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Gac. méd. boliv ; 46(2)2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534484


Las picaduras son frecuentes y se consideran un verdadero problema de salud pública. Objetivo: describir las especies de escorpiones, propiedades del veneno, fisiopatología, manifestaciones clínicas, diagnóstico y su manejo en la unidad de cuidados intensivos. Metodología: se realizó una búsqueda de la literatura en las bases de datos SciELO, LILACS, Scopus, PubMed-MedLine, Google Académico, así como en los servicios ClinicalKeys, se extrajo la información relevante, se seleccionaron aquellos estudios de tipo serie de casos, artículos originales o revisiones narrativas, de alcance y sistemáticas. Desarrollo: en Bolivia, fue descrita la especie Tityus (Tityus) sorataensis. El 66 al 90 por ciento de las picaduras tienen signos y síntomas limitados a dolor local, parestesias y cambios en la piel. Los efectos sistémicos se hacen evidentes a los 30 minutos y por lo general, dentro de las cuatro horas posteriores a la picadura. El tratamiento puede ser empírico, aplicar medidas generales, manejo del dolor y si está presente algunas complicaciones como edema pulmonar, choque cardiogénico es necesario su manejo en una sala de cuidados intensivos. Conclusiones: la intoxicación por picadura de escorpión, es rara, es un reto terapéutico, parece ser recomendable la administración del antídoto (antiveneno) junto al tratamiento de sostén. un mejor conocimiento de los escorpiones, puede alentar el interés en realizar nuevas investigaciones.

Bites are frequent and are considered a real public health problem. Objective: describe the species of scorpions, properties of the venom, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis and its management in the intensive care unit. Methodology: a literature search was carried out in the SciELO, LILACS, Scopus, PubMed-MedLine, Google Scholar databases, as well as in the ClinicalKeys services, in the period February-April 2023. Relevant information was extracted, They selected case series studies, original articles or narrative, scoping and systematic reviews. Development: in Bolivia, the species Tityus (Tityus) sorataensis was described. 66 to 90 percent of bites have signs and symptoms limited to local pain, paresthesias, and skin changes. Systemic effects become apparent within 30 minutes and generally within four hours of being bitten. The treatment can be empirical, apply general measures, pain management and if some complications are present such as pulmonary edema, cardiogenic shock, it is necessary to manage it in an intensive care room. Conclusions: Scorpion sting poisoning is rare, it is a therapeutic challenge, it seems to be advisable to administer the antidote (antivenoin) together with supportive treatment. a better understanding of scorpions may encourage interest in further research.

Rev Panam Salud Pública, v. 43, p. e92, nov. 2019
Artigo em Inglês | Sec. Est. Saúde SP, SESSP-IBPROD, Sec. Est. Saúde SP | ID: bud-2875


The situation of public laboratories manufacturing antivenoms in Latin America was analyzed, based on the results of a workshop coordinated by the Pan American Foot-and-Mouth Disease Center (PANAFTOSA) of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO). Nine countries in the region have 12 public laboratories that produce and distribute antivenoms for use against different venomous animals. The situation of each laboratory was discussed, and an analysis was conducted of the current scenario, which is characterized by increasing regulatory requirements that vary in terms of infrastructure and production capacity. The authors identified a need to organize regional cooperation processes to improve the availability of antivenoms, including: research and development projects to improve processes and technologies; studies of the capacity of antivenoms to neutralize different poisons; and technical training programs for professionals and technical personnel. In the current context, in which the World Health Organization has prepared a global strategy for the prevention and control of snakebite envenoming, PANAFTOSA has taken on coordination of this initiative in the Americas. Improving the availability of antivenoms is the priority. As a result of the workshop, the RELAPA network was created, bringing together public laboratories that manufacture antivenoms in Latin America, in order to strengthen these laboratories and increase the availability of, and access to effective and safe antivenoms throughout Latin America.

