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Int J Legal Med ; 138(1): 165-175, 2024 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37272984


Forensic entomology requires knowledge of the developmental rates of the species that colonize a body after death to estimate the postmortem interval (PMI). These developmental rates may vary depending not only on the species but also on the geographic location due to population differences. Therefore, the objectives of this work were to determine the developmental duration of the forensically important fly Chrysomya megacephala under constant controlled and field condition temperatures and to compare these results, through a meta-analysis, with data reported by other authors on populations from different localities. For this, C. megacephala colonies were established in the laboratory, and the duration of the life cycle was studied at two controlled temperatures (25 °C and 27 °C) and field conditions (27.5 ± 3.2 °C). Analysis of variance was performed to determine differences in developmental time and larval length between constant laboratory temperatures and field conditions. A generalized linear model was performed with predictor variables extracted from the literature (diet, relative humidity, latitude, longitude) to evaluate the effect of population variation on developmental times. The results showed significant differences in developmental times between 25 and 27 °C. As expected, the complete life cycle of C. megacephala was shorter at 27 °C. Finally, the meta-analysis suggested differences between the developmental times of different populations, based on temperature and geographic location. The results of this study provide fundamental developmental data to use C. megacephala in PMI estimations. Finally, we suggest that, when making expert reports, information from local populations should be used to determine a more accurate and reliable PMI.

Besouros , Dípteros , Entomologia Forense , Animais , Calliphoridae , Temperatura , Larva , Estágios do Ciclo de Vida
Medicina (B.Aires) ; 83(3): 366-375, ago. 2023. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1506690


Abstract Background : Obesity rates in Latin America are increasing overall and among people with low socio economic status (SES). Obesity and SES disparities can vary by region-a valuable indicator of local drivers. The objective of this study was to examine regional and SES differences in obesity in Argentina. Methods : We used data from Argentina's 4th Na tional Risk Factors Survey (n = 29226) 2018 and defined obesity as BMI ≥ 30. Low SES was defined as not fin ished high school or having a household income in the lowest two quintiles. Descriptive analysis stratified by sex compared obesity rates by SES, province, and re gion. Age-adjusted logistic regression models explored the association between obesity, socioeconomic status, and region. Results : Obesity rates varied more by SES among women (39% for low SES vs. 26% for middle/high SES; p < 0.001) than among men (33% low SES vs. 29% middle/ high SES; p = 0.027). The Patagonian region had the high est obesity prevalence for both men (36%) and women (37%). A gender-stratified age-adjusted analysis with region and SES showed that low SES (OR 1.72, 95% CI 1.45, 2.03) and the Patagonian region (OR 1.29, 95% CI 1.02, 1.62) were the only significant predictors for women. Conclusions : SES associated disparities in obesity in Argentina were pronounced for women but not men. Disparities were particularly high in Patagonia. Further research is needed to understand the drivers behind these SES, regional, and gender disparities.

Resumen Introducción : Las tasas de obesidad en América La tina están aumentando, tanto en la población general como entre las personas con bajo nivel socioeconómi co (NSE). Las disparidades en obesidad y NSE pueden variar ampliamente según la región, un indicador po tencialmente valioso de fenómenos causales locales. El objetivo de este estudio fue examinar las diferencias en la prevalencia de obesidad a nivel regional y según el NSE en Argentina. Métodos : Utilizamos datos de la 4ª Encuesta Nacio nal de Factores de Riesgo realizada en Argentina en 2018 (n = 29226). Definimos obesidad como índice de masa corporal ≥ 30, y bajo NSE como no haber termi nado la escuela secundaria o tener un ingreso familiar en los dos quintiles más bajos. El análisis descriptivo estratificado por sexo comparó la prevalencia de obe sidad por NSE, provincia y región. Además, utilizamos modelos de regresión logística ajustados por edad para explorar la asociación entre obesidad, nivel socioeconó mico y región, tanto globalmente como estratificando por sexo.367 Resultados : Las tasas de obesidad variaron más por NSE entre las mujeres (39% NSE bajo vs. 26% NSE medio/ alto; p < 0.001) que entre los hombres (33% NSE bajo vs. 29% NSE medio/alto; p = 0.027). La región patagónica tuvo la mayor prevalencia de obesidad tanto para hom bres (36%) como para mujeres (37%). Un análisis estra tificado por género, con región y NSE como covariables, mostró que el bajo NSE (OR 1.72, IC 95% 1.45, 2.03) y la región patagónica (OR 1.29, IC 95% 1.02, 1.62) fueron los únicos predictores significativos para las mujeres; nin guno se asoció significativamente con un mayor riesgo de obesidad para los hombres. Conclusiones : Las disparidades asociadas al NSE en la obesidad en Argentina fueron pronunciadas entre mujeres, pero no entre hombres. Las disparidades fueron particularmente altas en la Patagonia. Se necesita más estudios para comprender los factores detrás de estas disparidades de NSE, regionales y de género.

