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Farm Hosp ; 48(5): T198-T203, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38890067


Hospital pharmacy worldwide has proven to be a crucial element in healthcare. In Latin America, it draws inspiration from 2 main models: United States, which promoted clinical pharmacy and later pharmaceutical care, and Spain, which shares similar healthcare practices and the added advantage of a common language. Both models influenced the implementation of hospital pharmacy residencies in Argentina since the 1980s. Hospital pharmacy residencies in Argentina constitute a paid system of intensive postgraduate training on a full-time basis with exclusive dedication. They are carried out in 11 provinces across Argentina in services with recognized teaching experience. Currently, there are 46 locations with a total of 75 annual vacancies for applicants. The objective of hospital pharmacy residencies is to train pharmaceutical professionals with the necessary competencies to ensure the care of patients through the optimization of the safe, effective, and efficient use of medications and healthcare products tailored to each patient's individual therapy. Hospital pharmacy residencies have demonstrated that pharmacists acquire specialized training that can be decisive in influencing healthcare policies related to the safe use of medications and healthcare products. Therefore, actions to promote and encourage interest in this field among pharmaceutical professionals are necessary, involving scientific societies, universities, pharmaceutical associations, and the political sphere.

Farmacêuticos , Residências em Farmácia , Serviço de Farmácia Hospitalar , Argentina , Serviço de Farmácia Hospitalar/organização & administração , Humanos
Farm Hosp ; 48(5): 198-203, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38565424


Hospital Pharmacy worldwide has proven to be a crucial element in healthcare. In Latin America, it draws inspiration from two main models: United States, which promoted clinical pharmacy and later pharmaceutical care, and Spain, which shares similar healthcare practices and the added advantage of a common language. Both models influenced the implementation of Hospital Pharmacy residencies in Argentina since the 1980s. Hospital Pharmacy residencies in Argentina constitute a paid system of intensive postgraduate training on a full-time basis with exclusive dedication. They are carried out in 11 provinces across Argentina in services with recognized teaching experience. Currently, there are 46 locations with a total of 75 annual vacancies for applicants. The objective of Hospital Pharmacy residencies is to train pharmaceutical professionals with the necessary competencies to ensure the care of patients through the optimization of the safe, effective, and efficient use of medications and healthcare products tailored to each patient's individual therapy. Hospital Pharmacy residencies have demonstrated that pharmacists acquire specialized training that can be decisive in influencing healthcare policies related to the safe use of medications and healthcare products. Therefore, actions to promote and encourage interest in this field among pharmaceutical professionals are necessary, involving scientific societies, universities, pharmaceutical associations, and the political sphere.

Farmacêuticos , Residências em Farmácia , Serviço de Farmácia Hospitalar , Argentina , Humanos
Medicentro (Villa Clara) ; 28(1)mar. 2024.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550548


Introducción: La capacitación es, sin duda, uno de los temas actuales más importantes cuando se habla de competitividad, innovación y mejora continua de una empresa. Este proceso implica: detección de necesidades, planeación, implementación, evaluación, retroalimentación y seguimiento de resultados. El eje fundamental de este proceso es el Diagnóstico de Necesidades de Capacitación, pues señala de manera precisa los aspectos sobre los cuales ha de trabajar el capacitador. Objetivo: Realizar un diagnóstico de las necesidades de capacitación de los asistentes de farmacia del Municipio Santa Clara. Métodos: Para elaborar el Diagnóstico de Necesidades de Capacitación se utilizó el método comparativo. Este método se basa en la identificación de las discrepancias entre lo que es y lo debe ser, lo que posibilita constatar los requisitos que son necesarios cubrir. Se utilizaron como técnicas la entrevista y la encuesta. Resultados: Finalmente, después del análisis de todos los datos obtenidos de las matrices y preguntas abiertas, se elaboró el Diagnóstico de Necesidades de Capacitación final que se entregó a la Empresa Farmacias y Ópticas. Conclusiones: Estos resultados mostraron que esta empresa necesita de manera inmediata implementar actividades de capacitación a sus asistentes de farmacia en lo referente a conocimientos.

