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Psicol Reflex Crit ; 37(1): 11, 2024 Mar 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38502288


OBJECTIVES: The situation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has had an impact on the mental, physical, and social health of nursing home staff. The operations and protocols of long-term care facilities had to be adapted to a new, unforeseen, and unknown situation in which a devastating and highly contagious disease was causing large numbers of deaths. The aim of this study was to determine the cumulative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on care, technical, coordinating-supervisory, and managerial staff working in nursing homes. METHODS: Correlation analysis and between-group comparisons were carried out to study the relationship between burnout scores, emotional balance, and organic and behavioral symptoms. RESULTS: The results indicate high levels of burnout and psychological exhaustion. Management professionals displayed higher levels of organic and behavioral symptoms than other professional categories in the same care settings. Despite this negative symptomatology, most professionals showed a positive emotional balance. CONCLUSION: The need to develop intervention programs to improve the mental, physical, and occupational health of the staff in nursing homes, considering the needs of different professional categories, is emphasized.

Violence Against Women ; : 10778012231222489, 2024 Jan 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38166483


Research has examined the relationship between femicides, understood as the killing of any woman, and intimate partner violence (IPV). Additionally, women have been found to seek out formal help when they deem their experiences to be severe, yet many reasons prevent them from doing so; hindering our ability to interrupt the cycle of violence and further victimization. Using the Salvadoran 2017 Violence Against Women National Survey, this study examines the relationships between femicide attempts, IPV, and formal help-seeking. We find a significant positive relationship between experiencing a femicide attempt and IPV, and specific reasons for not seeking formal help.

Psicol. reflex. crit ; 37: 11, 2024. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-1558777


Abstract Objectives The situation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has had an impact on the mental, physical, and social health of nursing home staff. The operations and protocols of long-term care facilities had to be adapted to a new, unforeseen, and unknown situation in which a devastating and highly contagious disease was causing large numbers of deaths. The aim of this study was to determine the cumulative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on care, technical, coordinating-supervisory, and managerial staff working in nursing homes. Methods Correlation analysis and between-group comparisons were carried out to study the relationship between burnout scores, emotional balance, and organic and behavioral symptoms. Results The results indicate high levels of burnout and psychological exhaustion. Management professionals displayed higher levels of organic and behavioral symptoms than other professional categories in the same care settings. Despite this negative symptomatology, most professionals showed a positive emotional balance. Conclusion The need to develop intervention programs to improve the mental, physical, and occupational health of the staff in nursing homes, considering the needs of different professional categories, is emphasized.

Rev. bras. enferm ; 77(5): e20230153, 2024. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermagem | ID: biblio-1569684


ABSTRACT Objectives: to describe traffic accidents involving motorcyclists and analyze the association between possession of a motorcycle driver's license and use of helmets according to the severity of injuries. Methods: a cross-sectional study was conducted among all patients hospitalized in the traumatology and orthopedics sector of a public reference hospital in northeastern Brazil. Results: 170 patients were surveyed, the majority were male (95.9%). Their ages ranged from 18 to 67 years. Most were black or brown (52.3%), had completed elementary school (58.9%) and had monthly income smaller than two minimum wages (56.5%). An association was found between being licensed to drive a motorcycle and wearing a helmet. Among those who suffered moderate injuries, this association was OR=5.66(1.85-17.23) and among those who suffered severe injuries it was OR=13.57(2.82-65.14). Conclusions: people who were licensed to drive motorcycles used a helmet as protective equipment more often and, in accidents, suffered fewer injuries.

RESUMO Objetivos: descrever os acidentes de trânsito envolvendo motociclistas e analisar a associação entre ter habilitação para conduzir motocicletas e uso de capacete com a gravidade dos acidentes. Métodos: estudo transversal com todos os pacientes hospitalizados no setor de traumatologia e ortopedia de um hospital público de referência no Nordeste do Brasil. Resultados: foram pesquisados 170 pacientes, a maioria do sexo masculino (95,9%). A idade variou entre 18 e 67 anos. Os pesquisados eram de cor preta ou parda (52,3%), tinham estudo fundamental (58,9%) e renda mensal menor que dois salários mínimos (56,5%). Foi encontrada uma associação entre ter habilitação e uso de capacete. Entre os que sofreram acidentes de gravidade moderada, essa associação foi OR=5,66(1,85-17,23) e entre os que sofreram acidentes de gravidade severa foi OR=13,57(2,82-65,14). Conclusões: pessoas com licença para conduzir motocicletas que usam capacetes como equipamento de proteção, em caso de acidentes, sofrem lesões menos graves.

