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Sci Rep ; 14(1): 16706, 2024 Jul 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39030294


Paramos, unique and biodiverse ecosystems found solely in the high mountain regions of the tropics, are under threat. Despite their crucial role as primary water sources and significant carbon repositories in Colombia, they are deteriorating rapidly and garner less attention than other vulnerable ecosystems like the Amazon rainforest. Their fertile soil and unique climate make them prime locations for agriculture and cattle grazing, often coinciding with economically critical deposits such as coal which has led to a steady decline in paramo area. Anthropic impact was evaluated using multispectral images from Landsat and Sentinel over 37 years, on the Guerrero and Rabanal paramos in central Colombia which have experienced rapid expansion of mining and agriculture. Our analysis revealed that since 1984, the Rabanal and Guerrero paramos have lost 47.96% and 59.96% of their native vegetation respectively, replaced primarily by crops, pastures, and planted forests. We detected alterations in the spectral signatures of native vegetation near coal coking ovens, indicating a deterioration of paramo health and potential impact on ecosystem services. Consequently, human activity is reducing the extent of paramos and their efficiency as water sources and carbon sinks, potentially leading to severe regional and even global consequences.

J Environ Manage ; 366: 121915, 2024 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39033627


Phosphorus is a limiting element for the productivity of mangroves, which in turn are important ecosystems in regulating nutrients cycle and climate change by sequestering carbon (C). Despite this, there is an intense process of degradation in these environments. In addition to providing socio-environmental services, mangrove replanting can also alter the dynamics of nutrients in soils. Therefore, this study aims to understand the changes in soil phosphorus (P) fractions after a mangrove restoration. Soil samples from an unvegetated area (NV), a mature mangrove (R) and 7 and 9 year old replanted mangroves at SE-Brazil (APA Guapi-mirim, Rio de Janeiro state) were collected and analyzed to characterize the redox conditions (Eh), pH, and iron (Fe) fractionation, Total Organic Carbon (TOC) contents and P fractionation (exchangeable P; P associated with reducible Fe and Mn oxyhydroxides; associated with Al silicates and hydroxides; associated with humic acids; associated with Ca and Mg; associated with humin). The results indicate an increase in TOC as the age of the mangrove restoration increases (from 8.6 to 17.9%). The pH values were significantly lower, reaching very acidic values, associated with an increase in Eh. Both parameters also showed strong seasonal variation, with a drop in Eh during the wet period (from 165% to -46%) and an increase in pH in the same period (from 6.0 to 6.7). Regarding P fractionation, the main P pool was organic P forms, which showed the highest concentrations in all studied sites. Unvegetated areas showed higher organic P forms (NV: 108.8 µg g-1) than vegetated areas (M7: 55.7 µg g-1, M9: 83.6 µg g-1, R: 87.3 µg g-1). Vegetated sites also showed lower levels of the PEx, PFeMn and Papatite fractions (total forest mean: 2.4 µg g-1, 5.8 µg g-1, 3.0 µg g-1, respectively). Besides no clear trend on P fractionation through seasons and forest age, pseudo-total P increased following the forest recovery (e.g. M7

Fósforo , Solo , Áreas Alagadas , Fósforo/análise , Solo/química , Carbono , Ecossistema
Conserv Biol ; 38(4): e14286, 2024 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38708866


Driven by the United Nations Decade on Restoration and international funding initiatives, such as the Mangrove Breakthrough, investment in mangrove restoration is expected to increase. Yet, mangrove restoration efforts frequently fail, usually because of ad hoc site-selection processes that do not consider mangrove ecology and the socioeconomic context. Using decision analysis, we developed an approach that accounts for socioeconomic and ecological data to identify sites with the highest likelihood of mangrove restoration success. We applied our approach in the Biosphere Reserve Marismas Nacionales Nayarit, Mexico, an area that recently received funding for implementing mangrove restoration actions. We identified 468 potential restoration sites, assessed their restorability potential based on socioeconomic and ecological metrics, and ranked sites for implementation with spatial optimization. The metrics we used included favorable conditions for propagules to establish and survive under sea-level rise, provision of ecosystem services, and community dynamics. Sites that were selected based on socioeconomic or ecological metrics alone had lower likelihood of mangrove restoration success than sites that were selected based on integrated socioeconomic and ecological metrics. For example, selecting sites based on only socioeconomic metrics captured 16% of the maximum attainable value of functioning mangroves able to provide propagules to potential restoration sites, whereas selecting sites based on ecological and socioeconomic metrics captured 46% of functioning mangroves. Our approach was developed as part of a collaboration between nongovernmental organizations, local government, and academics under rapid delivery time lines given preexisting mangrove restoration implementation commitments. The systematic decision process we used integrated socioeconomic and ecological considerations even under short delivery deadlines, and our approach can be adapted to help mangrove restoration site-selection decisions elsewhere.

