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Saúde Soc ; 33(1): e220547pt, 2024.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536859


Resumo A alimentação, além de imperativo biológico para sobrevivência e saúde humana, é revestida de significados culturais que determinam suas múltiplas expressões na sociedade. Os campos da alimentação, da nutrição, da saúde e da antropologia se interseccionam na discussão sobre práticas alimentares. Este ensaio teórico do tipo reflexivo tem como objetivo refletir sobre a relevância das práticas alimentares das mulheres de camadas populares para possível superação da insegurança alimentar e nutricional, examinando as relações estabelecidas com a comida no contexto da cozinha, de seus corpos e do acesso aos alimentos. O percurso metodológico consiste no estudo reflexivo de caráter exploratório, que recorre a fontes bibliográficas e documentais para alicerçar as análises com base em uma leitura crítica da realidade. A herança patriarcal continua delegando à mulher o papel de cuidadora familiar, o que abarca a alimentação: desde a aquisição do alimento até o preparo e fornecimento das refeições. Propomos que as práticas alimentares dessas mulheres podem impulsionar potenciais mudanças, que serviriam como ferramentas para aplicação de políticas públicas. As reflexões oferecem subsídios para o planejamento de políticas que possam empoderá-las como sujeitos de ação e reflexão crítica, abrindo uma projeção de cenários possíveis para agenciar formas de superação das inseguranças alimentares.

Abstract Food, besides being a biological imperative for survival and human health, is coated with cultural meanings that determine its multiple expressions in society. The fields of food, nutrition, health, and anthropology intersect in the discussion about food practices. This theoretical and reflexive essay aims to reflect on the relevance of the food practices of low-income women for the possible overcoming of food and nutritional insecurity, examining the relationships established with food in the context of the kitchen, of their bodies, and of the access to food. The methodological path followed was the reflexive and exploratory study, which uses bibliographical and documental sources to support the analyses based on a critical reading of reality. The patriarchal heritage continues to assign women the role of family caretaker, which encompasses everything from acquiring food to its preparation and serving meals. We propose that the food practices of these women can drive potential changes, which would serve as tools for the application of public health policies. The reflections offer subsidies for planning of policies that can empower them as subjects of critical action and reflection, opening a projection of possible scenarios for the agency of ways to overcome food insecurity.

Humanos , Política Pública , Saúde Pública , Comportamento Alimentar , Abastecimento de Alimentos , Socioantropologia da Alimentação , Brasil
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36554616


The social act of eating together has been influenced and mediated by technologies in recent decades. This phenomenon has been investigated in different academic fields, but the topic is still in an incipient dimension, and there is a lack of consensus regarding terminology and definitions. The study aimed to characterize the main scientific findings regarding digital forms of commensality in the 21st century and to identify possible relationships between these practices and public health. A scoping review was conducted to identify papers published in different languages between 2001 and 2021. A total of 104 publications that combined commensality and technology in all contexts were included. Most studies were qualitative; from the Design and Technology field; used social media and video platforms or prototypes/augmented reality gadgets; and used different terms to refer to digital forms of commensality, allowing the analysis of the construction of field definitions over time. The intersections with health were observed from impacts on family/community engagement, culinary skills development, and mental health and eating habits. These practices also structured specific social interactions, such as virtual food communities and commensality, during the COVID-19 pandemic. This paper indicates the consistent growth of these practices and recommends the development of future research for theoretically and longitudinally deeper evaluations of the impacts of these new ways of eating together, especially regarding their effects on human health.

