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Glob Chang Biol ; 30(7): e17421, 2024 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39034889


Current knowledge about the impacts of urbanisation on bird assemblages is based on evidence from studies partly or wholly undertaken in the breeding season. In comparison, the non-breeding season remains little studied, despite the fact that winter conditions at higher latitudes are changing more rapidly than other seasons. During the non-breeding season, cities may attract or retain bird species because they offer milder conditions or better feeding opportunities than surrounding habitats. However, the range of climatic, ecological and anthropogenic mechanisms shaping different facets of urban bird diversity in the non-breeding season are poorly understood. We explored these mechanisms using structural equation modelling to assess how urbanisation affects the taxonomic, phylogenetic and functional diversity of avian assemblages sampled worldwide in the non-breeding season. We found that minimum temperature, elevation, urban area and city age played a critical role in determining taxonomic diversity while a range of factors-including productivity, precipitation, elevation, distance to coasts and rivers, socio-economic (as a proxy of human facilitation) and road density-each contributed to patterns of phylogenetic and functional diversity. The structure and function of urban bird assemblages appear to be predominantly shaped by temperature, productivity and city age, with effects of these factors differing across seasons. Our results underline the importance of considering multiple hypotheses, including seasonal effects, when evaluating the impacts of urbanisation on biodiversity.

Biodiversidade , Aves , Cidades , Estações do Ano , Urbanização , Animais , Aves/fisiologia , Filogenia
Ecol Appl ; 34(5): e2964, 2024 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38842210


Scientists increasingly draw on fishers' ecological knowledge (FEK) to gain a better understanding of fish biology and ecology, and inform options for fisheries management. We report on a study of FEK among fishers along the Lower Ucayali River in Peru, a region of exceptional productivity and diversity, which is also a major supplier of fish to the largest city in the Peruvian Amazon. Given a lack of available scientific information on stock status, we sought to identify temporal changes in the composition and size of exploited species by interviewing fishers from 18 communities who vary in years of fishing experience since the mid-1950s. We develop four FEK-based indicators to assess changes in the fish assemblage and compare findings with landings data. We find an intensification of fishing gear deployed over time and spatiotemporal shifts in the fish assemblage and reported declines in species weight, which point to a fishing-down process with declines across multiple species. This finding is reflected in a shifting baseline among our participants, whereby younger generations of fishers have different expectations regarding the distribution and size of species. Our study points to the importance of spillover effects from the nearby Pacaya-Samira National Reserve and community initiatives to support the regional fishery. Reference to fishers' knowledge also suggests that species decline is likely underreported in aggregated landings data. Despite the dynamism and diversity of Amazonian floodplain fisheries, simple FEK-based indicators can provide useful information for understanding fishing-induced changes in the fish assemblage. Fishers hold valuable knowledge for fishery management and conservation initiatives in the region.

Pesqueiros , Peixes , Peru , Animais , Peixes/fisiologia , Humanos , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais/métodos , Fatores de Tempo , Rios
Glob Chang Biol ; 30(4): e17282, 2024 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38619685


Given the current environmental crisis, biodiversity protection is one of the most urgent socio-environmental priorities. However, the effectiveness of protected areas (PAs), the primary strategy for safeguarding ecosystems, is challenged by global climate change (GCC), with evidence showing that species are shifting their distributions into new areas, causing novel species assemblages. Therefore, there is a need to evaluate PAs' present and future effectiveness for biodiversity under the GCC. Here, we analyzed changes in the spatiotemporal patterns of taxonomic and phylogenetic diversity (PD) of plants associated with the Neotropical seasonally dry forest (NSDF) under GCC scenarios. We modeled the climatic niche of over 1000 plant species in five representative families (in terms of abundance, dominance, and endemism) of the NSDF. We predicted their potential distributions in the present and future years (2040, 2060, and 2080) based on an intermediate scenario of shared socio-economic pathways (SSP 3.70), allowing species to disperse to new sites or constrained to the current distribution. Then, we tested if the current PAs network represents the taxonomic and phylogenetic diversities. Our results suggest that GCC could promote novel species assemblages with local responses (communities' modifications) across the biome. In general, models predicted losses in the taxonomic and phylogenetic diversities of all the five plant families analyzed across the distribution of the NSDF. However, in the northern floristic groups (i.e., Antilles and Mesoamerica) of the NSDF, taxonomic and PD will be stable in GCC projections. In contrast, across the NSDF in South America, some cores will lose diversity while others will gain diversity under GCC scenarios. PAs in some NSDF regions appeared insufficient to protect the NSDF diversity. Thus, there is an urgent need to assess how the PA system could be better reconfigured to warrant the protection of the NSDF.