Rev. Fac. Med. (Bogotá) ; 66(2): 153-158, abr.-jun. 2018. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-956832


Abstract Introduction: In Colombia, there are 5 000 cases of ophidism per year. This is a public health issue that causes mortality in 8% of cases and disability in 10% due to inadequate clinical attention. Objective: To describe the clinical and epidemiological characteristics of patients diagnosed with ophidic accident in a tertiary hospital in Colombia. Materials and methods: A review of clinical charts that included a diagnosis of ophidism during the 2004-2014 period was made at Hospital Universitario de La Samaritana Empresa Social del Estado. The frequency of the variables associated with snake bites, previous treatment and in-hospital management was analyzed. Results: 42 medical charts were reviewed. Ophidism predominated in male farmers, who presented with bites in the lower limbs and were initially treated by medicine men/women. 90% of patients developed superinfections, 30% wound culture, 74% received antibiotics, 50% underwent fasciotomy and 95.2% were given antivenin. Conclusions: Significant variability in the management of patients, discrepancy in antivenin dose and in classification of poisoning severity were observed throughout the study, as well as a high incidence of infections despite antibiotic schemes and surgical procedures. Medical management of ophidic accidents must be continuously updated to reduce disability and mortality in patients.

Resumen Introducción. En Colombia se presentan 5 000 casos de ofidismo anuales, un problema de salud pública que por manejo inadecuado provoca mortalidad en el 8% de los casos y discapacidad en el 10%. Objetivo. Describir las características clínicoepidemiológicas de los pacientes diagnosticados con accidente ofídico en un hospital de tercer nivel en Colombia. Materiales y métodos. Se realizó una revisión de las historias clínicas con diagnóstico de ofidismo del Hospital Universitario De La Samaritana Empresa Social del Estado, en el período 2004-2014, analizando la frecuencia en las variables asociadas a la mordedura de serpiente, el tratamiento previo y el manejo intrahospitalario. Resultados. Se revisaron 42 historias clínicas. Predominó el ofidismo en hombres agricultores, con mordedura en miembros inferiores y asistidos inicialmente por curanderos. 90% de los pacientes presentó sobreinfección, 30% tuvo cultivo de la herida, 74% recibió antibiótico, al 50% se les realizó fasciotomía y al 95.2% se le suministró antiveneno. Conclusiones. Se evidenció variabilidad en el manejo de los pacientes y discrepancia en la dosis de antiveneno y la clasificación de severidad del envenenamiento, alta incidencia de infecciones a pesar del esquema antibiótico y procedimientos quirúrgicos reevaluados en ofidismo. El manejo médico del accidente ofídico debe estar en continua actualización para disminuir discapacidad y mortalidad en los pacientes.

Biosalud ; 16(2): 96-116, jul.-dic. 2017. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-888577


RESUMEN La ofidiotoxicosis o accidente ofídico es un evento frecuente en Colombia. En el país hay dos familias de serpientes de importancia clínica y epidemiológica, las víboras y las corales. Para el tratamiento de la ofidiotoxicosis es obligatoria la utilización de la terapia antivenenosa; los sueros son fabricados a partir de inmunoglobulinas de caballo, estos productos a pesar de que fueron descubiertos hace más de 100 años todavía hoy están en constante cambio. Hoy su industria requiere ser altamente tecnificada, con procesos de eficacia, seguridad y con altos estándares de calidad en Colombia. Los sueros antiofídicos no son productos químico-farmacéuticos, son biológicos, por lo tanto no se caracterizan por su composición química sino por sus propiedades terapéuticas, estos se clasifican en monovalentes y polivalentes, que según su composición física permite neutralizar diferentes tipos de venenos. En el país existen dos productores nacionales (Instituto Nacional de Salud y Laboratorios Probiol) y uno importado de México (Bioclon); la capacidad neutralizante y calidad varía según su composición y proceso de fabricación asociado a la cantidad de proteínas y agregados que influenciarán en el tipo y cantidad de reacciones adversas al medicamento. Se pretende contextualizar al lector en el proceso de fabricación, en la problemática de la escasez y calidad de los sueros antiofídicos en Colombia, dando valoración de conceptos y presentando fundamentos teóricos que aporten a esta temática, además de opinar sobre sobre la actual coyuntura por la escasez de este producto en Colombia.

