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Entramado ; 19(2)dic. 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534427


The importance of food (in)security has been one of the United Nations Sustainable Development's main goals. Over 828 million people worldwide cannot acquire enough food to meet the minimum daily dietary energy requirements (undernourished). Therefore, the present study examines the factors that affect the number of undernourished people in Colombia by assessing macroeconomic data for the period 2000-2021 including gross domestic product (GDP) per capita, unemployment, and inflation rates. A quantitative, empirical, correlation design was used to examine and describe the relationship among the variables. The findings showed that the proposed variables presented the correct signs, were statistically significant, and were in line with the economic theory Thus, the study concluded that although income shocks brought on by inflation and unemployment undoubtedly impact household food (in)security, other factors must also be considered for policy and practice to effectively reduce food insecurity for households.

La importancia de la (in)seguridad alimentaria ha sido uno de los principales objetivos del Desarrollo Sostenible de las Naciones Unidas y más de 820 millones de personas en el mundo no pueden adquirir suficientes alimentos para satisfacer los requerimientos mínimos diarios de energía dietética (subalimentadas). Por lo tanto, el presente estudio examina los factores que afectan el número de personas subalimentadas en Colombia mediante la evaluación de datos macroeconómicos para el período 2000-2021, incluido el producto interno bruto (PIB) per cápita, el desempleo y las tasas de inflación. Se utilizó un diseño cuantitativo, empírico y correlacional, para examinar y describir la relación entre las variables. Los hallazgos mostraron que las variables propuestas presentaron los signos correctos, fueron estadísticamente significativas y de acuerdo con el propuesto por la teoría económica. Por lo tanto, el estudio concluyó que, si bien los impactos en los ingresos causados por la inflación y el desempleo indudablemente afectan la inseguridad alimentaria de los hogares, también es importante considerar otros factores en los esfuerzos de políticas y prácticas para mitigar la inseguridad alimentaria de los hogares.

A importância da (in)segurança alimentar tem sido um dos principais objetivos do Desenvolvimento Sustentável das Nações Unidas e mais de 820 milhões de pessoas no mundo não podem adquirir alimentos suficientes para atender às necessidades energéticas diárias mínimas (subalimentadas). Por tanto o presente estudo examina os fatores que afetam o número de pessoas subalimentadas na Colômbia, avaliando dados macroeconômicos para o período 2000-2021, incluindo produto interno bruto (PIB) per capita, desemprego e taxas de inflação. Um desenho quantitativo, empírico e de correlação foi usado para examinar e descrever a relação entre as variáveis. Os achados mostraram que as variáveis propostas apresentaram os sinais corretos, foram estatisticamente significativas e em consonância com a teoria econômica. Assim, o estudo concluiu que, embora os choques de renda causados pela inflação e pelo desemprego indubitavelmente afetem a insegurança alimentar das famílias, outros fatores também são importantes a serem considerados nos esforços de políticas e práticas para mitigar a insegurança alimentar das famílias.

Environ Sci Pollut Res Int ; 30(15): 44928-44942, 2023 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36701060


The aim of this study was to analyze the existence of the Kuznets environmental curve (EKC) hypothesis for a diverse spectrum of environmental pollutants (carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide) from the Brazilian states from 1980 to 2020. In the Kuznets hypothesis, economic growth, represented by GDP per capita, grows inflection in relation to environmental degradation. Upon reaching a certain point, the relationship becomes inversely opposite, being a positive trend of growth and a retract to environmental indicators, as in the case of greenhouse gases. The application of regression models in strict observance of Grossman and Krueger's EKC econometric model (1995) allowed a critical analysis of the Brazilian empirical model relative to pollutant emissions. The results show the corroboration of the EKC hypothesis for carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide, but not methane gas. Additionally, the discussion on the subject was extended to the debate about Brazil on the world stage. Brazil is on the world stage as a major influencer in environmental issues, so everything empirically contributes, both to academia and public managers, by presenting evidence of the relationship of economic growth aligned with sustainable development. Thus, the study provides contributions to professionals, researchers, and international readers. On the other hand, this study shows as political implications the need for improvements and reformulations of environmental policies in favor of mitigating environmental degradation.

