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Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564701


El estudio examina las características psicométricas de una escala que mide la percepción sobre el teletrabajo femenino en la población chilena en situación de confinamiento familiar, construida durante la pandemia por COVID-19. El cuestionario explora la interacción entre los ámbitos del trabajo y la familia, centrándose específicamente en la salud mental, las actitudes hacia el teletrabajo femenino, las dinámicas familiares relacionadas con el teletrabajo femenino y las dinámicas laborales en el contexto del teletrabajo femenino durante la pandemia. Los resultados indican una fuerte coherencia interna tanto para la escala global como para sus cuatro dimensiones diferenciadas: Salud Mental, ámbito laboral, teletrabajo femenino y ámbito familiar. El análisis factorial exploratorio (AFE) revela índices de ajuste favorables gl = 17; p<0.183; x 2 /gl = 22.211; CFI = 0.995; NNFI = 0.983; RMSEA = 0.052 para los 12 ítems en las cuatro dimensiones, alineándose bien con la estructura teórica respaldando los fundamentos del constructo balance trabajo/familia.

The study examines the psychometric characteristics of a scale that measures the perception of female teleworking in the Chilean population in a situation of family confinement, built during the COVID-19 pandemic. The questionnaire explores the interaction between the spheres of work and family, specifically focusing on mental health, attitudes towards female teleworking, family dynamics related to female teleworking, and work dynamics in the context of female teleworking during the pandemic. The results indicate strong internal coherence both for the global scale and for its four differentiated dimensions: Mental Health, work environment, female teleworking and family environment. The exploratory factor analysis (EFA) reveals favorable adjustment indices df = 17; p<0.183; χ 2 /df = 22.211; CFI = 0.995; NNFI = 0.983; RMSEA = 0.052 for the 12 items in the four dimensions, aligning well with the theoretical structure supporting the foundations of the work/family balance construct.

O estudo examina as características psicométricas de uma escala que mede as percepções do teletrabalho feminino na população chilena em confinamento familiar, construída durante a pandemia da COVID-19. O questionário explora a interação entre os domínios do trabalho e da família, concentrando-se especificamente na saúde mental, nas atitudes em relação ao teletrabalho feminino, na dinâmica familiar relacionada ao teletrabalho feminino e na dinâmica do trabalho no contexto do teletrabalho feminino durante a pandemia. Os resultados indicam uma forte consistência interna tanto para a escala geral quanto para suas quatro dimensões distintas: saúde mental, ambiente de trabalho, teletrabalho feminino e ambiente familiar. A análise fatorial exploratória (AFE) revela índices de ajuste favoráveis gl = 17; p<0,183; χ 2 /gl = 22,211; CFI = 0,995; NNFI = 0,983; RMSEA = 0,052 para os 12 itens nas quatro dimensões, alinhando-se bem com a estrutura teórica que sustenta os fundamentos do conceito de equilíbrio entre trabalho e família.

Humanos , Feminino , Saúde Mental
Front Psychol ; 15: 1324100, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38356775


Introduction: This study aimed to investigate the Self-Regulated Learning behaviors of advanced Brazilian and Portuguese musicians and how these processes vary in terms of gender, nationality, musical instrument, quantity of practice, expertise, and professional experience. Methods: 300 participants fully completed the 22-item questionnaire "Attitudes in music practice". The sample comprised of 54.3% males, 44.0% females, and 1% non-binary; 0.7% did not respond. 68.0% (n = 204) were Brazilian, and 32.0% (n = 96) were Portuguese. The mean age was 32.70 years old (SD = 11.261), the mode was 22 years old, with a range of 18 to 66 years. Data analysis procedure included exploratory factor analysis, internal consistency, independent sample t test, analysis of variance (ANOVA), and chi-square tests. Results: Exploratory Factor Analysis generated three factors: Practice Organization, Personal Resources, and External Resources. The results report there are no differences in SRL scores in terms of gender, nationality, and musical instrument. However, One-way ANOVA test results convey differences in SRL scores and the quantity of practice and expertise with those musicians who reported practicing for longer periods scoring more highly than participants who declared spending less time on daily practice. Discussion: The results for the expertise variables suggest that more experienced and older musicians scored higher in Personal Resources and lower in External Resources indicating that, as musicians gain in experience, their metacognitive processes become more evident than the social factors of their performance.

