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Front Med (Lausanne) ; 11: 1380129, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38751980


Objective: Arboviruses pose a challenge in ensuring the supply of pathogen-free blood components because they are not routinely screened in blood banks, and blood components from infected asymptomatic donors could be transfused. This study aimed to detect and characterize arboviral infections in Colombian blood donors. Methods: In a cross-sectional study, the prevalence of dengue (DENV), Zika (ZIKV), and chikungunya (CHIKV) viruses and co-infections of blood donors were compared between an epidemic period (November 2019-February 2020, n = 462) and an endemic period (November 2021-August 2022, n = 1,119). Viral RNA from each donor serum was purified, and the viruses were detected using a previously standardized multiplex hemi-nested RT-PCR protocol. Subsequently, donors who tested positive were surveyed 15 days after the detection of the virus to identify clinical characteristics related to the arboviral infection. The prevalences of each virus were presented as percentages and compared between epidemic and endemic periods. Results: Significantly higher prevalences were found in the epidemic period compared with the endemic period for DENV (14.5 vs. 1.9%), ZIKV (7.8 vs. 0.3%), CHIKV (8 vs. 3.3%), and co-infections (4.3 vs. 0.2%). The survey response rate of positive donors in the two periods was 83/175 (47%). In total, 57% of the donors surveyed were asymptomatic. Symptomatic donors most frequently reported headache (31%), malaise (13%), arthralgia (10%), and fever/chills (8%). Conclusion: The prevalence observed in epidemic and endemic periods was higher than that reported in other studies in the Americas. The high proportion of asymptomatic cases found, in addition to the mild and nonspecific manifestations among the symptomatic, may limit the effectiveness of the donor selection criteria used to mitigate the risk of transfusion-transmitted arboviruses.

Physis (Rio J.) ; 34: e34065, 2024. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569395


Resumo Objetivou-se discutir os limites e as potencialidades, sob a perspectiva de gestores de serviços de Hemoterapia/Hemocentro, para a execução das ações e as relações entre os agentes/equipes da VISA estadual e municipal com os Hemocentros. A partir de abordagem qualitativa, utilizaram-se, para análise de conteúdo, oito entrevistas de representantes gestores de hemocentros de diferentes estados, distribuídos nas cinco regiões brasileiras. Os achados evidenciaram limitação no diálogo entre as instituições; mudança de pessoal e rotatividade de gestores; tempo burocrático; notificação descentralizada; difícil estruturação ou ausência do Núcleo de Segurança do Paciente, como limitações. E como potencialidades: atuação da VISA como colaboradora para os processos de qualificação; processos de planejamento construídos de modo articulado e colaborativo; colaboração para a realização de treinamentos e capacitações das equipes; experiência profissional dos trabalhadores de ambas as instituições para o entendimento da rotina dos serviços e melhora do diálogo. Portanto, os limites e as potencialidades evidenciadas a partir deste estudo refletem sobre o desenvolvimento das ações, responsabilidades e diálogo entre os serviços, os quais devem ser considerados para a elaboração de estratégias e desenvolvimento do trabalho articulado e integrado.

Abstract It aimed to discuss the limits and potentialities, from the perspective of managers of Hemotherapy/Hemocenter services, for the accomplishment of actions and the relationships between state and municipal VISA agents/teams with the Hemocenters. From a qualitative approach, eight interviews with managing representatives of hemocenters from different states, distributed in the five Brazilian regions, were used for content analysis. The findings showed a limitation in the dialogue between the institutions; staff change and manager turnover; bureaucratic time; decentralized notification; difficult structuring or absence of the Patient Safety Center, such as limitations. As potentialities: VISA's role as a collaborator in the qualification processes; planning processes constructed in an articulated and collaborative way; collaboration to carry out training and qualification of teams; professional experience of workers from both institutions to understand the routine of services and improve dialogue. Therefore, the limits and potentialities evidenced from this study reflect on the development of actions, responsibilities and dialogue between the services, which must be considered for the elaboration of strategies and development of articulated and integrated work.