RESUMEN Objetivos: describir los accidentes de tránsito con los motociclistas y evaluar la asociación entre el permiso para conducir motocicletas y el uso del casco con la gravedad de los accidentes. Métodos: estudio transversal, realizado a los pacientes hospitalizados en el sector de Traumatología y Ortopedia de un hospital público de referencia de la región Nordeste de Brasil. Resultados: participaron 170 pacientes; la mayoría de ellos del sexo masculino (95,9%), de edad entre 18 y 67 años. Los encuestados eran negros o pardos (52,3%), tenían estudios primarios (58,9%), ingresos mensuales inferiores a dos salarios mínimos (56,5%). Se encontró una asociación entre tener el permiso de conducir y llevar casco. Entre los que sufrieron accidentes moderados, esta asociación fue OR=5,66(1,85-17,23), y entre los que sufrieron accidentes graves fue OR=13,57(2,82-65,14). Conclusiones: las personas con permiso para conducir motocicletas que utilizaron casco como equipo de protección sufrieron lesiones menos graves en los accidentes.

Front Psychol ; 14: 1258985, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37842701


It is known that formal explanations with categorical labels are more satisfying than explicit tautologies. However, would they still be more satisfying if they are implicitly tautological themselves? In two experiments, we compared the degree of satisfaction between tautological formal explanations, explicit tautologies, and proper explanations. Additionally, we examined whether participants knew the correct definitions for the labels used in the formal explanations. Finally, we asked whether cultural and linguistic differences can play a role in the treatment of formal explanations with categorical labels. To this end, the first experiment involved Chilean students (N = 50), and the second experiment involved Russian students (N = 51). It was found that formal explanations, despite their intentional tautology, were still rated as more convincing compared to explicit tautologies (but less convincing than proper explanations). Furthermore, this effect did not depend on participants' previous knowledge (the label's definitions) or linguistic and cultural background. Taking all this into account, we consider this effect as a relatively universal psychological phenomenon and relate our findings to existing theories of formal explanations.

Saúde debate ; 47(139): 830-843, out.-dez. 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1522968


RESUMO Este artigo apresenta os resultados de pesquisa normativa sobre o enfrentamento da pandemia de Covid-19, no Conselho Nacional de Saúde (CNS), entre os meses de fevereiro de 2020 e maio de 2022. Tratou-se de estudo documental, descritivo-analítico com abordagem qualitativa, utilizando-se de técnica de análise de conteúdo. Foram identificados 77 atos expedidos pelo colegiado do CNS, sendo 63 recomendações, 6 pareceres, 5 moções, 2 notas técnicas e 1 resolução, constatando-se que a maior parte dos documentos (59%) foi elaborada no primeiro ano da pandemia. A despeito da atuação do CNS no enfrentamento da Covid-19, destaca-se o uso de atos não vinculantes, concentrando-se a produção normativa do CNS em recomendações que têm caráter meramente orientadores.

ABSTRACT The present article presents the outcomes of the normative research on the combat against the COVID-19 pandemic at the National Health Council (Conselho Nacional de Saúde - CNS) from February 2020 to March 2022. This is a documental, descriptive-analytical study, with qualitative approach, using the technical analysis of content. Seventy-seven acts were issued by the CNS Collegiate, there included 63 recommendations, 6 opinions, 5 motions, 2 technical notes and 1 resolution. Most part of the documents (59%) were worked out during the first year of the pandemic. Despite the Council's performance when combating the COVID-19, non-binding acts may be highlighted, the CNS normative production concentrating in merely guidance recommendations.

