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J Craniovertebr Junction Spine ; 13(2): 201-203, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35837433


Translaminar screws in the cervical spine have been mostly employed at C2 level when conventional trajectories are challenging. However, reports in the literature of translaminar screw of C1 are remarkably anecdotal. We aimed to report a case using C1 translaminar in addition to C1 lateral mass screws for the reinforcement of subaxial cervical spine reconstruction. We present a 22-year-old female patient, who developed persistent cervical pain, and computed tomography scan demonstrated lytic lesions of the vertebral bodies and lateral masses from C3 to C6. Magnetic resonance imaging showed spinal cord compression without myelopathy. Surgical biopsy was inconclusive, and an oncological vertebral instability led to surgical stabilization. Laminectomy and bilateral facetectomy of levels involved was achieved, instrumentation from C1 to T3 and reconstruction with posterolateral fibula bilaterally, and without occipital fixation. A third satellite rod was placed using C1-2-7 translaminar screws. Translaminar screw of C1 is a feasible alternative for increasing the strength of the construct.

J Craniovertebr Junction Spine ; 13(2): 121-126, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35837431


Introduction: The standard treatment for a fixed coronal malalignment of the craniovertebral junction is an anterior and/or posterior column osteotomy (PCO) plus instrumentation. However, the procedure is very challenging, carrying an inherently high risk of complications even in experienced hands. This case series demonstrates the usefulness of an alternative treatment that adds a unilateral spacer distraction (USD) to the subaxial cervical facet joint to promote coronal realignment and fusion. Materials and Methods: A single-center retrospective study of the patients with fixed coronal malalignment of the craniovertebral junction caused by different etiologies treated with USD in the concavity side with PCO in the convexity side of the subaxial cervical spine. Demographic characteristics and radiological parameters were collected with special emphasis on clinical and radiological measurements of coronal alignment of the cervical spine. Results: From 2012 to 2019, four patients were treated with USD of the subaxial cervical spine complementing an asymmetrical PCO at the same level. The causes of coronal imbalance were congenital, tuberculosis, posttraumatic, and ankylosing spondylitis. The level of USD was C2-C3 in three patients and C3-C4 in one patient. A substantial coronal realignment was achieved in all four. One patient had an iatrogenic vertebral artery injury during the dissection and facet distraction and developed Wallenberg's syndrome with partial recovery. Conclusions: USD of the concave side with unilateral PCO of the convexity side in the subaxial cervical spine is a promising alternative treatment for fixed coronal malalignment of the craniovertebral junction from different causes.

Int. j. morphol ; 40(3): 796-800, jun. 2022. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385687


SUMMARY: The atlanto-occipital joint is composed of the superior fossa of the lateral masses of the atlas (C1) and the occipital condyles. Congenital Atlanto-occipital fusion (AOF) involves the osseous union of the base of the occiput (C0) and the atlas (C1). AOF or atlas occipitalization/assimilation represents a craniovertebral junction malformation (CVJM) which can be accompanied by other cranial or spinal malformations. AOF may be asymptomatic or patients may experience symptoms from neural compression as well as limited neck movement. The myodural bridge (MDB) complex is a dense fibrous structure that connects the suboccipital muscular and its related facia to the cervical spinal dura mater, passing through both the posterior atlanto-occipital and atlanto-axial interspaces. It is not known if atlas occipitilization can induce structural changes in the MDB complex and its associated suboccipital musculature. The suboccipital region of a cadaveric head and neck specimen from an 87-year-old Chinese male having a congenital AOF malformation with resultant changes to the MDB complex was observed. After being treated with the P45 plastination method, multiple slices obtained from the cadaveric head and neck specimen were examined with special attention paid to the suboccipital region and the CVJM. Congenital atlanto-occipital fusion malformations are defined as partial or complete fusion of the base of the occiput (C0) with the atlas (C1). In the present case of CVJM, unilateral fusion of the left occipital condyle with the left lateral mass of C1 was observed, as well as posterior central fusion of the posterior margin of the foramen magnum with the posterior arch of C1. Also noted was a unilateral variation of the course of the vertebral artery due to the narrowed posterior atlanto-occipital interspace. Surprisingly, complete agenesis of the rectus capitis posterior minor (RCPmi) and the obliques capitis superior (OCS) muscles was also observed in the plastinated slices. Interestingly, the MDB, which normally originates in part from the RCPmi muscle, was observed to originate from a superior bifurcation within an aspect of the nuchal ligament. Therefore, the observed changes involving the MDB complex appear to be an effective compensation to the suboccipital malformations.

