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Brain Cogn ; 179: 106186, 2024 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38843763


Most of the literature on the neural bases of human reward and punishment processing has used monetary gains and losses, but less is known about the neurophysiological mechanisms underlying the anticipation and consumption of other types of rewarding stimuli. In the present study, EEG was recorded from 19 participants who completed a modified version of the Monetary Incentive Delay (MID) task. During the task, cues providing information about potential future outcomes were presented to the participants. Then, they had to respond rapidly to a target stimulus to win money or listening to pleasant music, or to avoid losing money or listening to unpleasant music. Results revealed similar responses for monetary and music cues, with increased activity for cues indicating potential gains compared to losses. However, differences emerged in the outcome phase between money and music. Monetary outcomes showed an interaction between the type of the cue and the outcome in the Feedback Related Negativity and Fb-P3 ERPs and increased theta activity increased for negative feedbacks. In contrast, music outcomes showed significant interactions in the Fb-P3 and theta activities. These findings suggest similar neurophysiological mechanisms in processing cues for potential positive or negative outcomes in these two types of stimuli.

Antecipação Psicológica , Eletroencefalografia , Música , Recompensa , Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Eletroencefalografia/métodos , Adulto Jovem , Antecipação Psicológica/fisiologia , Adulto , Sinais (Psicologia) , Potenciais Evocados/fisiologia , Encéfalo/fisiologia , Motivação/fisiologia , Estimulação Acústica/métodos
Bol Med Hosp Infant Mex ; 80(3): 165-176, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37467443


This essay questions evolutionary or Darwinian medicine for its uncritical adherence to evolutionary theory to explain diseases, which leaves aside the very vital process that transformed an "inert planet" into a "living one" where the nascent biological order subordinated the physicochemical one to prevail. The biological order is comparable to an "infinitely diverse harmonic concert", which has created and recreated, for eons, the environments conducive to its own permanence and evolution. The arrival of homo sapiens meant the cultural order emergence, which progressively supplanted, in its effects, the biological order by causing drastic and vertiginous changes in the planetary ecosystem that silenced the evolutionary process "without time to manifest". Adaptation as an ability to overcome adverse situations is a non-sense in the "harmonic concert"; instead, it is characteristic of the cultural order that imposes inhospitable and stressful environments on humans as inescapable adaptive demands. The vital quality of the biological order is the sequential anticipation of situations of interaction with significant objects in the environment, which enables the consummation of basic vital activities, emblematic of the state of maturity of living beings. To think that evolution explains chronic diseases is not only illusory but counterproductive because it covers up the root of our problems: a humanity in constant disharmony between bellicose ethnocentrisms, perpetrator of planetary devastation, whose supreme value is profit without limits.

Este ensayo cuestiona a la medicina evolutiva o darwiniana por su adhesión acrítica a la teoría evolucionista para explicar las enfermedades, que deja de lado el propio proceso vital que transformó un planeta "inerte" en uno "viviente", donde el orden biológico naciente subordinó al fisicoquímico imperante para prevalecer. El orden biológico es equiparable a un "concierto armónico infinitamente diverso", que ha creado y recreado, por eones, los ambientes propicios para su propia permanencia y evolución. El arribo del homo sapiens significó el surgimiento del orden cultural que suplantó progresivamente en sus efectos, al orden biológico, al provocar cambios drásticos y vertiginosos en el ecosistema planetario que silenciaron el proceso evolutivo "sin tiempo para manifestarse". La adaptación como aptitud para sobreponerse a situaciones adversas, es un contrasentido en el "concierto armónico"; en cambio, es característica del orden cultural que impone a los humanos ambientes inhóspitos y estresantes como exigencias adaptativas ineludibles. La cualidad vital propia del orden biológico es la anticipación secuencial de las situaciones de interacción con los objetos significativos del ambiente, que posibilita la consumación de las actividades vitales básicas, emblema del estado de madurez de los seres vivos. Pensar que la evolución explica las enfermedades crónicas no solo es ilusorio, sino contraproducente, porque encubre la raíz de nuestros problemas: una humanidad en constante disarmonía entre etnocentrismos belicosos, perpetradora de la devastación planetaria, cuyo valor supremo es el lucro sin límites.

