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Rev. colomb. cir ; 39(4): 633-639, Julio 5, 2024. fig
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1566026


Introducción. La neoplasia sólida pseudopapilar de páncreas, también conocida como tumor de Frantz, es una patología poco frecuente, que comprende menos del 3 % de los tumores pancreáticos, y la mayor incidencia se observa en mujeres jóvenes entre la segunda y tercera década de la vida. Su etiología es desconocida. El tratamiento de elección es la resección quirúrgica sin linfadenectomía cuando se encuentra bien localizado. Inclusive aún cuando hay evidencia de metástasis o invasión local, el manejo quirúrgico sigue siendo el tratamiento de elección. Caso clínico. Mujer de 24 años de edad, con masa abdominal palpable, dolorosa, de tres semanas de evolución. La tomografía computarizada mencionó como presunción diagnóstica un tumor de origen pancreático. En la laparotomía se encontró una masa dependiente del cuerpo del páncreas. Se realizó pancreatectomía distal radical con esplenectomía y omentectomía parcial en bloque. Resultados. Durante la cirugía no se presentaron complicaciones y hasta el sexto mes de seguimiento, la evolución fue adecuada y sin recidiva tumoral. Conclusiones. Ante la presencia de masa abdominal, con compromiso pancreático documentado por tomografía computarizada, se debe considerar el diagnóstico de neoplasia sólida pseudopapilar de páncreas, o tumor de Frantz. El tumor de Frantz es una entidad poco frecuente que generalmente se diagnostica de forma incidental o por síntomas inespecíficos en estadios avanzados. El diagnóstico y manejo de esta neoplasia representa un reto y la resección quirúrgica continúa siendo el tratamiento indicado.

Introduction. Solid pseudopapillary neoplasia of the pancreas, also known as Frantz tumor, is a rare pathology, comprising less than 3% of pancreatic tumors, and the highest incidence is observed in young women between the second and third decades of life. Its etiology is unknown. The treatment of choice is surgical resection without lymphadenectomy when it is well located. Even when there is evidence of metastasis or local invasion, surgical management remains the treatment of choice. Clinical case. A 24-year-old woman presented with a palpable, painful abdominal mass of three weeks' duration. The computed tomography mentioned a tumor of pancreatic origin as a presumptive diagnosis. At laparotomy, a mass dependent on the body of the pancreas was found. Radical distal pancreatectomy with splenectomy and en bloc partial omentectomy was performed. Results. During the surgery there were no complications and until the sixth month of follow-up, the evolution was adequate and without tumor recurrence. Conclusions. In the presence of an abdominal mass, with pancreatic involvement documented by computed tomography, the diagnosis of solid pseudopapillary neoplasia of the pancreas, or Frantz tumor, should be considered, which must be treated surgically. Frantz tumor is a rare entity that is generally diagnosed incidentally or due to nonspecific symptoms in advanced stages. The diagnosis and management of this neoplasia represents a challenge and surgical resection continues to be the indicated treatment.

Humanos , Pancreatectomia , Neoplasias Pancreáticas , Pâncreas , Achados Incidentais , Diagnóstico Diferencial
Radiol Bras ; 57: e20230114, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38993957


Objective: To conduct a survey on the use of the term "interstitial lung abnormalities" in radiology reports in Brazil, propose an appropriate Portuguese-language translation for the term, and provide a brief review of the literature on the topic. Materials and Methods: A survey was sent via electronic message to various radiologists in Brazil, asking about their familiarity with the term, which translation of the term they use in Portuguese, and whether they use the criteria proposed by the Fleischner Society. Results: A total of 163 responses were received, from all regions of Brazil. Although the vast majority (88%) of the respondents stated that they were familiar with the term "interstitial lung abnormalities", there was considerable variation regarding the equivalent term they used in Portuguese. Conclusion: We suggest that the term "anormalidades pulmonares intersticiais" be used in order to standardize radiology reports and disseminate knowledge of these findings in Brazil.

