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Rev. chil. nutr ; 51(1)feb. 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550800


Neuregulins (NRGs) are a family of signaling proteins that bind to receptor tyrosine kinases of the ErbB family (ErbB2 to ErbB4), which can homo- or heterodimerize depending on their structural features and cell type. Many studies have proposed that decreased NRG levels are a common characteristic of obesity. In liver and adipose tissue, the increase in NRG expression has protective effects against obesity. However, it is still unknown whether ErbBs expression is altered in this pathology. We hypothesized that high fat diet-induced obesity downregulates ErbB receptors expression in obese mice compared to normal weight mice. Males C57BL/6 mice (n=6-7 for each group) were fed for 12 weeks and divided into: (i) control diet (CD; 10%-kcal fat, 20%-kcal protein, 70%-kcal carbohydrates), and (ii) high fat diet (HFD; 60%-kcal fat, 20%-kcal protein, 20%-kcal carbohydrates). General parameters and ErbBs expression (qPCR, immunohistochemistry and Western blot) were evaluated. We observed a significant increase in final body weight (47%), adipose tissue to body weight ratio (244%) and HOMA-IR (69%), among other parameters, in obese mice. In HFD group significantly decreased ErbB2 (48%) and ErbB3 (66%) mRNA levels in liver (no change in ErbB4), and ErbB2 (43%), ErbB3 (76%) and ErbB4 (35%) in adipose tissue, compared to CD. Furthermore, ErbB2 and ErbB3 protein levels decreased significantly in HFD group compared to the CD in liver. Therefore, our results suggest that HFD-induced obesity significantly decreases ErbBs expression in liver and adipose tissue in this murine model, that may be associated with alterations in the NRG pathway in obese mice.

Las neuregulinas (NRGs) son una familia de proteínas de señalización que se unen a receptores tirosina quinasas de la familia ErbB (ErbB2 a ErbB4), que pueden homo- o heterodimerizar dependiendo de sus características estructurales y del tipo celular. Estudios han propuesto que la disminución de los niveles de NRG es una característica común de la obesidad. En el hígado y el tejido adiposo (TA), el aumento de la expresión de NRG tiene efectos protectores contra la obesidad. Sin embargo, aún se desconoce si la expresión de ErbBs está alterada en esta patología. Nuestra hipótesis es que la obesidad inducida por una dieta alta en grasas (DAG) disminuye la expresión de los ErbB en ratones obesos. Ratones machos C57BL/6 (n=6-7 para c/grupo) fueron alimentados durante 12 semanas y divididos en: (i) dieta control (DC; 10%-kcal grasa, 20%-kcal proteína, 70%-kcal carbohidratos), y (ii) DAG (60%-kcal grasa, 20%-kcal proteína, 20%-kcal carbohidratos). Se evaluaron los parámetros generales y la expresión de ErbBs (qPCR, inmunohistoquímica y Western blot). Observamos un aumento significativo del peso corporal final (47%), de la relación tejido adiposo/peso corporal (244%) y del HOMA-IR (69%), entre otros parámetros, en ratones obesos. En este grupo disminuyó significativamente los niveles de ARNm de ErbB2 (48%) y ErbB3 (66%) en el hígado (sin cambios en ErbB4), y de ErbB2 (43%), ErbB3 (76%) y ErbB4 (35%) en el TA. Además, los niveles de proteína ErbB2 y ErbB3 disminuyeron significativamente, en comparación con el grupo DC en el hígado. Nuestros resultados sugieren que la obesidad inducida por DAG disminuye significativamente la expresión de ErbBs en el hígado y el TA, que puede estar asociado con alteraciones en la vía NRG en ratones obesos.

Int. j. morphol ; 41(5): 1513-1526, oct. 2023. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521017