Gases de Efeito Estufa , Gases de Efeito Estufa/análise , Brasil , Desenvolvimento Econômico , Dióxido de Carbono/análise , Óxido Nitroso
J Clin Exp Hepatol ; 12(6): 1480-1491, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36340308


Hazardous alcohol consumption causes approximately 4% of deaths globally, constituting one of the leading risk factors for the burden of the disease worldwide. Alcohol has several health consequences, such as alcohol-associated liver disease, hepatocellular carcinoma, nonliver neoplasms, physical injury, cardiac disease, and psychiatric disorders. Alcohol misuse significantly affects workforce productivity, with elevated direct and indirect economic costs. Due to the high impact of alcohol consumption on the population, public health has led to the development of a range of strategies to reduce its harmful effects. Regulatory public health policies (PHP) for alcohol can exist at the global, regional, international, national, or subnational levels. Effective strategies incorporate a multilevel, multicomponent approach, targeting multiple determinants of drinking and alcohol-related harms. The World Health Organization categorizes the PHP into eight categories: national plan to fight the harmful consequences of alcohol, national license and production and selling control, taxes control and pricing policies, limiting drinking age, restrictions on alcohol access, driving-related alcohol policies, control over advertising and promotion, and government monitoring systems. These policies are supported by evidence from different populations, demonstrating that determinants of alcohol use depend on several factors such as socioeconomic level, age, sex, ethnicity, production, availability, marketing, and others. Although most policies have a significant individual effect, a higher number of PHP are associated with a lower burden of disease due to alcohol. The excessive consequences of alcohol constitute a call for action, and clinicians should advocate for developing and implementing a new PHP on alcohol consumption.

One Health ; 14: 100400, 2022 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35601224


The emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic reinforced the central role of the One Health (OH) approach, as a multisectoral and multidisciplinary perspective, to tackle health threats at the human-animal-environment interface. This study assessed Brazilian preparedness and response to COVID-19 and zoonoses with a focus on the OH approach and equity dimensions. We conducted an environmental scan using a protocol developed as part of a multi-country study. The article selection process resulted in 45 documents: 79 files and 112 references on OH; 41 files and 81 references on equity. The OH and equity aspects are poorly represented in the official documents regarding the COVID-19 response, either at the federal and state levels. Brazil has a governance infrastructure that allows for the response to infectious diseases, including zoonoses, as well as the fight against antimicrobial resistance through the OH approach. However, the response to the pandemic did not fully utilize the resources of the Brazilian state, due to the lack of central coordination and articulation among the sectors involved. Brazil is considered an area of high risk for emergence of zoonoses mainly due to climate change, large-scale deforestation and urbanization, high wildlife biodiversity, wide dry frontier, and poor control of wild animals' traffic. Therefore, encouraging existing mechanisms for collaboration across sectors and disciplines, with the inclusion of vulnerable populations, is required for making a multisectoral OH approach successful in the country.

Appl Energy ; 313: 118848, 2022 May 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35250149


This paper proposes a time-series stochastic socioeconomic model for analyzing the impact of the pandemic on the regulated distribution electricity market. The proposed methodology combines the optimized tariff model (socioeconomic market model) and the random walk concept (risk assessment technique) to ensure robustness/accuracy. The model enables both a past and future analysis of the impact of the pandemic, which is essential to prepare regulatory agencies beforehand and allow enough time for the development of efficient public policies. By applying it to six Brazilian concession areas, results demonstrate that consumers have been/will be heavily affected in general, mainly due to the high electricity tariffs that took place with the pandemic, overcoming the natural trend of the market. In contrast, the model demonstrates that the pandemic did not/will not significantly harm power distribution companies in general, mainly due to the loan granted by the regulator agency, named COVID-account. Socioeconomic welfare losses averaging 500 (MR$/month) are estimated for the equivalent concession area, i.e., the sum of the six analyzed concession areas. Furthermore, this paper proposes a stochastic optimization problem to mitigate the impact of the pandemic on the electricity market over time, considering the interests of consumers, power distribution companies, and the government. Results demonstrate that it is successful as the tariffs provided by the algorithm compensate for the reduction in demand while increasing the socioeconomic welfare of the market.