Acta bioquím. clín. latinoam ; 57(4): 4-4, dic. 2023. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1556642


Resumen El objetivo del trabajo fue comparar el desempeño del tamizaje treponémico y no treponémico en dos períodos próximos en el tiempo en donantes de sangre y analizar la asociación de la intensidad de la señal de la prueba quimioluminiscente (QL) con la reactividad del enzimoinmunoanálisis (ELISA) y la reagina plasmática rápida (RPR). Se realizó el tamizaje con pruebas treponémicas. Se analizó la distribución de los valores de señal/valor de corte (S/CO) obtenidos por QL en función del ELISA y RPR y se evaluó su asociación entre dos grupos de resultados de laboratorio (1) ELISA+/RPR+ y (2): ELISA+/RPR-. Se procesaron 76 794 donaciones voluntarias. Al comparar las medianas entre grupos, se encontró que la relación S/CO de QL fue significativamente mayor para los donantes del Grupo 1 (19,5 vs. 8,10; p<0,001). Se concluye que la intensidad de la señal de la prueba cualitativa QL estaría asociada con la reactividad de la RPR y guardaría relación con el curso de la infección.

Abstract The objective of this work was to compare the performance of treponemal and non-treponemal screening in two periods close in time in blood donors and to analyse the association of the signal strength (signal-to-cutoff, S/ CO) of the chemiluminescent immunoassay (CIA) with the reactivity of the enzymeimmunoassay (EIA) and the rapid plasma reagin (RPR). Donors were screened with treponemal tests. The distribution of the S/CO values obtained by CIA was analysed based on EIA and RPR, and its association was evaluated. Group 1: ELISA+/RPR+ donors and Group 2: ELISA+/RPR-. A total of 76,794 voluntary donations were processed. Comparing the means between groups, it was found that the CIA S/CO ratio was significantly higher for Group 1 donors (19.5 vs. 8.10; p<0.001). In conclusion, the signal strength of the qualitative CIA test would be associated with the reactivity of the RPR and would be related to the course of the infection.

Resumo O objetivo do trabalho foi comparar o desempenho da triagem treponêmica e não treponêmica em dois períodos próximos no tempo em doadores de sangue e analisar a associação da intensidade do sinal da prova quimioluminescente (QL) com a reatividade da análise imunoenzimática (ELISA) e a reagina plasmática rápida (RPR). Foi realizada uma triagem com provas treponêmicas. Foi analisada a distribuição dos valores de sinal/valor de corte (S/CO) obtidos por QL em função da ELISA e RPR, e também a associação entre dois grupos de resultados laboratoriais (1): ELISA+/RPR+ e (2) ELISA+/ RPR-). Foram procesadas 76 794 doações de sangue voluntárias. Ao comparar as medianas entre os grupos, obteve-se que a relação S/CO de QL foi significativamente maior para os doadores de sangue do grupo 1 (19,5 vs. 8,10; p<0,001). Em conclusão, a intensidade do sinal da prova qualitativa QL estaria associada com a reatividade da RPR e guardaria relação com o curso da infecção.

Medisan ; 27(6)dic. 2023. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1534917


Introducción: El SARS-CoV-2 ha tenido un impacto negativo y significativo en los sistemas de salud a nivel mundial, lo cual además amenazó el suministro de sangre necesario para las transfusiones clínicas. Objetivo: Describir las causas del rechazo de donantes de sangre durante la pandemia de covid-19. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional, transversal y retrospectivo en una población de donantes que acudió al Banco de Sangre del Hospital Nacional Ramiro Prialé Prialé, de Huancayo, en Perú, de julio del 2020 a igual mes del 2022. Las variables analizadas fueron sexo, grupo sanguíneo ABO, factor Rh y tipos y causas de rechazo. Resultados: Del total de 10 177 donantes de sangre, fueron diferidos y excluidos 3390 (33,3 %); la causa más frecuente de diferimiento fue el hematocrito bajo (18,0 %) y la de exclusión, la positividad por el anticuerpo del núcleo de la hepatitis B (36,8 %). Asimismo, predominó el sexo masculino entre los que fueron rechazados (55,2 %) y se evidenció un incremento de la tendencia politómica en los donantes diferidos (R²=0,2214) y excluidos (R²=0,1178). Conclusiones: La prevalencia de diferimiento y exclusión de donantes de sangre hallada en esta serie fue relativamente alta en comparación con la registrada en otros estudios, lo cual se debió principalmente, en cada caso respectivo, al hematocrito bajo y a la presencia del anticuerpo del núcleo de la hepatitis B.

