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Front Med (Lausanne) ; 11: 1405424, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39086953


The scientific community faces significant ethical challenges due to the "publish or perish" culture, particularly in developing and emerging economies. This paper explores the widespread unethical practices in scientific publishing, including the sale of authorships, the proliferation of "paper mills," and the misuse of artificial intelligence to produce fraudulent research. These practices undermine the integrity of scientific research, skew publication metrics, and distort academic rankings. This study examines various instances of academic fraud, emphasizing the impact on low-income countries, with specific cases from Latin America. Recommendations include stricter verification of authorship, disciplinary measures for scientific fraud, and policies promoting transparency and accountability in research. Addressing these challenges is crucial for maintaining the integrity and credibility of scientific endeavors globally.

J Korean Med Sci ; 39(30): e215, 2024 Aug 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39106886


Coercion authorship (CA), typically enforced by principal investigators, has detrimental effects on graduate students, young researchers, and the entire scientific endeavor. Although CA is ubiquitous, its occurrence and major determinants have been mainly explored among graduate students and junior scientists in Sweden, Norway, and Denmark where the ratio of CA ranged from 13 to 40%. In addition to lacking comparable figures, developing countries usually lack institutional plans for promoting integrity and effective deterrents against CA and other malpractices. Hence, universities and research centers therein must publish their authorship policies and implement specific strategies to instruct graduate students, junior scientists, and experienced researchers on integrity, publishing ethics, and responsible authorship. Finally, I remark that the primary responsibility of principal researchers to promote fair authorship practices and discourage unfair ones is even greater when it comes to CA due to the asymmetrical power relationship between senior authors and novice scientists.

Autoria , Coerção , Humanos , Editoração/ética , Pesquisadores/ética , Má Conduta Científica/ética
J Clin Epidemiol ; 171: 111386, 2024 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38723780


OBJECTIVES: This observational study assessed the differences in the gender of the first and last authors in the most-cited dental articles over the last 4 decades. STUDY DESIGN AND SETTING: Articles were obtained through an electronic search of the most-cited articles in dentistry by decade (total n = 400 articles). The 100 most-cited studies in each decade (1980-1989, 1990-1999, 2000-2009, and 2010-2019), with any study design, with results in dentistry were eligible. The gender of the first and last authors was determined using the Genderize database. Comparative evaluation of gender distribution in general and across the 4 decades was performed with the Chi-square test, and the contribution of variables on the citation rate of articles was performed using linear regression. RESULTS: There were statistical differences between the gender distributions, with a predominance of men in the first (83.8%) and the last (86.8%) positions (P < .001). Over the decades, there was a tendency for an increase in the proportion of women as the last author (P = .002; Chi-square trend Test), with an increase of women from 6% to 22% across the last 4 decades. However, no statistically significant differences were observed between the genders for the first author in the last 4 decades (P = .163; Chi-square trend Test). CONCLUSION: The findings indicate that men lead a large percentage of the most-cited articles in dentistry and that this trend has not shown substantial modifications over the last years. Nonetheless, for the position of last authorship, an increase in women's representativity was observed over the last decades.

Bibliometria , Humanos , Feminino , Masculino , Autoria , Odontologia/estatística & dados numéricos , Fatores Sexuais , Sexismo/estatística & dados numéricos , Publicações Periódicas como Assunto/estatística & dados numéricos
J Phys Act Health ; 21(5): 458-464, 2024 May 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38531350


BACKGROUND: The objective of this study was to investigate gender differences in authorship in physical activity and health research. METHODS: A bibliometric study including 23,399 articles from 105 countries was conducted to estimate the participation of female researchers in physical activity publications from 1950 to 2019. The frequency of female researchers was analyzed and classified by first and last authors and the overall percentage of female authors by region and country. RESULTS: The proportion of female first authors increased from <10% in the 50s and 80s to 55% in the last decade. On the other hand, the proportion of last authors increased from 8.7% to 41.1% in the same period. Most publications with female researchers were from the United States, Canada, Australia, Brazil, the Netherlands, Spain, England, Germany, Sweden, and China. Nine of these countries had over 50% of the articles published by female first authors. However, in all 10 countries, <50% of the articles were published by female last authors. CONCLUSIONS: The proportion of female researchers increased over time. However, regional differences exist and should be addressed in gender equity policies. There is a gap in the participation of female researchers as last authors. By actively addressing the gender gap in research, the global society can harness the full potential of all talented individuals, regardless of gender, leading to more inclusive and impactful scientific advancements.