Evolução Biológica , Ecossistema , Humanos
J Sports Sci ; 41(7): 668-676, 2023 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37409691


The penalty kick is a crucial opportunity to score and determine the outcome of a soccer match or championship. Anticipating the direction of the ball is key for goalkeepers to enhance their defensive capabilities, considering the ball's swift travel time. However, it remains unclear which kinematic cues from the kicker can predict the ball's direction. This study aimed to identify the variables that predict the ball's direction during a soccer penalty kick. Twenty U19 soccer players executed penalty kicks towards four targets positioned in the goal, while kinematic analysis was conducted using a 3D motion analysis system. Logistic regression analysis revealed that trunk rotation in the transverse plane (towards the goal - left; or slightly to the right - right) served as the primary predictor of the ball's horizontal direction at 250 and 150 ms before the kicking foot made contact. Additionally, the height of the kicking foot in the sagittal plane solely predicted the vertical direction at the moment of contact. This information, encompassing trunk rotation and kicking foot height, can be employed in perceptual training to enhance decision-making and the implementation of feints during penalty kicks.

Futebol , Humanos , Fenômenos Biomecânicos , Sinais (Psicologia) , , Extremidade Inferior
Bol. méd. Hosp. Infant. Méx ; 80(3): 165-176, May.-Jun. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1513750


Resumen Este ensayo cuestiona a la medicina evolutiva o darwiniana por su adhesión acrítica a la teoría evolucionista para explicar las enfermedades, que deja de lado el propio proceso vital que transformó un planeta "inerte" en uno "viviente", donde el orden biológico naciente subordinó al fisicoquímico imperante para prevalecer. El orden biológico es equiparable a un "concierto armónico infinitamente diverso", que ha creado y recreado, por eones, los ambientes propicios para su propia permanencia y evolución. El arribo del homo sapiens significó el surgimiento del orden cultural que suplantó progresivamente en sus efectos, al orden biológico, al provocar cambios drásticos y vertiginosos en el ecosistema planetario que silenciaron el proceso evolutivo "sin tiempo para manifestarse". La adaptación como aptitud para sobreponerse a situaciones adversas, es un contrasentido en el "concierto armónico"; en cambio, es característica del orden cultural que impone a los humanos ambientes inhóspitos y estresantes como exigencias adaptativas ineludibles. La cualidad vital propia del orden biológico es la anticipación secuencial de las situaciones de interacción con los objetos significativos del ambiente, que posibilita la consumación de las actividades vitales básicas, emblema del estado de madurez de los seres vivos. Pensar que la evolución explica las enfermedades crónicas no solo es ilusorio, sino contraproducente, porque encubre la raíz de nuestros problemas: una humanidad en constante disarmonía entre etnocentrismos belicosos, perpetradora de la devastación planetaria, cuyo valor supremo es el lucro sin límites.

Abstract This essay questions evolutionary or Darwinian medicine for its uncritical adherence to evolutionary theory to explain diseases, which leaves aside the very vital process that transformed an "inert planet" into a "living one" where the nascent biological order subordinated the physicochemical one to prevail. The biological order is comparable to an "infinitely diverse harmonic concert", which has created and recreated, for eons, the environments conducive to its own permanence and evolution. The arrival of homo sapiens meant the cultural order emergence, which progressively supplanted, in its effects, the biological order by causing drastic and vertiginous changes in the planetary ecosystem that silenced the evolutionary process "without time to manifest". Adaptation as an ability to overcome adverse situations is a non-sense in the "harmonic concert"; instead, it is characteristic of the cultural order that imposes inhospitable and stressful environments on humans as inescapable adaptive demands. The vital quality of the biological order is the sequential anticipation of situations of interaction with significant objects in the environment, which enables the consummation of basic vital activities, emblematic of the state of maturity of living beings. To think that evolution explains chronic diseases is not only illusory but counterproductive because it covers up the root of our problems: a humanity in constant disharmony between bellicose ethnocentrisms, perpetrator of planetary devastation, whose supreme value is profit without limits.