ABSTRACT Ophidiotoxicosis or snake accident is a recurring event in Colombia. There are two snake families of epidemiological and clinical importance in the country, vipers and coral snakes. For the snake poisoning treatment, the use of anti-poisonous therapy is mandatory. The sera are manufactured with horse immunoglobulins. Even though these products were discovered more than 100 years ago, still today are constantly changing. Today its industry in Colombia requires a high technification, with processes of efficiency, safety, and high-quality standards. The anti snake sera are not chemical-pharmaceutical products; they are biological products. Therefore, they are not characterized by their chemical composition, but by their therapeutic properties. They are classified as monovalent and polyvalent that, depending on their physical composition, allow neutralizing different kinds of poisons. There are two domestic producers in Colombia (Instituto Nacional De Salud and Probiol Laboratories), and imports are done with a producer from Mexico (Bioclon). The neutralizing capacity and quality vary depending on their composition and manufacturing process associated with some proteins and aggregates, which will influence the type and number of adverse reactions to the medicine. This article intends to contextualize the reader in the manufacturing process, in the problem of scarcity and quality of anti-snake sera in Colombia, providing a valuation to concepts and presenting theoretical foundations that contribute to this issue, and besides, commenting on the current situation of the country because of the shortage of this product.

Campinas; s.n; jun. 2016. 138 p mapas, tab, graf, ilus.
Tese em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-847767


Bothrops atrox (jararaca-do-norte) é a principal causa de envenenamento ofídico na região amazônica. Vários estudos têm investigado a bioquímica desta peçonha, bem como os efeitos locais (dor, edema, hemorragia e mionecrose) que ela causa. Por outro lado, os efeitos sistêmicos têm sido menos estudados. Neste trabalho, investigamos as alterações hemodinâmicas causadas por esta peçonha em ratos anestesiados bem como os possíveis mediadores envolvidas nestas respostas. Métodos: Ratos machos Wistar (300-400 g) anestesiados com isoflurano foram canulados para o registro da pressão arterial (carótida) e para a administração intravenosa (i.v.) de diferentes substâncias (peçonha, antagonistas e inibidores) (veia femoral esquerda). Em alguns experimentos, houve administração intramuscular (i.m.) de peçonha. A frequência respiratória foi determinada manualmente e o ECG foi monitorado via eletrodos introduzidos nas patas dianteiras e traseira. Em intervalos pré-estabelecidos, foram coletadas amostras de sangue arterial para análise bioquímica e determinação da cinética da peçonha. Ao término dos experimentos, foram coletados tecidos (rim, pulmão, coração, fígado e músculo) para análise histológica. A capacidade do antiveneno botrópico comercial em neutralizar algumas atividades enzimáticas e as alterações hemodinâmicas foi avaliada pré-incubando-se a peçonha com antiveneno antes de testar a atividade residual. A peçonha também foi fracionada por gel filtração e os picos testados quanto à sua atividade sobre a pressão arterial. Resultados: A peçonha (0,4 mg/kg, i.v.) causou hipotensão imediata (máxima aos 5 min) seguida por recuperação nos 20 min seguintes; não houve alteração na frequência cardíaca, ECG ou frequência respiratória, e não houve mortes (sobrevida até o final do experimento: 120 min). Uma dose maior (0,7 mg/kg, i.v.) causou hipotensão progressiva, bradicardia e falência respiratória, com morte de todos os ratos (n=6) em 20±4 min. A administração intramuscular (músculo gastrocnêmio) de peçonha (4 mg/kg) mostrou um perfil hemodinâmico semelhante àquele observado com a dose menor i.v. A análise histológica mostrou que a dose menor i.v. causou trombose e hemorragia pulmonares, além de dano renal (descamação epitelial, deposição proteica e microaneurismos); houve proteinúria e hemoglobinúria em urina coletada no final do experimento. Não houve alteração histológica nos outros tecidos examinados (fígado, coração)...(AU)