Objetivo: Fazer um levantamento sobre o uso do termo interstitial lung abnormalities nos laudos radiológicos no Brasil, propor uma tradução para o termo e fazer uma breve revisão sobre o tema. Materiais e Métodos: Foi enviada uma pesquisa, por meio de mensagem eletrônica, para diversos radiologistas de todo o Brasil, questionando sobre a familiarização com o termo, qual tradução em português utilizam e se usam os critérios propostos pela diretriz da Sociedade Fleischner. Resultados: Foram recebidas 163 respostas de todas as regiões do Brasil e a grande maioria dos radiologistas respondeu estar familiarizado com o termo interstitial lung abnormalities (88%), mas houve grande variação em relação ao termo utilizado como tradução para o português. Conclusão: Sugerimos a padronização do termo "anormalidades pulmonares intersticiais", a fim de uniformizar os relatórios radiológicos e difundir esta entidade no País.

Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 39(2): 1-9, abr.jun.2024. ilus
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1556498


Introdução: O implante de prótese mamárias é uma das cirurgias mais realizadas no mundo. Ao longo do tempo, diversos materiais foram utilizados com objetivo de reconstituir o volume mamário. Apesar das melhorias técnicas, cirúrgicas e da segurança dos implantes atuais, os pacientes são confrontados com potenciais complicações "não usuais": rupturas intracapsulares e extracapsulares, hematomas tardios e deformidade de contorno, silicone intralinfonodal ou herniação da cápsula fibrosa. A ressonância magnética (RMN) é a modalidade de imagem mais útil para investigação dessas complicações. Método: Trata-se de uma série de casos em que foram levantadas alterações ditas "não usuais", pela baixa frequência ou ausência na citação da literatura, após cirurgias de inclusão de prótese de silicone. Os dados foram coletados da experiência pessoal da clínica privada de um dos autores, na cidade de Brasília-DF, entre abril de 2015 e março de 2023. Resultados: Foram um total de 211 pacientes avaliados, e foram encontradas alterações menos frequentes nas RMN de 12 pacientes (5,68%), das quais: 5 com volumosa quantidade de líquido pericapsular, 3 com granuloma capsular, 1 seroma tardio com conteúdo hemorrágico,1 rotura intra e extracapsular, 1 nódulo junto à cápsula fibrosa do implante, 2 linfonodopatia axilar ipsilateral, 1 silicone intralinfonodal, 1 edema do músculo peitoral, 2 tumor desmoide e 1 herniação da cápsula fibrosa. Conclusão: Estima-se que existam 50 milhões de mulheres com próteses de mama no mundo. Com base nesse dado, o número de complicações ditas "não usuais" passa a ser um desafio diagnóstico para o cirurgião plástico e o radiologista.

Introduction: Breast prosthesis implantation is one of the most performed surgeries in the world. Over time, different materials were used to reconstitute breast volume. Despite technical and surgical improvements and the safety of current implants, patients are faced with potential "unusual" complications: intracapsular and extracapsular ruptures, late hematomas and contour deformity, intra-nodal silicone, or herniation of the fibrous capsule. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is the most useful imaging modality for investigating these complications. Method: This is a series of cases in which so-called "unusual" changes were reported, due to their low frequency or lack of mention in the literature, after surgeries to include a silicone prosthesis. The data were collected from the personal experience of one of the authors in his private clinic, in the city of Brasília-DF, between April 2015 and March 2023. Results: A total of 211 patients were evaluated, and less frequent changes were found in the MRI of 12 patients (5.68%), of which: 5 with a large amount of pericapsular fluid, 3 with capsular granuloma, 1 late seroma with hemorrhagic content, 1 intra and extracapsular rupture, 1 nodule close to the implant's fibrous capsule, 2 axillary lymph node disease ipsilateral, 1 intra-nodal silicone, 1 pectoral muscle edema, 2 desmoid tumor and 1 herniation of the fibrous capsule. Conclusion: It is estimated that there are 50 million women with breast implants in the world. Based on this data, the number of so-called "unusual" complications becomes a diagnostic challenge for the plastic surgeon and radiologist.