Medicina (B Aires) ; 83(3): 366-375, 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37379533


BACKGROUND: Obesity rates in Latin America are increasing overall and among people with low socioeconomic status (SES). Obesity and SES disparities can vary by region-a valuable indicator of local drivers. The objective of this study was to examine regional and SES differences in obesity in Argentina. METHODS: We used data from Argentina's 4th National Risk Factors Survey (n = 29226) 2018 and defined obesity as BMI = 30. Low SES was defined as not finished high school or having a household income in the lowest two quintiles. Descriptive analysis stratified by sex compared obesity rates by SES, province, and region. Age-adjusted logistic regression models explored the association between obesity, socioeconomic status, and region. RESULTS: Obesity rates varied more by SES among women (39% for low SES vs. 26% for middle/high SES; p < 0.001) than among men (33% low SES vs. 29% middle/ high SES; p = 0.027). The Patagonian region had the highest obesity prevalence for both men (36%) and women (37%). A gender-stratified age-adjusted analysis with region and SES showed that low SES (OR 1.72, 95% CI 1.45, 2.03) and the Patagonian region (OR 1.29, 95% CI 1.02, 1.62) were the only significant predictors for women. CONCLUSIONS: SES associated disparities in obesity in Argentina were pronounced for women but not men. Disparities were particularly high in Patagonia. Further research is needed to understand the drivers behind these SES, regional, and gender disparities.

Introducción: Las tasas de obesidad en América Latina están aumentando, tanto en la población general como entre las personas con bajo nivel socioeconómico (NSE). Las disparidades en obesidad y NSE pueden variar ampliamente según la región, un indicador potencialmente valioso de fenómenos causales locales. El objetivo de este estudio fue examinar las diferencias en la prevalencia de obesidad a nivel regional y según el NSE en Argentina. Métodos: Utilizamos datos de la 4° Encuesta Nacional de Factores de Riesgo realizada en Argentina en 2018 (n = 29226). Definimos obesidad como índice de masa corporal = 30, y bajo NSE como no haber terminado la escuela secundaria o tener un ingreso familiar en los dos quintiles más bajos. El análisis descriptivo estratificado por sexo comparó la prevalencia de obesidad por NSE, provincia y región. Además, utilizamos modelos de regresión logística ajustados por edad para explorar la asociación entre obesidad, nivel socioeconómico y región, tanto globalmente como estratificando por sexo.Resultados: Las tasas de obesidad variaron más por NSE entre las mujeres (39% NSE bajo vs. 26% NSE medio/alto; p < 0.001) que entre los hombres (33% NSE bajo vs. 29% NSE medio/alto; p = 0.027). La región patagónica tuvo la mayor prevalencia de obesidad tanto para hombres (36%) como para mujeres (37%). Un análisis estratificado por género, con región y NSE como covariables, mostró que el bajo NSE (OR 1.72, IC 95% 1.45, 2.03) y la región patagónica (OR 1.29, IC 95% 1.02, 1.62) fueron los únicos predictores significativos para las mujeres; ninguno se asoció significativamente con un mayor riesgo de obesidad para los hombres. Conclusiones: Las disparidades asociadas al NSE en la obesidad en Argentina fueron pronunciadas entre mujeres, pero no entre hombres. Las disparidades fueron particularmente altas en la Patagonia. Se necesita más estudios para comprender los factores detrás de estas disparidades de NSE, regionales y de género.

Obesidade , Classe Social , Humanos , Feminino , Argentina/epidemiologia , Obesidade/epidemiologia , Fatores de Risco , América Latina , Fatores Socioeconômicos
Rev. cuba. inform. méd ; 15(1)jun. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521927


En Cuba, el acceso a los servicios farmacéuticos por parte de la población se ve afectado por la no disponibilidad de medicamentos y la lejanía de las farmacias. La falta de información acerca de la existencia de los medicamentos y la cantidad de estos en la red de farmacias cercanas a una ubicación geográfica, aparejados al poco suministro de medicamentos y la calidad de la prestación del servicio, genera descontento e inconformidad en la población. En la presente investigación se realiza un diseño para mejorar la problemática planteada a partir de un sistema basado en reglas como ayuda a la toma de decisiones para la obtención de los medicamentos por parte de la población. Se aplica un estudio de caso mediante el cual es posible sugerir al usuario las 5 farmacias más cercanas donde el paciente puede adquirir los medicamentos sobre las decisiones asumidas.

