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Rev. venez. cir ; 76(1): 72-75, 2023. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1552968


Introducción: La hernia diafragmática surge como resultado del movimiento de los órganos abdominales hacia el tórax a través de un defecto del diafragma resultante de varios tipos de lesiones, que a menudo representan un desafío diagnóstico y terapéutico. La hernia diafragmática traumática es una enfermedad infrecuente. El trauma diafragmático rara vez es aislado, la mayoría de las veces se acompaña de otras lesiones toracoabdominales, cerebrales o musculoesqueléticas, siendo estas comorbilidades más graves responsables del mal pronóstico y aumento de la mortalidad. Caso clínico: Anciana de 90 años de edad, hipertensa, quien inicia cuadro clínico 48 horas previas a su ingreso, cuando posterior a caída del plano de bipedestación presenta disminución del estado de consciencia, náuseas, vómitos y disnea en reposo. Rx de tórax evidencia asas intestinales en hemitórax derecho. Se realizó laparotomía exploradora. Conclusión: Las hernias diafragmáticas traumáticas son infrecuentes, con incidencia <3%, sintomatología inespecífica y relacionadas generalmente con lesiones asociadas al trauma. Siempre se debe sospechar de una HD ante un paciente con antecedente de trauma cerrado de alto impacto o penetrante, en función de la cinética y mecanismo de lesión. El diagnóstico supone un reto para el cirujano, debiendo apoyarse en una firme sospecha y estudios radiológicos. Su tratamiento es quirúrgico, debiendo ser individualizado, con abordajes torácicos o abdominales en función del caso. La técnica a emplear dependerá de las características del defecto, de la fase del diagnóstico y la experiencia del equipo quirúrgico(AU)

Introduction: Diaphragmatic hernia arises as a result of the movement of the abdominal organs towards the thorax through a defect in the diaphragm resulting from various types of injuries, which often represent a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge. Traumatic diaphragmatic hernia is a rare disease. Diaphragmatic trauma is rarely isolated, most of the time it is accompanied by other thoracoabdominal, brain or musculoskeletal injuries, these more serious comorbidities being responsible for the poor prognosis and increased mortality. Clinical case: A 90-year-old woman with hypertension , who began a clinical picture 48 hours prior to admission, when after falling from the standing plane he presented a decreased state of consciousness, nausea, vomiting, and dyspnea at rest. Chest x-ray shows intestinal loops in the right hemithorax. Exploratory laparotomy was performed. Conclusion: Traumatic diaphragmatic hernias are rare, with an incidence of <3%, non-specific symptoms, and generally related to injuries associated with trauma. HD should always be suspected in a patient with a history of high-impact or penetrating blunt trauma, depending on the kinetics and mechanism of injury. Diagnosis is a challenge for the surgeon, and must be based on a firm suspicion and radiological studies. Its treatment is surgical, and must be individualized, with thoracic or abdominal approaches depending on the case. The technique to be used will depend on the characteristics of the defect, the diagnostic phase and the experience of the surgical team(AU)

Humanos , Feminino , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Radiografia Torácica , Pacientes , Sinais e Sintomas , Inconsciência , Vômito , Dispneia , Geriatria
Medisur ; 20(5): 968-975, sept.-oct. 2022. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1405984


RESUMEN La hernia diafragmática traumática se define como el paso del contenido abdominal a la cavidad torácica a través de un defecto en el diafragma producido por un trauma. Su diagnóstico es difícil, a menudo puede pasar inadvertido, debido a la gravedad de las lesiones que le acompañan. Las claves para el diagnóstico son un alto grado de sospecha y el conocimiento de los distintos signos en la tomografía computarizada. Una vez diagnosticada la ruptura diafragmática, se repara quirúrgicamente para evitar complicaciones. Se presenta el caso de un paciente masculino, de 88 años de edad con antecedentes de haber sufrido trauma toracoabdominal cerrado hacía 35 años, que acudió con un cuadro clínico de oclusión intestinal. Se publica este caso porque, además de ser una entidad poco frecuente, resulta importante el conocimiento de esta enfermedad, para valorarla dentro de las posibilidades diagnósticas en aquellos pacientes que aquejen síntomas relacionados con sus complicaciones.