Rev. bras. med. esporte ; 29: e2022_0308, 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1407605


ABSTRACT Introduction: The modern pentathlon requires athletes to participate in 5 individual sports (fencing, swimming, equestrian, running, and shooting combined) in one day. All of these belong to different categories, resulting in high demand for physical and mental control by the athlete. The importance of psychological factors in everyday physical activity has increased attention. Objective: This paper explores the role of comprehensive psychological training in modern pentathlon. Methods: Forty-seven modern pentathletes were selected by random sampling method. A questionnaire survey method was used to analyze the volunteers. Interviews on the psychological status of the athletes before the competition were also conducted. Finally, a statistical method was used to determine the participants' interview and questionnaire results. Results: The athletes in all five sports experienced high stress before the competitions. The second highest stress was during preparation, before the games. The incidence of anxiety, indifference, and disproportionate confidence before the competition was lower. Conclusion: The psychological state of modern pentathletes before competition is directly related to their competitive state and level. Level of evidence II; Therapeutic studies - investigation of treatment outcomes.

RESUMO Introdução: O pentatlo moderno exige que os atletas participem de 5 esportes individuais (esgrima, natação, hipismo, corrida e tiro combinados) em um dia. Todos esses itens são pertencentes a diferentes categorias, resultando numa alta demanda de controle físico e mental pelo atleta. A importância dos fatores psicológicos na atividade física cotidiana tem aumentado a atenção. Objetivo: Este artigo explora o papel da formação psicológica abrangente no pentatlo moderno. Métodos: Foram selecionados 47 pentatletas modernos por método de amostragem aleatória. Utilizou-se um método de pesquisa de questionário para analisar os voluntários. Também foram realizadas entrevistas sobre o estado psicológico dos atletas antes da competição. Por fim, utilizou-se o método estatístico para trabalhar os resultados das entrevistas e questionários sobre os participantes. Resultados: Os atletas dos cinco esportes experimentaram um estresse elevado antes das competições. O segundo maior momento de tensão foi durante a preparação, antes dos jogos. A incidência de ansiedade, indiferença e confiança desproporcional antes da competição é menor. Conclusão: O estado psicológico dos pentatletas modernos antes da competição está diretamente relacionado ao estado competitivo e nível desses atletas. Nível de evidência II; Estudos terapêuticos - investigação dos resultados do tratamento.

RESUMEN Introducción: El pentatlón moderno requiere que los atletas participen en 5 deportes individuales (esgrima, natación, hípica, carrera y tiro combinados) en un día. Todos estos elementos pertenecen a diferentes categorías, lo que supone una gran exigencia de control físico y mental por parte del atleta. La importancia de los factores psicológicos en la actividad física diaria ha aumentado la atención. Objetivo: Este trabajo explora el papel del entrenamiento psicológico integral en el pentatlón moderno. Métodos: Se seleccionaron 47 pentatletas modernos por el método de muestreo aleatorio. Para analizar a los voluntarios se utilizó un método de encuesta por cuestionario. También se realizaron entrevistas sobre el estado psicológico de los atletas antes de la competición. Por último, se utilizó el método estadístico para elaborar los resultados de las entrevistas y los cuestionarios sobre los participantes. Resultados: Los atletas de los cinco deportes experimentaron un gran estrés antes de las competiciones. El segundo momento de mayor estrés fue durante la preparación, antes de los partidos. La incidencia de la ansiedad, la indiferencia y la confianza desproporcionada antes de la competición es menor. Conclusión: El estado psicológico de los pentatletas modernos antes de la competición está directamente relacionado con el estado y el nivel competitivo de estos atletas. Nivel de evidencia II; Estudios terapéuticos - investigación de los resultados del tratamiento.