COVID-19 , Pandemias , Humanos , COVID-19/epidemiologia , Comportamento Alimentar/psicologia , Alimentos , Publicações
Rev. mex. trastor. aliment ; 12(2): 130-145, jul.-dic. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1570018


Resumen A partir de un estudio cualitativo interpretativo con un enfoque de análisis de contenido bajo los supuestos de la teoría fundamentada, se buscó describir el significado subjetivo de la socialización alimentaria en la familia, en cuanto a prácticas y estrategias que padres y madres utilizan para introducir a sus hijos en patrones de comportamiento alimentario. Dieciocho familias de estratos socioeconómicos bajos, medios y altos participaron en el estudio, respondiendo a una entrevista semiestructurada. Los resultados arrojaron dos categorías centrales de contenido, por un lado, el proceso de educación alimentaria y por otro, las prácticas específicas de alimentación, que presentaron diferencias entre padres y madres en cuanto al nivel de implicación en el proceso alimentario de los hijos. De igual modo, se identificó que el mayor grado de implicación paterna se observó en el alto nivel socioeconómico alto. Finalmente, los hallazgos obtenidos develan la necesidad de promover una mayor educación alimentaria y prácticas alimentarias que apoyen la alimentación saludable en diferentes contextos familiares.

Abstract Starting from an interpretive qualitative study with a content analysis approach under the assumptions of the grounded theory, we sought to describe the subjective meaning of food socialization in the family, in terms of practices and strategies that parents use to introduce their children to eating behavior patterns. Eighteen families from low, middle and high socioeconomic levels participated in the study, answering a semi-structured interview. The results showed two central content categories, on the one hand, the process of food education and on the other, specific food practices, which presented differences between fathers and mothers in terms of the level of involvement in the children's eating process. Similarly, it was identified that the greatest degree of paternal involvement was observed in the high socioeconomic level. Finally, the findings reveal the need to promote greater food education and food practices that support healthy eating in different family contexts.

Matern Child Health J ; 26(6): 1384-1400, 2022 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35088296


INTRODUCTION: Food inadequacies in the first 6 months of life are considered a global problem, with an emphasis on early complementary feeding introduction (CFI). This study aimed to identify the determinants of CFI. METHODS: A birth cohort study (N = 641). Data on infant feeding was collected before 30 days, and at 2, 4, and 6 months of age and, at baseline, data regarding socioeconomic status, demographics, maternal and infant health, obstetric history, and infant care. The hypothesis was that the risk determinants for early CFI vary according to the type of food and the age range of this introduction. Twelve Cox regression models were fit with four outcomes (formula; other types of milk; other beverages; and solid/semi-solid foods) considering three different age ranges of the infant at their introduction (< 2 months, 2-4 months, and 4-6 months). RESULTS: The introduction of the four food groups analyzed was early (median ages of introduction: formulas = 45 days; other milks = 135 days; other beverages = 120 days; solids and semi-solids = 135 days). The determinants that increased the risk of introducing formulas before 2 months were: primiparity, employed without maternity leave, mothers with unsatisfactory prenatal counseling and those who had cesarean sections. Not living with a partner, infant pacifier use at 2 months of age had a higher risk of introducing formula between 2 and 4 months of age. Non-white skin color, more than 35 years old, low maternal education, and lower family income increased the risk of introducing other types of milk between 2 and 4 months of age. Between 4 and 6 months of age, adolescent and low education level mothers had a higher risk of introducing other types of milk, unemployed was a protective factor against the introduction of other foods and beverages in this age group. CONCLUSIONS: The determinants of early CFI varied according to the type of food and the age of introduction.

Aleitamento Materno , Alimentos Infantis , Adolescente , Adulto , Brasil , Aleitamento Materno/psicologia , Estudos de Coortes , Feminino , Humanos , Lactente , Fenômenos Fisiológicos da Nutrição do Lactente , Gravidez
Appetite ; 168: 105738, 2022 01 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34634374


