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Front Glob Womens Health ; 5: 1397194, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39070081


Introduction: Psychosocial stress during pregnancy has long-lasting and important consequences in the following generations, as it can affect intrauterine development. The impact on the developing immune system is notoriously important due to the associated morbidity and mortality in the first years of life. Little attention has been given to the role of violence during pregnancy (VDP), especially its impact on infant infectious morbidity. Methods: We analyzed data from two Brazilian birth cohorts (n = 2,847) in two distinct cities (Ribeirão Preto and São Luís), collected during pregnancy and at the beginning of the second year of life. The association between VDP and infection in infancy was analyzed with structural equation modeling, using the WHO-VAW questionnaire as exposure and a latent variable for infection as the outcome. Results: VDP was reported by 2.48% (sexual), 11.56% (physical), and 45.90% (psychological) of the mothers. The models presented an adequate fit. In the city of São Luís, VDP was significantly associated with the latent construct for infection (standardized beta = 0.182; p = 0.022), while that was not the case for the Ribeirão Preto sample (standardized beta = 0.113; p = 0.113). Further analyses showed a gradient effect for the different dimensions of the exposure, from psychological to physical and sexual violence. Conclusion: Our results suggest an association of VDP with infant morbidity in a poorer socioeconomic setting, and highlight the importance of considering the different dimensions of intimate partner violence. These findings may have important implications for the comprehension of global health inequalities and of the effects of gender-based violence.

J Interpers Violence ; : 8862605241265918, 2024 Jul 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39066590


Over the past two decades, femicide-the gender-based killing of women or girls-has become an issue of international concern. Yet relatively little data on perpetrators exist. Current research primarily focuses on individual risk factors with less attention on community and societal factors. We use a social capital approach to examine femicide by analyzing the extent to which crime perpetrators experience and perceive social punishment (exclusion) from their social networks. Using a quota sampling strategy, we administered a cross-sectional questionnaire to perpetrators of femicide (N = 71), male-male homicide (N = 73), and other serious crimes (N = 64) across four prisons in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Other crime perpetrators served as a control to the two lethal crime groups. Perceived social capital scores were assigned based on responses to two scales adapted from the World Bank's "Integrated Questionnaire for the Measurement of Social Capital." Before committing murder, femicide and homicide perpetrators' scores were not statistically different. Yet after the crime, femicide perpetrators retained significantly greater scores than homicide perpetrators. The perceived social capital scores of other crime perpetrators did not change after the commission of their crimes. As a secondary objective, we examined the individual and social contexts of femicide perpetrators. Most (85%) of the femicide perpetrators could name at least one other person in their social network whom they knew to be physically violent during disagreements with their partner, while 11% stated that "everyone" they knew used violence during disagreements. Although the penalty for committing femicide and homicide is ostensibly equivalent-a life sentence of 50 years-we found that the informal social punishment femicide perpetrators perceived is less severe than that experienced by homicide perpetrators. These data indicate a lack of social punishment for femicide, compared to other crimes, showing social legitimization of the crime. These findings support the development of community-level interventions to prevent femicide.

Rev. Bras. Odontol. Leg. RBOL ; 11(1): 51-62, 20240601.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1556123