In Cuba, access to pharmaceutical services by the population is affected by the non-availability of medicines and the remoteness of pharmacies. The lack of information about the existence of medicines and the quantity of these in the network of pharmacies close to a geographical location, coupled with the low supply of medicines and the quality of service provision, generates discontent and nonconformity in the population. In the present investigation, a design is carried out to improve the problem raised from a system based on rules as an aid to decision-making to obtain medicines by the population. A case study is applied through which it is possible to suggest to the user the 5 closest pharmacies where the patient can acquire the medicines on the decisions made.

Bol Med Hosp Infant Mex ; 78(1): 24-28, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33690595


Background: Severe coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is infrequent in children and shows a mortality rate of around 0.08%. This study aims to explore international differences in the pediatric mortality rate. Methods: We analyzed several countries with populations over 5 million that report disaggregated data of COVID-19 deaths by quinquennial or decennial age groups. Data were extracted from COVID-19 cases and deaths by age database, National Ministeries of Health, and the World Health Organization. Results: We included 23 countries in the analysis. Pediatric mortality varied from 0 to 12.1 deaths per million children of the corresponding age group, with the highest rate in Peru. In most countries, deaths were more frequent in the 0-4-year-old age group, except for Brazil. The pediatric/general COVID-19 mortality showed a great variation and ranged from 0% (Republic of Korea) to 10.4% (India). Pediatric and pediatric/general COVID mortality correlates strongly with 2018 neonatal mortality (r = 0.77, p < 0.001; and r = 0.88, p < 0.001, respectively), while shows a moderate or no correlation (r = 0.47, p = 0.02; and r = 0.19, p = 0.38, respectively) with COVID-19 mortality in the general population. Conclusions: International heterogeneity in pediatric COVID-19 mortality importantly parallels historical neonatal mortality. Neonatal mortality is a well-known index of the quality of a country's health system, which points to the importance of social determinants of health in pediatric COVID-19 mortality disparities. This issue should be further explored.

Introducción: La COVID-19 grave es poco frecuente en la infancia. El objetivo de este estudio fue explorar las diferencias en la tasa de mortalidad internacional por COVID-19 en la población pediátrica. Método: Se analizaron países con poblaciones superiores a 5 millones de habitantes que reporten muertes por COVID-19 con datos desglosados por grupos de edad quinquenales o decenales. Los datos se extrajeron de la base de datos COVerAge-DBs, de los ministerios nacionales de salud y de la Organización Mundial de la Salud. Resultados: Se incluyeron 23 países. La mortalidad pediátrica varió de 0 a 12.1 muertes por millón de personas del grupo de edad correspondiente, con la tasa más alta en Perú. En la mayoría de los países, las muertes fueron más frecuentes en el grupo de 0 a 4 años, excepto en Brasil. La mortalidad pediátrica/general por COVID-19 mostró una gran variación entre países y osciló entre el 0% (República de Corea) y el 10.4% (India). La mortalidad pediátrica y pediátrica/general por COVID-19 se correlaciona fuertemente con la mortalidad neonatal de 2018, mientras que tiene una moderada o nula correlación con la mortalidad por COVID-19 en la población general. Conclusiones: Existe una importante heterogeneidad internacional en la mortalidad pediátrica por COVID-19, que es paralela a la mortalidad neonatal histórica, la cual es un indicador de la calidad de los sistemas de salud y señala la importancia de los determinantes sociales de la salud en las disparidades de mortalidad pediátrica por COVID-19. Este tema debe explorarse a fondo.