Foodscapes are the sum of all places where food and eating are actualized, as well as the institutional arrangements, discourses, cultural practices, trends and meanings that shape the relationship between individuals and food. However, limited research is available on how the different elements of foodscapes (physical, social, institutional) interact to influence children's and adolescents' eating behaviors. The aim of this study was to identify and characterize the factors influencing Peruvian children's and adolescents' practices around food, focusing on the systemic and complex nature of eating. We conducted non-participant observations inside and around two schools-one public and one private-located in Lima, Peru, for an entire school-week, and interviewed 44 parents/caregivers of children and adolescents, ages 6-16. Qualitative content analysis was developed, as its iterative and reflective nature allowed for evolving understandings of the data. Results showed that individual attributes (SES, age and gender) interact with individual agency, the physical environment, parental and peer influence, to determine differentiated food-related outcomes of children and adolescents. Moreover, the state-wide law aiming to protect children's and adolescents' health and nutrition seemed to partially influence the eating practices of parents and children at school and at home. This study is unique in its kind, as existent research has mainly focused on the effects of foodscapes on children and adolescents in Western countries, while research in the Global South, such as Peru, remains mostly underdeveloped. Moreover, this study, unlike previous ones, intends to systematically understand how foodscapes shape children's and adolescents' eating practices.

Comportamento Alimentar , Instituições Acadêmicas , Adolescente , Criança , Humanos , Estado Nutricional , Pais , Peru
Diaeta (B. Aires) ; 40(177): 116-127, 2022.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1430279


Resumen En Argentina el 42% de la población se encuentra inmersa en la pobreza, en contextos donde los recursos sanitarios, educacionales, estructurales y alimentarios escasean. Para intentar moderar esta situación, el Estado argentino pone en marcha diferentes planes y programas sociales que procuran brindar contención a las poblaciones más desfavorecidas. Los programas alimentarios incluyen la comida que se otorga en comedores comunitarios, ayudas económicas y entregas de alimentos. Las familias que viven en un contexto de pobreza desarrollan prácticas alimentarias que les permiten sobrevivir con los escasos recursos que cuentan. En este trabajo se describen las prácticas y representaciones alimentarias de una población beneficiaria del Plan Argentina contra el Hambre en el contexto de la pandemia de covid-19, durante el año 2020. Esta investigación se llevó a cabo desde una perspectiva cualitativa. A partir de los resultados obtenidos se puede señalar que la Tarjeta Alimentar cobró un papel fundamental en la alimentación y en la economía de estas familias, ya que posibilitó la compra de alimentos que antes les significaban un mayor esfuerzo adquirir, y contribuyó a que la situación de inseguridad alimentaria en la que se encontraban no se haya profundizado aún más como consecuencia de la pandemia. El patrón alimentario de esta población se caracteriza por ser monótono y poco variado. Durante el desarrollo de esta investigación, la tarjeta se retiraba cuando el menor cumplía 7 años, desde la mirada de las mujeres entrevistadas, esta era una de las limitaciones más importante de este programa.

Abstract In Argentina, 42% of the population is immersed in poverty, in contexts where health, educational, structural and food resources are scarce. To try to moderate this situation, the Argentine State implements several social plans and programs that seek to provide support to the most disadvantaged populations. Food programs include food provided in soup kitchens, financial assistance and food deliveries. Families living in poverty develop food practices that allow them to survive on the scarce resources they have. This paper describes the food practices and representations of a beneficiary population of the Argentina Plan against Hunger in the context of the covid-19 pandemic, in 2020. This research was conducted from a qualitative perspective. From the results obtained, it can be noted that the Alimentar Card played a fundamental role in the food and economy of these families, since it made it possible for them to buy food that previously meant a greater effort to acquire, and contributed to the fact that the situation of food insecurity in which they found themselves has not deepened even more as a result of the pandemic. The eating pattern of this population is characterized by being monotonous and little varied. During the development of this research, the card was withdrawn when the child turned 7 years old and, from the perspective of the women interviewed, this was one of the most important limitations of this program.