Os maus-tratos infantis são considerados um problema de saúde a nível mundial. Diante dessa realidade, destaca-se a relevante atuação dos profissionais de saúde na identificação, diagnóstico, notificação e, consequentemente, na redução no número de casos. O Cirurgião-Dentista apresenta-se em uma posição privilegiada no que diz respeito à identificação de casos de violência, visto que a maioria das lesões de ordem física a crianças e adolescentes se apresenta em região de cabeça e pescoço. Dessa forma, objetiva-se identificar as experiências e conduta dos cirurgiões-dentistas do Rio Grande do Norte sobre maus-tratos infantis. Foi realizado um estudo exploratório de caráter quantitativo mediante aplicação de um formulário eletrônico, com questões semiestruturadas, enviado aos dentistas com inscrições ativas no Conselho Regional de Odontologia do Rio Grande do Norte. Foi obtido um total de 100 questionários respondidos. Para análise dos dados, utilizou-se a estatística descritiva e testes de associação. Os resultados revelaram que 14% dos profissionais relataram ter visto caso suspeito de abuso físico, porém nenhum destes realizou notificação no último semestre. Apesar das médias das respostas terem sido superiores a 6 quanto à disposição para detecção, capacidade de diagnóstico e de identificação dos maus-tratos, esses resultados não corroboram com o número de profissionais que considera necessário maior qualificação em diagnóstico ou que desconhecem qualquer meio de notificação. A capacitação técnico-científica para a identificação e diagnóstico diferencial é importante e a responsabilidade pela notificação de casos suspeitos às autoridades é imprescindível para o exercício da profissão em consonância com os valores de cidadania e justiça

Child abuse is considered a global health problem. Given this reality, the relevant role of health professionals in identifying, diagnosing, reporting and, consequently, reducing the number of cases stands out. The dentist is in a privileged position with regard to identifying cases of violence, given that the majority of physical injuries to children and adolescents occur in the head and neck region. Thus, the objective is to identify the experiences and conduct of dentists in Rio Grande do Norte regarding child abuse. An exploratory quantitative study was carried out using an electronic form, with semi-structured questions, sent to dentists with active registrations at the Rio Grande do Norte Regional Dentistry Council. A total of 100 completed questionnaires were obtained. For data analysis, descriptive statistics and association tests were used. The results revealed that 14% of professionals reported having seen a suspected case of physical abuse, but none of them reported it in the last semester. Although the response averages were higher than 6 in terms of willingness to detect, diagnose and identify abuse, these results do not corroborate the number of professionals who consider it necessary to have greater qualifications in diagnosis or who are unaware of any means of reporting. Technical-scientific training for identification and differential diagnosis is important and the responsibility for reporting suspected cases to the authorities is essential for exercising the profession in line with the values of citizenship and justice

J Interpers Violence ; : 8862605241256389, 2024 Jun 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38829004


Despite the majority of Brazilians identifying as black, racial disparities are significant. Black women encounter disproportionate difficulties, with greater rates of homicide, unemployment, and poverty. After the Maria da Penha Law (2006), which is regarded as one of the most comprehensive laws to address domestic violence, there has been a notable increase in femicide among black women and a decrease in cases among white women. This paper aims to analyze the differences between white and black survivors of domestic violence in terms of the access and support they received from the violence against women multi agency network in the city of São Paulo, Brazil. To this end, in-depth interviews (IDI) were conducted with nine white and nine black women who were seeking help in the justice system in June of 2018. The IDI were analyzed under critical path and structural racism theories, in order to understand how inequality markers such as race might affect the institutional response to the survivor's help seeking. The results indicated that black women received less information and support while seeking institutional help, as they faced more obstacles compared to white women. Among the interviewees critical paths, the access to the services was denied by providers 13 times for black women in contrast with 1 access denial for white women-also considering cases that discontinued the needed assistance due to institutional violence. The observed obstacles lived by black women in the multiagency network not only resulted in the path for these women toward support being longer but in many cases being repeated unsuccessfully multiple times. This study concludes that thus all women face obstacles while seeking help in formal institutions, black women may face greater barriers in this path due to how structural racism is reproduced in the services that should guarantee rights.

BJPsych Bull ; : 1-7, 2024 May 17.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38757198


AIMS AND METHOD: This cross-sectional study, carried out from 2021 to 2022, investigated the factors associated with domestic violence in 400 Brazilian pregnant women during the COVID-19 pandemic. Violence was assessed with the World Health Organization's Violence Against Women questionnaire and the Abuse Assessment Screen. Demographic, socioeconomic, obstetric, lifestyle and mental health data were collected. RESULTS: Violence at any time in their lives was reported by 52.2% of the women, and psychological violence was the most prevalent type (19.5%). Violence was associated with being single and mental health changes. Pregnant women exposed to any lifetime violence and psychological violence were, respectively, 4.67 and 5.93 times more likely to show mental health changes compared with women with no reported violence. CLINICAL IMPLICATIONS: Training health professionals involved in prenatal care in the early detection of single women and women with mental health changes could be important in preventing domestic violence.