Integración de datos socioeconómicos y ecológicos en las prácticas de restauración Resumen Se espera que la inversión en la restauración de los manglares incremente debido a la Década de Restauración de las Naciones Unidad y las iniciativas internacionales de financiamiento, como The Mangrove Breakthrough. Sin embargo, los esfuerzos de restauración de manglares fallan con frecuencia, generalmente por los procesos de selección de sitios ad­hoc que no consideran la ecología del manglar y el contexto socioeconómico. Usamos el análisis de decisiones para desarrollar una estrategia que considera los datos socioeconómicos y ecológicos para identificar los sitios con mayor probabilidad de éxito de restauración. Aplicamos nuestra estrategia en la Reserva de la Biósfera Marismas Nacionales Nayarit, México, un área que recibió financiamiento reciente para la restauración del manglar. Identificamos 468 sitios potencialmente restaurables, evaluamos su potencial de restauración con base en medidas ecológicas y socioeconómicas y clasificamos los sitios para la implementación con la optimización espacial. Las medidas que usamos incluían las condiciones favorables para que los propágulos se establezcan y sobrevivan con el incremento en el nivel del mar, el suministro de servicios ambientales y las dinámicas de la comunidad. Los sitios seleccionados sólo con base en las medidas ecológicas o socioeconómicas tuvieron una menor probabilidad de éxito de restauración que los sitios que se seleccionaron con base en medidas socioeconómicas y ecológicas integradas. Por ejemplo, la selección de sitios con base sólo en las medidas socioeconómicas capturó el 16% del máximo valor alcanzable de manglares funcionales capaces de proporcionar propágulos a los sitios potenciales de restauración, mientras que la selección basada en medidas ecológicas y socioeconómicas capturó el 46% de los manglares funcionales. Desarrollamos nuestra estrategia como parte de una colaboración entre organizaciones no gubernamentales, el gobierno local y académicos sujetos a una fecha pronta de entrega debido a los compromisos preexistentes para la restauración de manglares. El proceso de decisión sistemática que usamos integró las consideraciones ecológicas y socioeconómicas incluso con plazos cortos de entrega. Nuestra estrategia puede adaptarse para apoyar en la selección de sitios de restauración de manglares en otros sitios.

Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Fatores Socioeconômicos , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais/métodos , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais/economia , México , Recuperação e Remediação Ambiental/economia , Ecossistema , Técnicas de Apoio para a Decisão
Conserv Biol ; : e14282, 2024 Apr 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38660922


Payments for ecosystem services (PES) are widely applied incentive-based instruments with diverse objectives that increasingly include biodiversity conservation. Yet, there is a gap in understanding of how to best assess and monitor programs' biodiversity outcomes. We examined perceptions and drivers of engagement related to biodiversity monitoring through surveys among current PES participants in 7 communities in Mexico's Selva Lacandona. We conducted workshops among survey participants that included training and field deployment of tools used to monitor biodiversity and land cover, including visual transects, camera traps, acoustic recorders, and forest cover satellite images. We conducted pre- and postworkshop surveys in each community to evaluate changes in respondents' perceptions following exposure to biodiversity monitoring training and related field activities. We also reviewed existing research on participatory environmental management and monitoring approaches. One quarter of current PES participants in the study area participated in our surveys and workshops. The majority stated interest in engaging in diverse activities related to the procedural aspects of biodiversity monitoring (e.g., planning, field data collection, results dissemination) and acknowledged multiple benefits of introducing biodiversity monitoring into PES (e.g., knowledge and capacity building, improved natural resource management, and greater support for conservation). Household economic reliance on PES was positively associated with willingness to engage in monitoring. Technical expertise, time, and monetary constraints were deterrents. Respondents were most interested in monitoring mammals, birds, and plants and using visual transects, camera traps, and forest cover satellite images. Exposure to monitoring enhanced subsequent interest in monitoring by providing respondents with new insights from their communities related to deforestation and species' abundance and diversity. Respondents identified key strengths and weaknesses of applying different monitoring tools, which suggests that deploying multiple tools simultaneously can increase local engagement and produce complementary findings and data. Overall, our findings support the relevance and usefulness of incorporating participatory biodiversity monitoring into PES.