Introduction: training is, undoubtedly one of the most important current issues when talking about competitiveness, innovation and continuous improvement of a company. This process involves: detection of needs, planning, implementation, evaluation, feedback and monitoring of results. The fundamental axis of this process is the Diagnosis of Training Needs, since it indicates precisely the aspects on which the trainer must work. Objective: to carry out a diagnosis of the training needs in pharmacy assistants from Santa Clara municipality. Methods: the comparative method was use to prepare the Training Needs Diagnosis. This method is based on the identification of discrepancies between what is and what should be; it made possible to verify the necessary requirements to be met. Interviews and surveys were used as techniques. Results: Finally, after analyzing all the data obtained from the matrices and the open questions, a final Diagnosis of Training Needs was prepared and delivered to the Pharmacy and Optics Company. Conclusions: these results showed that this company needs to immediately implement training activities for their pharmacy assistants in terms of knowledge.

Diagnóstico , Técnicos em Farmácia , Capacitação em Serviço
Interface (Botucatu, Online) ; 28: e230092, 2024. graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564678


O objetivo deste estudo foi refletir sobre o desafio da formação de identidade profissional do farmacêutico clínico em um contexto de currículo não integrado e em um ambiente tradicional e especializado. Desenvolveu-se uma pesquisa qualitativa orientada pelos pressupostos da perspectiva etnográfica na educação, empregando-se múltiplos métodos de coleta de dados entre abril e julho de 2019. O cenário de ensino experiencial foi uma Farmácia Universitária da região Sul do Brasil. Por meio de uma descrição densa e com uso da reflexividade teórica e intertextual, é apresentada uma narrativa utilizando a voz dos participantes como âncora para dar visibilidade ao processo vivenciado. A ausência de um padrão para o cuidado na profissão farmacêutica, o currículo tradicional e a desarticulação entre teoria e prática constituem desafios para os estudantes de Farmácia legitimarem a prática profissional farmacêutica centrada no usuário.(AU)

The aim of this study was to reflect on the challenge of forming the professional identity of clinical pharmacists in the context of non-integrated curriculums and a traditional specialized environment. We conducted a qualitative study between April and July 2019 guided by the ethnographic approach to education, employing multiple data collection methods. The experiential learning setting was a university pharmacy in the south of Brazil. By means of a thick description and through the use of theoretical and intertextual reflexivity, we present a narrative using the voice of the participants as an anchor to provided visibility to the experienced process. The absence of a standard for the care process in the pharmacy profession, the traditional curriculum, and the lack of connection between theory and practice are challenges facing pharmacy students in legitimizing patient-centered professional practice.(AU)

El objetivo de este estudio fue reflexionar sobre el desafío de la formación de la identidad profesional del farmacéutico clínico en un contexto de currículum no integrado y en un ambiente tradicional y especializado. Se desarrolló una investigación cualitativa orientada por las presuposiciones de la perspectiva etnográfica en la educación, utilizándose múltiples métodos de colecta de datos entre abril y julio de 2019. El escenario de la enseñanza experiencial fue una Farmacia Universitaria de la región sur de Brasil. Por medio de una descripción densa y con el uso de la reflexividad teórica e intertextual se presenta una narrativa que utiliza la voz de los participantes como ancla para dar visibilidad al proceso vivido. La ausencia de un estándar para el proceso de cuidado en la profesión farmacéutica, el currículum tradicional y la desarticulación entre teoría y práctica se constituyen en desafíos para que los estudiantes de Farmacia legitimen la práctica profesional farmacéutica centrada en el usuario.(AU)

RECIIS (Online) ; 17(3): 668-681, jul.-set. 2023.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, Coleciona SUS | ID: biblio-1517762


O objetivo foi analisar o perfil das pessoas com diabetes que utilizaram a telefarmácia na pandemia de covid-19. Trata-se de um estudo transversal com dados oriundos da websurvey DIABETESvid que ocorreu nos meses de setembro e outubro de 2020. Verificou-se que 45 participantes recorreram à telefarmácia, sendo que 55,6% eram do sexo masculino, 42,2% tinham idade compreendida entre 18 e 34 anos e 46,7% estudaram 12 ou mais anos. Além disso, 48,9% autorreferiram diabetes mellitus tipo 1. A maioria usava insulina (55,6%) e obteve os medicamentos para o diabetes em farmácias do sistema público de saúde (60%). Ademais, as pessoas que tiveram o diagnóstico de covid-19 buscaram mais pela telefarmácia (RP=2,20; IC95% 1,23­3,94). Sabe-se que os medicamentos são essenciais para o tratamento do diabetes. Logo, no período estudado em que se preconizava o distanciamento físico, os participantes apropriaram-se da telefarmácia a fim de obter a integralidade do cuidado