Introduction: SARS-CoV-2 has had a negative and significant impact on global health systems, threatening the necessary blood supply for clinical transfusions. Objective: To describe the causes of rejection of blood donors during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: An observational, cross-sectional and retrospective study was carried out in a population of donors who attended the Blood Bank of Ramiro Prialé Prialé National Hospital, in Huancayo, Peru, from July, 2020 to the same month, 2022. The analyzed variables were sex, the ABO blood group, Rh factor and types and causes of rejection. Results: Of total of 10 177 blood donors, 3390 (33.3%) were differed and excluded; the most frequent cause of differing was the low hematocrit (18.0%) and the most frequent cause of exclusion was antibody to hepatitis B core antigen positivity (36.8%). Likewise, male sex predominated among those who were rejected (55.2%) and an increment of the polytomous tendency was evidenced in differed (R²=0.2214) and excluded donors (R²=0.1178). Conclusions: The prevalence of differing and exclusion in blood donors was relatively high compared to that reported in other studies, which was mainly due, in each respective case, to the low hematocrit and the presence of antibody to hepatitis B core antigen.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38008595


INTRODUCTION: It has been estimated that the proportion of blood donors in Brazil is below 2.0 %, lower than that recommended by the World Health Organization, which is between 3 % and 5 % of the population. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to analyze the factors that can influence blood donation. METHOD: This is an integrative review, whose bibliographic search was carried out through the Virtual Health Library, considering scientific articles indexed in the Latin American and Caribbean Literature in the Health Sciences database. RESULTS: This process was performed in July 2022 with term "blood donors" and 901 publications were identified, without delimitation of the study period or any other aspects. After applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 40 articles were fully reviewed. The studies were categorized according to the main content discussed in "characteristics and perspectives of donors", "perspective of health professionals and services" and "loyalty strategies: marketing and communication in health". Access to coherent information about the donation process was the motivational aspect evidenced in the three categories of analysis, that is, indispensable from the perspective of users, health professionals who work in blood therapy services and for marketing and communication in health. It is through the knowledge of the procedure that uncertainties and fear are decreased and loyal donors are increased. CONCLUSION: Altruism was the most frequent driving feeling in the consulted literature, whereas the lack of time and fear were the routine obstacles. The campaigns were identified as communication and health education actions relevant to attracting and retaining the donor, as well as applications and social networks.

Transfus Apher Sci ; 62(5): 103756, 2023 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37357058


INTRODUCTION: Chagas disease (CD) is a neglected pathology worldwide, considered a public health problem due to the high morbidity and mortality rate and its social impact. Thus, the objective was to estimate the prevalence of reactive serology for T. cruzi in blood donors in the units of the public blood network in the state of Pará (Brazil), as well as to describe the epidemiological profile of these donors. METHODS: This is a retrospective and descriptive study carried out at the Pará State Center for Hematology and Hemotherapy (HEMOPA) between 2016 and 2021, with analysis of secondary data (epidemiological and serological) of inapt blood donors for CD. RESULTS: Among the 533,674 screened samples, the reactivity for anti-T. cruzi was detected in 0.1% (548), of which 0.03% (166) were inconclusive and 0.07% (382) were positive. The hemonucleus of the city of Abaetetuba had the highest seroprevalence (0.6%). Regarding epidemiological characteristics, most blood donors were men (63.7%), aged between 31 and 45 (44.7%), racially mixed (79.2%), high school graduate (45.8%), single/widowed/divorced (62%), first-time donors (69%), spontaneous donations (58%) and from the state's countryside (69.9%). CONCLUSION: Over the years analyzed, we observed an increase in seroprevalence for T. cruzi emphasizing the need to maintain epidemiological control in the region and the application of more accurate serological tests in the screening of donor blood bags.