Explorando las percepciones locales y los impulsores de la participación en el monitoreo de la biodiversidad entre participantes de esquemas de pagos por servicios ambientales en el sureste de México Resumen Los pagos por servicios ambientales (PSA) son instrumentos basados en incentivos ampliamente aplicados cuyos diversos objetivos incluyen cada vez más la conservación de la biodiversidad. Sin embargo, existe una brecha en la comprensión de cómo evaluar y monitorear los resultados de los programas en materia de biodiversidad. Examinamos las percepciones y los impulsores de la participación relacionados al monitoreo de la biodiversidad a través de encuestas entre participantes actuales de PSA en siete comunidades de la Selva Lacandona de México. Realizamos talleres entre los participantes de las encuestas que incluyeron capacitación y despliegue en campo de herramientas utilizadas para monitorear la biodiversidad y la cobertura del suelo, incluidos transectos visuales, cámaras trampa, grabadores acústicos e imágenes satelitales de la cobertura forestal. Realizamos encuestas antes y después del taller en cada comunidad para evaluar los cambios en las percepciones de los participantes tras su involucramiento en la capacitación de monitoreo de biodiversidad y las actividades de campo relacionadas. También revisamos la investigación existente sobre enfoques de monitoreo y gestión ambiental participativa. Una cuarta parte de los participantes actuales de PES en el área de estudio participaron en nuestras encuestas y talleres. La mayoría declaró interés en participar en diversas actividades relacionadas con los aspectos procesales del monitoreo de la biodiversidad (por ejemplo, planificación, recopilación de datos de campo, difusión de resultados) y reconoció múltiples beneficios de introducir el monitoreo de la biodiversidad en los PSA (por ejemplo, creación de conocimientos y capacidades, mejora de la gestión de los recursos naturales, y mayor apoyo a la conservación). La dependencia económica de los hogares de los PSA se asoció positivamente con la voluntad de participar en el monitoreo. Los factores inhibidores fueron la experiencia técnica, el tiempo y las limitaciones monetarias. Los encuestados estaban más interesados en monitorear mamíferos, aves y plantas y en utilizar transectos visuales, cámaras trampa e imágenes satelitales de la cubierta forestal. La exposición al monitoreo aumentó el interés posterior en el monitoreo al brindar a los encuestados nuevos conocimientos de sus comunidades relacionados con la deforestación y la abundancia y diversidad de especies. Los encuestados identificaron fortalezas y debilidades clave al aplicar diferentes herramientas de monitoreo, lo que sugiere que implementar múltiples herramientas simultáneamente puede aumentar la participación local y producir hallazgos y datos complementarios. En general, nuestros hallazgos respaldan la relevancia y utilidad de incorporar el monitoreo participativo de la biodiversidad en los PSA.

Ambio ; 2024 Apr 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38600246


Scenario and policy assessments in socioeconomic and environmental studies face significant challenges in socio-ecological systems (SES). There are a limited number of studies that have looked at the impact of different scenarios within integrated approaches, and many have used a static approach with a single driver of change. The present work analyzes the SES dynamics for a strategic basin in the Colombian Andes when implementing and analyzing scenarios and policies related to land cover and land use change using a system dynamics simulation model. The model includes natural, ecosystem services, sociocultural, and economic components. Scenarios and policy options are analyzed both individually and jointly to identify synergies or trade-off effects between the different SES components. The results showed the different trajectories of the socio-ecological system according to the cases studied, and its impact on different variables in the analyzed components. Some counterintuitive effects were also identified, such as the importance of intrinsic motivations in decision-making processes, and determinants in land management and policy design.

