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Bol. latinoam. Caribe plantas med. aromát ; 23(4): 534-551, jul. 2024. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1538057


The cultural significance of the flora used by the native Asheninka Sheremashe community in Ucayali, Peru was determined. To do this, a fieldwork of over 4 months was conducted, involving semi-structured interviews with 106 residents through non-probabilistic convenience sampling. The community utilizes 139 plant species in their daily lives, belonging to 120 genera and 52 families, with the most abundant being Fabaceae, Arecaceae, Malvaceae, Solanaceae, Poaceae, and Rutaceae. Furthermore, 25.9% of the species are of significant importance to theinhabitants according to the Cultural Index (CI), such as Manihot esculenta, Theobroma cacao, Bixa orellana, Musa paradisiaca, Ficus insipida, among others. It can be concluded that the flora plays a prominent role in the life of the community, with the categories reporting the highest number of species being: food (29.35%), medicine (28.36%), culture (9.95%), construction (9.45%), lumber (6.97%), commerce (3.48%), craftsmanship (2.49%), toxic (2.49%), and other uses (7.46%)

Se determinó la importancia cultural de la flora empleada por la comunidad nativa Asheninka Sheremashe, en Ucayali, Perú. Para ello, se realizó un trabajo de campo de más de 4 meses, donde se aplicaron entrevistas semiestructuradas a 106 habitantes mediante un muestreo no probabilístico por conveniencia. La comunidad emplea 139 especies vegetales en su día a día, pertenecientes a 120 géneros y 52 familias; siendo las más abundantes las Fabaceae, Arecaceae, Malvaceae, Solanaceae, Poaceae y Rutaceae. Además, el 25.9% de las especies tiene gran importancia para los pobladores según el Índice Cultural (IC): Manihot esculenta, Theobroma cacao, Bixa orellana, Musa paradisiaca, Ficus insipida, entre otras. Se concluye que la flora tiene un rol preponderante en la vida de la comunidad, siendo las categorías que presentaron mayor reporte de especies: alimentación (29.35%), medicina (28.36%), cultura (9.95%), construcción (9.45%), aserrío (6.97%), comercio (3.48%), artesanía (2.49%), tóxico (2.49%) y otros usos (7.46%)

Humanos , Flora , Etnobotânica , Medicina Tradicional , Peru , Inquéritos e Questionários
Foods ; 13(7)2024 Mar 31.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38611377


Beekeeping directly depends on the floral biodiversity available to honey bees. In tropical regions, where nectar and pollen resources are numerous, the botanical origin of some honey is still under discussion. A precise knowledge of plants foraged by honey bees is useful to understand and certify the botanical origin of honey. In this study, attention was paid to honey samples from the French Guiana Atlantic coast where beekeepers generally place their hives in four types of biotopes: seaside vegetation, mangrove, savannah, and secondary forest. Pollen analysis of 87 honey samples enabled the identification of major plants visited by Africanized honey bees during the dry season (approximately from July to January). Through melissopalynologic analysis, 51 pollen types were identified and classified according to their relative presence. Frequently observed pollens (with relative presence > 50%) in French Guiana kinds of honey were those from Mimosa pudica, Cocos sp., Rhyncospora sp., Avicennia germinans, Paspalum sp., Spermacoce verticillata, Tapirira guianensis, Cecropia sp., Myrtaceae sp., Mauritia flexuosa sp., Solanum sp., and Protium sp. In many honeys, only M. pudica was over-represented (relative frequency > 90%). Color and electrical conductivity in French Guiana honeys exhibit significant variations, with color ranging from 27 mm to 110 mm Pfund, and electrical conductivity ranging from 0.35 to 1.22 mS/cm.

Biol Lett ; 20(3): 20230581, 2024 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38503344


Spatial patterns of phylogenetic diversity (PD) are increasingly becoming relevant for conservation decisions. PD measures are based on phylogenies estimated from molecular data. This paper addresses the question of how different molecular markers impact PD spatial patterns. We first conducted a simple simulation to explore the effect of deep and shallow changes in topology (simulating variations in molecular markers), using ultrametric and non-ultrametric trees, and then used a dataset of Chilean flora with four sets of markers to assess potential differences in spatial patterns of PD ranks using different markers and types of trees. The simulation consistently showed that the difference in PD rank was lower for ultrametric trees than for phylograms. A similar trend was observed using the Chilean flora dataset, with among-markers variability in spatial patterns of the PD metrics lower for ultrametric than for non-ultrametric trees, depicted as top 2.5 and 5% hotspots. Frequency distribution of PD values differed among markers as well, with this variation less apparent for ultrametric trees. We conclude that the choice of markers impacts spatial patterns of PD, and these results vary more strongly for phylograms, suggesting that ultrametric trees are more robust to the choice of marker.