SUMMARY: The livers of reptiles are being studied as a model for the link between the environment and hepatic tissue. There have been few investigations on the histology of reptile livers, and very few or no studies have examined the histology of liver of veiled chameleon (Chamaeleo calyptratus). This paper describes the histomorphological, histochemical and ultrastructural characterization of the liver of veiled chameleons in southern Saudi Arabia. Seven Chamaeleo calyptratus were captured in the summer season in Abha City, Aseer region, southern Saudi Arabia. Chamaeleon liver samples were processed for histomorphology, histochemistry and ultrastructure analyses. Morphologically liver of Chamaeleo calyptratus was observed as a large dark brown organ with lighter speckles, which represent melanin deposits. It located at the ventral part of abdominal cavity forward of the stomach. Its dimensions approximately were 3.7 x 2 cm. The liver was a bilobed organ divided into two lobes, right and left lobes. The right one was bigger than the others. The gallbladder was well developed and had an elongated shape, situated between the two lobes and contained the bile for the digestion. Microscopically, the liver was found to be covered by a thick layer of connective tissue, which formed the hepatic capsule. Hepatic parenchyma probably appeared in cross sections as hepatic glandular-like alveoli "acini" or follicular structures with various diameters, each acinus contains approximately four to six hepatocytes, surrounded by sinusoidal capillaries filled with abundant melanomacrophages, which are absent in birds and mammals. Melanomacrophages are common in the hepatic parenchyma's perisinusoidal areas, particularly near portal spaces. Hepatocytes are polyhedral or pyramidal with and mostly contained large, rounded nuclei mostly peripherally located, with prominent dark oval nucleoli. Some of nuclei are eccentric or central position. The cytoplasm appeared spongy or vacuolated and more eosinophilic when stained by hematoxylin-eosin and strongly reactive to PAS staining technique, indicating abundant glycogen content. The reticular fibers that surround hepatocytes, blood arteries, and sinusoids supported the hepatic parenchyma. The blood sinusoids are seen interspersed among hepatocytes of varying sizes. The sinusoidal lumen was bordered by flattened endothelial cells and includes elliptical nucleated erythrocytes and liver macrophages as phagocytes, which are also known as Kupffer cells. Branches of the portal vein, hepatic artery, small bile duct, and lymph vessels were detected in the hepatic portal area "tract" or triad which made up of connective. Hematopoietic tissue was observed in subcapsular region and portal triads. Ultrastructurally, the hepatocyte appeared polyhedric containing a single large rounded basal or eccentric vesicular nucleus with prominent nucleolus. Extensive network of rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) often arranged in an array parallel to the nuclear membrane with many mitochondria, and Golgi apparatus were described. The cytoplasm contained glycogen granules, vesicles or vacuoles scattered throughout the cytoplasm especially at the apical region were reported. The bile canaliculi and the hepatic "Kupffer" cells were also discussed. This is the first study on the histological characterization of the healthy liver of Yemen veiled chameleon in southern Saudi Arabia. The findings reported here should be used as a reference to compare with the pathological abnormalities of the liver in this animal.

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Animais , Fígado/anatomia & histologia , Lagartos/anatomia & histologia , Fotomicrografia , Hepatócitos , Microscopia Eletrônica de Transmissão , Fígado/ultraestrutura
Rev. peru. med. exp. salud publica ; 40(4): 459-465, oct.-dic. 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560392


RESUMEN El objetivo fue determinar el efecto del consumo de tres fuentes de ácidos grasos sobre el peso relativo, caracterización macroscópica y microscópica del hígado, y la morfometría intestinal en un modelo animal a temprana edad. Se utilizaron 76 pollitos distribuidos al azar, que recibieron una de las dietas (T1: 97,0% de dieta basal (DB) + 3,0% de material inerte, T2: 97,0% de DB + 3,0% de manteca vegetal parcialmente hidrogenada, T3: 97,0% de DB + 3,0% de aceite de quinua, y T4: 97,0% de DB + 3,0% de aceite de pescado) hasta el séptimo día de vida; luego se extrajeron muestras para los análisis correspondientes. Se encontró que, los animales que consumieron aceite de quinua (T3) o aceite de pescado (T4) tuvieron resultados favorables asociados a un menor peso del hígado y, una mejor absorción de nutrientes a nivel intestinal debido a mayores valores en la relación longitud del vello y profundidad de cripta; en comparación a la manteca vegetal parcialmente hidrogenada (T2). En conclusión, el aceite de quinua constituye una opción saludable de consumo y fuente alternativa al aceite de pescado.