Heliyon ; 9(9): e20170, 2023 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37809729


Landslides are one of the natural phenomena with more negative impacts on landscape, natural resources, and human health worldwide. Andean geomorphology, urbanization, poverty, and inequality make it more vulnerable to landslides. This research focuses on understanding explanatory landslide factors and promoting quantitative susceptibility mapping. Both tasks supply valuable knowledge for the Andean region, focusing on territorial planning and risk management support. This work addresses the following questions using the province of Azuay-Ecuador as a study area: (i) How do EFA and LR assess the significance of landslide occurrence factors? (ii) Which are the most significant landslide occurrence factors for susceptibility analysis in an Andean context? (iii) What is the landslide susceptibility map for the study area? The methodological framework uses quantitative techniques to describe landslide behavior. EFA and LR models are based on a historical inventory of 665 records. Both identified NDVI, NDWI, altitude, fault density, road density, and PC2 as the most significant factors. The latter factor represents the standard deviation, maximum value of precipitation, and rainfall in the wet season (January, February, and March). The EFA model was built from 7 latent factors, which explained 55% of the accumulated variance, with a medium item complexity of 1.5, a RMSR of 0.02, and a TLI of 0.89. This technique also identified TWI, fault distance, plane curvature, and road distance as important factors. LR's model, with AIC of 964.63, residual deviance of 924.63, AUC of 0.92, accuracy of 0.84, and Kappa of 0.68, also shows statistical significance for slope, roads density, geology, and land cover factors. This research encompasses a time-series analysis of NDVI, NDWI, and precipitation, including vegetation and weather dynamism for landslide occurrence. Finally, this methodological framework replaces traditional qualitative models based on expert knowledge, for quantitative approaches for the study area and the Andean region.

Psicol. teor. prát ; 25(3): 15352, 10 jul. 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1451199


Risk perception is a concept related to the decision-making process and allows people to perceive the hazards surrounding the context and choose the best preventive methods to avoid them. The COVID-19 pandemic was a remarkable era in which people had to adopt protective methods, such as social isolation, to reduce the possibility of being contaminated by the virus. This study covers the development, psychometric properties, and norms of a scale to assess Risk Perception regarding COVID-19 and Social Isolation. The analysis suggested good expert agreement regarding the adequacy of the scale content and items and factor analysis suggested two factors, called the emotional and cognitive domains. The composite reliability suggested the internal consistency of the scale and its factors. All the results of this study suggest that this scale presents evidence of construct validity, constituting a reliable instrument. This new instrument may be used to evaluate risk perception related to COVID-19 and Social Isolation.

La percepción del riesgo es un concepto relacionado con el proceso de toma de decisiones y permite a las personas percibir los peligros en el contexto y elegir los mejores métodos de prevención para evitarlos. La pandemia de COVID-19 es una era notable en la que las personas deben adoptar métodos, como el aislamiento social, para reducir la posibilidad de ser contaminados por el virus. Este estudio proporciona el desarrollo, las propiedades psicométricas y las normas de una escala para evaluar Percepción de Riesgo sobre el COVID-19 y el Aislamiento Social. El análisis sugirió un buen acuerdo de expertos sobre el ajuste del contenido y la escala de ítems y el análisis factorial apuntó dos factores denominados dominios emocional y cognitivo. La confiabilidad compuesta sugirió consistencia interna de la escala y sus factores. Todos los resultados de este estudio proponen que esta escala presenta evidencia de validez de constructo y es un instrumento confiable. Este nuevo instrumento podrá ser utilizado para evaluar la percepción de riesgo sobre el COVID-19 y el aislamiento social.