Política de Saúde , Dieta , Pandemias , COVID-19
Rev. chil. nutr ; 45(4): 356-362, dic. 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-978098


RESUMEN La situación nutricional de los niños menores de 2 años de edad está relacionada principalmente con su alimentación, la cual incluye lactancia materna exclusiva hasta los 6 meses de edad y una alimentación complementaria adecuada y segura desde los 6 meses de edad, manteniendo la lactancia materna hasta los 2 años o más, por tal razón se caracterizó la alimentación en un grupo de niños y niñas de O a 24 meses de la ciudad de Bogotá. Estudio descriptivo longitudinal, donde se aplicó encuesta alimentaria en 5 momentos a 388 madres de niños participantes, estableciéndose frecuencias simples, con intervalos de confianza al 95% y pruebas de diferencia Chi2. La Lactancia Materna (LM) en la primera hora de vida fue 68,8%, a los 2 meses 96.1% y esta prevalencia disminuyó gradualmente a 43,3% a los 24 meses. La prevalencia de lactancia materna exclusiva hasta los 6 meses fue 22,9% y la duración media 2,9 meses. El suministro de leche artificial inició a los 0 meses, alcanzó el 60% a los 6 meses. El 50% de los niños y niñas había iniciado alimentación complementaria alrededor de los 2 meses de edad. En la mayoría de los niños, a los 24 meses no cumplían con el consumo establecido de frutas, verduras y carnes, así mismo, con la recomendación mundial de lactancia materna exclusiva debido al suministro temprano de leche artificial y otros alimentos.

ABSTRACT The nutritional status of children under 2 years of age is mainly related to their diet, which includes exclusive breastfeeding until 6 months of age and adequate and safe supplementary feeding from 6 months of age, maintaining breastfeeding for 2 or more years. For this reason, feeding was characterized in a group of children from 0 to 24 months of the city of Bogotá. We conducted a longitudinal descriptive study, where a food survey was completed on 5 occasions by 388 mothers of participating children, establishing simple frequencies, with 95% confidence intervals and Chi2 difference tests. Breastfeeding (BF) in the first hour of life was 68.8% and 96.1% at 2 months. This prevalence gradually decreased to 43.3% at 24 months. The prevalence of exclusive breastfeeding up to 6 months was 22.9% and the average duration was 2.9 months. The supply of artificial milk began at 0 months and was 60% at 6 months. 50% of children had started complementary feeding around 2 months of age. At 24 months, children's diets did not meet the established norms for consumption of fruits, vegetables and meats. Due to the early supply of artificial milk and other foods, the worldwide recommendation to exclusively breastfeed was also not met.

Humanos , Fenômenos Fisiológicos da Nutrição do Lactente , Aleitamento Materno , Lactente , Saúde da Criança , Substitutos do Leite Humano
Interface (Botucatu, Online) ; 22(65): 435-446, abr.-jun. 2018.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-893497


Nesta pesquisa de cunho qualitativo buscou-se compreender as concepções e os sentidos atribuídos às práticas alimentares por mulheres de camadas populares com excesso de peso. Questões associadas às condições sociais e culturais da vida urbana configuram um processo de transformações marcado pela escassez de tempo e de busca de praticidade. Produtos ultraprocessados, antes vistos como supérfluos, são agora considerados básicos na alimentação desse grupo de mulheres no Rio de Janeiro. Esta realidade se confronta com o discurso contemporâneo da alimentação saudável que, ao fomentar uma demanda de consumo de produtos considerados benéficos à saúde, exige das informantes constantes ressignificações em relação ao "comer" que oscilam entre o prazer e a culpa. Discute-se a necessidade de compreender tais expressões dentro de um quadro de possibilidades restrito e determinado por aspectos micro e macrossociais que conformam os modos contemporâneos de produção e distribuição de alimentos em nossa sociedade.(AU)

The present qualitative study concerns the food practice concepts and meanings of lower-class overweight women. Issues associated with social and cultural conditions in urban areas are part of a transformation process marked by lack of time and the quest of convenience. Ultra-processed food, athough seen as unnecessary in the past are nowadays considered a basic staple by the lower class in Rio de Janeiro. This new reality confronts the contemporary discourse about healthy eating, which is focused on the demand for consuming "healthier" products. Such scenario demands the informants a constant reinterpretation about the act of "eating", oscillating between pleasure and guilt. The current study discusses the need of understanding these expressions based on a restricted framework of possibilities determined by micro and macro-social aspects. These aspects shape the contemporary mode of food production and distribution in our society.(AU)