ABSTRACT We aimed to determine the effect of the consumption of three sources of fatty acids on the relative weight, macroscopic and microscopic characteristics of the liver, and intestinal morphometry in an early-life animal model. Seventy-six randomly distributed chicks received one of the diets (T1: 97.0% basal diet (BD) + 3.0% inert material, T2: 97.0% BD + 3.0% partially hydrogenated vegetable shortening, T3: 97.0% BD + 3.0% quinoa oil, and T4: 97.0% BD + 3.0% fish oil) until the seventh day of life; samples were then extracted in order to be analyzed. We found that the animals that consumed quinoa oil (T3) or fish oil (T4) had favorable results associated to lower liver weight and better absorption of nutrients at intestinal level due to higher values in the hair length and crypt depth ratio, in comparison to partially hydrogenated vegetable shortening (T2). In conclusion, quinoa oil constitutes a healthy option for consumption and an alternative source to fish oil.

Animais , Óleos de Plantas , Hepatócitos , Ácidos Graxos
Rev. chil. nutr ; 49(3)jun. 2022.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1388613


RESUMEN Introducción: la enfermedad de hígado graso no alcohólico (EHGNA) se caracteriza por la acumulación de gotas lipídicas (GL) y sobre expresión de la proteína de GL Perilipina 1 (PLIN1) en los hepatocitos. En su patogénesis y progresión participan NF-ĸB, caspasa-1 y citoquinas proinflamatorias como IL-1β. La medicina popular del norte de Chile utiliza la planta Lampaya medicinalis Phil. (Verbenaceae) contra enfermedades. Objetivo: evaluar el efecto de un extracto hidroalcohólico de lampaya (EHL) sobre la expresión de marcadores inflamatorios y proteínas asociadas a las GL en hepatocitos tratados con ácidos grasos. Métodos: se incubó hepatocitos HepG2 con 0,66 mM de ácido oleico (AO) y 0,33 mM de ácido palmítico (AP) por 24 o 48 horas en presencia o no de EHL. Se evaluó la expresión proteica de NF-ĸB, PLIN1 y caspasa-1 por Western blot y la expresión de ARNm de IL-1β por qPCR. Resultados: los hepatocitos tratados por 48 h con AO/AP mostraron un aumento en la expresión de IL-1β que fue revertido por la co-incubación con EHL. Conclusión: estos antecedentes aportan nueva evidencia respecto a la actividad biológica del EHL en un modelo de alteraciones metabólicas e inflamatorias, asociadas a la EHGNA, inducidas por AO/AP en hepatocitos humanos.

ABSTRACT Introduction: Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is characterized by the accumulation of lipid droplets (LD) and overexpression of the LD-associated protein Perilipin 1 (PLIN1). NF-ĸB, caspase-1 and proinflammatory cytokine such as IL-1β participate in the pathogenesis and progression of NAFLD. Traditional medicine in northern Chile uses the plant Lampaya medicinalis Phil. (Verbenaceae) against diseases. Objective: To evaluate the effect of a hydroalcoholic extract of lampaya (HEL) on the expression of inflammatory markers and LD-associated proteins in hepatocytes treated with fatty acids. Methods: HepG2 hepatocytes were incubated with 0.66 mM oleic acid (OA) and 0.33 mM palmitic acid (PA) for 24 or 48 h in the presence or not of HEL. The protein expression of NF-ĸB, PLIN1 and caspase-1 was evaluated by Western blot while the mRNA expression of IL-1β was assessed by qPCR. Results: hepatocytes treated for 48 h with OA/AP showed an increase in IL-1β expression that was reversed by co-incubation with HEL. Conclusion: These antecedents provide new evidence regarding the biological activity of HEL in a model of metabolic and inflammatory alterations, associated with NAFLD, induced by OA/PA in human hepatocytes.

Rev. colomb. cardiol ; 28(6): 564-572, nov.-dic. 2021. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1357231