Cad. Ibero-Am. Direito Sanit. (Online) ; 12(3): 146-165, jul.-set.2023.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1510777


Objetivo: analisar a regulação de alimentos de origem animal realizada pela Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (Anvisa) e pelo Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento (MAPA) sob a perspectiva da teoria processual administrativa da regulação, bem como casos normativos sobre substâncias químicas em alimentos de origem animal. Metodologia: foram realizados dois estudos de caso ­ um sobre os atos normativos da Anvisa sobre resíduos de medicamentos veterinários em alimentos de origem animal; e outro sobre a decisão do MAPA pelo fim das análises oficiais de amostras de água em indústrias de alimentos de origem animal de forma rotineira ­ a partir de uma abordagem qualitativa da composição institucional e normativa da Anvisa e do MAPA, sob a ótica da teoria processual administrativa da regulação. Resultados: a Anvisa tem adotado mecanismos condizentes com a teoria processual administrativa da regulação, como autonomia, estabilidade funcional dos agentes reguladores e participação social. Em relação ao MAPA, seu ambiente institucional detém menor autonomia e tem formalmente adotado, desde 2015, elementos processuais compatíveis com tal teoria, mas que podem ser desconsiderados durante a produção normativa interna. Conclusão: o modelo regulatório brasileiro, que divide a regulação dos alimentos de origem animal entre dois órgãos, pode gerar decisões que não levam em conta o interesse público e a participação social, o que pode ser percebido na produção normativa do MAPA, mesmo com a adoção formal de boas práticas regulatórias.

Objective: to analyze the regulation of food of animal origin carried out by the Brazilian Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa, in Portuguese) and the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply (MAPA, in Portuguese) from the perspective of a process-oriented approach to regulation, with a specific emphasis on cases involving chemical substances in food of animal origin. Methods: this research conducted two case studies. The first case study examined Anvisa's normative acts regarding residues of veterinary drugs in food of animal origin. The second case study analyzed MAPA's decision to discontinue routine official analyses of water samples in the animal food industry. The research approach was qualitative, focusing on investigating the institutional and normative composition of Anvisa and MAPA from the perspective of a process-oriented approach to regulation. Results: the analysis revealed that Anvisa has successfully implemented mechanisms consistent with a process-oriented approach to regulation, including regulatory autonomy, functional stability of regulatory bodies, and administrative procedures to promote social participation. On the other hand, MAPA's institutional-legal environment exhibits less autonomy and formally adopted procedural elements consistent with a process-oriented approach to regulation since 2015. However, there is a concern that these elements might be eliminated when drafting internal regulations. Conclusion: the Brazilian regulatory model divides animal food regulation between two agencies, potentially resulting in decisions that overlook the public interest and social participation. This is evident in the normative production of MAPA, despite their formal adoption of good regulatory practices.

Objetivo: analizar la regulación de alimentos de origen animal realizada por la Agencia Nacional de Vigilancia Sanitaria (Anvisa) y por el Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganadería y Abastecimiento (MAPA, en portugués) en la perspectiva de la teoría procesal administrativa de la regulación, así como normativa casos sobre sustancias químicas en alimentos de origen animal. Metodología: se realizaron dos estudios de caso ­ uno sobre los actos normativos de Anvisa sobre residuos de medicamentos veterinarios en alimentos de origen animal; y otro sobre la decisión del MAPA de poner fin a los análisis oficiales de muestras de agua en las industrias de alimentos para animales de forma rutinaria ­ basado en un enfoque cualitativo de la composición institucional y normativa de Anvisa y MAPA, en la perspectiva de la regulación administrativa de la teoría procesal. Resultados: Anvisa ha adoptado mecanismos consistentes con la teoría procesal administrativa de la regulación, como la autonomía, la estabilidad funcional de los agentes reguladores y la participación social. Respecto al MAPA, su ámbito institucional tiene menor autonomía y ha adoptado formalmente, desde 2015, elementos procedimentales compatibles con dicha teoría, pero que pueden ser desestimados durante la producción normativa interna. Conclusión: el modelo regulatorio brasileño, que divide la regulación de los alimentos de origen animal entre dos órganos, puede generar decisiones que no toman en cuenta el interés público y la participación social, lo que se puede ver en la producción normativa del MAPA, incluso con la adopción formal de buenas prácticas regulatorias.