The objective was to analyze the profile of people with diabetes who used telepharmacy during the covid-19 pandemic. This is a cross-sectional study with data from the DIABETESvid websurvey that took place in September and October 2020. It was found that 45 participants used telepharmacy, 55.6% of whom were male, 42.2% were between 18 and 34 years-old and 46.7% studied 12 or more years. In addition, 48.9% self-reported type 1 diabetes mellitus. Most used insulin (55.6%) and obtained their diabetes medication from pharmacies in the public health system (60%). Also, people diagnosed with covid-19 used telephar-macy more often (PR=2.20; 95%CI 1.23­3.94). It is known that drugs are essential for the treatment of diabetes. Therefore, in the period studied in which physical distancing was advocated, the participants used telepharmacy to obtain comprehensive care

El objetivo fue analizar el perfil de las personas con diabetes que utilizaron la telefarmacia durante la pandemia del covid-19. Estudio transversal con datos de la encuesta por internet DIABETESvid realizada en septiembre y octubre de 2020. Se encontró que 45 participantes recurrieron a la telefarmacia, de los cuales el 55,6% eran hombres, el 42,2% tenían entre 18 y 34 años y el 46,7% estudiaban 12 o más años. Además, el 48,9% se autorrefirió diabetes mellitus tipo 1. La mayoría utilizaba insulina (55,6%) y recibía su medicación antidiabética en farmacias del sistema público (60%). Además, las personas diagnosticadas con covid-19 buscaron telefarmacia con más frecuencia (RP = 2,20; IC 95% 1,23­3,94). Los medicamentos son esenciales para el tratamiento de la diabetes. Por lo tanto, en el período estudiado en el que se propugnaba el distanciamiento físico, los participantes se apropiaron de la telefarmacia para la atención integral

Humanos , Farmácia , Telemedicina , Diabetes Mellitus , COVID-19 , Tecnologia , Saúde Pública , Pandemias
Acta méd. costarric ; 65(3): 124-128, jul.-sep. 2023. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1556689


Resumen Objetivo: Evaluar la existencia del trastorno mixto ansioso-depresivo en funcionarios de la salud de los servicios de Farmacia, Enfermería y personal de apoyo, durante la pandemia del SARS-CoV-2. Métodos: Se llevó a cabo un estudio transversal - analítico, en el periodo de marzo a septiembre 2020, en funcionarios de la salud, quienes estaban expuestos directamente con el SARS-CoV-2, consecuencia de su trabajo. Se realizó una encuesta bajo consentimiento informado, con parámetros como edad, sexo, estado civil, dependencia económica, servicio en que laboran, profesión ejercida, jornada laboral, entre otros; con una participación de 200 voluntarios, mediante un enlace virtual. Resultados: Un total de 127 trabajadores de la salud, es decir un 63.5% de la muestra, presentaron más de cuatro síntomas sugestivos de trastorno mixto ansioso-depresivo. Los síntomas más predominantes fueron preocupación (88,2%), fatiga (88,2%), falta de energía (78,0%) y trastornos del sueño (74,8%). Conclusión: El trastorno mixto ansioso depresivo cobró auge durante la pandemia del SARS-CoV-2, factores como la exposición prolongada a escenarios estresores, así como el sexo femenino, no contar con pareja o pertenecer a un grupo etario menor a los 45 años, pueden propiciar el desarrollo de un trastorno mental. Por lo cual es importante poder identificar a la población de riesgo, brindarle el apoyo y seguimiento necesario, así como la creación de protocolos que brinden una guía sobre como actuar para procurar la integridad del personal de salud.