RESUMEN: La articulación atlanto-occipital está compuesta por las caras articulares superiores de las masas laterales del atlas (C1) y los cóndilos occipitales. La fusión atlanto-occipital congénita (FAO) implica la unión ósea de la base del occipucio (C0) y el atlas (C1). La FAO u occipitalización/asimilación del atlas representa una malformación de la unión craneovertebral (MUCV) que puede presentar otras malformaciones craneales o espinales. La FAO puede ser asintomática o los pacientes pueden experimentar síntomas de compresión neural así como movimiento limitado del cuello. El complejo del puente miodural (PMD) es una estructura fibrosa densa que conecta el músculo suboccipital y su fascia relacionada con la duramadre espinal cervical, pasando a través de los espacios intermedios atlanto-occipital posterior y atlanto-axial. No se sabe si la occipitilización del atlas puede inducir cambios estructurales en el complejo PMD y en la musculatura suboccipital. Se observó en la región suboccipital de un espécimen cadavérico, cabeza y cuello de un varón chino de 87 años con una malformación congénita de FAO con los cambios resultantes en el complejo PMD. Se examinaron múltiples cortes obtenidos de la muestra de cabeza y cuello después de ser tratados con el método de plastinación P45, con especial atención a la región suboccipital y la MUCV. Las malformaciones congénitas por fusión atlanto-occipital se definen como la fusión parcial o completa de la base del occipucio (C0) con el atlas (C1). En el presente caso de MUCV se observó la fusión unilateral del cóndilo occipital izquierdo con la masa lateral izquierda de C1, así como fusión posterior central del margen posterior del foramen magnum con el arco posterior de C1. También se observó una variación unilateral del curso de la arteria vertebral por el estrechamiento del espacio interatlanto-occipital posterior. Se observó además agenesia completa de los músculos Rectus capitis posterior minor (RCPmi) y oblicuos capitis superior (OCS) en los cortes plastinados. Curiosamente, se observó que el MDB, que normalmente se origina en parte del músculo RCPmi, se origina en una bifurcación superior dentro de un aspecto del ligamento nucal. Por lo tanto, los cambios observados en el complejo PMD parecen ser una compensación de las malformaciones suboccipitales.

Humanos , Masculino , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Articulação Atlantoccipital/anormalidades , Crânio/anormalidades , Vértebras Cervicais/anormalidades , Plastinação/métodos , Cadáver
Rev. Pesqui. Fisioter ; 12(1)jan., 2022. ilus, graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1398167


INTRODUÇÃO: Cefaleias tensionais podem ser induzidas pela postura da cabeça para frente, e há uma grande quantidade de evidências disponíveis para o manejo de cefaleias crônicas. Os dados corroboram uso de abordagens de terapia manual para gerenciar dores de cabeça do tipo tensional. Devido à postura anterior da cabeça, a região do músculo suboccipital torna-se curta, resultando em aumento da lordose e dor no pescoço. Pacientes com uma postura de cabeça ainda mais para frente têm um ângulo craniovertebral menor, o que, por sua vez, causa cefaleia do tipo tensional. OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste estudo é comparar os efeitos da terapia de liberação miofascial (LMF) e da técnica de energia muscular (TEM) com exercícios gerais do pescoço no ângulo crânio-vertebral e na cefaleia em pacientes com cefaleia do tipo tensional. MÉTODOS: No total, 75 indivíduos com cefaleia tensional e sensibilidade muscular suboccipital foram recrutados e randomizados cegamente em três grupos: o grupo LMF, o grupo TEM e o grupo controle (25 indivíduos em cada grupo). Um ângulo pré-crânio vertebral foi obtido por método fotográfico e um questionário de índice de incapacidade pré-cefaleia foi preenchido. O grupo LMF recebeu liberação crânio-basal na região suboccipital com exercícios de pescoço; o grupo TEM recebeu relaxamento pós-isométrico na região suboccipital com exercícios, e o grupo controle recebeu apenas exercícios por 2 semanas. Após duas semanas, o ângulo pós-craniano e o questionário de cefaleia foram coletados e medidos. RESULTADOS: O ângulo crânio-vertebral e o índice de cefaleia mostraram melhora significativa nos grupos TEM e LMF. Não houve diferença significativa quando os grupos TEM e LMF foram comparados. Quando comparados com o grupo controle, tanto o TEM quanto o LMF apresentaram aumento significativo do ângulo crânio-vertebral. Houve melhora significativa no índice de cefaleia após TEM, LMF ou exercício de rotina no pescoço. CONCLUSÃO: Comparado ao grupo controle, o LMF apresenta melhores resultados do que o TEM no ângulo crânio-vertebral e cefaleia.