Autoria , Bibliometria , Exercício Físico , Humanos , Feminino , Fatores Sexuais , Masculino , Pesquisadores
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550998


Introducción: Cada vez son más los estudiantes interesados en estudios bibliométricos, lo que se traduce en la publicación de los mismos en revistas científicas de pregrado. Objetivo: Caracterizar la producción científica bibliométrica publicada en revistas estudiantiles de ciencias de la salud cubanas de 2021 a 2023. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo y bibliométrico sobre los artículos de bibliometría publicados en revistas científicas estudiantiles de ciencias de la salud cubanas, entre enero de 2021 y agosto de 2023. El universo se conformó por 594 artículos y la muestra por 23. El procesamiento estadístico implicó la frecuencia absoluta y porcentual. Se calcularon los índices de Price, de colaboración y de productividad. Resultados: La revista con mayor número de artículos sobre bibliometría publicados fue Universidad Médica Pinareña, con 6,84 %; el 53,57 % de los autores pertenecieron al sexo masculino, y la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Pinar del Río fue el centro de procedencia de nueve autores, para un 17,65 %. Las investigaciones con cinco autores fueron las de mayor prevalencia, y el grado de productividad respecto al tema fue bajo, para un 67,86 %. Conclusiones: Existe una baja frecuencia de publicación de artículos bibliométricos en las revistas estudiantiles de ciencias de la salud cubanas, concentrándose en Universidad Médica Pinareña y 16 de Abril, mientras se muestra un elevado índice de publicaciones por autores masculinos. La autoría múltiple fue la que predominó.

Introduction: More and more students are interested in bibliometric studies which translate into their publication in undergraduate scientific journals. Objective: To characterize the bibliometric scientific production published in Cuban student health sciences journals from 2021 to 2023. Materials and methods: An observational, descriptive and bibliometric research was carried out on bibliometric articles published in Cuban student scientific journals of Health Science, between January 2021 and August 2023. The universe was made up of 594 articles and the sample of 23. Statistical processing involved absolute and percentage frequency. Price, collaboration and productivity indices were calculated. Results: The journal with the highest number of articles on bibliometric published was Universidad Médica Pinareña with 6.84%; 53.57% of the authors belonged to the male sex and the University of Medical Sciences of Pinar del Rio was the center of origin of nine authors, for 17.65%. Research with five authors was the most prevalent and the degree of productivity regarding the topic was low, at 67.86%. Conclusions: There is a low frequency of publications of bibliometric articles in Cuban student scientific journals of Health Science, concentrating on the Universidad Médica Pinareña and 16 de Abril, while showing a high rate of publications by male authors. Multiple authorship predominated.

Colomb Med (Cali) ; 54(3): e1015868, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38089825


This statement revises our earlier "WAME Recommendations on ChatGPT and Chatbots in Relation to Scholarly Publications" (January 20, 2023). The revision reflects the proliferation of chatbots and their expanding use in scholarly publishing over the last few months, as well as emerging concerns regarding lack of authenticity of content when using chatbots. These recommendations are intended to inform editors and help them develop policies for the use of chatbots in papers published in their journals. They aim to help authors and reviewers understand how best to attribute the use of chatbots in their work and to address the need for all journal editors to have access to manuscript screening tools. In this rapidly evolving field, we will continue to modify these recommendations as the software and its applications develop.

Esta declaración revisa las anteriores "Recomendaciones de WAME sobre ChatGPT y Chatbots en Relation to Scholarly Publications" (20 de enero de 2023). La revisión refleja la proliferación de chatbots y su creciente uso en las publicaciones académicas en los últimos meses, así como la preocupación por la falta de autenticidad de los contenidos cuando se utilizan chatbots. Estas recomendaciones pretenden informar a los editores y ayudarles a desarrollar políticas para el uso de chatbots en los artículos sometidos en sus revistas. Su objetivo es ayudar a autores y revisores a entender cuál es la mejor manera de atribuir el uso de chatbots en su trabajo y a la necesidad de que todos los editores de revistas tengan acceso a herramientas de selección de manuscritos. En este campo en rápida evolución, seguiremos modificando estas recomendaciones a medida que se desarrollen el software y sus aplicaciones.