Filogenia , Simulação por Computador , Chile
Plant Divers ; 46(1): 39-48, 2024 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38343600


Data gaps and biases are two important issues that affect the quality of biodiversity information and downstream results. Understanding how best to fill existing gaps and account for biases is necessary to improve our current information most effectively. Two current main approaches for obtaining and improving data include (1) curation of biological collections, and (2) fieldwork. However, the comparative effectiveness of these approaches in improving biodiversity data remains little explored. We used the Flora de Bogotá project to study the magnitude of change in species richness, spatial coverage, and sample coverage of plant records based on curation versus fieldwork. The process of curation resulted in a decrease in species richness (synonym and error removal), but it significantly increased the number of records per species. Fieldwork contributed to a slight increase in species richness, via accumulation of new records. Additionally, curation led to increases in spatial coverage, species observed by locality, the number of plant records by species, and localities by species compared to fieldwork. Overall, curation was more efficient in producing new information compared to fieldwork, mainly because of the large number of records available in herbaria. We recommend intensive curatorial work as the first step in increasing biodiversity data quality and quantity, to identify bias and gaps at the regional scale that can then be targeted with fieldwork. The stepwise strategy would enable fieldwork to be planned more cost-effectively given the limited resources for biodiversity exploration and characterization.

PhytoKeys ; 238: 33-64, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38344433


The genus Magnolia (Magnoliaceae) has a wide and disjunct geographic distribution ranging from Eastern and South Asia to Malaysia, extending across the Neartics and reaching into the Neotropics. Regarding its infrageneric classification, the genus is divided into three subgenera: Yulania, Gynopodium and Magnolia, the latter including the section Talauma in which the native Brazilian taxa are classified. The species of Magnoliasect.Talauma can be recognized by two parallel longitudinal scars on the petiole formed by the shedding of the stipules, in addition to a woody syncarp that breaks into irregular plates at dehiscence. Currently, in Brazil, species recognition is not clear on national platforms that are widely used by the Brazilian botanical community (e.g. Flora do Brasil), with only two native Magnolia species being accepted: M.amazonica and M.ovata. The lack of knowledge about the species and their respective characteristics has resulted in many identification errors in Brazilian herbaria, which contributes to the lack of knowledge about their current conservation status. We conducted a complete taxonomic revision based on extensive fieldwork, a herbarium survey, along with literature study. Based on this, we propose to recognize three previously described species, supporting the acceptance of five native Magnolias occurring in Brazil, namely: M.amazonica, M.brasiliensis, M.irwiniana, M.ovata and M.sellowiana. However, we follow the Flora do Brasil in maintaining M.paranaensis as a synonym of M.ovata. Additionally, we designate a lectotype for M.sellowiana. We present morphological descriptions and the geographic distribution for each species, in addition to an identification key to all of these plus the two introduced ornamental species from Asia and North America, illustrations, photographs, ecological data, updated conservation status and taxonomic notes.

Neotrop Entomol ; 53(2): 189-199, 2024 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38170367


The protection of soft-skinned fruits against Drosophila suzukii has relied primarily on the efficacy of a few synthetic molecules. Despite their short-term efficacy, these molecules can cause environmental pollution, unintendedly affect non-target organisms, and fail to provide sustainable control. The shortfalls of using synthetic pesticides warrant the search for alternatives, such as essential oils extracted from plants, with greater eco-friendlier properties. Here, we chemically characterized and evaluated the toxicity of the essential oil extracted from leaves of Ocotea indecora (Schott) Mez (Lauraceae) against D. suzukii via two exposure pathways (ingestion and contact). We also assessed the selectivity of the essential oil to two predatory natural enemies, Eriopis connexa and Chrysoperla externa and two pollinator bees, Apis mellifera and Partamona helleri. In addition, we conducted in silico predictions to investigate potential interactions between the major compound of the essential oil and the insects' transient receptor potential (TRP) channels. Our chromatographic analysis revealed sesquirosefuran (87%) as the major compound. Higher toxicity to adults of D. suzukii was observed in contact exposure (LC50 = 0.43 µL mL-1) compared to ingestion (LC50 = 0.72 µL mL-1). However, the essential oil did not cause mortality to the non-target organisms tested here, even when applied at 2.20 µL mL-1. Molecular predictions demonstrated that sesquirosefuran binds more stably to the TRP channels of D. suzukii than to those expressed in beneficial arthropods. Collectively, our findings provide the initial framework for the potential use of O. indecora essential oil as a sustainable alternative for managing D. suzukii infestations.