Dada la actual crisis ambiental, la protección de la biodiversidad se presenta como una de las prioridades socio ambientales más urgentes. Sin embargo, la efectividad de las áreas protegidas (AP), la estrategia principal para salvaguardar los ecosistemas, se ve desafiada por el cambio climático global (CCG), con evidencia que muestra que las especies están desplazando sus distribuciones hacia nuevas áreas, provocando conjuntos de especies novedosos. Por lo tanto, es necesario evaluar la efectividad actual y futura de las AP para la biodiversidad bajo el CCG. En este contexto, analizamos cambios en los patrones espacio­temporales de diversidad taxonómica y filogenética de plantas asociadas al bosque estacionalmente seco neotropical (BES) bajo escenarios de CCG. Modelamos el nicho climático de más de 1,000 especies de plantas en cinco familias representativas (en términos de abundancia, dominancia y endemismo) del BES. Pronosticamos sus distribuciones potenciales en los años actuales y futuros (2040, 2060 y 2080) basándonos en un escenario intermedio de trayectorias socioeconómicas compartidas (SSP 3.70), permitiendo que las especies se dispersen a nuevos sitios o estén limitadas a la distribución actual. Luego, evaluamos si la red actual de AP representa las diversidades taxonómicas y filogenéticas. Nuestros resultados sugieren que el CCG podría promover conjuntos de especies novedosos con respuestas locales (modificaciones en las comunidades) en todo el bioma. En general, los modelos pronosticaron pérdidas en las diversidades taxonómicas y filogenéticas de las cinco familias de plantas analizadas en la distribución del BES. Sin embargo, en los grupos florísticos del norte (es decir, Antillas y Mesoamérica) del BSDN, la diversidad taxonómica y filogenética se mantendrá estable en las proyecciones de CCG. En cambio, en toda la región del BES en América del Sur, algunos núcleos perderán diversidad mientras que otros ganarán diversidad bajo escenarios de CCG. Algunas AP en regiones del BES parecen ser insuficientes para proteger la diversidad del bioma. Por lo tanto, es urgente evaluar cómo se podría reconfigurar mejor el sistema de AP para garantizar la protección del BES.

Ecossistema , Florestas , Filogenia , Biodiversidade , Mudança Climática
Naturwissenschaften ; 111(1): 2, 2024 Jan 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38224365


The honeybee (Apis mellifera) is one of the most important pollinator species because it can gather resources from a vast variety of plant species, including both natives and introduced, across its geographical distribution. Although A. mellifera interacts with a large diversity of plants and shares resources with other pollinators, there are some plant species with which it interacts more frequently than others. Here, we evaluated the plant traits (i.e., plant length, abundance of bloomed individuals, number of open flowers, and stamen length) that would affect the honeybee visit frequencies to the flowers in a coastal environment in the Gulf of Mexico. Moreover, we evaluated which native bee species (and their body size) overlap floral resource with A. mellifera. We registered 998 plant-bee interactions between 35 plant species and 47 bee species. We observed that plant species with low height and with high abundances of bloomed individuals are positively related to a high frequency of visits by A. mellifera. Moreover, we found that A. mellifera tends to share a higher number of plant species with other bee species with a similar or smaller body size than with bigger species, which makes them a competitor for the resource with honeybees. Our results highlight that the impacts of A. mellifera on plants and native bees could be anticipated based on its individual's characteristics (i.e., plant height and abundance of bloomed individuals) and body size, respectively.