Resumen Objetivo Determinar si los niveles plasmáticos de factor de crecimiento de hepatocitos podrían ayudar a realizar el diagnóstico diferencial en pacientes con dolor torácico prolongado y elevación de la troponina cardiaca, y evaluar su valor pronóstico de mortalidad al año en estos pacientes. Método: Estudio prospectivo observacional. Se incluyeron pacientes mayores de 18 años que acudieron a urgencias con dolor torácico agudo de más de 20 minutos y elevación de la troponina cardiaca, con seguimiento al año. Resultados Se incluyeron 303 pacientes, 103 (34%) con infarto de miocardio y 200 (66%) con otras enfermedades. Los niveles plasmáticos del factor de crecimiento de hepatocitos fueron superiores en el grupo sin infarto de miocardio: 329 pg/ml (rango intercuartílico [IQR]: 66-558) vs. 476 pg/ml (IQR: 264-908; p < 0.001). La mortalidad al año fue del 30.7%, superior en el grupo sin infarto de miocardio (36.5% vs. 19.4%; p = 0.002). Se encontró una fuerte asociación entre la mortalidad y los niveles elevados de factor de crecimiento de hepatocitos (650 pg/ml [344-1159] vs. 339 pg/ml [205-607]; p < 0.001). En el análisis multivariado se halló que los niveles de factor de crecimiento de hepatocitos, la edad y la escala GRACE son factores independientes de mortalidad al año en estos pacientes. Conclusiones En los pacientes con dolor torácico agudo prolongado y elevación de la troponina cardiaca, la determinación de los niveles del factor de crecimiento de hepatocitos no permite confirmar ni descartar la presencia de infarto agudo de miocardio. No obstante, podría ser un marcador pronóstico de mortalidad en estos pacientes, junto con la edad y la escala GRACE.

Abstract Objective To determine if plasma levels of hepatocyte growth factor could help in the differential diagnosis of patients with prolonged chest pain and elevated cardiac troponin; and to evaluate its prognostic value for one-year mortality in these patients. Method A prospective observational study. Patients over the age of 18 who were seen in the emergency room for acute chest pain lasting longer than 20 minutes and elevated cardiac troponin were included, with follow up after one year. Results We included 303 patients, 103 (34%) with myocardial infarction and 200 (66%) with other diseases. Plasma levels of hepatocyte growth factor were higher in the group without myocardial infarction: 329 pg/ml (IQR: 166-558) vs. 476 pg/ml (IQR: 264-908; p < 0.001). One-year mortality was 30.7%, higher in the group without myocardial infarction (36.5% vs. 19.4%; p = 0.002). We found a strong association between mortality and elevated levels of hepatocyte growth factor (650 pg/ml [344-1,159] vs. 339 pg/ml [205-607]; p < 0.001). Multivariate analysis showed that levels of hepatocyte growth factor, age and the GRACE scale are independent factors for one-year mortality in these patients. Conclusions In patients with prolonged acute chest pain and elevated cardiac troponin, hepatocyte growth factor levels do not confirm or rule out acute myocardial infarction, although they may be a prognostic marker for mortality in these patients, along with age and the GRACE scale.

Rev. colomb. gastroenterol ; 36(4): 485-493, oct.-dic. 2021. tab
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1360973


Resumen El nuevo coronavirus del síndrome respiratorio agudo grave de tipo 2 (SARS-CoV-2), virus que se ha expandido por todo el mundo, produce una infección respiratoria aguda capaz de producir la muerte; sin embargo, el daño en otros órganos también es frecuente. Diversos estudios han evidenciado alteraciones en pruebas de lesión hepáticas, las cuales se han asociado con enfermedad grave y mayor estancia hospitalaria; así mismo, en la infección por el virus en pacientes con enfermedad hepática preexistente se observó una elevación significativa de las aminotransferasas durante el curso de la enfermedad y mayor riesgo de enfermedad grave. La explicación fisiopatológica de la afectación hepática en estos pacientes abarca el efecto citopático directo producido por la unión del virus a la enzima convertidora de la angiotensina II (ECA-II) a los hepatocitos y colangiocitos, una respuesta inmunitaria desproporcionada y, en algunos casos, la hepatotoxicidad por medicamentos.

Abstract The new severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), a virus that has spread around the world, causes an acute respiratory infection and it may also cause death. The damage that can cause in other organs is frequent. Many studies had also shown alterations in liver function tests, that are then related to serious illness and with hospitalization requirements. Moreover, in patients infected with the virus that had underlying liver disease, a significant increase in the level of aminotransferases was observed in the course of the disease. A greater risk of serious illness was also detected. The pathophysiological explanation of liver injury in those patients covers the direct cytopathic effect produced by binding the virus, the angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE2) to the hepatocytes and the cholangiocytes, excessive immune response, and in some cases, drug-induced hepatotoxicity.