Bothrops atrox (jararaca-do-norte) is the main cause of snakebite in the Amazon region. Various studies have examined the biochemical aspects of this venom, as well as local effects such as pain, edema, hemorrhage and myonecrosis that this species causes. In contrast, the systemic effects caused by this venom have been less studied. In this work, we investigated the hemodynamic alterations caused by B. atrox venom in anesthetized rats, as well as the possible mediators involved in this response. Methods: Male Wistar rats (300-400 g) anesthetized with isoflurane were cannulated for arterial blood pressure measurements (carotid artery) and for the intravenous (i.v., femoral vein) administration of test substances (venom, antagonists and inhibitors). In some experiments, venom was injected intramuscularly (i.m.). Respiratory rate was determined manually and ECG was monitored using conventional electrodes. At pre-established intervals, arterial blood was drawn for biochemical analyses and determination of venom kinetics. At the end of the experiments, tissue samples were collected from heart, liver, lung and muscle for histological analysis. The ability of commercial bothropic antivenom to neutralize selected venom enzymatic activities and the venom-induced hemodynamic alterations was assessed by preincubating venom with antivenom prior to testing for residual activity. Venom was also fractionated by gel filtration and the resulting peaks were screened for their activity on blood pressure. Results: Venom (0.4 mg/kg, i.v.) caused immediate hypotension (maximal at 5 min) followed by recovery over 20 min; there were no changes in heart rate, ECG or respiratory rate and no deaths (survival for up to 120 min post-venom). A higher dose of venom (0.7 mg/kg, i.v.) caused progressive hypotension, bradycardia and respiratory failure, with all rats (n=6) dying in 20±4 min. A similar hemodynamic profile to the lower dose of venom i.v. was seen with venom (4 mg/kg) given i.m. (gastrocnemius muscle). Venom given i.v. (lower dose) caused pulmonary thrombosis and hemorrhage, in addition to renal damage (epithelial desquamation, deposition of protein and microaneurysms); proteinuria and hemoglobinúria were observed in urine collected at the end of the experiment. Venom given i.m. or i.v. (higher dose) caused only pulmonary thrombosis. Renal damage (epithelial desquamation, proteinuria and hemoglobinuria) was seen with venom i.v. (0.4 mg/kg); venom given i.m. caused local hemorrhage and necrosis, and proteinuria. There were no histological alterations in the other tissues examined (heart, liver)... (AU)

Animais , Ratos , Antivenenos , Peçonhas , Bothrops , Hipotensão , Óxido Nítrico , Fosfolipases A2 , Ratos Wistar , Mordeduras de Serpentes
Clin Toxicol (Phila) ; 52(6): 594-603, 2014 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24940642


CONTEXT: Therapy for snakebites relies on the application of antivenoms, which may be produced with different immunogenic mixtures of venom and possess different pharmaceutical characteristics. For these reasons, immunological cross-reactivity and heterologous neutralization were analyzed relative to the protein content of three antivenoms used in the Americas. METHODS: The antivenoms studied were composed of equine F(ab')2 fragments from animals immunized with Crotalinae venoms. The antivenoms were tested against venoms of seven pit viper species from Argentina, seven from Mexico, one from Costa Rica, and one from Colombia. RESULTS: Immunoblotting showed high cross-reactivity of all major protein bands with all the antivenoms tested. ELISA results also showed high cross-reactivity among the different venoms and antivenoms, and a high heterologous neutralization was observed. The results can be interpreted in different ways depending on whether the reactivity is considered in terms of the volume of antivenom used or by the amount of protein contained in this volume of antivenom. The antivenoms with high immunochemical reactivity and neutralizing capacity were those with higher protein content per vial; but when doses were adjusted by protein content, antivenoms of apparently lower neutralizing capacity and immunochemical reactivity showed at least similar potency and reactivity although volumetrically at higher doses. CONCLUSION: Protein content relative to neutralization potency of different products must be taken into account when antivenoms are compared, in addition to the volume required for therapeutic effect. These results show the importance of obtaining high-affinity and high-avidity antibodies to achieve good neutralization using low protein concentration and low-volume antivenoms.