Meio Ambiente , Areia , Humanos , Abelhas , Animais , Tamanho Corporal , Flores , Fenótipo
Rev. biol. trop ; 71(1)dic. 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1449515


Introduction: The distribution of freshwater fishes in the Colombian Andes results from the interaction between historical and recent factors. Currently, the Andean landscape is facing rapid transformation processes. However, the knowledge regarding species distribution and environmental requirements is advancing slower than the transformations underway in the fluvial networks. Objective: To understand the conformation of the fish assemblage in the middle and lower Cauca River basin, considering the local environmental context before the construction of the Ituango Dam, and quantifying β diversity and its two components (turnover and nestedness) amongst local fish communities. Methods: 58 localities were monitored during nine years (between February 2010 and November 2018), the period before the dam's operation. The species richness (α-diversity), species turnover (β-diversity), and assemblage composition were estimated for the given localities. Results: 114 species were recorded, representing ~ 49 % of the total richness of known species for the Magdalena basin. The richness distribution showed that the number of species varies among the aquatic environments. Swamps presented the most significant number of species, followed by the Cauca River, while streams had the lowest values of richness. The spatial analyses of β-diversity revealed a high variation component in the study area due to species replacement between the aquatic environments. Conclusions: The implementation of long-term monitoring allowed us to recognize that the Cauca River basin conserves a great variety of species-rich environments. The species turnover indicates a high proportion of endemism or multiple sites with unique species. Finally, our study will serve as a baseline to verify, over time, whether the dam's construction is associated with essential changes in the structure of fish communities.

Introducción: La distribución de los peces de agua dulce en los Andes colombianos es el resultado de la interacción entre factores históricos y recientes. Actualmente, el paisaje Andino enfrenta procesos de rápida transformación. Sin embargo, el conocimiento sobre la distribución de las especies y sus requerimientos ambientales no avanza tan rápido como las transformaciones en curso en las redes fluviales. Objetivo: Comprender la conformación del ensamble de peces en la cuenca media y baja del río Cauca, considerando el contexto ambiental local antes de la construcción de la represa de Ituango, y cuantificar la diversidad beta y sus dos componentes (recambio y anidamiento) entre las comunidades de peces locales. Métodos: Se analizaron 58 localidades durante nueve años (entre febrero 2010 y noviembre 2018), período previo a la operación de la represa. La riqueza de especies (diversidad α), el recambio de especies (diversidad β) y la composición del conjunto se estimaron para las localidades dadas. Resultados: Se registraron 114 especies, que representan ~ 49 % de la riqueza total de especies conocidas para la cuenca del Magdalena. La distribución de la riqueza mostró que el número de especies varía entre los ambientes acuáticos. Las ciénagas presentaron el mayor número de especies, seguidas por el río Cauca, mientras que las quebradas presentaron los valores más bajos de riqueza. Los análisis espaciales de la diversidad β revelaron un alto componente de variación en el área de estudio debido al reemplazo de especies entre los ambientes acuáticos. Conclusiones: La implementación del monitoreo a largo plazo permitió reconocer que la cuenca del río Cauca conserva una gran variedad de ambientes ricos en especies. El recambio de especies indica una alta proporción de endemismo o múltiples sitios con especies únicas. Finalmente, nuestro estudio servirá como línea base para verificar, con el tiempo, si la construcción de la represa está asociada con cambios esenciales en la estructura de las comunidades de peces.

Parasitology ; 150(13): 1254-1262, 2023 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37929573


The Argentine shortfin squid, Illex argentinus, inhabits in the southwest Atlantic; it is a semelparous species which grows rapidly along its 1 year lifespan. The identification of its stocks is critical for sustainable fishery exploitation. Parasites have been used as biological indicators in a lower number of studies dealing with squids, therefore a validation of this methodology is necessary. The intra- and inter-cohort variability of parasite assemblages in the summer-spawning stock of I. argentinus was analysed to assess their value as indicators of stock structure. Four squid samples from the continental shelf of central Patagonia, corresponding to 3 consecutive cohorts, were examined for metazoan parasites. Results evidenced heterogeneity in terms of parasite assemblage composition and structure, dominated by short-lived gastrointestinal parasites, with a strong influence of host size, but no effect of squid sex. These changes are related to their recent habitats and diets, which change with ontogeny and migrations, clouding any interpretation of patterns when samples spatially or temporally separated are compared. Many squid species share these characteristics; therefore, it is recommended that the use of parasites as biological tags should be restricted to simultaneous sampling, while size or age must be considered for deriving proper conclusions.