Rev. Ciênc. Méd. Biol. (Impr.) ; 21(2): 302-307, out.2022. fig
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1400465


Introduction: Huntington's disease (HD) is a neurodegenerative disorder caused by CAG expansion repeats in the HTT gene. Usually, the symptoms start to manifest in mid-adulthood. In about 5% of cases, however, the signs begin before the age of 20 years. These cases are known as juvenile HD (JHD). Objective: here we report a case series of JHD from Amazonas, a state where data are scarce due to the restricted access to specialized medical assistance for diagnosis and care. Case series: the patients were attended by neurologists specialized in movement disorders at Manaus. Two cases manifested the disease in childhood (6 and 7 years old) and two cases, in adolescence (12 and 16 years old). All cases showed dystonia and parkinsonism as predominant motor disorders. Moreover, signs of cognitive decline, depression, and psychosis were observed in all patients. Conversely, cerebellar signs, gait disturbances, seizures, and some psychiatric symptoms were variable among the cases. Expansion size varied from 66 to 84 to CAG repeats and the difference in age at onset between parent and child varied from 23 to 43 years. Conclusion: to our knowledge, these are the first clinical reports of JHD in northern Brazil. These cases illustrate the variability in clinical phenotypes and genetic features of JHD cases. Furthermore, they can contribute to the awareness of HD here, both by professionals and the public in general.

Introdução: a doença de Huntington (DH) é um distúrbio neurodegenerativo causado pela expansão de repetições CAG no gene HTT. Geralmente, os sintomas começam a se manifestar na vida adulta tardia. Em cerca de 5% dos casos, no entanto, os sinais começam antes da idade de 20 anos. Esses casos são conhecidos como DH juvenil (DHJ). Objetivo: neste estudo, nós reportamos uma série de casos de DHJ do Amazonas, um estado onde os dados ainda são escassos devido ao acesso restrito à assistência médica especializada para o diagnóstico e cuidado. Série de casos: os pacientes foram atendidos por neurologistas especializados em transtornos do movimento em Manaus. Dois casos manifestaram a doença na infância (6 e 7 anos) e dois casos, na adolescência (12 e 16 anos). Todos os casos apresentaram distonia e parkinsonismo como sintomas motores predominantes. Sinais de declínio cognitivo, depressão e psicose também foram observados em todos os pacientes. Por outro lado, sinais cerebelares, distúrbios da marcha, convulsões e alguns sintomas psiquiátricos foram variáveis entre os casos. O tamanho da expansão CAG variou de 66 a 84 repetições e a diferença na idade de início dos sintomas entre pais e filhos variou de 23 a 43 anos. Conclusão: ao nosso conhecimento, estes são os primeiros relatos clínicos da DHJ na região Norte. Esses casos ilustram a variabilidade nos fenótipos clínicos e nas características genéticas dos casos de DHJ. Além disso, eles podem contribuir para a conscientização da DH na região, tanto pelos profissionais quanto pelo público geral.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Adolescente , Adulto , Doença de Huntington , Expansão das Repetições de Trinucleotídeos , Antecipação Genética , Transtornos Heredodegenerativos do Sistema Nervoso , Variação Biológica da População
J Environ Sci Health B ; 57(9): 710-719, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35861133


The objective of this study was to evaluate the use of diquat, glufosinate ammonium, saflufenacil and flumioxazim, positioned alone and/or combined, in the pre-harvest desiccation of soybean crops. For this purpose, a field experiment was conducted, with application of the treatments in the phenological stage R 7.2 of soybean. At 3 DAA, the herbicides diquat and their combinations with flumioxazin and ammonium glufosinate, at all doses, resulted in defoliation and desiccation percentages greater than 90%. At 5 DAA, only the flumioxazin and glufosinate ammonium treatments, alone, did not show indices for harvesting. At 10 DAA, only the control differed from the other treatments in relation to desiccation, demonstrating the need to apply desiccants to enable harvest. The results indicate that the combination of herbicides may represent an alternative to reduce doses and increase the efficacy of isolated products through synergism, in addition to operational gains.