Health Policy Plan ; 39(6): 552-563, 2024 Jun 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38758072


Domestic violence (DV) is a global prevalent health problem leading to adverse health consequences, yet health systems are often unprepared to address it. This article presents a comparative synthesis of the health system's pre-conditions necessary to enable integration of DV in health services in Brazil, Nepal, Sri Lanka and occupied Palestinian Territories (oPT). A cross-country, comparative analysis was conducted using a health systems readiness framework. Data collection involved multiple data sources, including qualitative interviews with various stakeholders; focus-group discussions with women; structured facility observations; and a survey with providers. Our findings highlight deficiencies in policy and practice that need to be addressed for an effective DV response. Common readiness gaps include unclear and limited guidance on DV, unsupportive leadership coupled with limited training and resources. Most providers felt unprepared, lacked guidance and felt unsupported and unprotected by managers and their health system. While in Brazil most providers felt they should respond to DV cases, many in Sri Lanka preferred not to. Such organizational and service delivery challenges, in turn, also affected how health providers responded to DV cases leaving them not confident, uncertain about their knowledge and unsure about their role. Furthermore, providers' personal beliefs and values on DV and gender norms also impacted their motivation and ability to respond, prompting some to become 'activists' while others were reluctant to intervene and prone to blame women. Our synthesis also pointed to a gap in women's use of health services for DV as they had low trust in providers. Our conceptual framework demonstrates the importance of having clear policies and highlights the need to engage leadership across every level of the system to reframe challenges and strengthen routine practices. Future research should also determine the ways in which women's understanding and needs related to DV help-seeking are addressed.

Violência Doméstica , Grupos Focais , Humanos , Feminino , Nepal , Violência Doméstica/prevenção & controle , Sri Lanka , Brasil , Pessoal de Saúde/psicologia , Atenção à Saúde/organização & administração , Pesquisa Qualitativa , Masculino , Entrevistas como Assunto , Adulto , Liderança
Rev. Ciênc. Plur ; 10 (1) 2024;10(1): 33880, 2024 abr. 30. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS, BBO - Odontologia | ID: biblio-1553423


Introdução: O cenário pandêmico trouxe à tona e de forma potencializada alguns indicadores preocupantes acerca da violência domésticacontra a mulher.Dessa maneira, questiona-se: a pandemia de COVID-19 provocou diferença no número de ocorrências de casos de Violência Doméstica?Objetivo:Comparar a ocorrência de casos de violência doméstica contra mulheres em um estado brasileiro nos períodos de 2015 a 2018 e 2019a 2021 segundo dados da Polícia Civil do estado.Metodologia:Trata-se de um estudo documental e descritivo, realizado com dados secundários. As informações foram colhidas através da ouvidoria da Polícia Civil em 11 de março de 2021,a partir dos registros de boletins de ocorrências policiais sobre violência doméstica contra a mulher dos anos de 2015 a 2021.Resultados:Durante os anos de 2015 a 2021 foram registrados um total de 26.671 boletins de ocorrência por violência contra a mulher. De 2015 a 2018,a média mensal foi de 360,1ocorrênciase durante a pandemia, de 2019 a 2021, a média mensal foi de 360,9ocorrências. Notou-se um discreto aumento na quantidade de boletins de ocorrência feito durante a pandemia deCOVID-19, com destaque para 2020, que apresentou média mensal de 387,4ocorrências, período mais recrudescido da pandemia. A principal violência perpetrada foi a lesão corporal dolosa principalmente contra mulheres de 18 a 24 anos, que trabalhavam em casa ou estavam desempregadas.Conclusão:Apesar da falta de diferenças expressivas entre os anos pré e pós-pandemia, a análise reforça a urgência de discutir os fatores subjacentes à violência contra a mulher, especialmente a violência doméstica. Destaca-se a importância de medidas preventivas e de apoio às vítimas para enfrentar esse problema social. É essencial promover políticas visando uma sociedade mais segura e igualitária para todas as mulheres (AU).