Inteligência Artificial , Editoração , Humanos
Horiz. enferm ; (Número especial: Investigación y práctica en condiciones crónicas de salud): 92-114, 28 dic. 2023. graf, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermagem, MINSALCHILE | ID: biblio-1553324


La enfermedad renal crónica (ERC) constituye una problemática sanitaria de alto impacto biomédico y psicosocial; afecta la calidad de vida (CV) de pacientes y cuidadores formales e informales. Este estudio tuvo el objetivo de caracterizar las publicaciones científicas sobre CV en pacientes con ERC. Se realizó un estudio bibliométrico, de tipo descriptivo (frecuencias, medias y porcientos). La muestra estuvo constituida por 79 artículos de revistas de SciELO, entre 2002-2022. Criterios de búsqueda: "calidad de vida", "enfermedad renal crónica", "insuficiencia renal crónica" y "hemodiálisis" (operadores booleanos: AND y OR). Se extrajo la siguiente información: publicaciones (revista, país que publica, fecha y citas), autoría (productividad, país e institución, género, coautorías), método (metodología, instrumento, muestra). Los datos se procesaron en EXCEL (Microsoft-Office 16). Se obtuvo que el 92,4% de los artículos se publican en revistas de Brasil, España y Cuba; la revista "Enfermería Nefrológica y Jornal Brasileiro de Nefrologia" es la que presenta mayor número de publicaciones. El año con menos publicaciones fue 2004 y el más productivo fue 2011. Se contabilizan 355 autores con 402 autorías, el autor más productivo tiene cinco autorías. De ellos, el 74% es del género femenino. Los autores de Brasil, Colombia, Cuba y España publican el 86,08% de los artículos. El 93,67% de las investigaciones son cuantitativas; los instrumentos más usados son: Kidney Disease Quality of Life Short Form (36,7%) y Short Form Health Survey SF-36 (21,51%). Se concluye que la mayoría de los artículos pertenecen a autores, revistas e instituciones de Brasil, España, Cuba y Colombia. Se cumplieron las leyes de Bradford y Lotka; no se cumplió la ley de Price.

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) constitutes a health problem with high biomedical and psychosocial impact; affects the quality of life (QoL) of patients and formal and informal caregivers. This study had the objective of characterizing the scientific publications on QoL in patients with CKD. A descriptive bibliometric study was carried out (frequencies, means and percentages); The sample was conformed by 79 articles from SciELO journals, between 2002-2022. Search criteria: "quality of life", "chronic kidney disease", "chronic kidney failure" and "hemodialysis" (Boolean operators: AND and OR). The data extracted from the publications were: publications (journal, publishing country, date and citations), authorship (productivity, country and institution, gender, co-authorships), method (methodology, instrument, sample). The data were processed in EXCEL (Microsoft-Office 16). It was found that 92.4% of the articles are published in magazines from Brazil, Spain and Cuba; the journal"Enfermería Nefrológica and Jornal Brasileiro de Nefrologia" presented the highest number of publications. The year with the fewest publications was 2004 and the most productive was 2011. There are 355 authors with 402 authorships, the most productive author has five authorships. Of them, 74% are female. Authors from Brazil, Colombia, Cuba and Spain publish 86.08% of the articles. 93.67% of the research is quantitative. The most used instruments are: Kidney Disease Quality of Life Short Form (36.7%) and Short Form Health Survey SF-36 (21.51%). It is concluded that most of the articles belong to authors, magazines and institutions from Brazil, Spain, Cuba and Colombia. The laws of Bradford and Lotka were fulfilled; Price's law was not fulfilled.

Colomb. med ; 54(3)sept. 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534290


This statement revises our earlier "WAME Recommendations on ChatGPT and Chatbots in Relation to Scholarly Publications" (January 20, 2023). The revision reflects the proliferation of chatbots and their expanding use in scholarly publishing over the last few months, as well as emerging concerns regarding lack of authenticity of content when using chatbots. These recommendations are intended to inform editors and help them develop policies for the use of chatbots in papers published in their journals. They aim to help authors and reviewers understand how best to attribute the use of chatbots in their work and to address the need for all journal editors to have access to manuscript screening tools. In this rapidly evolving field, we will continue to modify these recommendations as the software and its applications develop.