COVID-19/mortalidade , Pandemias , SARS-CoV-2 , Adolescente , Distribuição por Idade , Criança , Pré-Escolar , Saúde Global , Humanos , Lactente , Recém-Nascido
Bol. méd. Hosp. Infant. Méx ; 78(1): 24-28, Jan.-Feb. 2021. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1153235


Abstract Background: Severe coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is infrequent in children and shows a mortality rate of around 0.08%. This study aims to explore international differences in the pediatric mortality rate. Methods: We analyzed several countries with populations over 5 million that report disaggregated data of COVID-19 deaths by quinquennial or decennial age groups. Data were extracted from COVID-19 cases and deaths by age database, National Ministeries of Health, and the World Health Organization. Results: We included 23 countries in the analysis. Pediatric mortality varied from 0 to 12.1 deaths per million children of the corresponding age group, with the highest rate in Peru. In most countries, deaths were more frequent in the 0-4-year-old age group, except for Brazil. The pediatric/general COVID-19 mortality showed a great variation and ranged from 0% (Republic of Korea) to 10.4% (India). Pediatric and pediatric/general COVID mortality correlates strongly with 2018 neonatal mortality (r = 0.77, p < 0.001; and r = 0.88, p < 0.001, respectively), while shows a moderate or no correlation (r = 0.47, p = 0.02; and r = 0.19, p = 0.38, respectively) with COVID-19 mortality in the general population. Conclusions: International heterogeneity in pediatric COVID-19 mortality importantly parallels historical neonatal mortality. Neonatal mortality is a well-known index of the quality of a country's health system, which points to the importance of social determinants of health in pediatric COVID-19 mortality disparities. This issue should be further explored.

Resumen Introducción: La COVID-19 grave es poco frecuente en la infancia. El objetivo de este estudio fue explorar las diferencias en la tasa de mortalidad internacional por COVID-19 en la población pediátrica. Método: Se analizaron países con poblaciones superiores a 5 millones de habitantes que reporten muertes por COVID-19 con datos desglosados por grupos de edad quinquenales o decenales. Los datos se extrajeron de la base de datos COVerAge-DBs, de los ministerios nacionales de salud y de la Organización Mundial de la Salud. Resultados: Se incluyeron 23 países. La mortalidad pediátrica varió de 0 a 12.1 muertes por millón de personas del grupo de edad correspondiente, con la tasa más alta en Perú. En la mayoría de los países, las muertes fueron más frecuentes en el grupo de 0 a 4 años, excepto en Brasil. La mortalidad pediátrica/general por COVID-19 mostró una gran variación entre países y osciló entre el 0% (República de Corea) y el 10.4% (India). La mortalidad pediátrica y pediátrica/general por COVID-19 se correlaciona fuertemente con la mortalidad neonatal de 2018, mientras que tiene una moderada o nula correlación con la mortalidad por COVID-19 en la población general. Conclusiones: Existe una importante heterogeneidad internacional en la mortalidad pediátrica por COVID-19, que es paralela a la mortalidad neonatal histórica, la cual es un indicador de la calidad de los sistemas de salud y señala la importancia de los determinantes sociales de la salud en las disparidades de mortalidad pediátrica por COVID-19. Este tema debe explorarse a fondo.

Adolescente , Criança , Pré-Escolar , Humanos , Lactente , Recém-Nascido , Pandemias , SARS-CoV-2 , COVID-19/mortalidade , Saúde Global , Distribuição por Idade
NOVA publ. cient ; 17(31): 117-128, ene.-jun. 2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1056783


Resumen Antecedentes. La calidad del grano de café ha sido relacionada con su procedencia, su manejo agronómico y sus condiciones de almacenamiento. Objetivo. Determinar la actividad de la polifenil oxidasa, el contenido de lípidos, el color y las características organolépticas de cafés provenientes de 3 subestaciones experimentales. Materiales y métodos. Se siguió un diseño completamente aleatorio en arreglo factorial factorial 3x6 (lugares de procedencia del café y tiempo de almacenamiento respectivamente). Resultados. La actividad de la polifenil oxidasa es mayor en el café fresco-para las tres procedencias. El café procedente de Naranjal presentó actividades enzimáticas más altas que los cafés provenientes de las subestaciones Supía y la Catalina. El análisis de varianza mostró el efecto de la procedencia sobre la variable actividad enzimática. La actividad de la polifenil oxidasa en los cafés estudiados decrece con el tiempo de almacenamiento. El contenido de lípidos es menor a menor en la subestación de la Catalina. Todos los cafés fueron caracterizados de buena calidad en el tiempo cero de almacenamiento. Las características de aroma, intensidad del aroma y cuerpo presentaron altibajos en los diferentes meses de almacenamiento. El café de Naranjal, obtuvo en promedio una calificación aceptable a lo largo de los seis meses de almacenamiento. Conclusiones. Se encontraron diferencias significativas para las variables estudiadas por efecto de la procedencia y el almacenamiento. La actividad enzimática de la PFO presentó etapas de activación/inhibición, durante los seis meses de almacenamiento.