Abstract Aim: To evaluate for mixed anxiety-depressive disorder in health care workers in the Pharmacy, Nursing and Support Staff during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. Methods: A cross-sectional-analytical study was carried out from March to September 2020 in health care workers who were directly exposed to SARS-CoV-2 because of their work. A survey was conducted previous informed consent, with variables including age, sex, marital status, economic dependence, service in which they work, profession, working day, among others; with the participation of 200 volunteers, through a virtual link. Results: A total of 127 health workers, that is, 63.5% of the sample, presented more than four symptoms suggestive mixed anxious-depressive disorder. The most predominant symptoms were worry (88.2%), fatigue (88.2%), lack of energy (78.0%) and sleep disorders (74.8%). Conclusion: mixed anxiety-depressive disorder was prevalent during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. Factors such as prolonged exposure to stressful scenarios, as well as female sex, not having a partner or belonging to an age group younger than 45 years old, can lead to the development of a mental disorder. It is therefore important to be able to identify the population at risk, provide the necessary support and follow-up, as well as the creation of protocols that provide guidance on how to act to ensure the integrity of health personnel.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Transtornos de Ansiedade/psicologia , Pessoal de Saúde/psicologia , COVID-19/psicologia , Saúde Mental , Costa Rica , Terrores Noturnos/psicologia
São Paulo; Revista Brasileira de Farmácia Hospitalar e Serviços de Saúde; 27.set.2023. 6 p. ilus, graf.
Não convencional em Português | LILACS, SES-RJ | ID: biblio-1561878


Objetivo: Avaliar o impacto da implantação do inventário rotativo diário na acurácia do estoque de medicamentos em um hospital público de médio porte. Metodologia: Trata-se de um estudo descritivo exploratório transversal que avaliou a implantação de um inventário rotativo de janeiro a julho de 2022. Foram selecionados 143 medicamentos que posteriormente foram inventariados, uma vez por mês, ao longo de sete meses. Esses medicamentos foram classificados segundo a curva ABC, XYZ e o grau de divergência em: baixo, médio e alto. Foi calculada a acurácia para cada grupo, ao longo dos meses analisados, e o Percentual de Mudança Relativa (PMR) para comparação entre o período inicial e final. Resultado: Houveum aumento de 64% na acurácia do estoque de medicamentos, sendo observada diferença entre os grupos ABC e XYZ. Em relação a curva ABC, o grupo A teve um aumento de 170%, o B de 358% e o C de 23% no mesmo período. Em relação a criticidade, o grupo Z foi o que teve maior acurácia, seguido dos grupos Y e X. Os medicamentos classificados como de alta taxa de divergência tiveram redução de 80% e o de baixa 25% após implantação do inventário. Conclusão: A implantação do inventário rotativo aumentou a acurácia do estoque de medicamentos ao longo dos meses avaliados. Essa ferramenta pode ser uma estratégia utilizada na melhoria do gerenciamento de estoque de medicamentos. (AU)

Objective: To evaluate the impact of implementing a daily rotating inventory on the accuracy of medicines stocks in a medium-sized public hospital. Methodology: This is a cross-sectional exploratory descriptive study that evaluated the implementation of a rotating inventory from January to July 2022. 143 medicines were selected and subsequently inventoried once a month over seven months. These medicines were classified according to the ABC, XYZ curve and the degree of divergence in low, medium and high. Accuracy was calculated for each group, over the analyzed months, and the Relative Percentage Change (RPC) for comparison between the initial and final period. Result: There was a 64% increase in the accuracy of medicines inventory, with a difference being observed between the ABC and XYZ groups. Regarding the ABC curve, group A had an increase of 170%, group B 358% and group C 23% in the same period. Regarding criticality, group Z had the highest accuracy, followed by groups Y and X. Medicines classified as having a high rate of divergence had a reduction of 80% and the low rate of 25% after implementation of the inventory. Conclusion: The implementation of the rotating inventory increased the accuracy of the medicines stock over the evaluated months. This tool can be a strategy used to improve medicine inventory management. (AU)

Farm Hosp ; 47(3): T133-T138, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37198084


Pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences embrace a series of different disciplines. Pharmacy practice has been defined as "the scientific discipline that studies the different aspects of the practice of pharmacy and its impact on health care systems, medicine use, and patient care". Thus, pharmacy practice studies embrace both clinical pharmacy and social pharmacy elements. Like any other scientific discipline, clinical and social pharmacy practice disseminates research findings using scientific journals. Clinical pharmacy and social pharmacy journal editors have a role in promoting the discipline by enhancing the quality of the articles published. As has occurred in other health care areas (i.e., medicine and nursing), a group of clinical and social pharmacy practice journal editors gathered in Granada, Spain to discuss how journals could contribute to strengthening pharmacy practice as a discipline. The result of that meeting was compiled in these Granada Statements, which comprise 18 recommendations gathered into six topics: the appropriate use of terminology, impactful abstracts, the required peer reviews, journal scattering, more effective and wiser use of journal and article performance metrics, and authors' selection of the most appropriate pharmacy practice journal to submit their work. © 2023 The Author(s) Published by Elsevier Inc, Springer Nature, Brazilian Society of Hospital Pharmacy and Health Services, Elsevier Inc, Royal Pharmaceutical Society, Biomedcentral, Sociedad Española de Farmacia Hospitalaria (S.E.F.H), Pharmaceutical Care España Foundation, European Association of Hospital Pharmacists, Faculty of Pharmacy.

Farmácias , Serviço de Farmácia Hospitalar , Farmácia , Humanos , Espanha , Farmacêuticos
Salud UNINORTE ; 39(1)abr. 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536829


Introduction: Fire is a chemical reaction of combustion, based on the strongly exothermic "oxidation-reduction" phenomena that produce a big detachment of light and heat.Its effects are, generally, harmful, producing personal injuries due to smoke, toxic gasses, and extremely hot temperatures; and damaged materials and buildings. Fire is produced when the three following factors simultaneously coexist in time and space: Fuel; a comburent agent, usually the oxygen in the air; and heat, which contributes the necessary energy to actuate the reaction. Besides, it is necessary, for the production of the flame, the existence of a chain reaction. Method: The Gustav-Purt Method, which aim is to calculate the potential risk in a determinate building and of the means to fight fires should be implemented. Results: After the calculation of the distinct factors, the conclusion that the risk of fire in a pharmacy is high is reached. Discussion: Therefore, strict inspection by sanitary authorities to avert the danger of the fire is necessary.

Introducción: El fuego es una reacción química de combustión, basado en los fenómenos de oxidación-reducción fuertemente exotérmica que se manifiesta por desprender gran cantidad de luz y calor. Sus efectos son generalmente perjudiciales, produciendo daños personales por el humo, gases tóxicos y temperaturas extremas, causando grandes daños a instalaciones y bienes. El fuego se produce cuándo existen simultáneamente en el tiempo y en un mismo lugar los tres factores siguientes: Combustible, Agente Comburente, normalmente el oxígeno del aire y Calor, que contribuye con la energía necesaria para activar la reacción. Además, es necesario, para la producción de la llama, la existencia de reacciones de cadena. Método: El método de Gustav Purt, tiene por objetivo calcular el riesgo potencial existente en un edificio determinado y qué medios de lucha contra incendios son necesarios implementar. Resultados: Tras el cálculo de los distintos factores, se llega a la conclusión que el riesgo de incendio en una farmacia es elevado. Discusión: Por consiguiente, es necesario la estricta inspección de las autoridades sanitarias de la Administración para evitar el peligro del fuego.

Farm Hosp ; 47(3): 133-138, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36963994


Pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences embrace a series of different disciplines. Pharmacy practice has been defined as "the scientific discipline that studies the different aspects of the practice of pharmacy and its impact on health care systems, medicine use, and patient care". Thus, pharmacy practice studies embrace both clinical pharmacy and social pharmacy elements. Like any other scientific discipline, clinical and social pharmacy practice disseminates research findings using scientific journals. Clinical pharmacy and social pharmacy journal editors have a role in promoting the discipline by enhancing the quality of the articles published. As has occurred in other health care areas (i.e., medicine and nursing), a group of clinical and social pharmacy practice journal editors gathered in Granada, Spain to discuss how journals could contribute to strengthening pharmacy practice as a discipline. The result of that meeting was compiled in these Granada Statements, which comprise 18 recommendations gathered into six topics: the appropriate use of terminology, impactful abstracts, the required peer reviews, journal scattering, more effective and wiser use of journal and article performance metrics, and authors' selection of the most appropriate pharmacy practice journal to submit their work.

Farmácias , Serviço de Farmácia Hospitalar , Farmácia , Humanos , Espanha