Rev. colomb. cir ; 39(2): 254-259, 20240220. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1532610


Introducción. El cáncer de vesícula biliar es una de las neoplasias más frecuentes de la vía biliar y la mayoría de los casos se diagnostican de forma incidental o en estadios avanzados. En Colombia existen pocas publicaciones acerca de la prevalencia y características clínicas de pacientes con cáncer insospechado de vesícula biliar. El objetivo de este trabajo fue actualizar la información existente. Métodos. Estudio de tipo transversal basado en registros médicos. Como variable de resultado se definió el hallazgo incidental de patología maligna reportado por un patólogo y el subtipo histológico. Se midieron variables demográficas, clínicas y quirúrgicas. Se calcularon OR con sus respectivos intervalos de confianza (IC95%). Resultados. De los 2630 casos analizados, en cuatro se hizo diagnóstico de cáncer incidental de vesícula, con una prevalencia del 0,15 %. Se encontraron como características asociadas al cáncer incidental de vesícula, la edad, el antecedente de cáncer y la presencia de pólipos. Conclusiones. Esta es una patología poco frecuente en la población evaluada, lo que permite afirmar que no es necesario realizar estudios prequirúrgicos más amplios de forma rutinaria, a menos que el paciente presente alguno de los factores asociados.

Introduction. Gallbladder cancer is one of the most common neoplasms of the bile duct and most cases are diagnosed incidentally or in advanced stages. In Colombia, there are few publications about the prevalence and clinical characteristics of patients with unsuspected gallbladder cancer. The objective of this work was to update the existing information. Methods. Cross-sectional study based on medical records. The incidental finding of malignant pathology reported and the histological subtype were defined as the outcome variable. Demographic, clinical and surgical variables were measured. ORs were calculated with their respective 95% CI. Results. Of the 2630 cases analyzed, four were diagnosed with incidental gallbladder cancer, with a prevalence of 0.15%. Characteristics associated with incidental gallbladder cancer were age, history of cancer and the presence of polyps. Conclusions. This is a rare pathology in the population evaluated, which allows us to recommend that it is not necessary to routinely perform more extensive presurgical studies, unless the patient presents any of the associated factors.

Humanos , Colecistectomia , Vesícula Biliar , Neoplasias , Pólipos , Prevalência , Achados Incidentais
Alerta (San Salvador) ; 7(1): 29-35, ene. 26, 2024. ilus, tab.
Artigo em Espanhol | BISSAL, LILACS | ID: biblio-1526691


Presentación del caso. Se trata de una paciente femenina de 45 años con antecedentes de hipertensión arterial y múltiples cirugías por cáncer, entre ellas, cáncer de tiroides, carcinoma de parótida, cáncer de mama y cáncer endometrial. De manera incidental se identificó una lesión en el hemisferio cerebeloso derecho en una tomografía de senos paranasales, que fue confirmada a través de una resonancia magnética cerebral. La lesión presentaba una apariencia estriada, característica de gangliocitoma displásico del cerebelo o enfermedad de Lhermitte-Duclos. Considerando los antecedentes de diversos tipos de cáncer y los criterios de diagnóstico propuestos por el Consorcio Internacional Cowden y la Red Nacional Integral del Cáncer, se estableció el diagnóstico de síndrome de Cowden que había pasado desapercibido hasta el momento. Intervención terapéutica. Posteriormente, la paciente fue hospitalizada debido al crecimiento de una masa metastásica en el hemicuello derecho con afectación del plexo braquial, adenopatías cervicales, infraclaviculares y axilares derechas. Evolución clínica. En la actualidad, se encuentra recibiendo tratamiento paliativo con el objetivo de controlar los síntomas y mejorar su calidad de vida, ya que expresó su negativa a someterse a una intervención quirúrgica de resección tumoral

Case presentation. The report is of a 45-year-old female patient with a history of high blood pressure and multiple surgeries for cancer, including thyroid cancer, parotid carcinoma, breast cancer, and endometrial cancer. Incidentally, a lesion in the right cerebellar hemisphere was identified in a tomography of the paranasal sinuses, which was later confirmed in a brain magnetic resonance. The lesion had a striated appearance, characteristic of dysplastic gangliocytoma of the cerebellum or Lhermitte-Duclos disease. Considering the history of various types of cancer and the diagnostic criteria proposed by the International Cowden Consortium and the National Comprehensive Cancer Network, the diagnosis of Cowden syndrome, which had gone unnoticed until now, was established. Treatment. Subsequently, the patient was hospitalized due to the growth of a metastatic mass in the right hemicollar with involvement of the brachial plexus, cervical, infraclavicular, and right axillary lymph nodes. Outcome. She is receiving palliative treatment to control the symptoms and improve her quality of life, since she expressed her refusal to undergo tumor resection surgery

