de la ansiedad en pruebas.

rev. psicogente ; 24(46): 82-105, ene.-dic. 2021. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1366080


Resumen Introducción: La ansiedad ante los exámenes (AE) es común entre universitarios e implica manifestaciones cognitivas, motoras y fisiológicas de tensión y preocupación permanente ante la evaluación que puede afectar su desempeño académico. Objetivo: Evaluar si el engagement, la inteligencia emocional y los factores asociados con la realización de pruebas académicas predicen las manifestaciones de AE en una muestra de 400 estudiantes universitarios. Método: Mediante un diseño predictivo transversal se evaluó el engagement (Vigor, Dedicación, Absorción), la inteligencia emocional (Atención, Claridad, Reparación) y diversos factores relacionados con pruebas académicas, analizando su relación con las manifestaciones de AE, y se construyeron modelos de regresión categórica para definir el nivel predictivo de las variables. Resultados: Se descartó la relación entre engagement y AE (p>0,05) mientras que Claridad y Reparación se asociaron inversamente con las manifestaciones de AE, excepto las fisiológicas. Diferentes factores asociados con la realización de exámenes como control docente, temor a la evaluación y tipo de preguntas predicen las respuestas de ansiedad fisiológica (R2=0,10, p<0,01), motora (R2=0,09, p<0,01) y cognitiva (R2=0,12, p<0,01). La Claridad predice negativamente la ansiedad motora (β=-0,131, p<0,01). Conclusiones: Engagement académico y AE se registran como variables independientes una de la otra, entre tanto, la Claridad emocional regula débilmente la ansiedad motora. Factores cognitivos y situacionales al momento de realizar exámenes son relevantes en el desencadenamiento de la respuesta ansiosa.

Abstract Introduction: Test Anxiety (TA) is common among university students and involves cognitive, motor, and physiological manifestations of tension and permanent concern about exams that may affect their academic performance. Objective: Assess whether engagement, emotional intelligence and factors associated with academic test solving predict the manifestations of TA in a sample of 400 university students. Method: Using a cross-sectional predictive design, engagement (Vigor, Dedication, Absorption), emotional intelligence (Attention, Clarity, Repair) and several factors related to academic test solving were evaluated, analyzing their relationship with the manifestations of TA, and categorical regression models were constructed to define the predictive level of the variables. Results: The relationship between engagement and TA was discarded (p>0,05) while Clarity and Repair were inversely associated with TA manifestations, except the physiological ones. Different factors associated with exams such as professor control, fear of exams and the question type predict physiological (R2=0,10, p<0,01), motor (R2=0,09, p<0,01) and cognitive (R2=0,12, p<0,01) anxiety responses. Clarity predicts motor anxiety (β=-0,131, p<0,01) negatively. Conclusions: Academic engagement and TA are registered as independent variables of each other; meanwhile, emotional Clarity regulates motor anxiety weakly. Cognitive and situational factors at the time of exams are relevant in the triggering of the anxious response.

Interdisciplinaria ; 38(2): 242-258, jun. 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1279219


Resumen La procrastinación se define como una tendencia conductual a postergar tareas que, por sus características poco motivadoras o tediosas, no son atractivas para quien las realiza, y cuyo retraso puede acarrear consecuencias negativas. El propósito de este estudio es examinar el efecto de la procrastinación académica y la ansiedad ante los exámenes sobre el rendimiento académico, así como la relación entre ambas variables. Para ello, se ha realizado una investigación con 201 estudiantes universitarios empleando el Inventario Alemán de Ansiedad frente a los Exámenes Adaptado (GTAI-A), la Escala de Procrastinación Académica (EPA) y un registro de las calificaciones obtenidas por los participantes recogidos a través de un autoinforme. Los resultados revelan la presencia de ansiedad ante la evaluación y la procrastinación académica en estudiantes universitarios, e indican que la ansiedad ante los exámenes muestra una relación negativa con el rendimiento académico. De igual forma, la procrastinación se relaciona con dos factores de ansiedad (interferencia y falta de confianza), incidiendo de forma indirecta en dicho rendimiento. Adicionalmente, se han encontrado diferencias significativas en el rendimiento académico en función de los diferentes niveles de ansiedad identificados (χ2(2,201) = 16.929; p = .001). En conclusión, para prevenir e intervenir en el bajo rendimiento académico y en los problemas psicosociales asociados, los servicios universitarios de atención psicológica deben considerar la influencia de múltiples variables, de forma que se apliquen programas de intervención específicos para cada dimensión, aumentando así los niveles de eficacia y eficiencia en su labor asistencial.