ABSTRACT Traumatic diaphragmatic hernia is defined as the passage of abdominal contents into the thoracic cavity through a defect in the diaphragm caused by trauma. The diagnosis of traumatic diaphragmatic hernia is difficult, it can often go unnoticed, due to the seriousness of the accompanying injuries. The keys to diagnosis are a high degree of suspicion and knowledge of the various signs on computed tomography. Once the diaphragmatic rupture is diagnosed, it is surgically repaired in order to avoid complications. The case of an 88-year-old male patient with a history of having suffered closed thoracoabdominal trauma 35 years earlier, who presented with a clinical picture of intestinal obstruction is presented. This case is published because, in addition to being a rare entity, knowledge of this disease is important, in order to assess it within the diagnostic possibilities, in those patients who suffer from symptoms related to its complications

Rev. Col. Bras. Cir ; 49: e20223162, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1387215


ABSTRACT Introduction: diaphragmatic injury is a challenge for surgeons. It is an injury that can be isolated. It is frequent in penetrating thoracoabdominal trauma. It represents a diagnostic challenge and the ideal approach is not yet well established. The occurrence of spontaneous healing of these injuries is still much discussed and even more, if it does, what is the healing mechanism? Objective: to macroscopically and histologically evaluate the natural evolution of perforation and cutting wounds equivalent to 30% of the left diaphragm. Method: 50 specimens of rats underwent a surgical procedure and, after 30 days, were euthanized and those that presented scar tissue in the diaphragm, the samples were submitted to histopathological study, using the hematoxylin and eosin stains, Massons trichrome and Picrosirius to assess the presence of collagen or muscle fibers (hyperplasia) in the scar. Results: it was found that healing occurred in diaphragmatic injuries in 90% of rats. We also observed the presence of fibrosis in all analyzed samples. Conclusion: Spontaneous healing occurred in most diaphragmatic injuries and the inflammatory reaction represented by the presence of fibrosis and collagen deposition was observed in all our samples. Muscle fiber hyperplasia did not occur.

RESUMO Introdução: o ferimento diafragmático é um desafio para os cirurgiões. É uma lesão que pode ser isolada. É frequente nos traumas penetrantes toracoabdominais. Representa um desafio diagnóstico e a conduta ideal ainda não está bem estabelecida. A ocorrência da cicatrização espontânea dessas lesões é ainda muito discutida e mais ainda, se ocorre, qual o mecanismo de cicatrização? Objetivo: avaliar macroscopicamente e histologicamente a evolução natural das feridas perfuro cortantes equivalentes a 30% do diafragma esquerdo. Método: 50 espécimes de ratos, foram submetidos a procedimento cirúrgico e, após 30 dias, foram submetidos à eutanásia e aqueles que apresentaram tecido cicatricial no diafragma, as amostras foram submetidas a estudo histopatológico, usando as colorações de hematoxilina e eosina, tricrômico de Masson e Picrossirius para avaliar a presença de colágeno ou de fibras musculares (hiperplasia) na cicatriz. Resultados: verificou-se que ocorreu nas lesões diafragmáticas, a cicatrização em 90% dos ratos. Observamos também, a presença de fibrose em todas as amostras analisadas. Conclusão: ocorreu cicatrização espontânea na maioria das lesões diafragmáticas e a reação inflamatória representada pela presença de fibrose e deposição de colágeno foi observada em todas as nossas amostras. Não ocorreu hiperplasia de fibras musculares.

Rev. Eugenio Espejo ; 14(2): 92-101, jul. 2020.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1117297


La hernia diafragmática traumática representa un reto al momento del diagnóstico. Una detección oportuna permite establecer un correcto tratamiento quirúrgico. Se presenta el caso de un paciente masculino de 37 años de edad con antecedente de trauma torácico por arma blanca 4 años antes; quien acude por cuadro de dolor abdominal intenso localizado en epigastrio que se irradia a hipocondrio izquierdo de aparición súbita 72 horas antes de su ingreso. Al examen físico murmullo vesicular disminuido en campo pulmonar izquierdo, y abdomen doloroso a la palpación a nivel de epigastrio e hipocondrio izquierdo. En exámenes de laboratorio no se evidencian alteraciones, mientras que la tomografía reporta hernia diafragmática izquierda; la misma que fue resuelta quirúrgicamente mediante técnica laparoscópica.