Humanos , Hepatócitos , SARS-CoV-2 , Infecções , Literatura , Fígado , Remoção , Enzimas , Hepatopatias
Rev. chil. endocrinol. diabetes ; 14(1): 7-13, 2021. tab, ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1146465


INTRODUCCIÓN: La enfermedad del hígado graso no alcohólico (EHGNA) es la forma más común de enfermedad hepática. A nivel celular se caracteriza por la acumulación de triglicéridos (TG) en forma de gotas lipídicas (GL) dando lugar a esteatosis e inflamación. Entre los factores relevantes para la síntesis de TG se encuentran las enzimas DGAT1/2 que catalizan la etapa final de la síntesis de TG, y la proteína FABP4 que transporta lípidos intracelulares y se expresa en modelos de enfermedad hepática dependiente de obesidad. Por otra parte, TNF-α es una reconocida citoquina involucrada en el proceso inflamatorio en la EHGNA. La medicina popular del norte de Chile ha utilizado la planta Lampaya medicinalis Phil. (Verbenaceae) para el tratamiento de algunas enfermedades inflamatorias. OBJETIVO: Evaluar el efecto de un extracto hidroalcóholico de lampaya (EHL) sobre la esteatosis y expresión de marcadores de inflamación en hepatocitos tratados con ácidos grasos. Diseño experimental: Estudio in vitro en cultivos de la línea celular humana HepG2 tratadas con ácido oleico (AO) y ácido palmítico (AP). MÉTODOS: Se incubó hepatocitos HepG2 con AO/AP por 24 horas en presencia o no de EHL. Se evaluó la presencia de GL y el contenido de TG intracelulares por Oil Red O y Nile Red, respectivamente. La expresión de DGAT1/2, FABP4 y TNF-α fue evaluada por qPCR. RESULTADOS: Los hepatocitos tratados con AO/AP mostraron un aumento en las GL y TG, así como una mayor expresión de DGAT2 en comparación al control. El cotratamiento con EHL revirtió los efectos inducidos por AO/AP. CONCLUSIONES: EHL revierte el incremento en las GL, TG y en la expresión de DGAT2 inducido por AO/AP en células HepG2. Estos hallazgos sugieren un efecto hepatoprotector de la Lampaya contra la esteatosis, y apoyarían su uso complementario en el tratamiento de patologías con componente inflamatorio como la EHGNA.

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is the most common liver disease. At the cellular level, it is characterized by the accumulation of triglycerides (TG) in the form of lipid droplets (LD), which leads to steatosis and inflammation. Among relevant factors for TG synthesis are the enzymes DGAT1/2 catalyzing the final stage of TG synthesis, and the protein FABP4 which transports intracellular lipids and is expressed in cell models of obesity-dependent liver disease. Additionally, TNF-α is a cytokine involved in the inflammatory process associated to NAFDL. Lampaya medicinalis Phil. (Verbenaceae) is a plant used in folk medicine in northern Chile to treat some inflammatory diseases. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect of the hydroalcoholic extract of lampaya (HEL) on steatosis and the expression of inflammatory markers in hepatocytes treated with fatty acids. Study design: In vitro study in cultures of the human HepG2 cell line treated with oleic acid (OA) and palmitic acid (PA). METHODS: HepG2 hepatocytes were incubated with OA/PA for 24 hours in the presence and absence of HEL. The formation of LD and the accumulation of intracellular TG were assessed by Oil Red O and Nile Red, respectively. The expression of DGAT1/2, FABP4 and TNF-α was assessed by qPCR. RESULTS: The treatment with OA/PA increased the levels of LD and TG as well as the expression of DGAT2 in HepG2 hepatocytes compared to control cells. HEL cotreatment counteracted OA/PA-induced effects. CONCLUSIONS: HEL prevents the increase in LD and TG levels and DGAT2 expression induced by OA/PA in HepG2 cells. These findings suggest that lampaya may have a protective effect against hepatic steatosis, which would support its complementary use in the treatment of pathologies associated with inflammation, such as NAFLD.