Abstract Procrastination is defined as a behavioral tendency to postpone tasks that, because of their unmotivating or tedious characteristics, are not attractive to the performer, and whose delay can lead to negative consequences. This is the behavior of delaying responsibilities, being aware of their importance and the repercussions of the delay. These consequences can affect the personal, social, occupational and academic spheres of individuals. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to examine the relationship of academic procrastination and test anxiety on academic performance, as well as the relationship between the two variables. In this way, the aim is to achieve a better understanding of the links between the three variables, which will serve as a theoretical basis for preventing and intervening in the negative repercussions of procrastination. To this end, an investigation has been carried out with 201 college students, using the German Test Anxiety Inventory (GTAI-A), the Academic Procrastination Scale (EPA), and a record of the qualifications obtained by the participants collected through a self-report. This is a correlational design that does not include experimental manipulation of variables or randomization of the sample, so the aim is not to establish causal relationships but to determine the direction and strength of the associations between variables. The results reveal the presence of academic procrastination and test anxiety in university students. Specifically, the majority of participants (45.3 %) reflected a medium level of anxiety, 28.9 % reflected a high level and 25.9 % showed a low level. In the total sample, procrastination showed a mean score of 30.3 points out of 60. As for the relationships of both variables with academic performance, test anxiety shows a negative relationship with academic performance, so higher levels of anxiety are associated with worse grades. Procrastination does not show a significant and direct relationship with grades, but it is related to two anxiety factors (interference and lack of confidence), indirectly affecting academic performance. In addition, significant differences in academic performance have been found based on the different anxiety levels identified (χ2(2,201) = 16.929; p = .001), with the high anxiety group obtaining a lower mean score (M = 5.74; SD = 1.27). This supports the hypothesis that test anxiety is negatively associated with academic performance. Moreover, it has been found that comparing the medium and low anxiety groups, the differences are not significant, but comparing each of them with the high anxiety group they are. Therefore, significant differences in the grades only appear when the level of anxiety is high. That is, a moderate level of anxiety is adaptive, and only becomes detrimental if it becomes high. In conclusion, to prevent and intervene in academic underachievement and associated psychosocial problems, university psychological services should consider the influence of test anxiety, procrastination and other cognitive, behavioral, motivational and emotional variables. According to this study, intervention in test anxiety is a central aspect, as it has a direct effect on academic performance. In the same way, procrastinating behaviors can be intervened, as they interfere indirectly in academic outcomes, being associated with cognitive manifestations of test anxiety. The relative weight of the different variables associated with academic achievement varies according to each student, so that an individualized approach to these types of problems would increase the levels of effectiveness and efficiency in the care provided by university psychological services. Finally, the need for more research to identify the factors associated with low academic performance and the relationships between them is highlighted, in order to facilitate the design of effective interventions for different student profiles.

Pensam. psicol ; 5(12): 117-124, ene.-jun. 2009.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-546200


Diversas investigaciones coinciden en señalar que la elevada ansiedad frente a los exámenes estáasociada a la baja habilidad para el estudio y al uso de estrategias superficiales de procesamiento dela información, existendo influencias recíprocas entre dichas variables. De acuerdo a esta perspectiva,se evaluó el uso de estrategias de aprendizaje en 816 estudiantes universitarios con elevada, mediao baja ansiedad frente a los exámenes. Adicionalmente, se analizaron las relaciones entre las cuatrodimensiones de la ansiedad y las estrategias de aprendizaje. Los estudiantes con elevada ansiedadutilizaron más frecuentemente estrategias de repetición y búqueda de ayuda académica y los de bajaansiedad, estrategias de estudio reflexivo. La falta de confianza correlacionó negativamente conestrategias de estudio reflexivo, repetición, búsqueda de ayuda académica y regulación del tiempo yesfuerzo. En sentido opuesto, la preocupación se asoció positivamente con tres de estas estrategias...

Several studies coincidently affirm that a high test anxiety is associated, en general, to low study skillsand the use of surface information processing strategies, existing reciprocal influences between thesevariables. According to this perspective, learning strategies were evaluated in 816 high, medium andlow test anxious university students. Additionally, relationships between four test anxiety dimensionsand learning strategies were analyzed. High tests anxious students used more frequently, rehearsaland academic help seeking strategies, and low anxious, reflexive strategies. Lack of confidencecorrelated negatively with reflexive study strategies, rehearsal, academic help seeking, and time andeffort managing. In opposite way, worry correlated positively with three of those strategies...

Diversas investigações coincidem em assinalar que a elevada ansiedade frente aos exames estáassociada em baixa habilidade para o estudo e ao uso de estratégias superficiais de processamentoda informação, existindo influências recíprocas entre ditas volúveis. De acordo a esta perspectiva, seavaliou o uso de estratégias de aprendizagem em 816 estudantes universitários com elevada, meiaou baixa ansiedade frente aos exames. Adicionalmente, se analisaram as relações entre as quatrodimensões da ansiedade e as estratégias de aprendizagem. Os estudantes com elevada ansiedadeutilizaram mais freqüentemente estratégias de repetição e busca de ajuda acadêmica e os de baixaansiedade, estratégias de estudo reflexivo. A falta de confiança correlacionou negativamente comestratégias de estudo reflexivo, repetição, busca de ajuda acadêmica e regulação do tempo e esforço.Em sentido oposto, a preocupação se associou positivamente com três destas estratégias...

Ansiedade , Aprendizagem