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Rev. cient. cienc. salud ; 4(1): 75-83, 17-05-2022.
Artigo em Inglês | BDNPAR | ID: biblio-1388753


ABSTRACT Introduction. Bryophytes (mosses) have long been used to determine the concentration of heavy metals as an alternative to the collection of atmospheric aerosols. Objective. To evaluate the environmental concentration of lead, cadmium, mercury and arsenic in autochthonous species of moss and to analyze some methodological aspects of biomonitoring in Paraguay. Methodology. In an observational study moss samples were obtained from sub rural zone to be transplanted in 5 sites of high vehicular traffic in Asunción city. The samples were left outdoors for 58 days and then collected and subjected to study using the inductive coupling plasma source mass spectrometry technique. The bryophytes were characterized and all the climatological variables during the study period were consigned. Results. Lead concentrations detected in moss explants exposed to the urban environment were higher than mosses from natural forest, while arsenic levels in the latter were higher than those found in bryophytes transferred to the city. No conspicuous levels of cadmium and mercury were found. The bryophytes used belonged to two families: Hypnaceae and Pilotrichaceae. The range of temperature, relative humidity, wind and precipitation did not reach extreme levels during the studied period. Conclusion. The different lead levels measured here, could be surrogates of urban pollution while the notorious arsenic level in natural forest moss points to other sources like wildfires. Several aspects of the biomonitoring methodology are discussed.

RESUMEN Introducción. Las briofitas (musgos) se han utilizado durante mucho tiempo para determinar la concentración de metales pesados como alternativa a la recolección de aerosoles atmosféricos. Objetivo. Evaluar la concentración ambiental de plomo, cadmio, mercurio y arsénico en especies autóctonas de musgo y analizar algunos aspectos metodológicos de la biomonitorización en Paraguay. Metodología. En un estudio observacional se obtuvieron muestras de musgo de una zona sub-rural para ser trasplantadas en cinco sitios de alto tráfico vehicular en Asunción. Las muestras se dejaron a la intemperie durante 58 días y luego se recogieron para la medición de metales pesados por espectrometría de masas con fuente de plasma de acoplamiento inductivo. Se caracterizaron las briofitas y se consignaron todas las variables climatológicas durante el período de estudio. Resultados. Las concentraciones de plomo detectadas en los explantes de musgo expuestos al medio urbano fueron superiores a las de los musgos del bosque natural, mientras que los niveles de arsénico en estos últimos fueron superiores a los encontrados en los briófitos trasladados a la ciudad. No se encontraron niveles llamativos de cadmio y mercurio. Las briofitas utilizadas pertenecían a dos familias: Hypnaceae y Pilotrichaceae. Los rangos de temperatura, humedad relativa, viento y precipitación no alcanzaron niveles extremos durante el periodo estudiado. Conclusión. Los diferentes niveles de plomo medidos podrían ser subrogados de polución urbana mientras que el notorio nivel de arsénico en musgo de bosque natural apunta a otro tipo de fuentes como los incendios forestales. Se discuten varios aspectos de la metodología de biomonitorización.

Briófitas , Arsênio , Espectrometria de Massas , Monitoramento Ambiental , Chumbo
Acta biol. colomb ; 27(1): 52-60, ene.-abr. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1360049


RESUMEN Los briófitos forman un grupo conspicuo de la flora del planeta. Su contribución ecológica en términos de riqueza de especies y cobertura en muchos hábitats es fundamental para el equilibrio de los servicios ecosistémicos. En Colombia se tiene el registro aproximado de 715 especies de Marchantiophyta (hepáticas), las cuales presentan su mayor riqueza en la región Andina. El estudio se realizó en el Parque Nacional Natural Chingaza - sector Suasie dada su importancia ecológica e hídrica para los municipios aledaños. El objetivo principal de este estudio fue determinar la diversidad de la comunidad de hepáticas en el sector de Suasie del PNN Chingaza. Para ello, se hicieron tres levantamientos en transectos de 2x50 m en un gradiente altitudinal, en cada transecto se muestrearon las hepáticas presentes en cuatro forófitos escogidos al azar. Las muestras recolectadas fueron identificadas para el análisis de composición y diversidad de la comunidad. Como resultado, fue posible evidenciar la variación de la composición y abundancia de hepáticas a lo largo del gradiente, basados no solo en los índices estimados, sino también en la asociación con la cobertura vegetal de cada sitio de muestreo. Con un total de 47 especies registradas, se soporta la alta diversidad del sector en estudio. De esta manera, la riqueza encontrada en este gradiente aporta a las actuales y futuras estrategias de conservación del parque.