INTRODUCTION: Tension headaches can be induced by forward head posture, and there is a wealth of evidence available for managing chronic headaches. The data support the use of manual therapy approaches to manage tension-type headaches. Because of the forward head posture, the suboccipital muscle region becomes short, resulting in an increase in lordosis and neck pain. Patients with an even more forward head posture have a smaller craniovertebral angle, which in turn causes tension-type headache. OBJECTIVE: This study aims to compare the effects of Myofascial release therapy (MFR) and Muscle energy technique (MET) with general neck exercises on the craniovertebral angle and headache in tension-type headache patients. METHODS: In total, 75 subjects with tension-type headache and suboccipital muscle tenderness were recruited and randomized blindly into three groups: the MFR group, the MET group, and the control group (25 subjects in each group). A pre-craniovertebral angle was taken by photographic method, and a pre-headache disability index questionnaire was filled in. The MFR group receives cranio-basal release in the suboccipital region with neck exercises, the MET group receives post­isometric relaxation in the suboccipital region with exercises, and the control group receives only exercises for two weeks. After two weeks, the postcranial angle and the headache questionnaire were taken and measured. RESULTS: Craniovertebral angle and headache index showed significant improvement in both the MET and MFR groups. There was no significant difference when MET and MFR groups were compared. When compared with the control group, both MET and MFR showed a significant increase in craniovertebral angle. There was a significant improvement in the headache index following MET, MFR, or routine neck exercise. CONCLUSION: Compared to the control group, MFR shows better results than MET on craniovertebral angle and headache.

Cefaleia do Tipo Tensional , Pacientes , Cefaleia
Coluna/Columna ; 20(2): 137-143, Apr.-June 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1249657


ABSTRACT Objectives: Exposing the clivus and upper cervical spine should, ideally, provide an adequate surgical field in which the surgeon can safely decompress and stabilize the craniovertebral junction (CVJ). We present a series of four cases with a narrative review of the literature in which Median Labiomandibular Glossotomy was used to treat CVJ disorders, in order to highlight the importance and indications of this access. Methods: We performed a retrospective analysis of patients who underwent MLMG for several pathologies. The group comprised four patients (two men and two women). Five approaches were performed (one revision surgery). Results: The approach was suitable for all cases, clivus was achieved when necessary. Distally, C4 was exposed to obtain satisfactory osteosynthesis. Laterally, we had a good view of the tumor borders and control of the vertebral artery. Complications encountered were a superficial wound infection that was easily healed, a later pharyngeal wound dehiscence and pseudoarthrosis, all in the same patient. There are 3 main anterior surgical techniques for managing lesions of the clivus, foramen magnum or upper cervical vertebrae. We chose Median Labiomadibular Glossotomy (MLMG) as a primary option, which provided a direct view of the clivus, C3 - C4 caudally and a wider surgical field. The main advantages of the MLMG technique include direct access to spinal pathology, an avascular plane through the median pharyngeal raphe, and a wider surgical field in both the transverse and sagittal dimensions. Conclusion: This approach provides excellent exposure of the craniocervical junction and upper cervical spine. Level of evidence IV; Series of cases analyzed retrospectively.