Humanos , Extratos Vegetais/farmacologia , Hepatócitos/efeitos dos fármacos , Verbenaceae/química , Hepatopatia Gordurosa não Alcoólica/tratamento farmacológico , Triglicerídeos/análise , Técnicas In Vitro , Extratos Vegetais/uso terapêutico , Sobrevivência Celular , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase , Técnicas de Cultura de Células , Ácido Oleico , Etanol/química , Células Hep G2/efeitos dos fármacos , Inflamação
Int. j. morphol ; 38(1): 48-55, Feb. 2020. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1056396


This research was designed to investigate the potential protective effect of vitamin C supplementation against hepatocyte ultrastructural alterations induced by artemether (antimalarial drug) administration. Twenty-four adult male albino rats were used in this study and were divided into four groups (n=6). Group I served as a control and rats in group II administrated artemether (4 mg/kg B.W) orally for three consecutive days. Group III administered artemether plus a low dose of vitamin C (2.86 mg/kg/l water) while group IV received artemether plusa high dose of vitamin C (8.56 mg/kg). At the end of the experimental period (14 days), the harvested liver tissues were examined by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and blood samples were assayed for biomarkers of liver injury and oxidative stress. Artemether significantly (p<0.05) augmented biomarkers of liver injury such as alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), and oxidative stress such as superoxide dismutase (SOD), Glutathione Peroxidase (GPX), and caused degeneration and damage of the rough endoplasmic reticulum and disrupted mitochondria. The blood sinusoids were also damaged with distortion of their canaliculi. Administration of vitamin C showed improvement of liver biomarkers, and liver parenchyma, especially in a high dose of vitamin C.We concludes that vitamin C is a partial protective agent against artemether-induced liver injury.

Esta investigación fue diseñada para investigar el posible efecto protector de la vitamina C contra las alteraciones ultraestructurales de los hepatocitos, inducidas por la administración de arteméter (medicamento antipalúdico). En el estudio se utilizaron 24 ratas albinas macho adultas y se dividieron en cuatro grupos (n = 6). El grupo I fue designado como control y las ratas en el grupo II se adminstró Arteméter (4 mg / kg de peso corporal) por vía oral durante tres días consecutivos. En el grupo III se administró arteméter, además de una dosis baja de vitamina C (2,86 mg / kg / l de agua) mientras que el grupo IV recibió arteméter más una dosis alta de vitamina C (8,56 mg / kg). Al final del período experimental (14 días), los tejidos hepáticos recolectados se examinaron por microscopía electrónica de transmisión (MET), y las muestras de sangre se analizaron en busca de biomarcadores de daño hepático y estrés oxidativo. El arteméter aumentó significativamente (p <0,05) los biomarcadores de daño hepático como alanina aminotransferasa (ALT), aspartato aminotransferasa (AST) y estrés oxidativo como superóxido dismutasa (SOD), glutatión peroxidasa (GPX) y causó degeneración y daño de la retículo endoplásmico rugoso y mitocondrias alteradas. Los sinusoides sanguíneos también fueron dañados con la distorsión de sus canalículos. La administración de vitamina C mostró una mejoría de los biomarcadores hepáticos y el parénquima hepático, especialmente en una dosis alta de vitamina C. Concluimos que la vitamina C es un agente protector parcial contra la lesión hepática inducida por arteméter.

Animais , Ratos , Ácido Ascórbico/administração & dosagem , Doença Hepática Crônica Induzida por Substâncias e Drogas/tratamento farmacológico , Artemeter/toxicidade , Ácido Ascórbico/farmacologia , Superóxido Dismutase/análise , Biomarcadores , Ratos Sprague-Dawley , Estresse Oxidativo/efeitos dos fármacos , Hepatócitos/efeitos dos fármacos , Hepatócitos/ultraestrutura , Microscopia Eletrônica de Transmissão , Modelos Animais de Doenças , Medicamentos Hepatoprotetores , Doença Hepática Induzida por Substâncias e Drogas/patologia , Glutationa Peroxidase/análise
Arq. ciências saúde UNIPAR ; 23(2): 97-105, maio-ago. 2019.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-996705


Os mastócitos são células distribuídas pela maior parte do corpo e são reguladores importantes da resposta inflamatória. Nesse estudo o objetivo foi quantificar os mastócitos presentes em fígado humano normal, com esteatose e com cirrose. Foram utilizadas peças de fígado humano do Laboratório de Patologia Geral da Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro, onde selecionaram 16 peças anatômicas, dividindo-se em três grupos: fígado normal (controle), com esteatose e com cirrose. Realizou-se a confecção de 32 lâminas, as quais foram submetidas à duas colorações, sendo HE para análise histopatológica, e Azul de Toluidina para quantificação de mastócitos. Realizou-se análise estatística e a confecção de gráfico, composto pelo número de mastócitos por campo em cada grupo. Observou-se que o aumento da quantidade de mastócitos presentes é diretamente proporcional ao agravo da doença, sendo que a maior população foi encontrada no processo crônico de cirrose hepática. Portanto, subentende-se que exista uma relação intrínseca entre a presença dos mastócitos e, consequente, agravo do processo fibrótico em humanos, de tal modo que uma célula influencie no funcionamento da outra. Torna-se necessário a realização de mais estudos para esclarecerem de forma detalhada tal interação.