A percepção de risco é um conceito relacionado ao processo de tomada de decisão e permite que as pessoas percebam os perigos em torno do contexto e escolham os melhores métodos de prevenção para evitá-los. A pandemia do COVID-19 é uma era marcante em que as pessoas devem adotar métodos de proteção, como o isolamento social, para reduzir a possibilidade de serem contaminados pelo vírus. Este estudo fornece o desenvolvimento, as propriedades psicométricas e normas de uma escala para avaliar Percepção de Risco sobre COVID-19 e Isolamento Social. A análise sugeriu boa concordância dos especialistas sobre o ajuste de conteúdo e itens da escala, e a análise fatorial sugeriu dois fatores denominados domínios emocionais e cognitivos. A confiabilidade composta sugeriu a consistência interna da escala e seus fatores. Todos os resultados deste estudo sugerem que esta escala apresenta evidências de validade de construto, sendo um instrumento confiável. Este novo instrumento poderá ser utilizado para avaliar a percepção de risco sobre a COVID-19 e o Isolamento Social.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adolescente , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Adulto Jovem , Psicometria/normas , Isolamento Social/psicologia , Inquéritos e Questionários/normas , COVID-19/psicologia , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Análise Fatorial , Medição de Risco , COVID-19/virologia
Rev. sanid. mil ; 77(2): e01, abr.-jun. 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1515522


Resumen Objetivo: Realizar un análisis de confiabilidad y de constructo del instrumento FANTASTIC MEX-A a través de alfa de Cronbach (α) y análisis factorial exploratorio (AFE) en dos instituciones mexicanas localizadas en el estado de Guerrero: un cuartel general y una universidad privada, como un estudio piloto para determinar la factibilidad de realizarse a gran escala en adultos mexicanos. Diseño: Cuantitativo, transversal, no experimental, descriptivo. Muestreo aleatorio simple. Recolección de datos desde febrero del 2021 a noviembre del 2022. Variables: Nivel de estilo de vida (dependiente); ocupación, género, escolaridad, estado civil, tipo de familia, edad e índice de masa corporal (atributivas). Resultados: N=493, n=242, participación del 49% (NC=95%, IC=4.5%), la muestra se constituyó por 204 militares y 38 docentes-administrativos universitarios. Alfa de Cronbach=0.869 (buena), por el método de dos mitades se obtuvo para ítems nones α=0.76 y para ítems pares α=0.762, correlación rho entre mitades de 0.903 (correlación fuerte). Media de puntaje obtenido de 134.8±17.7 puntos, equivalente al 72.5%. Resultaron nueve factores con asociación teórica, que explican el 42.64% de la varianza acumulada en el AFE, 1: La protección de la salud mental e integridad física, 2: El distrés, 3: Las relaciones interpersonales afectivas, 4: El consumo de alcohol y sustancias de abuso, 5: La actividad física y la asociatividad, 6: El consumo de tabaco, 7: El sueño y la alimentación, 8: El control de salud y 9: La apariencia física. Conclusiones: A través del estadístico de Alfa de Cronbach por método de dos mitades se concluyó que el instrumento FANTASTIC MEX-A es consistente para la muestra estudiada. El AFE determinó validez de constructo para nueve factores con asociación teórica. Limitaciones: El estudio se realizó en el estado de Guerrero, México, la validación del instrumento en adultos mexicanos requiere una muestra representativa que considere sujetos de diversas regiones del país. Originalidad: No existen publicaciones que homologuen las versiones disponibles del instrumento en español. Se aporta una versión única que implicó la revisión y reconstrucción de cada ítem con ilustraciones de apoyo.

Abstract Objective: To carry out a reliability and construct analysis of the FANTASTIC MEX-A instrument through Cronbach's alpha (α) and exploratory factor analysis (EFA) in two Mexican institutions located in the state of Guerrero: a general headquarters and a private university, such as a pilot study to determine the feasibility of performing it on a large scale in Mexican adults. Design: Quantitative, cross-sectional, non-experimental, descriptive. Simple random sampling. Data collection from February 2021 to November 2022. Variables: Lifestyle level (dependent); occupation, gender, education, marital status, type of family, age and body mass index (attributive). Results: N=493, n=242, 49% participation (NC=95%, CI=4.5%), the sample consisted of 204 military personnel and 38 university teachers/administrators. Cronbach's alpha=0.869 (good), using the two-half method, α=0.76 was obtained for odd items and α=0.762 for even items, rho correlation between halves of 0.903 (strong correlation). Mean score obtained of 134.8 ± 17.7 points, equivalent to 72.5%. Nine factors with theoretical association were found, that explain 42.64% of the accumulated variance in the Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA), 1: The protection of mental health and physical integrity, 2: Distress, 3: Affective interpersonal relationships, 4: The consumption of alcohol and substances of abuse, 5: Physical activity and associativity, 6: Tobacco consumption, 7: Sleep and diet, 8: Health control and 9: Physical appearance. Conclusions: Through the Cronbach's Alpha statistic by the two-half method, it was concluded that the FANTASTIC MEX-A instrument is consistent for the sample studied. The AFE determined construct validity for nine factors with theoretical association. Limitations: The study was conducted in the state of Guerrero, México, the validation of the instrument in Mexican adults requires a representative sample that considers subjects from various regions of the country. Originality: There are no publications that standardize the available versions of the instrument in Spanish. A unique version is provided that involved the revision and reconstruction of each item with supporting illustrations.