RESUMO Objetivos: A exposição do clivo e da coluna cervical alta deve, de modo ideal, proporcionar um campo cirúrgico adequado, no qual o cirurgião possa descomprimir e estabilizar a junção craniovertebral (JCV) com segurança. Apresentamos uma série de quatro casos, com revisão narrativa da literatura, nos quais a glossotomia labiomandibular mediana foi utilizada para tratamento de afecções da JCV, com o objetivo de destacar a importância e as indicações desse acesso. Métodos: Foi realizada uma análise retrospectiva dos pacientes submetidos a GLMM para diversas patologias. O grupo foi composto por quatro pacientes (dois homens e duas mulheres). Cinco abordagens/procedimentos<??> foram realizados (uma cirurgia de revisão). Resultados: O método/via de acesso/técnica foi adequado para todos os casos e o clivo foi alcançado quando necessário. Distalmente, C4 foi exposta para obter a osteossíntese satisfatória. Lateralmente, obteve-se boa visão das margens tumorais e controle da artéria vertebral. As complicações encontradas foram infecção superficial da ferida, com fácil cicatrização, deiscência tardia da parede posterior da faringe e pseudoartrose, todas no mesmo paciente. Existem três técnicas cirúrgicas principais com acesso anterior para o tratamento de lesões do clivo, forame magno ou vértebras cervicais superiores. Escolhemos a glossotomia labiomadibular mediana (GLMM) como opção primária, que proporcionou uma visão direta do clivo, de C3-C4 caudalmente e campo cirúrgico mais amplo. As principais vantagens da GLMM incluem acesso direto à patologia espinhal, plano avascular através da parte mediana da rafe da faringe e um campo cirúrgico ampliado nas dimensões transversa e sagital. Conclusões: Esta abordagem proporciona excelente exposição da junção craniocervical e da coluna cervical alta. Nível de evidência IV; Série de casos analisados retrospectivamente.

RESUMEN Objetivos: La exposición del clivus y de la columna cervical alta debe, de modo ideal, proporcionar un campo quirúrgico adecuado, en que el cirujano pueda descomprimir y estabilizar de manera segura la unión craneovertebral (UCV). Presentamos una serie de cuatro casos con revisión narrativa de la literatura, en los que se utilizó la glosotomía labiomandibular mediana para el tratamiento de afecciones de la UCV, con el objetivo de destacar la importancia y las indicaciones de ese acceso. Métodos: Se realizó un análisis retrospectivo de los pacientes sometidos a GLMM para diversas patologías. El grupo fue compuesto por cuatro pacientes (dos hombres y dos mujeres). Fueron realizados cinco abordajes/procedimientos (una cirugía de revisión). Resultados: El método/vía de acceso/técnica fue adecuado para todos los casos y el clivus fue alcanzado cuando fue necesario. Distalmente, C4 fue expuesta para obtener la osteosíntesis satisfactoria. Lateralmente, se obtuvo buena visión de los márgenes tumorales y control de la arteria vertebral. Las complicaciones encontradas fueron infección superficial de la herida, con fácil cicatrización, dehiscencia tardía de la pared posterior de la faringe y pseudoartrosis, todas en el mismo paciente. Existen tres técnicas quirúrgicas principales con acceso anterior para el tratamiento de lesiones del clivus, foramen magno o vértebras cervicales superiores. Elegimos la glosotomía labiomandibular mediana (GLMM) como opción primaria, que proporcionó una visión directa del clivus, C3-C4 caudalmente y campo quirúrgico más amplio. Las principales ventajas de la GLMM incluyen acceso directo a la patología espinal, plano avascular a través de la parte mediana del rafe de la faringe y un campo quirúrgico ampliado en las dimensiones transversa y sagital. Conclusiones: Este abordaje proporciona excelente exposición de la unión craneocervical y de la columna cervical alta. Nivel de evidencia IV; Serie de casos analizados retrospectivamente.