Antivenenos/imunologia , Animais , Antivenenos/química , Western Blotting , Bothrops , Reações Cruzadas/imunologia , Venenos de Crotalídeos/imunologia , Ensaio de Imunoadsorção Enzimática , Dose Letal Mediana , Camundongos , Testes de Neutralização , Proteínas/análise
Rev Med Inst Mex Seguro Soc ; 52(1): 98-103, 2014.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24625492


BACKGROUND: Loxoscelism is a condition caused by the inoculation of a series of proteolytic enzymes through the loxosceles spider bite (violinist). Morbidity and mortality is unknown in our country. The loxoscelism toxi-syndrome of local expression may have a good prognosis; however, viscera-cutaneus or systemic form has a serious and often fatal evolution. We report a case of a systemic variant developed in a pregnant patient. CLINICAL CASE: We present the first reported case of systemic loxoscelism in a pregnant patient, highlighting the survival of the mother-son, in the presence of viscera-cutaneus behavior. We describe the natural history of clinical expression, highlighting the benefit of current therapeutic antivenom fourth generation and immunoregulation role in supporting the therapeutic approach and the guideline of the surgical approach. CONCLUSIONS: The appropriate multidisciplinary management coupled with an early use of antivenom limits the severity and the potential development of complications. Clinical suspicion is the cornerstone of therapeutic management of these patients.

INTRODUCCIÓN: el loxoscelismo se debe a la inoculación de un conjunto de enzimas proteolíticas por la mordedura de la araña Loxosceles. Puede tener una expresión local, sin embargo, la forma viscerocutánea o sistémica tiene una evolución grave. Se presenta el primer caso de la variante sistémica en una mujer embarazada. CASO CLÍNICO: mujer con embarazo normoevolutivo de 28 semanas. Después de estar expuesta a un ambiente semirrural, presentó placa plana eritematosa en el glúteo derecho, con aumento de la temperatura e hiperestesia local. Fue hospitalizada para administrarle antibióticos parenterales, por considerarse que se trataba de la picadura de un insecto. A las cuatro horas se incrementó el dolor y la paciente desarrolló deshidratación e hipotensión severas hasta llegar al choque, por lo que se inició tratamiento con cristaloides, aminas vasopresoras y protección de la vía aérea. Se realizó operación cesárea, de la que se obtuvo un niño, y se efectuó desbridación en el glúteo derecho. El diagnóstico fue loxoscelismo sistémico, por lo que se administró el antiveneno específico. La paciente fue egresada a los dos meses. CONCLUSIONES: el manejo multidisciplinario oportuno, aunado al empleo del antiveneno, limitó la severidad y el desarrollo potencial de complicaciones. La sospecha clínica es la piedra angular del tratamiento en estos pacientes.

Aranha Marrom Reclusa , Complicações na Gravidez/diagnóstico , Picada de Aranha/diagnóstico , Adulto , Animais , Feminino , Humanos , Gravidez , Complicações na Gravidez/terapia , Picada de Aranha/terapia
Rev. peru. med. exp. salud publica ; 29(2): 198-205, abr.-jun. 2012. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, LIPECS | ID: lil-644005


Objetivos. Estudiar la variabilidad en la composición y actividades enzimáticas entre venenos de ejemplares adultos de Bothrops atrox. Materiales y métodos. Se emplearon venenos de serpientes adultas procedentes de Amazonas, Junín y Ucayali. A cada una de las muestras se les realizó el análisis del contenido proteico y del número de bandas por PAGESDS, así como las actividades de fosfolipasa A2, hemolítica indirecta, amidolítica, coagulante, hemorrágica y proteolítica sobre caseína y mediante zimograma; además, se hicieron ensayos de inmunodifusión y neutralización in vitro con el suero antibotrópico polivalente del Instituto Nacional de Salud de Perú. Resultados. Las actividades amidolítica, coagulante, hemorrágica, proteolítica mediante zimograma, fosfolipasa A2 y hemolítica indirecta fueron variables, evidenciándose en las tres últimas una mayor actividad en los venenos de Amazonas, mientras que en la cantidad de proteína, bandas electroforéticas y actividad proteolítica sobre caseína no se observaron diferencias. Con respecto a las pruebas de neutralización, 0,5 dosis del antiveneno fueron suficientes para neutralizar con eficacia (más del 50%) la actividad coagulante y fosfolipasa A2 de todas las muestras analizadas. Conclusiones. Algunas propiedades biológicas del veneno de ejemplares adultos de Bothrops atrox de Perú son variables, sin que ello afecte la neutralización in vitro por parte del suero antibotrópico polivalente sobre las actividades coagulante y fosfolipasa A2 del veneno.