Abstract Background. The quality of the coffee bean has been related to its origin, the agronomic management and the storage conditions. Objective. To determine the activity of the polyphenyl oxidase, the lipid content, the color and the organoleptic characteristics of coffees from 3 experimental substations. Materials and methods. A completely randomized design was followed in a 3x6 factorial arrangement (places of coffee origin and storage time respectively). Results. The activity of polyphenyl oxidase is greater in fresh coffee-for the three provenances. The coffee from Naranjal presented higher enzymatic activities than the coffees from the Supía and the Catalina substations. The analysis of variance showed the effect of provenance on the enzyme activity variable. The activity of the polyphenyl oxidase in the coffees studied decreases with storage time. The lipid content is lower at a lower height in the Catalina. All coffees were characterized as good quality at zero storage time; but the characteristics of aroma, intensity of aroma and body presented ups and downs in the different months of storage. Naranjal coffee, on average, obtained an acceptable rating throughout the six months of storage. Conclusions. Significant differences were found for the variables studied due to the effect of provenance and storage. The enzymatic activity of the PFO showed activation / inhibition stages, during the six months of storage.

Café , Oxirredutases , Enzimas , Odorantes
Am J Health Promot ; 29(5): 303-10, 2015.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24720390


PURPOSE: To identify the influence of gender stereotypes on eating habits among Costa Rican adolescents. DESIGN: Qualitative, descriptive research was used in this study. SETTING: Adolescents and parents were recruited from socioeconomically diverse populations in rural and urban areas of San José, Costa Rica. SUBJECTS: Subjects were 92 adolescents (14 to 17 years old) and 48 parents. METHODS: Focus group data were transcribed and entered into the qualitative data analysis software Atlas.ti version 5.0. Analyses were grounded on the social cognitive theory. RESULTS: Five themes emerged from the focus group discussions: (1) Costa Rican adolescents associate the consumption of moderate quantities of healthy foods with femininity and male homosexuality. (2) The consumption of hearty portions of nonhealthy foods was associated with masculinity and male heterosexuality. (3) There is an emerging view that it is acceptable for heterosexual male adolescents to take care of their bodies through healthy eating. (4) Body care among female adolescents is an element of femininity and body image. (5) Parents reinforce their daughters' persistent concern with weight control because they perceive it as feminine behavior. CONCLUSION: Health promoters should be aware of the existing and changing food stereotypes around gender as an avenue for the promotion of healthy eating.

Imagem Corporal/psicologia , Comportamento Alimentar/psicologia , Identidade de Gênero , Homossexualidade Masculina/psicologia , Estereotipagem , Adolescente , Costa Rica , Feminino , Grupos Focais , Preferências Alimentares , Promoção da Saúde , Humanos , Masculino , Pais/psicologia , Pesquisa Qualitativa , População Rural
Am J Health Promot ; 28(6): e146-54, 2014.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24200253


PURPOSE: To explore the association between food insecurity and dietary intake among Mexican-American women after controlling for sociocultural and economic factors including participation in federal food assistance programs. DESIGN: Cross-sectional. SETTING: Three cities in Texas. SUBJECTS: Seven hundred seven Mexican-American women (26-44 years). MEASURES: Demographics, anthropometrics, acculturation, and food security status were obtained using validated measures. Dietary intake was assessed by a 24-hour dietary food record. ANALYSIS: Logistic regression was used to examine the association between individual and household characteristics on food security status. One-way analysis of covariance tested the association between food security status and dietary intake after adjusting for socio-demographic variables, acculturation, body mass index, participation in federal food assistance programs, and energy intake. RESULTS: About 77% of food-insecure women participated in at least one federal food assistance program. Each additional child in the household increased the odds of being food insecure by 25%. A higher proportion of obese women was found in the food-insecure group. No significant differences in dietary intake were found by food security status. CONCLUSION: Food insecurity did not negatively influence dietary intake independently of women's participation in federal food assistance programs. Food security did not ensure consumption of nutritionally adequate foods. Educational and food assistance programs need to be optimized to facilitate enrollment and improve the nutritional status of this ethnic group, food secure or not.

Ingestão de Energia , Assistência Alimentar/estatística & dados numéricos , Abastecimento de Alimentos/economia , Saúde da Mulher , Aculturação , Adulto , Antropometria , Estudos Transversais , Demografia , Feminino , Humanos , Americanos Mexicanos , Texas