Artrópodes , Inseticidas , Ocotea , Óleos Voláteis , Animais , Drosophila , Controle de Insetos/métodos
Rev. peru. biol. (Impr.) ; 31(1): e26205, Jan.-Mar. 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565772


Resumen El género Cheilanthes en su concepto más reciente incluye tres clados distribuidos en Sudamérica, África y Australasia. Trabajos previos para el Perú registraron 23 especies, sin embargo, los avances en sistemática molecular han resultado en la segregación de ocho de ellas en al menos tres géneros. En este trabajo, se reconocen 15 especies en la flora peruana en base al estudio de 459 ejemplares de herbario y campo, y la evaluación de caracteres morfológicos usando 131 especímenes. Las afinidades entre los linajes propuestos en este trabajo son consistentes con la reciente hipótesis filogenética, donde las especies de Cheilanthes en el Perú serían integrantes de dos clados, el Sudamericano y el Australásico-Sudamericano, y los caracteres de importancia taxonómica serian: la forma de las escamas rizomáticas y tipos de indumento de la fronda (escamas, microescamas, escuámulas y pelos). Encontramos que el género Cheilanthes estaría presente en 20 departamentos del Perú, la mayoría de las especies con amplia distribución en las regiones centro-sur Andinas, cuatro especies con el estatus de endemismo. Mientras que C. cantangensis, C. lonchophylla y C. obducta están pobremente representadas en la región norte. Las dos primeras especies son consideradas endémicas y son categorizadas como En Peligro (EN), y otras dos como de Preocupación Menor (LC). Además, se presenta una clave taxonómica.

Abstract In its most recent concept, the genus Cheilanthes encompasses three clades distributed across South America, Africa, and Australasia. Previous studies in Peru recorded 23 species; however, advancements in molecular systematic have led to the segregation of eight of them into at least three genera. In this study, 15 species are recognized in the Peruvian flora based on the examination of 459 herbarium and field specimens, and the evaluation of morphological characters using 131 specimens. The affinities among the lineages proposed in this study are consistent with recent phylogenetic hypotheses, wherein Cheilanthes species in Peru are members of two clades, the South American and the Australasian-South American, with taxonomically important characters being the shape of rhizomatous scales and types of frond indumentum (scales, microscales, scuamules, and hairs). We found that the genus Cheilanthes is present in 20 departments of Peru, with most species having wide distribution in the central-southern Andean regions, four species having endemic status. Meanwhile, C. cantangensis, C. lonchophylla, and C. obducta are poorly represented in the northern region. The first two species are considered endemic and categorized as Endangered (EN), while the other two are classified as Least Concern (LC). Additionally, a taxonomic key is provided.

Microorganisms ; 12(1)2024 Jan 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38257960


The aim of the study was to evaluate the impact of probiotics obtained from an agroindustrial waste substrate fermented with lactic acid bacteria and/or yeasts on the health and changes in the microbiota of the digestive tract of guinea pigs. Eighty male guinea pigs, Kuri breed, 30 days old and 250 g live weight, were randomly selected and divided into four groups of 20 animals each: T0, control; T1, Lactobacillus acidophilus and L. bulgaricus; T2, Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Kluyveromyces fragilis; and T3. L. acidophilus, L. bulgariccus, S. cerevisiae and K. fragilis. T1, T2 and T3 contained molasses-vinasse substrate in their base, the dose administered was 1.00 mL/animal orally every 3 days. The indicators evaluated were weight gain, occurrence of diarrhea and mortality, macroscopic lesions in the digestive tract organs and changes in the microbiota of the stomach, caecum, small and large intestine. Treatments T1, T2 and T3 improved weight gain (p < 0.05) and reduced the presence of guinea pigs with diarrhea (p < 0.05) and there was no mortality; animals in the control group presented a greater amount (p < 0.05) of macroscopic lesions in the digestive tract organs; in the T1, T2 and T3 groups there was an improvement in the natural microbiota. It is concluded that the inclusion of a microbial additive in young guinea pigs improves intestinal health and consequently improves weight gain, reduces diarrhea and deaths and normalizes the natural microbiota of the gastrointestinal tract.

Braz. j. biol ; 84: e263534, 2024. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1384080