ABSTRACT The bryophytes form a conspicuous group of the planet's flora, their ecological contribution in terms of species richness and coverage in many habitats is essential for the balance of ecosystem. In Colombia there is an approximate record of 715 species of Marchantiophyta (liverworts), which present their greatest richness in the Andean region. The study was carried out in the Chingaza National Natural Park - Suasie sector given its ecological and water importance for the surrounding municipalities. The main objective of this study was to determine the diversity of the liverwort community in the Suasie sector of the Chingaza NNP. For this, three surveys were made in transects of 2x50 m in an altitude gradient, in each transect the liverworts present from four phorophytes (trees and shrubs), chosen at random were sampled. The collected samples were identified for analysis of composition and diversity of the community. As a result, it was possible to demonstrate the variation in the composition and abundance of liverworts along the gradient, based not only on the estimated indices, but also on the association with the vegetation cover of each sampling site. With a total of 47 registered species, the high diversity of the sector under study is supported. In this way, the richness found in this gradient contributes to current and future conservation strategies for the park.

Acta biol. colomb ; 26(2): 214-225, mayo-ago. 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1355533


RESUMEN En el presente trabajo se caracterizó la flora briofítica en troncos en descomposición en la estación meteorológica El Zafire, Amazonas-Colombia. Para ello se realizó un muestreo de 100 unidades muestrales en 20 troncos en diferente estado de descomposición y en dos tipos de bosque (tierra firme y varillal inundable). Se reportan 120 especies, 81 hepáticas y 39 musgos, pertenecientes a 55 géneros (33 hepáticas y 22 musgos) y 21 familias (nueve hepáticas y 12 musgos). Se registran cuatro especies nuevas para el país, 25 para la amazonia colombiana y 41 para el departamento del Amazonas. En términos de riqueza total, el bosque de varillal presentó un valor mayor al de tierra firme. Sin embargo, esta diferencia no es significativa (Kruskal Wallis X 2=0,199; p = 0,05); así mismo la diversidad fue mayor en el bosque de varillal inundable (Shanon = 3,93) en comparación con la del bosque de tierra firme (Shanon = 3,67). La composición de las comunidades de briófitos fue diferente entre los dos tipos de bosques (similitud igual a 40 %). En el estudio florístico de los dos tipos de bosques de la estación biológica, se evidenció una marcada dominancia de la familia Lejeunaceae, que representó el 55,5 % de las hepáticas y el 37,5 % del total de las especies de briófitos.

ABSTRACT The present study aims to characterize the bryophyte community on rotten logs in El Zafire biological station, Amazonas-Colombia. We sampled 100 plots on 20 trunks with different states of decomposition in two types of forest (terra firme and floodplain). 120 species are reported, 81 liverworts and 39 mosses, belonging to 55 genera (33 liverworts and 22 mosses) and 21 families (nine liverworts and 12 mosses). Four new species are registered for Colombia, 25 for the Colombia Amazon, and 41 for the department of Amazonas. In terms of richness, the floodplain presented a higher value than the terra firme forest. However, no significant difference was found between the two types of forests (Kruskal Wallis X 2c= 0.199, X 2t= 3.81). Diversity was higher in the floodplain (Shanon = 3.93) compared to the terra firme forest (Shanon = 3.67). The composition of the bryophyte communities shows differences between the two types of forests (similarity equal to 40 %). In the floristic study of the two types of forests of the biological station, the most common family was Lejeuneaceae, it represented 55.5 % of the liverworts sampled and 37.5 % of the total of the bryophyte species.

Biol Res ; 51(1): 29, 2018 Aug 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30165896


BACKGROUND: With 29 Km2, the Fildes Peninsula is the largest ice free area in King George Island and probably in Antarctica. The region is house of six permanent bases including the only airport in the South Shetlands, which led to impacts on its original landscape and vegetation. In recognition for the need to protect natural values, an Antarctic Specially Protected Area (ASPA 125) was established in the region. Focused mostly on protecting the fossils, the ASPA also plays a role in protecting the vegetation but so far, the management plan for the area does not contain a list of moss species present there. RESULTS: We provided an updated study and checklist of mosses present in ASPA 125. A key to species identification and photographs of main morphological features are also available in this paper. Also, six new occurrences are reported for Fildes Peninsula. CONCLUSION: Considering the scarce knowledge about specific local floras in Antarctica associated with highly impacted area, of which only a fraction is protected, it is suggested the necessity to invest in detailed sampling studies, as well as in a better understanding of the local floras interactions in Antarctica.