Humanos , Traumatismos do Sistema Nervoso , Coluna Vertebral , Cirurgia Geral
Cienc. act. fís. (Talca, En línea) ; 21(2): 1-9, jul.-dic. 2020. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1401389


OBJETIVO: El propósito del estudio fue evaluar el efecto de un protocolo de entrenamiento de fuerza con característica socializadora sobre el ángulo cráneovertebral en adultos mayores. MATERIAL MÉTODOS: El presente estudio tiene un diseño experimental, longitudinal, basado en la medición del ángulo cráneovertebral previo y posterior a la aplicación de un protocolo de entrenamiento de fuerza con característica socializadora de 4 meses. Se estudió a 3 grupos de 44 participantes elegidos al azar: dos grupos experimentales y un grupo control. A un grupo experimental se le realizó un protocolo de entrenamiento de fuerza convencional, al otro grupo experimental se le realizó el protocolo de entrenamiento de fuerza con característica socializadora y al grupo control, no se le aplicó entrenamiento. Los 132 participantes cumplieron los criterios de inclusión y exclusión: adultos mayores > 60 años, ángulo cráneovertebral < 50 grados, sin patologías de columna vertebral, reumatológicas, neurológicas y sistémicas. RESULTADOS: Hubo cambios estadísticamente significativos en el aumento del ángulo cráneovertebral en el grupo que realizó entrenamiento de fuerza convencional y en el grupo que realizó entrenamiento de fuerza con característica socializadora (P < 0.05). CONCLUSIÓN: El protocolo de entrenamiento de fuerza con característica socializadora aumentó en promedio 14,6 grados el ángulo cráneovertebral y fue un 21% más efectivo que el grupo que realizó entrenamiento de fuerza convencional en el aumento del ángulo cráneovertebral en adultos mayores.

OBJECTIVE: Evaluate the effect of a strength training protocol with a socializing characteristic on the craniovertebral angle in older adults. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The present study has an experimental, longitudinal design, based on the measurement of the craniovertebral angle before and after the application of a 4 month long strength training protocol with a socializing characteristic. Three groups of 44 randomly chosen participants were carried out: two experimental groups and a control group. A conventional strength training protocol was performed in one experimental group, the strength training protocol with a socializing characteristic was performed in the other experimental group, and no training was applied to the control group. The 132 participants fulfilled the inclusion and exclusion criteria: older adults > 60 years, craniovertebral angle < 50 degrees, without spinal, rheumatic, neurological and systemic pathologies. RESULTS: There were statistically significant changes in the increase of the craniovertebral angle in the group that performed conventional strength training and in the group that performed strength training with a socializing characteristic (P <0.05). CONCLUSION: The strength training protocol with socializing characteristic increased the craniovertebral angle by an average of 14.6 degrees and was 21% more effective than the group that performed conventional resistance training in increasing the craniovertebral angle in older adults.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Postura , Coluna Vertebral , Treinamento Resistido , Cabeça , Socialização , Estudos Longitudinais , Pescoço
Rev. bras. neurol ; 56(4): 39-43, out.-dez. 2020. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1140830


Ludwig van Beethoven, the great composer, born 250 years ago, had several health problems and a progressive hearing loss. Gastrointestinal symptoms prevailed among his physical complaints, but there were also frequent headaches, eye pain, and polyarthralgia. Likewise, there are many reports about his alcohol intake and frequent walks. There were also peculiar behavioral and awkward physical aspects of the famous composer. All may take part as a determinant for the communicative aspects of his music. Spite Beethoven's corporal structure could be considered just a developmental variant, it can also be congenitally related to many bone-nervous abnormalities such as craniovertebral junction malformation with interference in the Genius' health. In reality, it is almost impossible to cover Beethoven's entire health problem with just one underlying disease. Most likely, he had comorbidities, one of which, although not fatal, was that related to abnormalities in the development of the skull and cervical spine worsened by a baseline autoimmune disorders that injured joints, and maybe even the VIII cranial nerve and inner ear.