Honey is one of the best nutritious substances in the world, having different services in the body functions regulation. Ten elements (K, Na, Ca, Co, Cr, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Se) from honey samples were analyzed from 80 different locations of Punjab and ten floras. The aim of the present study was to determine the quality and quantity of minerals and Physico-chemical analysis in honey. A flame photometer was used to measure the concentration of major minerals (K, Ca and Na). The concentration of micro minerals (Co, Cr, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb and Se) was analyzed using Atomic Absorption Spectrometer. The concentration of macro-elements obtained was as follow (in ppm): K (166-1732), Na (107-418) and Ca (07-99), while the concentration of microelements (in ppm) Co (1-2), Cr (>1), Mn (<1), Mo (1.818), Ni (1.911), Pb (<1) and Se (1.968). The most abundant minerals were potassium, calcium and sodium, ranging between 396-810.5, 17.5-640.63 and 169.88-238.62 ppm, respectively. However, the trace mineral elements of honey were obtained in the order of decreasing Se > Co > Ni > Pb > Cr > Mo > Mn. The findings showed that all the heavy metals like Co, Cr, Ni and Pb were present in trace amounts and close to International Honey Quality Standard. The result of given honey samples represented highest value of moisture (31.23%), color (80 mm pfund), pH (8.23), acidity (72.02 meq/kg), electrical conductivity (0.85 ms/cm) and ash contents (0.83%).

O mel é uma das substâncias mais nutritivas do mundo, possuindo diversos serviços na regulação das funções do organismo. Dez elementos (K, Na, Ca, Co, Cr, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Se) de amostras de mel foram analisados em 80 locais diferentes de Punjab e dez floras. O objetivo do presente estudo foi determinar a qualidade e quantidade de minerais e análises físico-químicas em mel. Um fotômetro de chama foi usado para medir a concentração dos principais minerais (K, Ca e Na). A concentração de microminerais (Co, Cr, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb e Se) foi analisada utilizando espectrômetro de absorção atômica. A concentração de macroelementos obtida foi a seguinte (em ppm): K (166-1732), Na (107-418) e Ca (07-99), enquanto a concentração de microelementos (em ppm) Co (1-2), Cr (> 1), Mn (< 1), Mo (1,818), Ni (1,911), Pb (< 1) e Se (1,968). Os minerais mais abundantes foram potássio, cálcio e sódio, variando entre 396-810,5, 17,5-640,63 e 169,88-238,62 ppm, respectivamente. No entanto, os oligoelementos do mel foram obtidos na ordem decrescente Se > Co > Ni > Pb > Cr > Mo > Mn. Os resultados mostraram que todos os metais pesados ​​como Co, Cr, Ni e Pb estavam presentes em quantidades vestigiais e próximos ao Padrão Internacional de Qualidade do Mel. O resultado de determinadas amostras de mel representou o maior valor de umidade (31,23%), cor (80 mm pfund), pH (8,23), acidez (72,02 meq/kg), condutividade elétrica (0,85 ms/cm) e teor de cinzas (0,83%).

Metais Pesados/isolamento & purificação , Mel/análise , Minerais/isolamento & purificação , Índia
Braz. j. biol ; 84: e258128, 2024. tab, mapas, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1374657


In the western mountainous region of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan at the Shangla district, we found Physalis ixocarpa for the first time, not yet reported from Pakistan. Physalis ixocarpa was unidentified and has no ethnobotanical record in the flora of Pakistan. It is a member of family Solanaceae and having a close relation with Solanum tuberosum and Lycopersicon esculentum. The stem is prostrate with a dichotomous pattern of branches having leaves flower and fruits. Leaves are smooth, ovate and the margins of leaf blade dentation are poorly developed. The average length and width of the leaves are 6.50 and 3.61 cm respectively. P. ixocarpa grows to the length of 4-5 feet and an annual herb. The flowers of the plants are yellow in color and having purple color spots on the petals which are star-shaped. The round berry fruits are surrounded by persistent calyx and purple in color. The fruits are the 3-6cm in diameter. The plants are found in the different localities of district Shangla especially in Bar and Koz Kana. The life cycle of reporting plant is started in May and completed in November.

Na região montanhosa ocidental de Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Paquistão, no distrito de Shangla, encontramos Physalis ixocarpa pela primeira vez, ainda não relatada nesse país. A P. ixocarpa não foi identificada e não possui registro etnobotânico na flora do Paquistão. É membro da família Solanaceae e tem estreita relação com Solanum tuberosum e Lycopersicon esculentum. O caule é rastejante com um padrão dicotômico de ramos com folhas, flores e frutos. As folhas são lisas e ovais e as margens da dentição da lâmina foliar são pouco desenvolvidas. O comprimento e a largura médios das folhas são de 6,50 e 3,61 cm, respectivamente. A P. ixocarpa cresce aproximadamente 120-150 cm de comprimento e é uma planta anual. As flores das plantas são de cor amarela com manchas roxas nas pétalas em forma de estrela. Os frutos redondos da baga são rodeados por cálice persistente e de cor roxa. Os frutos têm 3-6 cm de diâmetro. As plantas são encontradas em diferentes localidades do distrito de Shangla, especialmente em Bar e Koz Kana. O ciclo de vida da planta reportado é iniciado em maio e concluído em novembro.

Registros , Flora , Etnobotânica , Physalis , Paquistão