Doença de Chagas , Trypanosoma cruzi , Masculino , Humanos , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Feminino , Doadores de Sangue , Brasil/epidemiologia , Estudos Soroepidemiológicos , Estudos Retrospectivos , Anticorpos Antiprotozoários , Doença de Chagas/epidemiologia
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 28(5): 1387-1397, maio 2023. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1439801


Resumo Estudo que teve por objetivo analisar a gestão dos serviços hemoterápicos (SH) no contexto da pandemia de COVID-19, na perspectiva de gestores de municípios de diferentes regiões do Brasil. Pesquisa de abordagem qualitativa com entrevistas semiestruturadas aplicadas a gestores dos SH das três capitais brasileiras de diferentes regiões do Brasil, no período de setembro de 2021 a abril de 2022. O conteúdo textual das entrevistas foi submetido à análise textual lexicográfica a partir do uso do software Iramuteq, de acesso gratuito. As percepções dos gestores resultaram da análise da classificação hierárquica descendente (CHD), que gerou seis classes: disponibilidade de recursos para o desenvolvimento do trabalho; capacidade instalada dos serviços; estratégias e desafios para captação de doadores de sangue; riscos e proteção dos trabalhadores; medidas para gestão da crise; estratégias de comunicação para a adesão de candidatos para doação. A análise evidenciou diversas estratégias utilizadas pela gestão, bem como apontou limites e desafios para a organização e a gestão de serviços hemoterápicos, agudizados no contexto da pandemia.

Abstract This study aimed to analyze the management of hemotherapy services (HS) in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic from the perspective of municipal managers in different regions of Brazil. A qualitative approach with semi-structured interviews was applied to HS managers in the three Brazilian capitals, from different regions of Brazil, during the period between September 2021 and April 2022. The textual content of the interviews was submitted to lexicographic textual analysis using the free access software, Iramuteq. The managers' perceptions resulted from the descending hierarchical classification (DHC) analysis, which generated six classes: availability of resources for the development of work; installed capacity of services; strategies and challenges for attracting blood donors; risks and worker protection; measures for crisis management; and communication strategies for the adhesion of candidates for donation. The analysis highlighted several strategies used by the management, as well as pointed out limits and challenges for HS organization and management, exacerbated in the context of the pandemic.

Rev Med Inst Mex Seguro Soc ; 61(Suppl 1): S1-S3, 2023 01 01.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36377981


In 2022, 2 years on from the start of the pandemic, the Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS, Mexican Institute for Social Security) has been reorganizing its services at full, out of which blood banks play a key role. In addition, on June 14 it is celebrated the World Blood Donor Day by the World Health Organization and this year Mexico was the host country for the celebration. Therefore, it is important to highlight the work carried out in blood banks, ranging from their main activity, which is the recruitment of blood donors and the blood components production, to the different interventions they have in the field of transplantation, diseases emerging diagnosis and the development of new therapeutic modalities, such as, for example, cell therapy.

En 2022, a dos años de la pandemia por COVID-19, el Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social ha estado en plena recuperación de servicios, de la que los bancos de sangre son elementos clave. Además, el 14 de junio se celebró el Día Mundial del Donante de Sangre bajo iniciativa de la Organización Mundial de la Salud y en este año México fue el país anfitrión de la celebración. Por lo tanto, es importante poner de manifiesto el trabajo que se realiza en los bancos de sangre, desde su principal actividad, que es la captación de donadores y la obtención de hemocomponentes, hasta las diferentes intervenciones que tienen en el campo del trasplante, el diagnóstico de enfermedades emergentes y el desarrollo nuevas modalidades terapéuticas, como, por ejemplo, la terapia celular.

Bancos de Sangue , Previdência Social , Humanos , Academias e Institutos , Doadores de Sangue , México
Rev Med Inst Mex Seguro Soc ; 61(Suppl 1): S46-S51, 2023 01 01.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36378106


Medicine has had a vertiginous advance in the last two centuries. After the first successful transfusions, transfusional medicine and blood banks arose. The ladder perform vital functions, from donor screening to the studies for the analysis of blood that are carried out before its use for transfusion and the follow-up of patients who receive blood components. Molecular biology is highly relevant in these activities, since it has allowed the reduction of window periods for the detection of diseases transmissible by blood; it has allowed the complete study of the typing of blood groups and HLA molecules, and it has allowed the adequate phenotypic interpretation of patients and donors by being able to have their genotype. The most relevant impact of the implementation of molecular biology techniques was the screening for the detection of transfusion-transmissible diseases in blood donors, which has allowed improving the safety of the components obtained. Molecular biology techniques applied in the study of the donor-recipient have allowed better care of patients who have required a transfusion or transplant. In this work, it is reviewed the importance of molecular biology in blood banks, with which the care for the Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social beneficiaries has improved, as well as for the blood donors who are mostly not insured.