Herbicidas , Paraquat , Aminobutiratos , Benzoxazinas , Dessecação , Diquat , Herbicidas/análise , Herbicidas/farmacologia , Higroscópicos , Ftalimidas , Glycine max
Clin Genet ; 100(3): 258-267, 2021 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33960424


Dominant diseases due to expanded CAG repeat tracts, such as spinocerebellar ataxia type 2 (SCA2), are prone to anticipation and worsening of clinical picture in subsequent generations. There is insufficient data about selective forces acting on the maintenance of these diseases in populations. We made a systematic review and meta-analysis on the effect of the CAG length over age at onset, instability of transmissions, anticipation, de novo or sporadic cases, fitness, segregation of alleles, and ancestral haplotypes. The correlation between CAG expanded and age at onset was r2  = 0.577, and transmission of the mutant allele was associated with an increase of 2.42 CAG repeats in the next generation and an anticipation of 14.62 years per generation, on average. One de novo and 18 sporadic cases were detected. Affected SCA2 individuals seem to have more children than controls. The expanded allele was less segregated than the 22-repeat allele in children of SCA2 subjects. Several ancestral SCA2 haplotypes were published. Data suggest that SCA2 lineages may tend to disappear eventually, due to strong anticipation phenomena. Whether or not the novel cases come from common haplotypes associated with a predisposition to further expansions is a question that needs to be addressed by future studies.

Ataxina-2/genética , Evolução Molecular , Ataxias Espinocerebelares/genética , Expansão das Repetições de Trinucleotídeos , Idade de Início , Instabilidade Genômica , Haplótipos , Humanos
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33754899


Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) is a rare neurological disorder that causes degeneration of upper and lower motor neurons and their axons. ALS is mostly sporadic, but there are familial forms. In more than half of the familial forms, a pathogenic variant is found in one of the following genes: C9ORF72, SOD1, TDP-43, FUS, and VCP. SOD1 is the 2nd most common gene involved in genetic forms of ALS. Genotype-phenotype relationships are occasionally established in genetic forms of ALS associated with SOD1 mutations pathogenic variants. The c.281G > T (p.[G93V]) variant in SOD1 is associated with a rarely described and unexplained anticipation phenomenon. We report a large family from Martinique in whom ALS is associated with a c.281G > T (p.[G93V]) pathogenic variant in SOD1 and a statistically suggested anticipation. A whole-exome study and detection of CNVs (CoDESeq) from 3 affected members of this family revealed the presence of variants of uncertain signification (VUS) in other ALS genes. VUS in DCTN1 and NEFH were present in patients of the 2nd generation, and CNVs involving UBQLN2 and C21orf2 were found in the youngest case of the family.

Esclerose Lateral Amiotrófica , Esclerose Lateral Amiotrófica/genética , Proteínas de Ligação a DNA/genética , Humanos , Martinica , Mutação/genética , Superóxido Dismutase-1/genética
Clin Genet ; 99(3): 347-358, 2021 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33219521


Spinocerebellar ataxia type 3/Machado-Joseph disease (SCA3/MJD) is a dominant neurodegenerative disease caused by the expansion of a CAG repeat tract in ATXN3. Anticipation and worsening of clinical picture in subsequent generations were repeatedly reported, but there is no indication that SCA3/MJD frequency is changing. Thus, we performed a systematic review and meta-analysis on phenomena with potential effect on SCA3/MJD recurrency in populations: instability of CAG repeat transmissions, anticipation, fitness, and segregation of alleles. Transmission of the mutant allele was associated with an increase of 1.23 CAG repeats in the next generation, and the average change in age at onset showed an anticipation of 7.75 years per generation; but biased recruitments cannot be ruled out. Affected SCA3/MJD individuals had 45% more children than related controls. Transmissions from SCA3/MJD carriers showed that the expanded allele was segregated in 64% of their children. In contrast, transmissions from normal subjects showed that the minor allele was segregated in 54%. The present meta-analysis concluded that there is a segregation distortion favoring the expanded allele, among children of carriers. Therefore, further studies on transmissions and anticipation phenomena as well as more observations about fertility are required to clarify these selective forces over SCA3/MJD.

Ataxina-3/genética , Frequência do Gene , Predisposição Genética para Doença , Doença de Machado-Joseph/epidemiologia , Doença de Machado-Joseph/genética , Idade de Início , Alelos , Haplótipos , Heterozigoto , Humanos , Meiose , Recidiva , Expansão das Repetições de Trinucleotídeos