Traumatic diaphragmatic hernia represents a challenge at diagnosis. A timely detection allows to establish a correct surgical treatment. It is presented the case of a 37-year-old male patient with a history of stabbing chest trauma 4 years earlier; who comes for symptoms of intense abdominal pain located in the epigastrium that radiates to the left hypochondrium of sudden onset 72 hours before admission. On physical xamination, vesicular murmur decreased in the left lung field, and a painful abdomen on palpation at the level of the epigastrium and left hypochondrium were showed. Laboratory tests did not show any alterations, but tomography reports a left diaphragmatic hernia; this one was solved surgically by laparoscopic technique.

Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Laparoscopia , Hérnia Diafragmática , Hérnia Diafragmática Traumática , Terapêutica , Diagnóstico , Abdome
Medisur ; 17(4): 570-577, jul.-ago. 2019. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1091208


RESUMEN Las lesiones por arma blanca en la región toracoabdominal tienen la posibilidad potencial de dañar dos cavidades anatómicas: tórax y abdomen, con la subsiguiente lesión del músculo diafragma y la producción de una hernia de contenido visceral, asociada o no a lesión visceral. En caso de que esta entidad clínica sea pasada por alto, existe una alta probabilidad de complicaciones que ponen en riesgo la vida; por tanto, realizar un manejo adecuado constituye un reto para el cirujano general, que precisa de un alto índice de sospecha para formular el diagnóstico. Se presentan tres casos de víctimas de agresión con arma perforo-cortante en región toracoabdominal izquierda, atendidos en instalaciones donde se disponía de limitados recursos diagnósticos. Se exponen datos clínicos, pruebas de apoyo al diagnóstico, procedimiento quirúrgico, curso posoperatorio y evolución. El abordaje quirúrgico abdominal es la regla de oro para reparar el diafragma lesionado, y la pleurostomía mínima es eficaz cuando existe compromiso torácico.

ABSTRACT Injuries caused by white arms in the thoraco-abdominal region have the potential to damage both anatomical cavities: thorax and abdomen, with the subsequent injury of the diaphragm muscle and the production of a visceral hernia, associated or not with visceral injury. In case this clinical entity is overlooked, there is a high probability of life-threatening complications; therefore, adequate management is a challenge for the general surgeon, who needs a high index of suspicion to formulate the diagnosis. Three cases of victims of assault with a perforating-cutting weapon in the left thoraco-abdominal region are presented, attended in facilities where limited diagnostic resources were available. Clinical data, diagnostic support tests, surgical procedure, postoperative course and progress are explained. The abdominal surgical approach is the gold rule for repairing the injured diaphragm, and the minimal thoracostomy is effective when there is thoracic involvement.

Rev. cuba. cir ; 57(1): 1-9, ene.-mar. 2018. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-960341


Introducción: las eventraciones y las hernias diafragmáticas crónicas son dos afecciones que en ocasiones se confunden; tienen una frecuencia relativamente baja y su estrategia quirúrgica varía. Objetivo: mostrar la experiencia del Hospital Universitario Clínico Quirúrgico Comandante Manuel Fajardo en la atención de enfermos con hernias y eventraciones diafragmáticas. Métodos: se presentan 11 pacientes atendidos desde 1998 hasta 2015 por afecciones del diafragma como eventraciones y hernias diafragmáticas crónicas. Del total, 7 fueron operadas con anillos de hasta 10 cm y dos con más de 10 cm. Resultados: se operaron 9 pacientes con hernias diafragmáticas y 2 con eventraciones. Ocho hernias fueron del lado izquierdo y una derecha. En 8 de las hernias el contenido era multivisceral. La hernia derecha tenía un anillo de más de 10 cm y con el hígado en su contenido. Cinco fueron reparadas mediante superposición de colgajos y en cuatro se necesitó una malla protésica. Las eventraciones se presentaron en dos mujeres, ambas parciales, una derecha y otra izquierda, tratadas con plicatura del hemidiafragma en dos planos. Conclusiones: las hernias y las eventraciones diafragmáticas son entidades parecidas con particularidades y terapéutica diferentes. En las eventraciones, la plicatura del diafragma es la técnica de elección, por vía abierta o de preferencia por toracoscopia. En las hernias diafragmáticas, la reparación depende del tamaño del anillo, hasta 10 cm se prefiere la reparación con superposición de colgajos y en defectos mayores el uso de mallas protésicas, preferentemente por una toracotomía(AU)