Humanos , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Síndrome do Hamartoma Múltiplo , El Salvador
Radiol. bras ; 57: e20230114, 2024. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558813


Abstract Objective: To conduct a survey on the use of the term "interstitial lung abnormalities" in radiology reports in Brazil, propose an appropriate Portuguese-language translation for the term, and provide a brief review of the literature on the topic. Materials and Methods: A survey was sent via electronic message to various radiologists in Brazil, asking about their familiarity with the term, which translation of the term they use in Portuguese, and whether they use the criteria proposed by the Fleischner Society. Results: A total of 163 responses were received, from all regions of Brazil. Although the vast majority (88%) of the respondents stated that they were familiar with the term "interstitial lung abnormalities", there was considerable variation regarding the equivalent term they used in Portuguese. Conclusion: We suggest that the term "anormalidades pulmonares intersticiais" be used in order to standardize radiology reports and disseminate knowledge of these findings in Brazil.

Resumo Objetivo: Fazer um levantamento sobre o uso do termo interstitial lung abnormalities nos laudos radiológicos no Brasil, propor uma tradução para o termo e fazer uma breve revisão sobre o tema. Materiais e Métodos: Foi enviada uma pesquisa, por meio de mensagem eletrônica, para diversos radiologistas de todo o Brasil, questionando sobre a familiarização com o termo, qual tradução em português utilizam e se usam os critérios propostos pela diretriz da Sociedade Fleischner. Resultados: Foram recebidas 163 respostas de todas as regiões do Brasil e a grande maioria dos radiologistas respondeu estar familiarizado com o termo interstitial lung abnormalities (88%), mas houve grande variação em relação ao termo utilizado como tradução para o português. Conclusão: Sugerimos a padronização do termo "anormalidades pulmonares intersticiais", a fim de uniformizar os relatórios radiológicos e difundir esta entidade no País.

Arq. bras. cardiol ; 121(2): e20230222, 2024. graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533741


Resumo Os fibroelastomas são o segundo tumor cardíaco benigno mais comum. São estruturas pequenas, avasculares, com uma dimensão média de 9mm, podendo atingir até 70mm, habitualmente aderentes à superfície das válvulas cardíacas (válvulas aórtica e mitral são as mais comumente afetadas, seguidas das válvulas tricúspide e pulmonar). A etiologia não é clara, sendo a hipótese de formação de microtrombos nas margens de coaptação das válvulas a mais aceite. Na ecocardiografia apresentam aspeto pediculado, móvel, com superfície filamentosa, tipicamente com uma aparência pontilhada nas margens e ecolucente. Do ponto de vista clínico, podem estar associados a fenómenos embólicos, no entanto, na maioria dos casos o diagnóstico é incidental. Apresentamos de seguida quatro casos de diagnóstico incidental de fibroelastomas nas quatro válvulas cardíacas, diagnosticados por ecocardiograma transtorácico (ETT) (Vídeo 1; Figura 1). Vídeo 1 Da esquerda para a direita, de cima para baixo: fibroelastomas no folheto anterior da válvula tricúspide, folheto anterior da válvula mitral, cúspide esquerda da válvula pulmonar e cúspide esquerda da válvula aórtica, cada um correspondendo a um doente diferente. Em: Figura 1 Da esquerda para a direita, de cima para baixo: fibroelastomas no folheto anterior da válvula tricúspide, folheto anterior da válvula mitral, cúspide esquerda da válvula pulmonar e cúspide esquerda da válvula aórtica, cada um correspondendo a um doente diferente.