Direito Sanitário
Sensors (Basel) ; 23(15)2023 Aug 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37571715


There are many security challenges in IoT, especially related to the authentication of restricted devices in long-distance and low-throughput networks. Problems such as impersonation, privacy issues, and excessive battery usage are some of the existing problems evaluated through the threat modeling of this work. A formal assessment of security solutions for their compliance in addressing such threats is desirable. Although several works address the verification of security protocols, verifying the security of components and their non-locking has been little explored. This work proposes to analyze the design-time security of the components of a multi-factor authentication mechanism with a reputation regarding security requirements that go beyond encryption or secrecy in data transmission. As a result, it was observed through temporal logic that the mechanism is deadlock-free and meets the requirements established in this work. Although it is not a work aimed at modeling the security mechanism, this document provides the necessary details for a better understanding of the mechanism and, consequently, the process of formal verification of its security properties.

Rev Environ Health ; 2023 Feb 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36735953


INTRODUCTION: Lead industries are one of the major sources of environmental pollution and can affect human through different activities, including industrial processes, metal plating, mining, battery recycling, etc. Although different studies have documented the various sources of lead exposure, studies highlighting different types of industries as sources of environmental contamination are limited. Therefore, this narrative review aims to focus mainly on lead industries as significant sources of environmental and human contamination. CONTENT: Based on the keywords searched in bibliographic databases we found 44 relevant articles that provided information on lead present in soil, water, and blood or all components among participants living near high-risk areas. We presented three case scenarios to highlight how lead industries have affected the health of citizens in Vietnam, Uruguay, and Malaysia. SUMMARY AND OUTLOOK: Factories conducting mining, e-waste processing, used lead-acid battery recycling, electronic repair, and toxic waste sites were the primary industries for lead exposure. Our study has shown lead exposure due to industrial activities in Vietnam, Uruguay, Malaysia and calls for attention to the gaps in strategic and epidemiologic efforts to understand sources of environmental exposure to lead fully. Developing strategies and guidelines to regulate industrial activities, finding alternatives to reduce lead toxicity and exposure, and empowering the public through various community awareness programs can play a crucial role in controlling exposure to lead.

Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1427172


Este artigo buscou compreender como a prática esportiva vivenciada no programa Curumim influenciou a relação dos antigos participantes do programa no Sesc Ribeirão Preto com o esporte. Como metodologia, utilizamos a Teoria Fundamentada; seis adultos que participaram do Curumim foram entrevistados. Durante a análise, cinco categorias foram estabelecidas, sendo a principal "Curumim como 'uma janela que se abre': descobertas, aprendizados e influências". Por fim, foi possível evidenciar a influência do Curumim no envolvimento com a prática esportiva. Contudo, este não foi um fator decisivo. Ainda, experiências marcantes demonstraram potencial para alterar o modo de ação de seus frequentadores e definir a escolha profissional dos participantes (AU).

This article sought to understand how the sports practice experienced in the Curumim Program influenced the relationship of the former participants with sport. As methodology, the Grounded Theory was used; six adults who participated in the Curumim in Sesc Ribeirão Preto were interviwed. Analyzing the data, five categories were established and the main one was "Curumim as 'an open window': discoveries, learning and influences". Finally, it was possible to perceive the influence of Curumim in sports practice, however, this was not a decisive factor. Still, remarkable experiences showed the potential to change the way of action of its participants and to define the professional choice (AU).

Este artículo buscó comprender cómo la práctica deportiva vivida en el Programa Curumim influyó en la relación de los ex participantes del Sesc Ribeirão Preto con el deporte. Como metodología, se utilizó la Teoría Fundamentada; se entrevistaron seis adultos que participaron en el Curumim. En el análisis, se establecieron cinco categorías, siendo la principal "Curumim como una 'ventana que se abre': descubrimientos, aprendizajes e influencias". Finalmente, se pudo evidenciar la influencia de Curumim en la práctica deportiva, pero, este no fue un factor determinante. Todavía, experiencias notables demostraron el potencial para cambiar las acciones de sus habituales y definir su elección profesional (AU).

Humanos , Jogos e Brinquedos , Política Pública , Esportes/educação , Promoção da Saúde , Aprendizagem , Escolha da Profissão , Metodologia como Assunto