En este estudio de cuño cualitativo se buscó entender las concepciones y los sentidos atribuidos a las prácticas alimentarias en mujeres de clases populares con exceso de peso. Cuestiones asociadas a las condiciones sociales y culturales de la vida urbana configuran un proceso de transformaciones señalado por la escasez de tiempo y la búsqueda de la practicidad. Produtos ultra procesados, antes considerados superfluos, son ahora considerados básicos en la alimentación de este grupo. Esa realidad se confronta con el discurso contemporáneo de la alimentación saludable que, al fomentar una demanda de consumo de productos considerados benéficos para la salud, exige de las informantes constantes re-significaciones con relación al "comer" que oscilan entre el placer y la culpa. Se discute la necesidad de comprender tales expresiones dentro de un cuadro de posibilidades restringido y determinado por aspectos micro y macro sociales que conforman los modos contemporáneos de producción y distribución de alimentos en nuestra sociedad.(AU)

Humanos , Feminino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Comportamento Alimentar , Obesidade , Pesquisa Qualitativa
Med. infant ; 24(3): 246-250, Sept.2017. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-876410


La alimentación es un proceso bio-psico-socio-cultural, a través del cual del ser humano realiza elecciones para cubrir distintas necesidades orientadas por creencias, conocimientos, representaciones y prácticas aprendidas. Las prácticas son formas de hacer en lo cotidiano que implican qué, cómo, cuánto y con quién se y las formas de preparar y consumir los alimentos. En la etapa preescolar, comprendida entre los 3 y 5 años de edad, se consolidan hábitos alimentarios, condicionados por factores familiares y escolares. Objetivo: Conocer las prácticas sobre alimentación infantil reportadas por las madres de los niños/as del Jardín de Infantes "Adela Zamudio", del barrio Villa El Libertador (Córdoba), durante el año 2016. Metodología: estudio de tipo observacional descriptivo y de corte transversal; la muestra estuvo conformada por todas las madres que asistieron al jardín durante 2 semanas en el mes de septiembre. Se obtuvieron datos mediante un cuestionario. Las variables analizadas fueron: edad y sexo del niño/a, edad y ocupación de la madre, prácticas alimentarias, y consumo habitual de alimentos. Resultados: Se estudiaron 102 madres de niños de entre 4 y 6 años. El 68% de las madres fue la responsable de comprar los alimentos y el 76% de cocinarlos. El 86% de los niños lleva alimentos al jardín tales como galletitas dulces, gaseosa y golosinas. El 67% fue beneficiario del programa alimentario de Córdoba (PAICOR). Se pudo observar un elevado consumo de grasas, azúcares y panificados y una escasa ingesta de legumbres, frutas, verduras y pescados. Conclusiones: los consumos alimentarios reportados por frecuencia se alejan de las recomendaciones alimentarias para la población argentina prefiriendo en las colaciones dulces y gaseosas y en lo cotidiano elevado consumo de grasas y bajo de frutas y verduras.

Nutrition is a bio-psycho-socio-cultural process through which the human being chooses to cover different needs oriented by believes, knowledges, representations, and learned practices. Practices are ways of acting in daily life that imply what, how, how much, and with whom eat food. In the preschool stage, between 3 and 5 years of age, eating habits are consolidated, conditioned by factors related to family and school. Objective: To study practices associated with child nutrition reported by mothers of children of the kindergarten "Adela Zamudio", in the neighborhood Villa El Libertador, Córdoba, in 2016. Methods: A descriptive, observational, cross-sectional study was conducted; the sample consisted of all the mothers who attended the kindergarten during two weeks in the month of September. Data were collected through a questionnaire. The following variables were analyzed: age and sex of the child, age and occupation of the mother, food practices, and eating habits. Results: 102 mothers of children between 4 and 6 years were studied. Overall, 68% of the mothers were in charge of buying the food and 76% of preparing the food. Of the children, 86% brought food, such as cookies, soft drinks, and sweets, to the kindergarten. Of the sample, 67% were part of the Nutrition Program of Cordoba (PAICOR). High intake of fat, sugar, and flour and a remarkable lack of intake of fruits, vegetables, beans, and fish was observed. Conclusions: The reported eating habits were not according to food recommendations for the Argentine population as for snacks sweets and soft drinks were preferred and the daily diet was high in fat and low in fruits and vegetables.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Pré-Escolar , Creches , Nutrição da Criança , Comportamento Alimentar , Mães , Saúde da Criança/tendências , Comportamentos Relacionados com a Saúde , Dieta Saudável , Inquéritos Nutricionais
Hig. aliment ; 31(266/267): 48-54, mar.-abr. 2017. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-16453