Sci Total Environ ; 926: 172127, 2024 May 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38569965


River avulsions drive important changes in the Pantanal wetlands, owing to their role in the hydro-sedimentology of the region. Although relevant to numerous ecosystem services, few studies have analyzed the influence of river avulsions on soil fertility in the Pantanal. Here, we use the largest ongoing avulsion in the Taquari River (Caronal region) to evaluate the effects on soil fertility, considering two factors: avulsion stage (1) and aquatic-terrestrial succession (2). Since both factors are influenced by macrophyte abundance, an incident map was created through tasseled cap indices from Sentinel 2 images to guide sampling efforts in flooded soils. The mapped area was split into two zones of alluvial processes, the first from the apex of the Caronal lobe corresponding to the Taquari River megafan (TRM), and the second as the distal Paraguay River floodplain (PRF). Soil macro- and micronutrient levels were evaluated from 42 surface samples (0-0.2 m) distributed across the two alluvial process zones. The macrophyte map's overall accuracy (OA) was analyzed by a confusion matrix using the Sentinel 2 imagery. Finally, we used Random Forest regressions to determine the influence of response variables on soil attributes, including tassel indices, distance from the Caronal crevasse, macrophyte density, and an existing soil fertility map. The macrophyte map obtained an OA of 93 %. Some parameters such as pH (r = -0.62; R2 = 0.57), effective cation exchange capacity (r = -0.49; R2 = 0.79), Mn (r = -0.71; R2 = 0.6), Zn (r = -0.69; R2 = 0.54), and base saturation (r = -0.7; R2 = 0.93) were influenced by the distance or level of maturation of the avulsion stage in the TRM. Our scattering of soil collections was insufficient to test the terrestrialization hypothesis (2). The study results show that river channel avulsions influence the accumulation of mineral and organic nutrients in tropical floodplain soils, which has implications for fertility and biodiversity.

Sci Total Environ ; 930: 172568, 2024 Jun 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38649048


Diet shift is an opportunity to mitigate the impacts of food systems, which are responsible for about a third of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions globally and exert various environmental pressures on ecosystems. This study evaluates the mitigation potential of both global and local environmental impacts through dietary changes within the Brazilian context. Furthermore, the study aims to identify the potential benefits and trade-offs that may arise from these dietary transitions, thus providing a comprehensive analysis of the overall environmental implications. To this end, a life cycle assessment (LCA) was performed to evaluate the environmental impacts of a conventional diet in Brazil and seven alternatives, namely adjusted-EAT-Lancet, pescatarian, vegetarian, entomophagic (insect-based food), mycoprotein (microbial-based food), and synthetic (cell-based food) diets. Results indicate a substantial mitigation potential for GHG emissions (4-9 kg CO2e/cap/day) (39 % to 86 %) and land use (4-9 m2/cap/day) (38 % to 82 %) through a diet shift from a conventional diet to any of the seven alternative diets. However, certain trade-offs exist. A diet shift demonstrates no mitigation potential of soil acidification, and opportunities to reduce water eutrophication (0.02-0.2 g Pe/cap/day) (2 % to 24 %) and water consumption (0.2-0.5 m3/cap/day) (7 % to 14 %) were only found by completely substituting animal products for insect-based food, microbial-based food, and cell-based food. This study highlights the considerable potential of dietary changes to mitigate global environmental impacts associated with food systems. By revealing opportunities and challenges, this study supports science-based decision-making and guides efforts toward sustainable and environmentally friendly food consumption patterns.