Abstract Fibroelastomas are the second most common benign cardiac tumor1. They are small avascular structures with a mean size of 9mm, ranging up to 70mm, usually attached to the heart valves' surface (aortic and mitral are the most affected, followed by tricuspid and pulmonary valves). Their etiology is unclear, but the hypothesis of coalescence of microthrombus at the coaptation margins of valves is the most widely accepted theory. On echocardiography, they are pedicled, mobile, with a filamentous surface, and usually have a speckled appearance with echolucencies and a stippled pattern near the edges. Clinically, they may be associated with embolic phenomena; however, in most cases, the diagnosis is incidental. We present a series of four clinical cases with an incidental diagnosis of fibroelastomas across the four cardiac valves as assessed by transthoracic echocardiography (Video 1; Figure 1). Video 1 From left to right and top to bottom: fibroelastomas of the anterior leaflet of the tricuspid valve, anterior leaflet of the mitral valve, left cusp of the pulmonary valve and left cuspid of the aortic valve, each corresponding to a different patient. Link: Figure 1 From left to right and top to bottom: fibroelastomas of the anterior leaflet of the tricuspid valve, anterior leaflet of the mitral valve, left cusp of the pulmonary valve and left cuspid of the aortic valve, each corresponding to a different patient.

Einstein (Säo Paulo) ; 22: eRC0267, 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534328


ABSTRACT Littoral cell angioma is an extremely rare splenic vascular tumor originating from the cells lining the splenic red pulp sinuses. Approximately 150 cases of littoral cell angioma have been reported since 1991. Its clinical manifestation is usually asymptomatic and is mostly diagnosed as an incidental finding through abdominal imaging. Herein, we present a case of littoral cell angioma in a 41-year-old woman with no previous comorbidities, which initially presented as a nonspecific splenic lesion diagnosed on imaging in the emergency room. The patient was treated through laparoscopic intervention.

Int J Neurosci ; : 1-4, 2023 Oct 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37800586


Aim of the study: Dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor (DNET) is a rare glioneuronal tumor usually found in the temporal lobe of children and young adults. DNETs are commonly associated with drug-resistant partial seizures, with most cases diagnosed before age 20. Asymptomatic brain tumors are rare in the general healthy population, and the frequency of incidental DNETs in adults remains unknown.Materials and methods: We report the case of a 34-year-old healthy man who presented with a facial rash but was incidentally found to have a large T1 hypointense lesion in the left temporal cortex on neuroimaging. The patient opted for surgical removal of the mass, which was subsequently identified as a DNET, positive for a fibroblast growth factor receptor (FGFR) mutation.Results: This case report presents the first incidentally discovered DNET in an adult without epilepsy, highlighting its atypical presentation. In addition, the presence of an FGFR mutation emphasizes its role in DNET pathogenesis and potential therapeutic implications. DNETs exhibit varied behavior based on age, tumor location, and cortical dysplasia.Conclusions: In this case, the absence of seizure onset may be attributed to the lack of cortical dysplasia. Further research is needed to understand the incidence of DNETs and their association with seizure onset and cortical dysplasia.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37408784


Gerbode Defect (GD) is a rare congenital heart disease that mainly affects the upper portion of the membranous septum, generating a shunt between the left ventricle and the right atrium. Even though most cases are congenital, it has also been reported acquired cases due to cardiac surgery, infective endocarditis, acute ischemic heart disease, and invasive percutaneous procedures. The diagnostic workup includes the clinical evaluation and the echocardiographic study. Here, we present the case of a 43-year-old adult patient with an incidental finding of a congenital GD in the context of acute appendicitis. Imaging plays a role in the diagnostic workup of congenital diseases; in this case, it allowed us to identify more details and the decision-making for our patient.

El defecto de Gerbode (DG) es una cardiopatía congénita rara que afecta principalmente a la porción superior del tabique membranoso, generando un shunt entre el ventrículo izquierdo y la aurícula derecha. Aunque la mayoría de los casos son congénitos, también se han descrito casos adquiridos debidos a cirugía cardiaca, endocarditis infecciosa, cardiopatía isquémica aguda y procedimientos percutáneos invasivos. El estudio diagnóstico incluye la evaluación clínica y el estudio ecocardiográfico. Presentamos el caso de un paciente adulto de 43 años con un hallazgo incidental de un DG congénito en el contexto de una apendicitis aguda. La imagen desempeña un papel importante en el estudio diagnóstico de las enfermedades congénitas; en este caso nos permite identificar más detalles y sirve para la toma de decisiones como en nuestro paciente.