A farinha de mandioca desempenha importante papel na alimentação do brasileiro. Produzida artesanalmente em casas de farinha, pode ser comercializada em feiras livres, porém, estas apresentam condições que podem favorecer a contaminação dos produtos comercializados, ocasionando malefícios para a saúde do consumidor. Este trabalho teve por objetivo identificar as características socioeconômicas, as práticas de aquisição e consumo, e a percepção de higiene e risco de 22 consumidores de farinha da feira das Sete Portas de Salvador, Brasil. É um estudo de caráter transversal, exploratório e descritivo com a aplicação de questionário semiestruturado, contendo 55 perguntas e contemplando 4 categorias: 1. Identificação e características socioeconômicas; 2. Comportamentos; 3. Opinião e conhecimentos e 4. Percepções sobre higiene e risco. A tabulação e o processamento dos dados referentes aos questionários foram realizados através dos Softwares EPIDATA, versão 3.1 e SPSS, versão 17.0, respectivamente. Os resultados mostraram que 54,5% dos entrevistados eram do sexo feminino, com faixa etária entre 25 e 68 anos e renda de um a três salários mínimos. A maioria (68,2%) consumia o produto diariamente, 50% observava o preço e 92,9% a qualidade na hora da aquisição. Observou-se ainda que mais de 70% preferiam farinha branca, fina e que 35,3% preferiam a bem torrada. Todos os entrevistados consumiam a farinha como complemento das refeições e como ingrediente de preparações. Segundo 68,2% dos entrevistados, havia riscos à saúde e de contaminação, principalmente por "sujeira" (66,7%) e poluição (53,3%). O estudo revelou predominância feminina com variação etária e econômica, um elevado consumo de farinha de mandioca e baixa importância dos aspectos higienicossanitários.(AU)

The cassava flour plays an important role in Brazilians feeding habits. It is handmade produced in flour mills and can be sold in free fairs, however they present some factors that may favor the contamination of the marketed products, causing harm to the health of the consumers. This study aimed to identify the socioeconomic characteristics, acquisition and consumption practices, and the perception of health and risk of 22 flour consumers at the fair of the Sete Portas in Salvador, Brazil. It is a cross-sectional, exploratory and descriptive study with the application of semi-structured questionnaire containing 55 questions and covering 4 categories: 1. Identification and socioeconomic characteristics; 2. Behaviors; 3. Opinion and knowledge and 4. Perceptions of hygiene risk. The tabulation and processing of data on the questionnaires were carried out through the EpiData software, version 3.1, and SPSS, version 17.O, respectively. The results showed that 54.5% of the interviewed were female, aged between 25 and 68 years and income from one to three minimum wages. Most (68.2%) consumed the product daily, 50% observed the price and 92.9% the quality at the time of the purchase. Was observed that more than 70% preferred white flour, slim and that 35,3% preferred the well toasted. All respondents consumed the flour as a supplement of the meals and as an ingredient in preparations. According to 68.2% of the respondents, the health risks and contamination existed, mainly by "dirt" (66.7%) and pollution (53.3%). The study revealed female predominance with age and economic change, a high consumption of cassava flour and low importance of hygiene and health aspects.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Ingestão de Alimentos/normas , Farinha/análise , Manihot , Inquéritos e Questionários , Fatores Socioeconômicos , Contaminação de Alimentos/análise , Alimentos de Rua