Esta declaración revisa las anteriores "Recomendaciones de WAME sobre ChatGPT y Chatbots en Relation to Scholarly Publications" (20 de enero de 2023). La revisión refleja la proliferación de chatbots y su creciente uso en las publicaciones académicas en los últimos meses, así como la preocupación por la falta de autenticidad de los contenidos cuando se utilizan chatbots. Estas recomendaciones pretenden informar a los editores y ayudarles a desarrollar políticas para el uso de chatbots en los artículos sometidos en sus revistas. Su objetivo es ayudar a autores y revisores a entender cuál es la mejor manera de atribuir el uso de chatbots en su trabajo y a la necesidad de que todos los editores de revistas tengan acceso a herramientas de selección de manuscritos. En este campo en rápida evolución, seguiremos modificando estas recomendaciones a medida que se desarrollen el software y sus aplicaciones.

MedUNAB ; 26(1): 9-11, 20230731.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1525482


A key global health objective is to promote the advancement of scientific production in disciplines with low publication volume, as opposed to specialties addressing pathologies that represent the greatest global disease burden (1). Dermatology is one such discipline, which has experienced substantial growth in research on immunopathogenic, pathophysiological, diagnostic, and therapeutic aspects (2-4). The extent to which Latin American authors and institutions have been involved in publishing scientific articles in the dermatology journals with highest impact worldwide remains unknown.

Un objetivo clave de salud mundial es promover el avance de la producción científica en disciplinas con bajo volumen de publicación, a diferencia de especialidades que abordan las patologías que representan la mayor carga de enfermedad a nivel mundial (1). La Dermatología es una de esas disciplinas que ha experimentado un crecimiento sustancial en investigación en aspectos inmunopatogénicos, fisiopatológicos, diagnósticos y terapéuticos (2-4). El alcance en el cual los autores e instituciones latinoamericanas han participado en la publicación de artículos científicos en revistas de dermatología con mayor impacto mundial permanece incierto.

Um objetivo fundamental da saúde global é promover o avanço da produção científica em disciplinas com baixo volume de publicações, em oposição às especialidades que abordam patologias que representam a maior carga de doenças em todo o mundo (1). A Dermatologia é uma das disciplinas que tem experimentado um crescimento substancial nas pesquisas em aspectos imunopatogênicos, fisiopatológicos, diagnósticos e terapêuticos (2-4). A extensão da participação de autores e instituições latino-americanas na publicação de artigos científicos em revistas de dermatologia de maior impacto global permanece incerta.

Dermatologia , Hispânico ou Latino , Bibliometria , Autoria na Publicação Científica , Comunicação Acadêmica
Healthcare (Basel) ; 11(12)2023 Jun 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37372844


BACKGROUND: This study employed bibliometric analysis to ascertain the research focus areas among a group of Mexican physicians affiliated with the Instituto de Seguridad y Servicios Sociales de los Trabajadores del Estado (ISSSTE). ISSSTE, a healthcare institution catering to a diverse range of diseases, offers a distinctive perspective on the investigated specialties within the realm of health. The primary objective was to identify knowledge gaps in medical care disciplines through a comprehensive examination of scholarly publications. METHODS: We retrieved Scopus papers affiliated with "ISSSTE" and saved them as .CSV files. Subsequently, we employed VOSviewer, biblioshiny, and bibliometrix for bibliometric analysis. This enabled us to identify prominent institutions, prolific authors, highly cited researchers, and their respective affiliations. RESULTS: Our analysis identified 2063 publications; the specialty internal medicine accounted for the greatest proportion with 831 publications. Original papers accounted for 82% of the total, with 52% of them being written in Spanish. The majority of scientific output, 92%, originated from Mexico City. The annual production has steadily increased since 2010, peaking in 2021 with over 200 publications. However, papers on prevalent conditions, such as metabolic syndrome, received limited citations, and the L0 index (percentage of uncited items) for all papers is close to 60%. Scopus mislabeled one affiliation, and some cases show a low paper-to-author ratio of 0.5 Discussion: Additional concerns, such as honorary authorship due to excessive authors per paper, and the underlying causes of low citation rates in Mexican publications, warrant further examination. Moreover, our research emphasizes the urgency of bolstering research and development funding, which was consistently below 0.5% of GDP for the past four decades, falling short of legal mandates and international benchmarks. We endorse the establishment of robust research collectives in Latin America to address these challenges, foster regional scientific output, and transition from knowledge consumers to knowledge producers, thereby reducing dependence on foreign technology.