Introduction:The pandemic scenario has brought to light, and in a intesified manner, some concerning indicators regarding domestic violence against women. Thus, the question arises: did the COVID-19 pandemic make a difference in the number of domestic violence cases? Objective: To compare the occurrence of domestic violence cases against Brazilian women in the periods from 2015 to 2018 and 2019 to 2021 according to data from the state's Civil Police. Methodology: This is a documentary and descriptive study, conducted with secondary data. The information was collected through the Civil Police ombudsman on March 11, 2021, based on police reports of domestic violence against women from 2015 to 2021. Results: During the year of 2015 to 2021, a total of 26,671 police reports of violence against women were registered. From 2015 to 2018, the monthly average was 360.1 occurrences, and during the pandemic, from 2019 to 2021, the monthly average was 360.9 occurrences. There was a slight increase in the number of police reports during the COVID-19 pandemic, with a peak in 2020, which had a monthly average of 387.4 occurrences, the most intense period of the pandemic. The main violence perpetrated was intentional bodily harm, mainly against women aged 18 to 24, who were either working from home or unemployed. Conclusion: Despite the lack of significant differences between pre and post-pandemic years, the analysis reinforces the urgency of discussing the underlying factors of violence against women, especially domestic violence. The importance of preventive measures and support for victims to address this social problem is emphasized. It is essential to promote policies aimed at a more equal and safer society for all women (AU).

Introducción: El escenario pandémico ha sacado a la luz algunos indicadores preocupantes sobre la violencia doméstica contra las mujeres. Entonces, surge la pregunta: ¿la pandemia de COVID-19 ha provocado una diferencia en el número de ocurrencias de casos de Violencia Doméstica?Objetivo:Comparar la ocurrencia de casos de violencia doméstica contra las mujeres en un estado brasileño en los períodos de 2015 a2018 y de 2019 a 2021 según datos de la Policía Civil del estado. Metodología:Se trata de un estudio documental y descriptivo, realizado con datos secundarios. La información fue recabada a través de la Defensoría del Pueblo de la Policía Civil el 11 de marzo de 2021,a partir de los registros de las denuncias policiales sobre violencia intrafamiliar contra las mujeres de 2015 a 2021.Resultados:De 2015 a 2021 se presentaron un total de 26.671 denuncias policiales por violencia contra las mujeres. De 2015 a 2018, el promedio mensual fue de 360,1 ocurrencias y durante la pandemia, de 2019 a 2021, el promedio mensual fue de 360,9 ocurrencias. Hubo un ligero aumento en el número de denuncias policiales realizadas durante la pandemia de COVID-19, especialmente en 2020, que tuvo un promedio mensual de 387,4 ocurrencias, el período más severo de la pandemia. La principal violencia perpetrada fueron lesiones corporales intencionales, principalmente contra mujeres de 18 a 24 años, que trabajaban en el hogar o estaban desempleadas.Conclusión:A pesar de la falta de diferencias significativas entre los años pre y post pandemia, el análisis refuerza la urgencia de discutir los factores que subyacen a la violencia contra las mujeres, especialmente la violencia doméstica. Se destaca la importancia de las medidas preventivas y de apoyo a las víctimas para hacer frente a esta problemática social. Es esencial promover políticas encaminadas a lograr una sociedad más segura e igualitaria para todas las mujeres (AU).