Rev Bras Med Trab ; 19(2): 181-190, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34603414


INTRODUCTION: The state of Amapá is located in Brazil's Legal Amazon and comprises 16 municipalities. Its history is marked by social vulnerability and industrial mining; therefore, its current socioeconomic and occupational context should be analyzed considering possible sociohistorical and geographic influences. OBJECTIVES: To analyze and/or describe the epidemiological profile of workers, occupational accidents, the socioeconomic context, and time evolution of the number of workers in the state and their relationship with the state's gross domestic product. METHODS: This is an analytic time series study based on official public data. We used a simple regression test to analyze the relationship between the number of workers and gross domestic product and to assess the time trend of the number of workers. The studied period was from 2007 to 2017. RESULTS: The number of workers presented an increasing trend over time (R2 = 0.902; p < 0.001), with a relative increase of 49.8% between 2007 and 2017. We observed a positive relationship between the annual increase in the number of workers and the state's gross domestic product (R2 = 0.899; p < 0.001). The economic activity with the highest mean number of workers was public administration, defense, and social security. The highest socioeconomic indicators were observed in the state capital Macapá. Non-hazardous waste management was the activity concentrating the highest absolute number of occupational accidents. CONCLUSIONS: This study highlighted important socioeconomic contrasts within the state. The significant increases in the gross domestic product and number of workers are signs of development, but the high number of occupational accidents represents a serious public health problem.

Environ Sci Pollut Res Int ; 28(46): 65573-65594, 2021 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34319526


Planetary boundaries (PB) is a novel conceptual framework that assesses the state of processes fundamental to the stability of the Earth system. Studies argue a non-linear relationship between economy and environmental degradation, known as the environmental Kuznets curve (EKC). We postulate this inverted-U association between PB and economic output in a worldwide sample. This paper, therefore, examines the correlation between changes in environmental conditions and global economic growth, incorporating the growth rate of key control variables (population, financial development, merchandise trade and regulations). Thus, we intend to identify and address the main gaps in these EKC studies and analyse the impacts of worldwide economic growth on global environmental change. PB variables are identified as the more integrated perspective with regard to this change. These planetary boundaries include various proxies: global CO2 concentration as a climate change proxy, threatened species for biodiversity loss, the total ozone for ozone depletion, mean surface ocean hydrogen ion concentration for ocean acidification and global fertiliser consumption for biochemical cycles. Under this integrated perspective, the EKC hypothesis is supported for climate change and ocean acidification panels using a dynamic system generalized method of moments (GMM) approach. Meanwhile, biochemical cycles, ozone depletion and freshwater use, land change and biodiversity loss boundaries do not support the existence of the EKC shape using the same methodology. The results provide an additional and novel view to be factored into the decisions of policymaker and investment institutions to contribute to sustainable development in all countries.

Dióxido de Carbono , Água do Mar , Desenvolvimento Econômico , Concentração de Íons de Hidrogênio , Investimentos em Saúde
Rev. bras. epidemiol ; 24(supl.1): e210017, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1288503


ABSTRACT: Objective: The main objective of this paper was to analyze the relation between GDP and three variables linked to traffic accidents in Brazilian municipalities: traffic accident mortality, deaths per vehicle; and vehicles per inhabitant. Methods: 2005, 2010 and 2015 traffic accident (TA) mortality rates were estimated using a three-year moving average and were standardized; then, we applied the empirical Bayes estimator (EBE). Fatality rates (deaths per vehicle) were also based on EBE. The variable vehicles per inhabitant considered the ratio between the fleet and the population at municipal level. For every studied year, we estimated linear regression models between GDP and the interest variables. Results: The variables distribution indicates that, between 2005 and 2015, GDP and vehicles per inhabitant kept the same rising relationship. Fatality rates show a decreasing association with GDP. The distribution of mortality by TA had an inverted U-shaped pattern. The model coefficients practically did not change for the vehicle per inhabitant. Estimated association between deaths per vehicle and GDP kept the same sign, but diminished between 2005 and 2015. Model coefficient sign changed in 2015 for TA mortality. Conclusion: Similar to what was observed in developed countries, the relation between mortality by traffic accidents and GDP changed in the analyzed period.

RESUMO: Objetivo: O artigo pretende analisar a relação entre o produto interno bruto (PIB) per capita e três variáveis relacionadas aos acidentes de transporte (AT) nos municípios brasileiros: a mortalidade por AT, as mortes por veículo e o número de veículos por pessoa. Métodos: As taxas de mortalidade por AT foram estimadas (2005, 2010 e 2015) por meio do estimador bayesiano empírico (EBE). A taxa de mortalidade por veículo foi também estimada pelo EBE. O número de veículos por pessoa foi baseado na razão entre a frota de automóveis e a população residente. Para os três anos em análise, estimamos um modelo de regressão linear entre o PIB per capita municipal e as três variáveis de interesse. Resultados: A distribuição das variáveis mostra que a relação entre o PIB e o número de veículos por pessoa se manteve crescente ao longo dos anos e foi sempre negativa, considerando-se as mortes por veículo. A taxa de mortalidade por AT apresentou distribuição próxima a um U invertido. Os coeficientes do modelo de regressão praticamente não variaram para a relação entre PIB e os veículos por habitante. O sinal para o modelo com a taxa de mortalidade por veículo manteve-se o mesmo (negativo), mas apresentou diminuição. A taxa mortalidade por AT, por sua vez, apresentou inversão do sinal em 2015. Conclusão: De modo similar ao observado nos países desenvolvidos, parece ter havido inversão na relação entre mortalidade por AT e PIB nos municípios brasileiros entre 2005 e 2015.