Ludwig van Beethoven, o grande compositor, nascido há 250 anos, teve vários problemas de saúde e uma perda auditiva progressiva. Os sintomas gastrointestinais prevaleceram entre suas queixas físicas, mas também houve frequentes episódios de cefaleia, dores nos olhos e poliartralgia. Da mesma forma, há muitos relatos sobre sua ingestão de álcool e caminhadas frequentes. Havia também aspectos físicos peculiares e estranhos do famoso compositor. Todos podem tomar parte como um determinante para os aspectos comunicativos de sua música. Apesar da estrutura corporal de Beethoven poder ser considerada apenas uma variante de desenvolvimento, pode também estar relacionada a algumas anormalidades ósseo- neural, tais como a malformação da junção craniovertebral com interferência na saúde do Gênio. Na realidade, é quase impossível cobrir todo o problema de saúde de Beethoven com apenas uma doença subjacente. Muito provavelmente, ele tinha comorbidades, uma das quais, embora não fatal, era aquela relacionada a anormalidades no desenvolvimento do crânio e da coluna cervical agravadas por uma desordem auto-imune de base que lesionava as articulações, e talvez até o VIII nervo craniano e o ouvido interno.

Humanos , Masculino , História do Século XVIII , História do Século XIX , Surdez/etiologia , Pessoas Famosas , Perda Auditiva/complicações , Música/história , Crânio/anormalidades , Surdez/história
Radiol Bras ; 53(5): 314-319, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33071375


OBJECTIVE: The present study aims to perform a reproducibility study of the clivus-canal angle (CCA), Welcker's basal angle (WBA), and the distance from the odontoid process to Chamberlain's line (DOCL) on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Two medical students and two radiologists respectively evaluated 100 and 50 consecutive MRI scans of adult skulls, selected randomly. Each examiner, working independently and blinded to the previous results, performed readings for each patient on two different occasions. Measurements were performed in T1-weighted sequences acquired in the midsagittal plane. The levels of intraobserver reproducibility and interobserver agreement were evaluated by calculating the intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) and the corresponding 95% confidence intervals. RESULTS: The mean values obtained by the examiners were 150º for the CCA, 130º for the WBA, and 2.5 mm for the DOCL. The ICC for interobserver agreement was 0.980, 0.935, and 0.967, for the CCA, WBA, and DOCL, respectively, for the students, compared with 0.977, 0.941, and 0.982, respectively, for the radiologists, and 0.980, 0.992, and 0.990, respectively, for all of the examiners together. In the analysis of intraobserver agreement, the ICC ranged from 0.929 to 0.959 for the CCA, from 0.918 to 0.964 for the WBA, and from 0.918 to 0.981 for the DOCL. CONCLUSION: The measurement of the CCA, WBA, and DOCL appears to show excellent intraobserver reproducibility and interobserver agreement on MRI.

OBJETIVO: Realizar um estudo de reprodutibilidade do ângulo clivocanal (ACC), ângulo basal de Welcker (ABW) e distância do odontoide à linha de Chamberlain (DOLC) em ressonância magnética (RM). MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Quatro examinadores, dois graduandos de medicina e dois radiologistas, avaliaram, respectivamente, 100 e 50 indivíduos adultos submetidos a RM de crânio, consecutiva e aleatoriamente. Cada um realizou duas leituras para cada paciente em diferentes ocasiões, de forma cega e independente. As análises de concordância intraobservador e interobservador foram realizadas pelo coeficiente de correlação intraclasse (CCI), com intervalo de confiança de 95%. RESULTADOS: As medidas médias, considerando todos os examinadores, foram: ACC = 150º, ABW = 130º, DOLC = 2,5 mm. A análise interobservador entre os estudantes revelou CCI de 0,980, 0,935 e 0,967 para ACC, ABW e DOLC, respectivamente, e para os radiologistas, CCI de 0,977, 0,941 e 0,982, respectivamente. A análise interobservador entre estudantes e radiologistas revelou CCI de 0,980, 0,992 e 0,990, respectivamente. Em relação à análise intraobservador, as medidas do ACC tiveram CCI variando entre 0,929 e 0,959, ABW entre 0,918 e 0,964 e DOLC entre 0,918 e 0,981. CONCLUSÃO: ACC, ABW e DOLC obtiveram excelentes reprodutibilidades intraobservador e interobservador na RM.