La medicina ha avanzado vertiginosamente en los últimos dos siglos. Después de las primeras trasfusiones exitosas, surgió la medicina transfusional en conjunto con los bancos de sangre. Estos últimos desempeñan funciones vitales, desde la valoración de los donadores hasta los estudios actuales para analizar la sangre antes de su uso transfusional y el seguimiento de los pacientes que reciben componentes sanguíneos. La biología molecular tiene una gran relevancia en estas actividades, pues ha permitido el acortamiento de los periodos ventana para detectar enfermedades transmisibles vía sanguínea; ha posibilitado completar el estudio de la tipificación de grupos sanguíneos y las moléculas de HLA, y ha permitido la adecuada interpretación fenotípica de los pacientes y donadores al estar en condiciones de tener a la mano su genotipo. El impacto más relevante del uso de técnicas de biología molecular fue el cribado o tamizaje para la detección de enfermedades transmisibles por transfusión en los donantes de sangre, con lo que ha mejorado la seguridad de los componentes obtenidos. Estas técnicas aplicadas en el estudio del donador-receptor han posibilitado una mejor atención a los pacientes que requieren una trasfusión o trasplante. En este trabajo se revisa la importancia que ha tenido esta herramienta en los bancos de sangre, con lo que ha mejorado la atención a los derechohabientes del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social, así como a los donadores de sangre que en su mayoría no son derechohabientes.

Bancos de Sangue , Doadores de Sangue , Humanos , Transfusão de Sangue , Seleção do Doador , Biologia Molecular
Rev Med Inst Mex Seguro Soc ; 61(Suppl 1): S52-S58, 2023 01 01.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36378143


After the first successful blood transfusion, different difficulties of a liquid tissue were overcome; this liquid required special conditions to keep its characteristics with minimal alterations and, thus, to be able to be used in patients who needed it. Subsequently, techniques that also made possible to separate this liquid into its different components for its use were discovered, allowing a more specific treatment of the deficiencies of patients when administering cellular or non-cellular elements. With this, a new area arose within the blood banks to obtaining components. This area became the central point of convergence of all the processes involved in obtaining components, which include the biological qualification of each one of the units, as well as their labeling and release for the different distribution in transfusion services. It is important to highlight that the main source of components is obtained from whole blood; its processing for several decades was an artisanal operator-dependent process; however, with the evolution of technology, now it is possible to carry it out in an automated manner; likewise, today it is possible to obtain components directly from the donor's whole blood by separating it in real time by means of apheresis, which allows obtaining the component of interest and returning the remainder to the donor.

Tras la primera transfusión de sangre exitosa, se fueron superando diferentes dificultades de un tejido líquido que fue requiriendo condiciones especiales para mantener sus características con mínimas alteraciones y así pudiera ser utilizado en los pacientes que lo necesitaran. Posteriormente, se descubrieron técnicas que además posibilitaban separar este líquido en sus diferentes componentes para su empleo, lo cual permitió tratar de manera más específica las deficiencias de los pacientes al administrar los elementos celulares o acelulares. Con esto surgió dentro de los bancos de sangre el área de obtención de componentes. Esta se convirtió en el punto central de convergencia de todos los procesos involucrados en la obtención de componentes, que incluyen la calificación biológica de cada una de las unidades, así como su etiquetado y liberación para la distribución en los diferentes servicios de transfusión. Es importante resaltar que la principal fuente de componentes se obtienen por sangre total; su procesamiento durante varias décadas era un proceso artesanal con operador dependiente, pero con la evolución de la tecnología actualmente es posible llevarla a cabo de manera automatizada; asimismo, es posible obtener componentes directamente de la sangre total del donador por medio de la separación de la misma en tiempo real por medio de aféresis, la cual permite obtener el componente de interés, con lo que se devuelve el remanente al donador.

Bancos de Sangue , Remoção de Componentes Sanguíneos , Humanos , Transfusão de Componentes Sanguíneos , Transfusão de Sangue , Doadores de Sangue