Briófitas/classificação , Monitoramento Ambiental/métodos , Fósseis , Regiões Antárticas , Briófitas/anatomia & histologia , Ilhas
Biol. Res ; 51: 29, 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-983934


BACKGROUND: With 29 Km2, the Fildes Peninsula is the largest ice free area in King George Island and probably in Antarctica. The region is house of six permanent bases including the only airport in the South Shetlands, which led to impacts on its original landscape and vegetation. In recognition for the need to protect natural values, an Antarctic Specially Protected Area (ASPA 125) was established in the region. Focused mostly on protecting the fossils, the ASPA also plays a role in protecting the vegetation but so far, the management plan for the area does not contain a list of moss species present there. RESULTS: We provided an updated study and checklist of mosses present in ASPA 125. A key to species identification and photographs of main morphological features are also available in this paper. Also, six new occurrences are reported for Fildes Peninsula. CONCLUSION: Considering the scarce knowledge about specific local floras in Antarctica associated with highly impacted area, of which only a fraction is protected, it is suggested the necessity to invest in detailed sampling studies, as well as in a better understanding of the local floras interactions in Antarctica.

Monitoramento Ambiental/métodos , Briófitas/classificação , Fósseis , Briófitas/anatomia & histologia , Ilhas , Regiões Antárticas
PhytoKeys ; (77): 1-20, 2017.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28814916


This is the final report on the moss flora of the Bío-Bío Region (Región VIII) in south-central Chile where collections were made in 2001-2003. Reported in this paper are one species new to South America, four species new to Chile and 16 species new to the Region. With these new additions the total number of taxa in the Bío-Bío Region is 343, corresponding to 331 species and 12 infraspecific taxa. A complete checklist of the mosses for all the provinces in the Region is presented.

Acta amaz ; 34(4): 559-576, out.-dez. 2004. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-512626


Cento e dezesseis espécies de briófitas são relatadas como novas ocorrências em vários estados do Brasil, sendo 62 de musgos, 53 de hepáticas e uma de antóceros. Estas espécies pertencem a 67 gêneros e 36 famílias. Para cada uma das espécies são apresentados dados quanto à distribuição geográfica no Brasil, localidade-tipo, basiônimo, bem como comentários sobre o substrato e as associações com outras espécies, quando pertinente. As espécies Acrolejeunea heterophylla (Evans) Grolle & Gradst., Brachymenium wrightii var. mnioides (Besch.) Florsch., Cheilolejeunea myriantha (Nees & Mont.) Schust., Cololejeunea nigerica (E.W. Jones) Schust., Lejeunea filipes Spruce, Leucodon julaceus (Hedw.) Sull., Macromitrium clavatum Grout, Plagiochila asplenioides (L.) Dumort., Polytrichum brachymitrium C. Muell. e Pylaisiadelpha tenuirostris (Bruch & Schimp. ex Sull.) Buck estão sendo referidas pela primeira vez para o Brasil.

One hundred and sixteen (116) species of bryophytes are reported as new records for certain Brazilian states, distributed in 62 mosses, 53 liverworts and one hornworts. Those species are distributed among 67 genera and 36 families. Geographical distribution in Brazil, type locality, basyonym, comments on substrate, and about association with other bryophytes, when possible. The species Acrolejeunea heterophylla (Evans) Grolle & Gradst., Brachymenium wrightii var. mnioides (Besch.) Florsch., Cheilolejeunea myriantha (Nees & Mont.) Schust., Cololejeunea nigerica (E.W. Jones) Schust., Lejeunea filipes Spruce, Leucodon julaceus (Hedw.) Sull., Macromitrium clavatum Grout, Plagiochila asplenioides (L.) Dumort., Polytrichum brachymitrium C. Muell. and Pylaisiadelpha tenuirostris (Bruch & Schimp. ex Sull.) Buck are new records for Brazil.