Humanos , Acidentes de Trânsito , Brasil/epidemiologia , Modelos Lineares , Teorema de Bayes , Cidades/epidemiologia
Sci Total Environ ; 733: 139359, 2020 Sep 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32446085


Glyphosate (Gly) is a broad-spectrum herbicide and currently one of the most studied pesticides. New Gly-related data are published daily worldwide. Despite the large number of publications, there is no published scientometric revision that presently addresses this issue systematically. We aimed to scientometrically analyze the publication patterns of main topics related to Gly research. Web of Science data was obtained searching the topic "Glyphosate" (10,069 publications). Toxicology was the most influential area, and a subset was delimited containing the categories "Environmental Sciences", "Toxicology" and "Ecology" (2077 publications). The datasets were analyzed using Citespace. The publications number presented a high correlation with the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in both datasets. USA was the leader of general publication about Gly, followed by Brazil, Canada and China. USA, Canada, Argentina, China and Brazil were the main countries in Gly toxicology. This subset was related with data of the GDP spending on Research & Developing and with the number of researchers by country. Thus, we ranked the main countries interested in the Gly and its toxicology and that invest their economic and human resources in these researches. Based on a keyword analysis by CiteSpace of the Gly toxicology, it was highlighted the "glyphosate-induced habitat alteration", that reflected the concern about Gly impact on agricultural and natural ecosystems. The researchers are also focused in studies involving AMPA (aminomethylphosphonic acid), the main Gly degradation product, the genotoxicity, herbicides mixture and in its presence in drinking water. More researches about Gly genotoxicity and carcinogenicity to humans are needed and more studies to compile the results of independent researches, such as meta-analytical reviews. Our study can support decisions and future efforts about Gly impacts and use, since more sustainable agriculture with less environment impact is important to the maintenance of ecosystem services and consequently the human health.

Ecossistema , Herbicidas/análise , Argentina , Brasil , Canadá , China , Glicina/análogos & derivados , Humanos , Glifosato
J Nutr Sci ; 9: e4, 2020 01 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32042412


We analysed the coverage trend of the evaluation of the nutritional status of users of public health services registered in the Food and Nutrition Surveillance System (SISVAN) between 2008 and 2017 in seven municipalities and verified the association of the coverage trend with the socio-economic, demographic and organisational aspects of health system variables. It is an ecological time-series study performed with secondary data extracted from health information systems. Descriptive statistics, linear regression model and repeated measures analysis were performed. The coverage of evaluation of nutritional status was low over the period. Five municipalities showed a tendency to increase coverage, although small, while two remained stable. The highest annual variation in coverage increase was concentrated in the group of pregnant women and the lowest in adolescents and older adults. There was a downward trend in follow-ups from the Bolsa Family Programme and a trend towards increased follow-ups from SUS Primary Care (e-SUS AB). SISVAN coverage was positively associated with the proportion of rural population (P ≤ 0·001) and coverage of community health agents (P < 0·001); and negatively associated with total population (P < 0·001), demographic density (P = 0·006) and gross domestic product per capita (P = 0·008). Despite the tendency to increase coverage in some municipalities, SISVAN still presents low coverage of nutritional status assessment, which compromises population monitoring. Knowing the factors that influence the coverage can subsidise the elaboration of strategies for its expansion.

Estado Nutricional , Organizações , Saúde Pública , Regionalização da Saúde/organização & administração , Fatores Socioeconômicos , Adolescente , Adulto , Idoso , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Brasil/epidemiologia , Criança , Pré-Escolar , Feminino , Programas Governamentais , Humanos , Lactente , Recém-Nascido , Assistência Médica , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Programas Nacionais de Saúde/estatística & dados numéricos , Avaliação Nutricional , Gravidez , Atenção Primária à Saúde/estatística & dados numéricos , Saúde Pública/estatística & dados numéricos , Administração em Saúde Pública , Regionalização da Saúde/estatística & dados numéricos , Adulto Jovem