Humanos , Feminino , Adolescente , Adulto , Violência Doméstica , Violência contra a Mulher , COVID-19 , Homicídio , Sub-Registro , Análise Documental , Direitos Humanos
Cad. Ibero-Am. Direito Sanit. (Online) ; 13(1): 102-118, jan.-mar.2024.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1538389


Objetivo: analisar as percepções de profissionais da atenção primária à saúde de Paranaguá/PR sobre as relações entre a pandemia de COVID-19 e casos de violência doméstica em seus territórios adscritos, identificando desafios na abordagem, impactos nas famílias e manejo dos casos. Metodologia: pesquisa qualitativa com entrevistas semiestruturadas e grupos focais com 36 profissionais de duas unidades básicas de saúde de Paranaguá, litoral paranaense. Resultados: profissionais da atenção primária à saúde foram unânimes em relatar o aumento no número de casos de violência doméstica naquelas comunidades, com impactos tanto para mulheres, quanto para crianças e adolescentes, sendo o fechamento das escolas um fator agravante. Como principais desafios, foram reportados: a desestruturação da atenção primária à saúde durante o auge da pandemia com deslocamento de profissionais e recursos; desinformação sobre fluxos de encaminhamento nos casos de violência doméstica na rede intersetorial; medo dos profissionais, tanto da pandemia, quanto de denunciar casos de violência doméstica; e rotatividade de profissionais. Conclusão: o período de isolamento social causado pela pandemia intensificou os casos de violência doméstica segundo as percepções de profissionais da atenção primária à saúde de Paranaguá. O desmonte da rede intersetorial prejudicou ainda mais o cuidado de pessoas em situação de vulnerabilidade e/ou violência. A ausência de diretrizes nacionais do governo federal deixou municípios e profissionais da atenção primária à saúde à própria sorte para lidar com o problema.

Objective: to analyze the perceptions of primary health care professionals in Paranaguá/PR about the relationship between the COVID-19 pandemic and cases of domestic violence in their assigned territories, identifying challenges in the approach, impacts on families and case management. Methodology: qualitative research was conducted using semi-structured interviews and focus groups with 36 professionals from two primary health care units in Paranaguá, on the Paraná coast. Results: primary health care professionals unanimously reported an increase in the number of domestic violence cases in those communities, affecting women, children, and adolescents, with the closure of schools identified as an aggravating factor. The main challenges highlighted were the disruption of primary health care services during the peak of the pandemic due to the reallocation of professionals and resources; misinformation about referral processes for domestic violence cases within the intersectoral network; fear among professionals regarding the pandemic and reporting domestic violence cases; and high staff turnover. Conclusion: the period of social isolation caused by the pandemic intensified domestic violence cases, according to the perceptions of primary health care professionals in Paranaguá. The dismantling of the intersectoral network further compromised the care of individuals in situations of vulnerability and/or violence. The absence of national guidelines from the federal government left municipalities and primary health care professionals on their own to deal with the issue.

Objetivo: analizar las percepciones de los profesionales de la atención primaria de salud de Paranaguá/PR sobre las relaciones entre la pandemia de COVID-19 y los casos de violencia doméstica en sus territorios asignados, identificando desafíos en el abordaje, impactos en las familias y gestión de casos. Metodología: investigación cualitativa con entrevistas semiestructuradas y grupos focales con 36 profesionales de dos unidades básicas de salud de Paranaguá, en la costa de Paraná. Resultados: los profesionales de la atención primaria de salud fueron unánimes al reportar el aumento del número de casos de violencia doméstica en esas comunidades, con afectaciones tanto a mujeres, niños y adolescentes, siendo el cierre de escuelas un agravante. Se informaron los principales desafíos: la interrupción de la atención primaria de salud durante el apogeo de la pandemia con el desplazamiento de profesionales y recursos; desinformación sobre los flujos de derivación de casos de violencia doméstica en la red intersectorial; miedo entre los profesionales, tanto a la pandemia como a denunciar casos de violencia doméstica; y rotación profesional. Conclusión: el período de aislamiento social provocado por la pandemia intensificó los casos de violencia doméstica según la percepción de los profesionales de la atención primaria de salud en Paranaguá. El desmantelamiento de la red intersectorial perjudicó aún más la atención a personas en situación de vulnerabilidad y/o violencia. La ausencia de directrices nacionales por parte del gobierno federal dejó a los municipios y a los profesionales de atención primaria de salud a su suerte a la hora de abordar el problema.