Bryopsida , Ranunculaceae , Hepatófitas , Briófitas , Anthocerotophyta
Acta amaz. ; 34(4)2004.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-450082


One hundred and sixteen (116) species of bryophytes are reported as new records for certain Brazilian states, distributed in 62 mosses, 53 liverworts and one hornworts. Those species are distributed among 67 genera and 36 families. Geographical distribution in Brazil, type locality, basyonym, comments on substrate, and about association with other bryophytes, when possible. The species Acrolejeunea heterophylla (Evans) Grolle & Gradst., Brachymenium wrightii var. mnioides (Besch.) Florsch., Cheilolejeunea myriantha (Nees & Mont.) Schust., Cololejeunea nigerica (E.W. Jones) Schust., Lejeunea filipes Spruce, Leucodon julaceus (Hedw.) Sull., Macromitrium clavatum Grout, Plagiochila asplenioides (L.) Dumort., Polytrichum brachymitrium C. Muell. and Pylaisiadelpha tenuirostris (Bruch & Schimp. ex Sull.) Buck are new records for Brazil.

Cento e dezesseis espécies de briófitas são relatadas como novas ocorrências em vários estados do Brasil, sendo 62 de musgos, 53 de hepáticas e uma de antóceros. Estas espécies pertencem a 67 gêneros e 36 famílias. Para cada uma das espécies são apresentados dados quanto à distribuição geográfica no Brasil, localidade-tipo, basiônimo, bem como comentários sobre o substrato e as associações com outras espécies, quando pertinente. As espécies Acrolejeunea heterophylla (Evans) Grolle & Gradst., Brachymenium wrightii var. mnioides (Besch.) Florsch., Cheilolejeunea myriantha (Nees & Mont.) Schust., Cololejeunea nigerica (E.W. Jones) Schust., Lejeunea filipes Spruce, Leucodon julaceus (Hedw.) Sull., Macromitrium clavatum Grout, Plagiochila asplenioides (L.) Dumort., Polytrichum brachymitrium C. Muell. e Pylaisiadelpha tenuirostris (Bruch & Schimp. ex Sull.) Buck estão sendo referidas pela primeira vez para o Brasil.

Acta amaz ; 29(2)jun. 1999.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1454684


Mosses were collected in the municipality of Anajás, on the Marajó Island, in the northen Brazilian state of Pará. This work continues the survey of the Bryophyta flora of this island. Thirty-four species, belonging to 25 genera and 17 families, were identified from the municipality. Calymperaceae and Sematophyllaceae stand out as the families with the greatest number of species (six and five, respectively). The mosses Syrrhopodon leprieurii Mont., Fissidens elegans Brid., Isopterygium subbrevisetum (Hampe) Broth, and Meiothecium boryanum (C. Müll.) Mitt, represent new records for the state of Pará.

No município de Anajás, Ilha de Marajó, situado no estado do Pará, foram realizadas coletas de Bryophyta (musgos), em continuidade ao projeto que tem como objetivo conhecer a brioflora da ilha. Foram identificadas 34 espécies, distribuídas em 25 gêneros e 17 famílias. Destas, Calymperaceae e Sematophyllaceae destacaram-se pela diversidade específica, com seis e cinco espécies, respectivamente. Os musgos Syrrhopodon leprieurii Mont., Fissidens elegans Brid., Isopterygium subbrevisetum (Hampe) Broth, e Meiothecium boryanum (C. Müll.) Mitt., são apresentados como novas ocorrências para o estado do Pará.

Acta amaz. ; 29(2)1999.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-449743


Mosses were collected in the municipality of Anajás, on the Marajó Island, in the northen Brazilian state of Pará. This work continues the survey of the Bryophyta flora of this island. Thirty-four species, belonging to 25 genera and 17 families, were identified from the municipality. Calymperaceae and Sematophyllaceae stand out as the families with the greatest number of species (six and five, respectively). The mosses Syrrhopodon leprieurii Mont., Fissidens elegans Brid., Isopterygium subbrevisetum (Hampe) Broth, and Meiothecium boryanum (C. Müll.) Mitt, represent new records for the state of Pará.

No município de Anajás, Ilha de Marajó, situado no estado do Pará, foram realizadas coletas de Bryophyta (musgos), em continuidade ao projeto que tem como objetivo conhecer a brioflora da ilha. Foram identificadas 34 espécies, distribuídas em 25 gêneros e 17 famílias. Destas, Calymperaceae e Sematophyllaceae destacaram-se pela diversidade específica, com seis e cinco espécies, respectivamente. Os musgos Syrrhopodon leprieurii Mont., Fissidens elegans Brid., Isopterygium subbrevisetum (Hampe) Broth, e Meiothecium boryanum (C. Müll.) Mitt., são apresentados como novas ocorrências para o estado do Pará.