Radiol. bras ; 53(5): 314-319, Sept.-Oct. 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1136104


Abstract Objective: The present study aims to perform a reproducibility study of the clivus-canal angle (CCA), Welcker's basal angle (WBA), and the distance from the odontoid process to Chamberlain's line (DOCL) on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Materials and Methods: Two medical students and two radiologists respectively evaluated 100 and 50 consecutive MRI scans of adult skulls, selected randomly. Each examiner, working independently and blinded to the previous results, performed readings for each patient on two different occasions. Measurements were performed in T1-weighted sequences acquired in the midsagittal plane. The levels of intraobserver reproducibility and interobserver agreement were evaluated by calculating the intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) and the corresponding 95% confidence intervals. Results: The mean values obtained by the examiners were 150° for the CCA, 130° for the WBA, and 2.5 mm for the DOCL. The ICC for interobserver agreement was 0.980, 0.935, and 0.967, for the CCA, WBA, and DOCL, respectively, for the students, compared with 0.977, 0.941, and 0.982, respectively, for the radiologists, and 0.980, 0.992, and 0.990, respectively, for all of the examiners together. In the analysis of intraobserver agreement, the ICC ranged from 0.929 to 0.959 for the CCA, from 0.918 to 0.964 for the WBA, and from 0.918 to 0.981 for the DOCL. Conclusion: The measurement of the CCA, WBA, and DOCL appears to show excellent intraobserver reproducibility and interobserver agreement on MRI.

Resumo Objetivo: Realizar um estudo de reprodutibilidade do ângulo clivocanal (ACC), ângulo basal de Welcker (ABW) e distância do odontoide à linha de Chamberlain (DOLC) em ressonância magnética (RM). Materiais e Métodos: Quatro examinadores, dois graduandos de medicina e dois radiologistas, avaliaram, respectivamente, 100 e 50 indivíduos adultos submetidos a RM de crânio, consecutiva e aleatoriamente. Cada um realizou duas leituras para cada paciente em diferentes ocasiões, de forma cega e independente. As análises de concordância intraobservador e interobservador foram realizadas pelo coeficiente de correlação intraclasse (CCI), com intervalo de confiança de 95%. Resultados: As medidas médias, considerando todos os examinadores, foram: ACC = 150°, ABW = 130°, DOLC = 2,5 mm. A análise interobservador entre os estudantes revelou CCI de 0,980, 0,935 e 0,967 para ACC, ABW e DOLC, respectivamente, e para os radiologistas, CCI de 0,977, 0,941 e 0,982, respectivamente. A análise interobservador entre estudantes e radiologistas revelou CCI de 0,980, 0,992 e 0,990, respectivamente. Em relação à análise intraobservador, as medidas do ACC tiveram CCI variando entre 0,929 e 0,959, ABW entre 0,918 e 0,964 e DOLC entre 0,918 e 0,981. Conclusão: ACC, ABW e DOLC obtiveram excelentes reprodutibilidades intraobservador e interobservador na RM.

J Craniovertebr Junction Spine ; 11(4): 321-330, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33824563


INTRODUCTION: The objective of this study is to propose a novel classification and algorithmic-based management plan for craniovertebral junction osteoarthrosis (CVJOA). MATERIALS AND METHODS: A retrospective study was done based on prospective database of radiological studies and clinical history. Twenty symptomatic patients (12 females and 8 males) with a mean age of 54.8 years were identified with CVJOA. These patients underwent either nonsurgical treatment only or surgical intervention and had follow-up of at least 14 months. Classification of CVJOA is based on coronal deformity, rigidity, stability, and two modifiers. The main surgical procedures done in the surgical arm of these patients included C1-C2 fusion, C1-C2 facet distraction and fusion, and unilateral subaxial facet distraction, and posterior column osteotomy. RESULTS: All the twenty patients included in this study complained of either sub-occipital or upper neck pain and had radiological evidence of CVJOA. Seven patients improved with nonsurgical management and 13 underwent surgical intervention. Surgical recommendations for each type of CVJOA have been described with case examples, and algorithm for the management of CVJOA has been developed based on this study. Interobserver agreement on CVJOA classification was measured using kappa value statistics which showed moderate strength of agreement (0.467). CONCLUSION: This study describes a novel classification and management of CVJOA based on algorithm and current surgical recommendations for each type of CVJOA.