Dieta , Ecossistema , Gases de Efeito Estufa , Brasil , Gases de Efeito Estufa/análise , Mudança Climática , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais
Sci Total Environ ; 923: 171437, 2024 May 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38447735


Human actions can damage the ecosystems and affect the services depending on them, with ample detrimental consequences. In earlier studies, the Conservation Use Potential (PCU) framework proved useful in assessing the capacity for aquifer recharge, suitable land uses and resistance to erosion at the river basin scale. On the other hand, the joint analysis of PCU and land uses allowed identifying the adequacy of current uses in relation to suitability (natural uses) in various basins. This was especially useful from the management perspective in basins with environmental conflicts, where current uses differed from suitability, because the PCU indicated how and where the conflicts should be mitigated. Besides the use as management tool, the PCU has potential to shed light over environmental issues such as ecosystem services, but that was not tempted so far. The aim of this work was therefore to bridge that knowledge gap and frame the PCU's application from the standpoint of Ecosystem Services (ES) assessment. We demonstrated how the PCU could be used to improve provision (recharge), support (sustainable agriculture) and regulation (resistance to erosion) services in a specific basin with land use conflicts (the Upper Rio das Velhas basin, located in Minas Gerais, Brazil), through the planning of suitable uses. It was noted that the studied basin is mostly composed of Very Low, Low and Medium potentials. These classes occur because steep slopes, fragile soils and lithologies with high denudation potential and low nutrient supply dominate in the basin. On the other hand, urban sprawl has a negative impact on all ES, while maintaining agricultural areas with appropriate management can effectively regulate erosion. As per the current results, the premise of using the PCU as joint management-environmental tool was fully accomplished, and is recommended a basis for public policy design and implementation in Brazil and elsewhere.

Environ Manage ; 73(5): 920-931, 2024 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38351347


Social acceptability of forestry practices plays a key role in defining sustainable forestry policies and strategies. In this study an online survey was distributed among members of environmental, non-governmental, professional, and academic organizations to assess the acceptability of forestry practices in Puerto Rico among members of civic society interested in environmental management issues. Participants were asked about their perception of forest uses, their preference of tree harvesting technologies, methods that may apply in small scale wood production settings, and trust in organizations providing forest information. We also inquired about attitudes towards economic activity in forests and the impact of such activity on recreation and biodiversity. The results show that even though participants do not place a high priority on economic development through forestry activities, acceptance of forest management for wood harvesting will be possible by considering adherence to particular forestry technologies and methods to safeguard current recreation activities and biodiversity conservation. Social acceptability information would be worthwhile when seeking consensus among a broader group of local stakeholders. As a next step we suggest the creation of a council constituted by diverse forestry sector stakeholders that would engage in a strategic planning exercise to delineate a clear road map that can guide short and long-term sustainable forest management, including wood industry development.

Academia , Agricultura Florestal , Humanos , Porto Rico , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais/métodos , Florestas , Árvores , Biodiversidade
Plant Biol (Stuttg) ; 26(2): 157-165, 2024 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38192089


Crop-pollinator interactions are essential for world food security. Studying crop pollination from a network approach allows identification of target pollinators for conservation and management, and gaps in our knowledge. Solanaceae represents the third highest ranked family based on economic value, and its production is highly improved by animal pollination. This study aimed to integrate global data on solanaceous crop pollination and analyse the interaction patterns using a meta-network approach. Our questions were: (i) how are interactions structured and what are the structuring roles of species; and (ii) what are the main gaps in our knowledge? Data were obtained through a systematic review of the main scientific databases. The network structure was described using connectivity and modularity calculations, and the role of species using centrality metrics. The 251 pollinator species reported were in seven orders, mainly Hymenoptera (84.9%). The generalists Bombus and Apis species were the most common pollinators. The meta-network was modular, and all modules mostly included bees. Most species were peripherals, around 12% were connectors, and there were no module hubs. Apis mellifera was the only network hub (supergeneralist). The most important pollinators are the most managed pollinators worldwide; however, many native species play a role in structuring the meta-network. Main gaps include species of importance to pepper pollination, lack of species-specific identification, and the need for more robust experimental studies evaluating the pollination efficiency of native, manageable bees.

Produtos Agrícolas , Polinização , Solanaceae , Polinização/fisiologia , Animais , Produtos Agrícolas/fisiologia , Solanaceae/fisiologia , Abelhas/fisiologia , Himenópteros/fisiologia