Objectives. To study the variability in the composition and enzymatic activity of venom from adult Bothrops atrox specimens. Materials and methods. We used venoms from adult snakes from Amazonas, Junín and Ucayali. Each of the venom samples underwent analysis for protein and number of bands by pagesds. Phospholipase A2, hemolytic, amidolytic, coagulant, hemorrhagic activity were analyzed, also and proteolytic activity on casein and by zymogram. Additionally, immunodiffusion and neutralization assays in vitro were done with a polyvalent botropic serum from the national institute of health of Peru. Results. The amidolytic, coagulant, hemorrhagic, proteolytic by zymogram, phospholipase A2, and indirect hemolytic activity were variable, demonstrating increased activity in the venoms from Amazonas, regarding proteolytic by zymogram, phospholipase A2, and indirect hemolytic activity. While the amount of protein electrophoretic bands and proteolytic activity on casein did not demonstrated differences. Regarding neutralization tests, a 0.5 dose of antivenom was sufficient to effectively neutralize (>50%) the coagulant activity and phospholipase A2 of all samples analyzed. Conclusions. Some biological properties of the venom from adult Bothrops atrox of Peru are variable, without interference with the in vitro neutralization by the polyvalent botropic serum on coagulant and phospholipase A2 properties of the venom.

Animais , Bothrops , Venenos de Crotalídeos/enzimologia , Peru
Rev. peru. med. exp. salud publica ; 29(1): 69-75, enero-mar. 2012. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, LIPECS | ID: lil-625606


Objetivos. Desarrollar un protocolo de inmunización para producir inmunoglobulinas IgY de origen aviar contra el veneno de la serpiente peruana Bothrops atrox y evaluar la capacidad neutralizante. Materiales y métodos. Se inmunizaron seis gallinas de postura de la raza hy line brown con 500 μg/dosis de veneno de B. atrox en un periodo de dos meses. Cada semana, los huevos fueron colectados para el aislamiento de inmunoglobulinas IgY a partir de la yema, usando dos pasos consecutivos con αcido caprνlico y sulfato de amonio. La detecciσn de anticuerpos se realizσ por inmunodifusiσn doble mientras que el tνtulo y reactividad cruzada se determinaron por las técnicas de ELISA y Western blot. El cálculo de DL50 y de la DE50 del antiveneno IgY producido se realizó utilizando el método de Probits. Resultados. La masa de anticuerpos aislados fue de 8,5 ± 1,35 mg de IgY/mL de yema. Asimismo, la DE50 del antiveneno aviar fue calculada en 575 μL de antiveneno/mg de veneno. Adicionalmente, los ensayos de reactividad cruzada mostraron que el veneno de B. atrox comparte mas epνtopes comunes con el veneno de B. brazili (47%) que con otros veneno del mismo género, en tanto que los venenos de Lachesis muta (19%) y Crotalus durissus (12%) mostraron una baja reactividad cruzada. Conclusiones. Se ha obtenido IgY purificada contra el veneno de B. atrox con capacidad neutralizante y se ha demostrado su utilidad como herramienta inmunoanalítica para evaluar la reactividad cruzada con venenos de otras especies.