Mast cells are distributed in most tissues of the human body and are key regulators of the inflammatory response. The aim of the study was to quantify the presence of mast cells in healthy human livers and diseased human livers presenting steatosis and cirrhosis. Human liver samples were obtained from the General Pathology Laboratory at the Federal University of Triângulo Mineiro. Sixteen samples were divided into three groups: normal liver (control), steatosis, and cirrhosis. A total of 32 slides were prepared, which were submitted to two stainings, the hematoxylin and eosin (HE) for histopathological analysis, and Toluidine Blue (TB) for mast cell quantification. Statistical analysis and a graph composition were performed, presenting the number of mast cells per field in each group. It was observed that the increase of mast cells is directly proportional to the disease burden, and the greatest increase was found in the population with chronic liver cirrhosis. Therefore, it is understood that there is an intrinsic relationship between the presence of mast cells and the consequent aggravation of the fibrotic process in humans, in such way that one cell influences the functioning of the other. Further studies area necessary in order to clarify such interaction.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Ferimentos e Lesões , Fígado , Cirrose Hepática , Mastócitos , Coloração e Rotulagem , Capilares , Citocinas , Hepatócitos
Rev. Fac. Med. (Bogotá) ; 67(1): 109-116, Jan.-Mar. 2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1013208


Resumen Introducción. El hígado juega un papel importante en la homeostasis lipídica, especialmente en la síntesis de ácidos grasos y triglicéridos. Una amplia variedad de modelos celulares ha sido utilizada para investigar el metabolismo lipídico hepático y para elucidar detalles específicos de los mecanismos bioquímicos del desarrollo y progresión de enfermedades relacionadas, brindando información para tratamientos que reduzcan su impacto. Los modelos celulares hepáticos poseen un alto potencial en la investigación del metabolismo de lípidos y de agentes farmacológicos o principios activos que permiten la reducción de la acumulación de lípidos. Objetivo. Comparar algunos modelos celulares hepáticos utilizados para el estudio del metabolismo lipídico, sus características y los resultados más relevantes de investigación en ellos. Materiales y métodos. Se realizó una búsqueda sistemática en bases de datos sobre los modelos celulares hepáticos de mayor uso para el estudio del metabolismo de lípidos. Resultados. Se exponen los cinco modelos celulares más utilizados para este tipo de investigaciones, destacando su origen, aplicación, ventajas y desventajas al momento de estimular el metabolismo lipídico. Conclusión. Para seleccionar el modelo celular, el investigador debe tener en cuenta cuáles son los requerimientos y el proceso que desea evidenciar, sin olvidar que los resultados obtenidos solo serán aproximaciones de lo que en realidad podría suceder a nivel del hígado como órgano.

Abstract Introduction: The liver plays an important role in lipid homeostasis, especially in the synthesis of fatty acids and triglycerides. A wide variety of cell models have been used to investigate liver lipid metabolism and to elucidate specific details of the biochemical mechanisms involved in the development and progression of related diseases, providing information for treatments that reduce their impact. Liver cell models have a high potential for the investigation of lipid metabolism, as well as pharmacological agents or active principles that allow the reduction of lipid accumulation. Objective: To compare some liver cell models used for studying lipid metabolism, their characteristics and the most relevant research results. Materials and methods: A systematic search of databases was performed on the most commonly used liver cell models for the study of lipid metabolism. Results: The five most commonly used cell models for this type of research are presented in this paper, highlighting their origin, application, advantages and disadvantages when stimulating lipid metabolism. Conclusion: In order to select a cell model, researchers should take into account the requirements and the process they wish to demonstrate, without forgetting that the results obtained will only be approximations of what could actually happen in the liver as an organ.