J Appl Physiol (1985) ; 135(1): 146-153, 2023 07 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37227185


Bone mass and quality decline with age, and can culminate in osteoporosis and increased fracture risk. This investigation modeled associations between bone and physical, dietary, and metabolic factors in a group of 200 pre-frail/frail older adults using factor analysis and structural equation modeling (SEM). Exploratory (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) were conducted to compose factors and to assess their robustness. SEM was used to quantify associations between bone and the other factors. Factors arising from EFA and CFA were: bone (whole body, lumbar and femur bone mineral density, and trabecular bone score; good fit), body composition - lean (lean mass, body mass, vastus lateralis, and femoral cross-sectional area; good fit), body composition - fat (total fat mass, gynoid, android, and visceral fat; acceptable fit), strength (bench and leg press, handgrip, and knee extension peak torque; good fit), dietary intake (kilocalories, carbohydrate, protein, and fat; acceptable fit), and metabolic status (cortisol, insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), growth hormone (GH), and free testosterone; poor fit). SEM using isolated factors showed that body composition (lean) (ß = 0.66, P < 0.001), body composition (fat) (ß = 0.36, P < 0.001), and strength (ß = 0.74, P < 0.001) positively associated with bone. Dietary intake relative to body mass negatively associated with bone (ß = -0.28, P = 0.001), whereas in absolute terms, it showed no association (ß = 0.01, P = 0.911). In a multivariable model, only strength (ß = 0.38, P = 0.023) and body composition (lean) (ß = 0.34, P = 0.045) associated with bone. Resistance training programs that focus on improving lean mass and strength in older individuals may benefit bone in this population.NEW & NOTEWORTHY We used factor analysis and structural equation modeling, which are rarely used in nutrition or exercise science, but constitute powerful tools that may overcome limitations of traditional analyses, combining individual related variables into factors or constructs of interest. Our investigation represents a starting point on this progressive pathway, providing useful insight and a working model for researchers and practitioners who wish to tackle complex problems such as the multifactorial causes of bone loss in older adults.

Densidade Óssea , Idoso Fragilizado , Humanos , Idoso , Força da Mão , Absorciometria de Fóton , Composição Corporal
Interdisciplinaria ; 40(1): 146-157, abr. 2023. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1430592


Resumen Los elogios son definidos como devoluciones positivas otorgadas a personas sobre sus atributos, sobre la realización de una tarea o sobre los objetos o productos realizados. Los distintos tipos de elogios que los cuidadores primarios o padres utilicen con los infantes cuando ellos realicen una actividad impactarán en su desarrollo, en las creencias o percepción de sí mismos o de los modos de aprender, y en la motivación hacia esas tareas que la niña o el niño realice. Estos modos de elogiar no han sido estudiados en la Argentina y no existen instrumentos estandarizados psicométricos para evaluarlos. Por esto, el objetivo de este estudio fue la creación y validación de una técnica de auto-reporte para evaluar los elogios que otorgan los cuidadores a infantes de 0 a 3 años. Los participantes que conformaron la muestra (. = 128) fueron reclutados por medio de internet y completaron un cuestionario de escala Likert de aproximadamente cinco minutos de duración. A partir del análisis factorial exploratorio, se ajustó la técnica y se agruparon las preguntas del cuestionario en tres dimensiones: elogios de persona, proceso y producto. Esto permitiría hacer una evaluación breve y sencilla de los elogios utilizados, lo que en un futuro aportaría a intervenciones o estudios que pretendan favorecer elogios que beneficien un desarrollo adaptativo de los infantes. Sin embargo, aún es necesario un futuro estudio que indague cambios en la técnica con un mayor tamaño muestral para la realización de una validación más exhaustiva.