Objectives. To develop an immunization protocol in order to produce avian IgY immunoglobulins against Bothrops atrox Peruvian snake venom and to evaluate its neutralizing capacity. Materials and methods. Six Hy Line Brown hens were immunized each two weeks using 500μg/doses of B. atrox venom in a period of two months. Each week, eggs were collected for IgY isolation from yolk using two consecutive steps with caprilic acid and ammonium sulfate. Detection of IgY anti-B. atrox were performed by double immunodiffusion, whereas title and cross-reactivity were analyzed using ELISA and Western Blot technics, respectively. Furthermore, letal dose (DL50) and Medium Effective Dose (DE50) were obtained by Probit analysis. Results. As a result of this protocol, chicken IgY’s were obtained in a concentration of 8,5 ± 1,35 mg/yolk mL. DE50 from avian antivenom was 575 μL/venom mg. Cross-reactivity studies showed Bothrops atrox venom share more commom epitopes with Bothrops brazili (47%) than others Bothrops venoms showing Lachesis muta (19%) and Crotalus durissus (12%) venoms a low crossing reactivity, instead. Conclusions. Using this procedure, we could purify chicken IgY with a neutralizant capacity of B. atrox venom which is comparable to the antivenom of equine origin and demonstrate its capacity as a immunoanalitical tool to evaluate the cross reactivity with others peruvian snakes.

Animais , Antivenenos/biossíntese , Antivenenos/imunologia , Bothrops , Venenos de Crotalídeos/antagonistas & inibidores , Imunoglobulinas/biossíntese , Óvulo/imunologia
Arq. ciências saúde UNIPAR ; 15(2): 143-150, maio-ago. 2011. tab, ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-621314


O objetivo do estudo é caracterizar a utilização de soroterapia antipeçonhenta (SAP) em acidentes por serpentes registrados em um Centro de Informação e Assistência Toxicológica. Estudo documental, descritivo, cuja população foi de indivíduos com diagnóstico médico de acidente por serpente, com indicação de SAP, cadastradas no Centro de Controle de Intoxicações do Hospital Universitário de Maringá (HUM), no período de janeiro de 2007 a dezembro de 2009. As fontes de dados foram a Ficha de Acidentes por Animais Peçonhentos e o prontuário do paciente para os casos atendidos no HUM. Analisaram-se variáveis referentes ao acidentado e ao acidente, e dados da soroterapia. Foram registrados 103 acidentes, com administrações de SAP em 40 (39%) casos. A indicação da maioria das soroterapias foi baseada em critérios clínicos, laboratoriais e epidemiológicos, sendo o gênero Bothrops spp. o maior causador de acidentes e responsável pelos acidentes graves. O tempo de coagulação e a dosagem de uréia e creatinina foram os exames laboratoriais mais realizados. O atendimento inicial aos acidentados ocorreu em tempo inferior a 120 minutos para 35 (87%) casos, no entanto, a soroterapia ocorreu em tempo inferior a cinco horas em metade (20 ? 50%) dos acidentes. Não houve relato de reação adversa, e as doses de soros administradas foram semelhantes ao estabelecido pelo Ministério da Saúde. O estudo da SAP permitiu compreender os fatores de risco dos acidentes por serpentes, avaliar a qualidade da utilização da soroterapia, e auxiliar na elaboração de ações de prevenção e tratamento deste tipo de evento.

The aim of this study was to characterize the use of anti-ophidic serotherapy (AOS) in accidents caused by snakes registered at a Toxicology Information and Assistance Center. It was a documental, descriptive study made of individuals with medical diagnosis of snakebite with indication for AOS, registered at the Center for intoxication Control from Maringá State University?s Hospital (HUM), from January 2007 to December 2009. The sources of data were both the accident files and the patient?s records for the ones seen at HUM. Variables were analyzed for the accident itself as well as the person involved, and serotherapy data. A hundred and three (103) episodes using AOS in 40 (39%) of the cases were recorded. The indication of serotherapy for most of them was based on clinical, laboratorial and epidemiological criteria. Bothrops spp. genera was the causing agent of most accidents as well as the most serious ones. The coagulation time and urea and creatinine levels were the most performed lab tests. The initial treatment for the individuals occurred in less the 120 minutes for 35 (87%) cases, however, the serotherapy occurred in less than 5 hours in half of the accidents (20 ? 50%). There was no report of adverse reactions, and the used serum doses were similar to the ones applied by the Health Ministry. The AOS study allowed to understand the snakebite risk factors, evaluate serotherapy use quality, and help in both the elaboration of preventive actions and treatment in this type of occurrence.

Mordeduras de Serpentes , Antivenenos