Introduction: Chronic diaphragmatic hernias and eventrations are two conditions sometimes mistaken for each other. They have a relatively low frequency and their surgical strategy varies. Objective: To show the experience at Comandante Manuel Fajardo Clinical Surgical University Hospital in the caring for patients with diaphragmatic eventrations and hernias. Methods: 11 patients attended from 1998 to 2015 were presented for diaphragmatic conditions, such as hernias and chronic diaphragmatic eventrations. Of the total, 7 were operated with rings of up to 10 cm. Two were operated for rings of more than 10 cm. Results: 9 patients with diaphragmatic hernias and 2 with incisional hernias were operated. Eight hernias were on the left side. One hernia was on the right side. In 8 of the hernias, the content was multivisceral. The right hernia had a ring of more than 10 cm, and had the liver in its content. Five hernias were repaired by flaps. Four hernias required a prosthetic mesh. The eventrations were presented in two women, both partial: one was on the right and the other was on the left, and both were treated with plication of the hemidiaphragm in two planes. Conclusions: Diaphragmatic hernias and eventrations are similar entities with different characteristics and therapeutics. In eventrations, the plication of the diaphragm is the technique of choice, either openly or preferably by thoracoscopy. In diaphragmatic hernias, repair depends on the size of the ring, up to 10 cm, flap repair is preferred, and in larger defects, it is the use of prosthetic meshes, preferably by thoracotomy(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Telas Cirúrgicas/estatística & dados numéricos , Toracoscopia/estatística & dados numéricos , Eventração Diafragmática/cirurgia , Hérnia Diafragmática Traumática/cirurgia
Medisan ; 21(10)oct.2017. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-995768


Se presenta el caso clínico de un paciente de 13 años de edad, quien ingresó en el Servicio de Cirugía del Hospital Básico de Latacunga, Ecuador, tras haber sido atropellado por un automóvil que le produjo traumatismos torácico y abdominal cerrados. Los estudios radiológicos confirmaron el diagnóstico de hernia diafragmática traumática izquierda. Durante la cirugía se encontró un defecto de 10 cm en el diafragma izquierdo, con el estómago, bazo y colon herniados en el tórax, para lo cual se efectuó reducción y frenorrafia. Dicho paciente evolucionó satisfactoriamente y egresó al quinto día. Se realizó seguimiento durante 6 meses y no presentó complicaciones.

The case report of a 13 year-old patient is presented who was admitted in the Surgery Service of the Basic Hospital from Latacunga, Ecuador, after being runned over by an automobile that produced him closed thoracic and abdominal traumatisms. The radiological studies confirmed the diagnosis of left traumatic diaphragmatic hernia. During surgery a defect of 10 cm was found in the left diaphragm, with stomach, spleen and colon herniated in the thorax, for which reduction and frenorrafia were carried out. This patient had a satisfactory clinical course and was discharged on the fifth day. Follow-up was carried out during 6 months and there were no complications.

Humanos , Masculino , Adolescente , Traumatismos Torácicos , Hérnia Diafragmática/diagnóstico por imagem , Radiografia , Abdome
GED gastroenterol. endosc. dig ; 35(4): 155-157, out.-dez. 2016. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-832637


A ruptura diafragmática decorrente de lesão traumática é uma entidade rara, secundária ao trauma fechado ou penetrante. O diagnóstico é difícil, o que pode fazer com que o tratamento cirúrgico seja retardado, acarretando um aumento da morbimortalidade. Os autores relatam o caso de paciente de 39 anos, do sexo feminino, vítima de trauma com alto impacto devido a atropelamento. Após 13 dias de internamento, radiografia de tórax permaneceu com obliteração do seio costofrênico e velamento do terço inferior do hemitórax direito. Tomografia computadorizada de tórax evidenciou grande parte do fígado em posição intratorácica, sugerindo a possibilidade de ruptura torácica e hepatotórax. O tratamento foi realizado por meio de uma toracotomia anterolateral direita com rafia do defeito diafragmático e redução do saco herniário. Sendo assim, apesar de raro, o hepatotórax é uma entidade que deve sempre ser lembrada em pacientes vítimas de traumas torácicos de alta intensidade.