Direito Sanitário
BMC Womens Health ; 24(1): 140, 2024 Feb 24.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38402397


BACKGROUND: Intimate partner violence (IPV) in Peru represents a significant public health challenge. IPV can influence women's reproductive and social behaviors, undermining fertility control, and exacerbating unintended pregnancies. Our objective was to assess the association between IPV and pregnancy intention among Peruvian women of reproductive age. METHODS: We conducted a secondary analysis of Peru's 2020 Demographic and Family Health Survey data. The independent variable in this study was IPV against women, which includes psychological IPV, sexual IPV, and physical IPV. If a respondent experienced any of these three forms of IPV, the IPV variable was labeled as "yes"; if none were present, it was labeled as "no". The dependent variable was pregnancy intention (no vs. yes). We utilized a generalized linear model (GLM) from the Poisson family with a log link function to assess the relationship between IPV occurrences (total and each IPV type) and pregnancy intention. We report crude and adjusted prevalence ratios (aPR) with 95% confidence intervals (95%CI). RESULTS: We analyzed data from 8466 women aged 15 to 49. The prevalence of any IPV was 49.6% (psychological IPV: 45.8%; physical IPV: 22.2%; and sexual IPV: 4.3%). Exposure to physical IPV (aPR: 1.05; 95% CI: 1.03-1.07), psychological IPV (aPR: 1.04; 95% CI: 1.02-1.06), and sexual IPV (aPR: 1.09; 95% CI: 1.04-1.13), as well as a history of any IPV (aPR: 1.05; 95% CI: 1.02-1.07), were associated with a higher probability of not intending to become pregnant. This association persisted after adjusting for confounders like age, marital status, educational attainment, education level of the child's father, place of residence, wealth, ethnicity, and parity. CONCLUSION: One in two Peruvian women reported experiencing IPV. An association was observed between IPV exposure and a higher probability of not holding an intention to become pregnant.

Violência por Parceiro Íntimo , Parceiros Sexuais , Gravidez , Criança , Humanos , Feminino , Peru , Parceiros Sexuais/psicologia , Inquéritos Epidemiológicos , Prevalência , Fatores de Risco
Psychiatry Res ; 333: 115729, 2024 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38244283


Suicide is a major public health problem worldwide with far-reaching effects on families, communities, and societies. Influencing factors range from macro-level interventions like alcohol control policies and suicide prevention programs to individual contributors such as alcohol abuse and domestic violence. This study aimed to examine the relationship between Chile's suicide rate changes from 2002 to 2015 and the Alcohol Act of 2004, a national suicide prevention program implemented in 2007, alcohol abuse, and domestic violence. Assembling a unique longitudinal dataset from Chilean public institutions, the study employed an instrumental variable time-series cross-regional design. Results indicated that the Alcohol Act was not associated with suicide rates, domestic violence exhibited a significant association with increased suicide rates, and the national suicide prevention program was linked to reductions in suicide rates, especially among males. These findings align with research from neighbouring countries, showcasing the efficacy of suicide prevention programs in decreasing suicide rates in Chile. Results highlight the importance of integrating protocols to early-detect domestic violence in suicide prevention programs, as well as the need to further improving alcohol control policies to complement suicide prevention programs.

Alcoolismo , Violência Doméstica , Suicídio , Masculino , Humanos , Prevenção do Suicídio , Chile/epidemiologia , Alcoolismo/epidemiologia , Alcoolismo/prevenção & controle , Violência Doméstica/prevenção & controle , Política Pública