Parasitos , Humanos , Animais , Decapodiformes , Ecossistema , Pesqueiros
Animals (Basel) ; 13(6)2023 Mar 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36978639


Giardia is a protozoan that affects humans as well as a wide range of domestic species. It is distributed worldwide, and the highest frequency is seen in developing countries. Due to the potential for domestic cats to be carriers of this parasite and subsequently transmit the infection to humans, it is important to know the risk of transmission. For this reason, the objective of this study was to determine the frequency of this parasite in the cat population of the city of Santiago de Queretaro, Mexico, and identify the assemblages present to determine the role this host plays in public health, this being the first study of its type to be performed in the country. This was a cross-sectional study during which 200 fecal samples were collected from cats of both sexes and varying ages and strata of origin. The samples were analyzed by microscopy following the flotation technique, having obtained a general frequency of 25%. Giardia cysts were found at higher frequency in pasty stools. The assemblages found were zoonotic, specifically assemblage A, which suggests that the cat poses an important risk for the dissemination of the parasite to humans, making it an important public health problem.

APMIS ; 131(3): 103-111, 2023 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36453056


The human ocular surface hosts a bacterial assemblage that integrates a diverse and complex microbiome. This bacterial microbiota is part of a healthy eye and plays a protective role in it. However, this ocular bacterial assemblage may alter the ocular surface inflammation response and can influence the development and progression of dry eye disease. For this reason, the present review describes the changes generated on the ocular surface by bacterial assemblages during the development of dry eye disease. Likewise, the interaction of this microbiota with the other inflammatory factors that influence the development of this disease is analyzed, as well as the use of treatments focused on modifying the bacteria on the ocular surface.

Síndromes do Olho Seco , Microbiota , Humanos , Olho/microbiologia , Síndromes do Olho Seco/terapia , Bactérias
J Homosex ; 70(7): 1364-1385, 2023 Jun 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35119974


Embodiment refers to understanding the body as the object and subject of culture, a process that allows an understanding of political, cultural, social, and emotional processes in the assemblage of a particular identity. We describe a qualitative-narrative study utilizing focus groups and interviews in three Mexican cities with 75 LGBTQ+ youth to understand the effects of discrimination and how this impacts subjectivity through embodied affection. Through axial and line-by-line analysis, we describe the process of embodiment through four dimensions: violence, emotions, agency, and materiality. Violence operates as the sediment for LGBTQ+ youth's subjective, social, and political life, and paves the way for particular emotions, such as guilt, shame, fear, sadness, and pain, that directly relates to material aspects such as gender expression and body presentation, beauty standards and a discourse around perversion and promiscuity. Finally, the combination of emotions and materiality prove relevant for certain expressions of agency and resilience.

Minorias Sexuais e de Gênero , Humanos , Adolescente , Emoções , Identidade de Gênero , Pesquisa Qualitativa , Grupos Focais
Parasitol Res ; 122(2): 571-583, 2023 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36515752


We applied a step-down factor analysis (SDFA) and multi-site generalised dissimilarity modelling (MS-GDM) to local flea communities harboured by small mammals (i.e., collected at small sampling sites over a short time period) in two South American regions (Patagonia and the Northwestern Argentina) with the aim of understanding whether these communities were assembled via niche-based or dispersal-based processes. The SDFA allows us to determine whether clusters of flea assemblages across different types of climates, vegetation and soils can be distinguished (suggesting niche-based assembly). MS-GDM allows us to determine whether a substantial proportion of the variation in flea species turnover is explained by specific climate-associated, vegetation-associated and soil-associated variables (indicating niche-based assembly) or host turnover (indicating dispersal-based assembly). Mapping of assemblages on climate, vegetation and soil maps, according to their loadings on axis 1 or axis 2 of the SDFA, did not provide clear-cut results. Clusters of similar loadings could be recognized within some, but not other, climate, vegetation and soil types. However, MS-GDM demonstrated that the effect of environmental variables (especially air temperature) on flea compositional turnover was much stronger than that of host turnover, indicating the predominance of niche-based processes in local community assembly. A comparison of our results with those on the mechanisms that drive species assembly in regional communities allows us to conclude that local and regional communities result from the joint action of niche-based and dispersal-based processes, with the former more important at a smaller spatial scale and the latter at a larger spatial scale.

Sifonápteros , Animais , Mamíferos , Solo , Clima Tropical , Argentina , Ecossistema , Biodiversidade