Abstract Praise is defined as positive feedback given to people about their attributes, their performance, the objects or products made by them. The different types of praise that primary caregivers or parents use with infants when they carry out an activity will impact on their development, beliefs or perception of themselves or types of learning, and motivation toward the tasks that the children perform. One type of praise is the praise directed towards an individual, which compliments their own attributes such as her intelligence. Another one is the product praise, which is directed towards the final objects or actions that the infant performs, such as a drawing or physical activities. Finally, a praise directed at the process aims to congratulate the infant during the task as a process, either for making an effort or for the strategies that they use to achieve something. This last kind of praise favors perseverance in the face of new tasks to a greater extent, while praise directed at the person could generate more frustration when the infant experiences failure. Therefore, the way caregivers interact with infants is relevant, since it modulates motivation and the development of different skills. For this reason, the main objective of this study was the creation and validation of a self-report technique to assess the praise that Argentinean caregivers give to infants from 0 to 3 years of age. The sample was made up of 128 primary caregivers (. = 128) who were recruited through the internet. They completed a Likert scale questionnaire of approximately 5 minutes of duration. The data was collected during preventive social isolation due to COVID-19. This could lead to changes in parental behavior, while it also provides ecological value for understanding the ways to praise in this context, where caregivers spend a lot of time with infants; however, it would be important to conduct future research outside of this context. An exploratory factor analysis was performed, which led to an adjustment in the technique by eliminating four items in order to improve the psychometric characteristics of the instrument. By this analysis, the formation of the three dimensions was justified by the types of praise: person, process, and product praise.The final instrument consisted of 13 phrases that represent possible compliments used by caregivers. Participants indicated how often they usually use those compliments on a scale from 1 (never) to 5 (very often). The items are divided by types of praise: six were assigned to the product dimension, three to the process dimension and four to the person dimension. The internal consistencies of the dimensions were process (α = .91), product (α = .74) and person (α = .73). This self-report technique for primary caregivers of infants would allow a short and simple evaluation of the praise used. In future research, this technique would allow an assessment of praise for the realization of studies that seek to expand the knowledge about how they affect child development. Likewise, it would contribute to the development of interventions with caregivers aimed to promote praise that benefits an adaptive development of infants. However, more studies are needed to investigate possible changes in the inventory, such as the inclusion of neutral praise or negative feedback. Furthermore, a larger sample size would be necessary to carry out a more exhaustive validation, performing a confirmatory factor analysis, convergent variance and factor invariance.

Travel Behav Soc ; 31: 312-322, 2023 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36647375


Daily commuting characteristics were highly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, since restriction of the movement of people was one of the main preventive measures adopted. Understanding of the effects that the pandemic had on mobility is essential to help in mitigating the problems arising from this crisis, while also providing an opportunity for the implementation of sustainable policies in the post-pandemic period. Therefore, the aim of this study was to identify the impacts of the pandemic on the profile of travel behavior and mobility preferences in Brazil, using a case study of cities located in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. The data obtained from an online survey were modeled using exploratory factor analysis, resulting in the extraction of 15 main factors that explain behavioral changes in mobility due to the effects of the pandemic, as well as future perspectives. In the pandemic period, the use of private vehicles grew as the main mode of transport to the principal activity. Conversely, the use of public transport decreased drastically, due to compulsory measures taken by the health authorities to prevent the spread of the new virus. There was also greater receptivity to the adoption of active mobility, especially the bicycle, although it is necessary to provide better conditions for use of this transport mode. The findings support the development of public policies to reduce urban mobility problems and to provide guidelines for sustainable planning in the post-pandemic period.