The diaphragmatic rupture due to traumatic injury is a very rare entity that may be due to blunt or penetrating trauma. Diagnosis is difficult and therefore surgical treatment may be delayed, resulting in increased morbidity and mortality. The authors report the case of a 39-year-old patient, female, who was victim of a high-impact trauma due to trampling. Standard chest X-ray did not showed positive evolution after 13 days of hospitalization, with costophrenic angle obliteration and opacification of the lower third of the right hemithorax. It asked then a chest CT scan that showed much of the liver in intratoracic position. The treatment was carried out successfully by a right anterolateral thoracotomy with suture and correction of diaphragmatic hernia. Thus, although rare, hepatotorax is an entity that should always be remembered in trauma patients with high impact.

Humanos , Feminino , Adulto , Ruptura , Diafragma/lesões , Toracotomia , Hérnia Diafragmática Traumática , Hérnia Diafragmática Traumática/diagnóstico por imagem
Rev. colomb. cir ; 30(4): 292-295, oct.-dic. 2015. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-772406


La hernia pulmonar es la protrusión del tejido pulmonar a través de una de las estructuras que lo contienen. Generalmente, son secundarias a traumatismos o a un procedimiento quirúrgico; con menos frecuencia, pueden ser espontáneas posteriores a accesos de tos. El diagnóstico se hace por el cuadro clínico y debe confirmarse con radiografía o tomografía, con las cuales se puede ver la protrusión del tejido pulmonar a través de los espacios intercostales. Pueden tratarse de manera conservadora si son asintomáticas, pero el tratamiento más común es el quirúrgico, con técnica abierta o asistida por video. Se presenta una revisión bibliográfica y el reporte de un caso manejado con técnica asistida por video.

Lung hernia is the protrusion of lung tissue through one of its bounding structures. Usually it develops as the result of thoracic trauma or after a surgical procedure; less frequently it can be spontaneous after a coughing fit. Diagnosis is made on the basis of the clinical findings and should be confirmed by X-ray imaging or computed tomography, which evidence the protrusion of the lung through the intercostal spaces. Treatment of lung hernia may be conservative when the patient is asymptomatic, but surgical intervention is most commonly performed, which can be by the open technique or by the video assisted technique. We present a literature review and report a case that was managed by the video assisted surgical technique.

Hérnia Diafragmática Traumática , Músculos Intercostais , Cirurgia Vídeoassistida , Parede Torácica
Rev. Col. Bras. Cir ; 42(6): 386-392, Nov.-Dec. 2015. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-771142


Objective: to evaluate natural evolution of right diaphragmatic injury after the surgical removal of a portion from hemi diaphragm. Methods: the animals were submitted to a surgical removal of portion from right hemi diaphragm by median laparotomy. The sample consists of 42 animals being 2 animals from pilot project and 40 operated animals. And the variables of the study were herniation, liver protection, healing, persistent diaphragm injury, evaluation of 16 channels tomography and the variables "heart rate" and "weight". Results: we analyzed 40 mice, we had two post-operative deaths; we had 17 animals in this group suffered from herniation (42.5%) and 23 animals didn't suffer from herniation (57.5%). Analyzing the tomography as image method in the evaluation of diaphragmatic hernia, we had as a method with good sensitivity (78.6%), good specificity (90.9%), and good accuracy (86.1%) when compared to necropsy. Conclusion: there was a predominance of healing of right hemi diaphragm, the size of initial injury didn't have influence on occurrence of the liver protection or hernia in mice.

Objetivo: avaliar a evolução natural do ferimento diafragmático à direita após a retirada cirúrgica de uma porção do hemidiafragma. Métodos: os animais foram submetidos à ressecção de uma porção do hemidiafragma à direita através da laparotomia mediana. Foram operados 40 ratos. As variáveis analisadas foram: herniação, proteção hepática, cicatrização, lesão persistente do diafragma, avaliação da tomografia computadorizada, frequência cardíaca e peso. Resultados: foram analisados 40 ratos. Houve duas mortes no pós-operatório. Dezessete animais tiveram herniação (42,5%) e 23 (57,5%), não. Analisando emprego da tomografia computadorizada na avaliação da hérnia diafragmática, tivemos um método com boa sensibilidade (78,6%), boa especificidade (90,9%) e boa acurácia (86,1%) quando comparados com a necrópsia. Conclusão: houve predomínio de cicatrização do hemidiafragma à direita e o tamanho da lesão inicial não influenciou na ocorrência de proteção hepática ou hérnia em ratos.

Animais , Diafragma/lesões , Hérnias Diafragmáticas Congênitas , Traumatismos Torácicos , Projetos Piloto , Modelos Animais de Doenças , Traumatismos Abdominais , Camundongos