Rev. bras. educ. méd ; 47(4): e130, 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521702


Abstract Introduction: Assessing professionalism represents a challenge for medical educators given the nature of its construct, which comprises diverse values, beliefs, and principles. Understanding this psychological phenomenon is fundamental for reaching the goals in medical education. Objective: This study aimed to translate into Brazilian Portuguese and to validate the Penn State College of Medicine Professionalism Questionnaire. Method: The questionnaire was translated, and cross-culturally adapted into Brazilian Portuguese using data from 249 medical students. An exploratory factor analysis was conducted, using a polychoric matrix and the Robust Diagonally Weighted Least Squares method of extraction. The following model adequacy indexes and criteria were used: Root Mean Square Error of Approximation (RMSEA) adjustment indexes <0.08, Comparative Fit Index (CFI) and Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI) >0.90. Result: The exploratory factor analysis obtained a KMO = 0.920, and a significant Bartlett's test of sphericity (2719.0, gl = 630; P <0.001). The parallel analysis yielded a three-factor solution, which showed adequate levels of reliability: Professional-Patient Relationship, Professional Development and Ethical Commitment. The three-factor solution was the best one found to represent the data. Conclusion: The questionnaire evidenced good psychometric properties and appropriateness to evaluate medical students' professionalism, contributing to reach more desirable ethical standards in medical education.

Resumo Introdução: Avaliar o profissionalismo representa um desafio para os educadores médicos dada a natureza de seu construto que compreende diversos valores, crenças e princípios. A compreensão desse fenômeno psicológico é fundamental para o alcance dos objetivos da educação médica. Objetivo: Este estudo teve como objetivos traduzir para o português brasileiro e validar o Questionário de Profissionalismo da Penn State College of Medicine. Método: O questionário foi traduzido e adaptado transculturalmente para o português brasileiro com dados de 249 estudantes de Medicina. Na condução da análise fatorial exploratória, utilizaram-se uma matriz policórica e o método de extração Robust Diagonally Weighted Least Squares. Os seguintes índices e critérios de adequação do modelo foram usados: índices de ajuste da raiz quadrada da média do erro de aproximação (RMSEA) < 0,08, índice de ajuste comparativo (CFI) e índice de Tucker-Lewis (TLI) > 0,90. Resultado: A análise fatorial exploratória obteve um KMO = 0,920 e um teste de esfericidade de Bartlett significativo (2719,0, gl = 630; P < 0,001). A análise paralela resultou em uma solução de três fatores que apresentou níveis adequados de confiabilidade: relacionamento profissional-paciente, desenvolvimento profissional e compromisso ético. A solução de três fatores foi considerada a melhor para representar os dados. Conclusão: O questionário evidenciou boas propriedades psicométricas e adequação para avaliar o profissionalismo dos estudantes de Medicina, contribuindo para o alcance de padrões éticos mais desejáveis na educação médica.

Psicol Reflex Crit ; 35(1): 40, 2022 Dec 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36583786


BACKGROUND: One of the most significant human qualities is the ability to develop, implement, and flexibly maintain planned behaviour in order to achieve one's goals. Self-regulation has become a relatively well-researched area in the field of psychology and pedagogy. However, empirically valid and reliable instrument is still missing across European context. The primary goal of this research was to analyze the psychometric properties of the Czech version of the Self-Regulation Questionnaire (SRQ-CZ) among adult learners from Poland, Serbia, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic. OBJECTIVE: The aim of the present study was to examine the factor structure and psychometric properties of the SRQ-CZ validated in the Czech educational context in a multi-cultural sample. METHODS: A total of 1711 adult learners from European countries including Poland, Serbia, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic completed the SRQ-CZ. The first step to reviewing the validity of the SRQ-CZ included testing face validity. Furthermore, exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was performed on half the sample and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) on the other half. Measurement invariance was conducted across gender, age, and country followed by the evaluation of the reliability of the final instrument. RESULTS: EFA showed that a three-factor structure best fit the data. The originally proposed Impulse Control and Self-Direction are merged into one distinct factor, while Decision Making and Goal Orientation comprise the other two. Goodness-of-fit statistics yielded from CFA showed a good fit for the model, introducing a reliable and measurement invariant instrument. CONCLUSION: The present study used a diverse multi-cultural sample to explore the factorial structure and psychometric properties of the SRQ-CZ. A three-factor model was obtained as the result of the exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses. Further analysis aiming at measurement invariance, comparing the sample according to gender, age, and country, led to satisfactory results. The only exception was a lack of model fit in the case of Serbia. Although further psychometric evaluation of the SRQ-CZ is still needed, the presented results constitute significant findings, confirming instrument validity and utility as a measure of generalized self-regulation capacity across adult learners in European educational context.